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Lightning getting irritated pulls out a M-16 from his bag, un-folds it and points it at the headgehog " This a good reason?" He says cocking the gun "Now look, you better not do anything stupid and talk or you'll be full of lead"

sig by Cloud Chaser


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The hedghog just laughs his insane laugh "Quiet rude arnt you" he is now behind the group as if he was never in front of him "it's not polite to point" he says moving the M-16 away

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The headghog laughs again a knife in his hand "Losing over temper are we now" the knife to Lightnings neck. Ryan now has his katana out "Don't even thin about it" the headghog out of no we're has slashed Ryan's chest the knife is now back a Lightings throught drenched in Ryan's blood

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The time stops buts it just Lightnig and the strange headghog "What a fancy trick you have" he said jokingly the knife was know pressed closer to Lightnings neck "To bad your friends can't see this trick" his jagged smile appearing again

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"Oh me I'm not effective by your little trick" he now is walking away from Lightning the knife dripping blood "So how are you today" he asked making conversation

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"Quiet nice the wether is nice and these mines are quiet nice I really like the mustie caves" he walks back towards Lightning "How are you and that princess you have there?"

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Reaching into his bag he pulls out a gyrshe device and throws it down and jumps through the rip it makes in the space-time continuum and Lightning says" Ill take my friends too" Then Luna and Ryan suddenly disappear and ( the hedgehog ) can hear Lightning from all directions, Lightning says" Now you cant get them ,haha" Then Lightning from nowhere hits ( the hedgehog ) on the back of the head with the butt of his M-16, disappearing outside of the space-time continuum

sig by Cloud Chaser


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Blood trickled down we're the butt if the gun had hit him "Oh now this is a nice little trick you have let's even the playing filed" he snaps his fingers and now the room is as if they were in space "there you are" he says spotting Lightning "Want to play a game?" he asked the jagged smile even bigger then it usually is

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Ryan now hloding the M-16 says "we have to get the chaos emraled before we leave "I don't think you heard me I said do you want to play a game" the headghog repeated the space around them closing in "I think we have to play" says Ryan

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"Lets f**kin' play then." Lightning snaps at ( the hedgehog )


Luna says " Lightning , I love you" Looking him dead square in the face

sig by Cloud Chaser


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The headghogs smile is as wide as it can go now "So in this game you have to escape but if you cheat you die and trust me I will make sure its lovely for me aslo no fancy magic or gadgets" Ryan whispers to Lightning "Were going to have to cheat if we want to get out of here"

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"Rules, What are they? How do we not cheat?" Lightning says to ( the hedgehog )

" I know" he whispers back, without moving his mouth.


" If he isn't effected by me slowing time then Ill speed us up!" Lightning THINKS

sig by Cloud Chaser


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