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Look Like / Act Like / Want To Be


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I am lazy ^_^


Who I look like: Belle from Beauty and the Beast, in terms of face shape/eye color/hair color:

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Who I act like: Pinkie Pie. I'm not even joking. I was paying for a shirt in a store once (Being kind of weird and talkative, but that's me!), when the cashier said out of the blue that I'm a lot like Pinkie Pie. Hehe.


Who you want to be: Well, at least look like.

Daphne from Scooby Doo. HAI CAN I HAVE RED HAIR?

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For a husband? Oh jeez there are so many. I'll edit it when I think of someone <3



Edited by isobelthegreat

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Just clarifying some things about this:

for look like, I put what/who people have said I look like.

for act like, I asked everyone close to me and no one could think of anyone that has a personality even remotely close to mine. Apparently I'm very 'unique'. I could include all kinds of characters and people that have a personality trait of mine, so this doesn't really stand as true for me, but I didn't wanna leave it blank.

for want to be, I don't want to be a man.

for my waifu; I constantly obsess over different characters, just depends what I'm playing or watching. So this is my current waifu.



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From L to R: Rick Astley (lolz Rickroll'd), Demetri Martin (because I like to be clever funny, which usually boils down to puns), The Doctor (Doctor Who aww yeahhh), Tanith Belbin (U.S. Olympic figure skater. She's adorably hot)

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Not enough time -- another silent bump. This is an entertaining game.
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