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Sythe turns into a shadow on the floor and pops up behind up snapping his neck and dragging the body away "Burtual much?" Ryan said walking out of the bush he was hideing in

Edited by GreenWind
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"There should be a small building in front of you" Lightning says " Switching to thermal, 6 hostiles inside. You need to take them out to open the gate. Or you can take a fatal risk and go straight for Bolt" Lightning also says

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"Ok, I'm going to fly ahead an- AHH!" Lightning yells " Hold on, 3 bogies on my 6'" Lightning pulls up and stalls himself, plummeting towards the ground he pulls up just before going hypersonic " Ok, I lost them" He finally says

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"Ok, I'm tracking your position on radar.There are .........(he is counting).......29 enemies in the next room. Are you sure you can handle this, I can kill some from here" Lightning says

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Ryan cracked his kunkles "Bring it on" Sythe pulls out a USP Compact "Ready" they move in quite Sythe use the his pistol with a silencer to take out some of them while Ryan uses a combat knife

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Lightning is looking from above and see's into the base where Bolt is, there are troops galloping to weapons and pegasi scrambling into the air " Hey, umm no need to be silent. They know we're here" Lightning pulls up and see's that he is much to high for anypony to reach him, he looks at his HUD's altimeter " 120,000 FT." It reads.

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Suddenly a huge explosion appears behind Lightning and a rainbow colored blur zooms past him " Hey! You guys there is something up here, I'm going to go check it out, I think it is a high-speed enemy" Lightning instantly goes hypersonic and makes a sonic rainboom, quickly catching up to the blur, he see's it is a pegasas, he reaches out with telepathy "Stop!" he says in the pegasas' head. The blur comes to a stop. Lightning pulls his USP .45 Tactical and puts it against the pegasas' head "Name and reason for flying in a military war zone"


"R..Rainbow Dash" the pegasas' says "Sorry about that, I just wanted to see how high I could go, don't kill me"

Lightning puts his gun away "Don't worry. But We could use a flier like you" He hooves Rainbow a HUD helmet "Put this on and Talk to Ryan and Sythe, our partners on the ground"

"Lightning to Ryan, are you there?"

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"Hey there Rainbow Dash do your pretty fast well not as fast as me but yeah" "Wil you quite the small talk!!" Sythe yelled as he fought off more rebels "Oh yeah Malichor could you help him?"

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"Hey, before you go take these" Lightning hooves all of them a M4A1 supressed and a USP .45 supressed (they mold to each creature's shape) " It IS a stealth mission after all" He adds. "Now I'm going to be about 100,000 FT. in the air. Ok?" Lightning asks

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Nimbus tilts his head. What are these strange contraptions? And more importantly, why is he being handed them He just arrived here.


“I don’t understand. What’s going on and what is these things?” Nimbus says.




Malchoir looks at the guns. He’s not expected to leave his sword behind, is he? To him, that would almost be like leaving an arm or his tail behind.

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“Sounds powerful. Which way is front?” Nimbus says, “And can you please tell me what this is all about? I don’t want to kill if I don’t know what I’m killing for.”

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