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private Icarus' Sun (1x1 with Sophie H)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Sophie H.
Icarus was in between shows and was spending some much needed down time at the local Ponyville park, just sitting on a bench, listening to some music and sipping on a latte. He'd close his eyes momentarily before he'd open then and pause his music, looking around, Something seemed off, everything was just a little too..quiet. "Huh, why is it so quiet?" he'd ask himself, getting up to look around.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soon he may would find Sophie, spending her free time by lying in the grass, enjoying the sun on her back while she'd watch the ducks on the pond in front of her. A few questions pop up into her mind like.. How do ducks swim in such cold water? do they even feel it? or questions be like do ducks know that they're cute?. Questions over questions go throug her little head until she notices a shadow over her. With a flap of her left ear she'd turn her head around only  to gaze at Icarus, a moment of silence before she smiles "Oh! hey there!" she says warmly with a sway of her tail "Do you want to watch those ducks too?" 

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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Icarus would smile "Oh hey, uh sure, I was just trying to figure out why it's so quiet here" he'd say to her as he lay down beside her "Guess I'm just used to the noise of the city, this quiet..it makes me..nervous, restless even" he then smiles "Oh, 'm Icarus by the way" he'd introduce himself with a smile, swaying his tail a little "So do you live here, or on vacation?"

@Sophie H.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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His questions makes sophie chuckle "It's simple! you're in a village, ponies live hoof in hoof with nature, we respect nature and nature respects us!" she breaks her speaking for a moment just to giggle "Well, most of the time" she replies with a warm smile on her lips.
"It's nice to meet you Icarus! I'm Sophie!" she replies with another sway of her tail while she watches him taking a sit next to her "Vacation? Well, you could say so" she chuckles once again "I live here and when I need a vacation, I often do a walk or I come here to the pond and watch the animals" she replies "What about you? I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" she asks as she lifts her head a little up, her ears pointing towards him.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

He'd smile, taking a quick glance over to her and smiling more as he spotted her cutie mark "Ah, that is true, in small communities, ponies are more in tune with themselves and others" he would say, nodding to what she was saying, his ear flicks at her question "Yeah, I'm on downtime in between tours" he'd say to her with a smile "Rest of the guys and the one girl in our band are all just relaxing at the hotel or bar" he'd say with a chuckle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Her cutie mark would show black headphones, a sign that she loves music or even makes her own? who knows. Sophie nods slowly "Mhm!" she agrees while she turns her head towards the pond again while her ears stays fixed on him "Tour?" she asks, turning her head back to him with a slight tilt of her head "Oh? What kind of music do you guys play?" she asks, her smile growing as he could see a sparkle in her eyes, yep, Sophie sure do love music! "spending time at the hotel and bar? I see" she laughs softly "Well they sure miss out the beautiful edges of this village, but at least one of the band knows how to enjoy it" she compliments.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

He'd smile and nod "Yeah, I told them that, it was something like "You guys sure are going to miss out on some peace and quiet"" he laughs, though to his laugh, it was sort of a feminine laugh, but he didn't notice "We play Ska, in fact our next set is at the auditorium for the big skate comp coming up" he'd say "lots of other bands will be playing, but we're top billed" he smiles "We're called Two Times Crazy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sophie laughs with him for a moment "Well, at least you can say 'I told you'" she smirks while she stretches her front hooves out to signal that she feels relaxed and comfortable "Ska?" she repeats, lifting her left brow up at him without losing her smile "What's Ska? never heard of that" she gazes down at the ground, trying to imagine what Ska could be, wiggling her nose slowly before gazing back up at him again "Two Times Crazy? that's a funny name! I like it!" she smiles even more now "maybe I should give your band a try" Sophie says as she slowly sits up, shaking her head quickly as her mane got in front of her face "I do sometimes music too! but.. it's more EDM or Orchestral like" she says, her tail slowly swaying over the ground to express her happiness.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

"True, I'll have my laugh" he laughs again, then explains what Ska is "well, it's sort of punk but with a trumpet and trombone usually, and a lot more lighter" he'd smile "and that's cool, so you mix your own music?" He asks, before getting out his player and offering his headphones to her and pressing play, letting her listen to his music.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sophie smirks "Oh! I see, I know punk but I never gave it a go before" sophie confesses as she tilts her head even more "Well.. I've a synthesizer that helps me to create some music" Sophie explains as she gazes down at the headphones, grabbing them carefully before she places them down onto her ears, giving a nod so he knows that he can press on play. Her eyes move straight, gazing into the distance as she let's the music work on her "IT'S REALLY NICE!" Sophie yells, clearly forgetting that she can speak in a normal voice but since the music is pretty loud, she has to speak loud as well.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

Icarus would smile "thanks, like I said it's really upbeat. We've been together 7 years now, we only really started touring after...after my transition" he smiles at her some more "I can get you into the show, if you want" he then thinks of something "wanna play with us? We've been looking for a synth player"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sophie takes the headphones off so she understands him better "I like upbeat! it's a nice up.. beat" she jokes with a short laugh while she hoofs the headphones back to him "7 Years? oh wow! you guys are really familiar with each other, don't you?" she asks, her ears quickly flop down as he asks her if she wants to join the band "P-Play with you?" she  stutters, a shiver running down her spine as she thinks about that "I'm.. not sure.. I.. mostly play music to close friends or if I'm alone" she explains while lowering her head a little.


Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

He'd smile "we all grew up together, so yeah we're pretty familiar with each other" he'd say then nod in understanding "it's okay, was a thought is all" he would gently nuzzle her "anyway, give it some thought"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Ohhh! That's always nice when you know each other for ages!" she replies, as he starts to nuzzle her she could feel she feels a little bit weird, someone she just met starts nuzzling her but sophie would make sure her smile stays warm and friendly, nodding slowly "I'll think about it! Thank you for the offer."

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.


He'd stop himself "ah sorry, it's kind of something I do when reassuring my nieces or nephews" she'd say,  looking down a bit, chuckling awkwardly "anyway, it really is nice here, might have to move here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sophie's smile growls a little with chuckle "Oh it's fine!" she replies as she gazes back at the pond only to watch the ducks fighting over something "moving here?" she asks, gazing back at him without turning her head "Yeah! that would be nice! there are some free houses! just check the one you like the most" Sophie smiles brighter "maybe I'll throw you a welcome party! but.. I need to be faster.. here's a pink mare that steals all my welcome surprises" Sophie softly giggles.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

He chuckles "mm sounds like Pinkie Pie, she loves surprises and parties" he says "in fact, she threw my transition party" he nods,  humming another song to himself. "I think I will, just got to find a house I like"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Ohhhh! let me know! and don't tell her! because I want to be the first one this time!" Sophie laughs "Sure! I think they have a big one as well! like one where you can live with your whole band in it! and I'm pretty sure Ponyville will love some music now and then, besides from me" Sophie smiles brightly.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

Icarus would smile "Alright I'll let you know, though I'm sure she'll find out one way or another" he says with a laugh , looking at the ducks "I actually have a friend who lives here, so I might be able to get a house through her without Pinkie finding out" he chuckles "Then again, my friend does work with Fluttershy soo.."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Not when we're faster!" Sophie laughs once again while she turns her focus back at the ducks as well, watching how they just happily swim around and quack around like they would have a talk with each other "Yeah! you told me! what's your friends name?" sophie asks "maybe I know your friend too! and since the village isn't very big, everyone knows everyone" Sophie chuckles.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

Icarus would laugh and nod "Very true, I'll just ask her not to mention anything to Pinks" she'd say "I might actually make her give me a Pinkie Pie Promise" he chuckles a little to himself and smiles "Well her name is Aurora, but she mostly go by Skittles, because of how she always dies her mane and tail in rainbow colors" he says, also looking at the ducks "To think, how simple life would be to be an animal like a duck.. no worries what so ever"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sophie's smile gets more and more brighter at the idea of pinkie making a pinkie promise not to crash a party before Sophie "Ohhh I like that!" She squeaks out in happiness with her tail swaying like crazy "Ohh, Aurora? I think I saw her a few times! I really enjoy her mane! It's sure an eyecatcher!" Sophie replies as she turns her eyes back to watch the ducks "yeah, I know what you mean, just being cute and do cute things, the world must be so easy for a duck" Sophie dreams a little.

Do I smell Cupcakes?

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@Sophie H.

He laughs a litlte and nods "And we all know how seriously Pinks takes the Pinkie Pie Promise" he says, shaking his head then smiling and nodding "Yeah, she doesn't get out a whole lot though, mainly when she goes to Fluttersrhy's to help out and when she walks her clients' dogs" he would say, "But yes her mane and tail are quite the eye catcher, even when she doesn't dye them" he then listens to her talk about the ducks and chuckles "Be cute and doe cute things? So...be you?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sophie pauses for a moment as he mentions the word 'dye' "Wait.. Pinkie's mane color isn't her real one?" she asks confused, tilting her head quickly in different directions with a quick blink of her eyes and also a flap of her left ear, her head turns slowly straight again to gaze once again at the ducks, clearly thinking about what Pinkie's real mane color could be. Her toughts gets interrupted when he mentions something abouit cute, she then looks back at him "Those ducks? yeah, they are really cute! just look at them! those black eyes, that beak! their little feets! They. are. just. CUTE!" she laughs.

Don't mind me, just waiting for my pancakes.



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@Sophie H.

Icarus would blink "ooh you were talking about Pinkie's mane, I thought you meant Aurora,  as you had mentioned that you think you saw her a few times" he'd say with a bit of a chuckle "No no, Pinkie's mane is all natural..I think, it's Aurora who dyes her mane" he would say and then look to the ducks "I mean you, you're pretty cute you know" he'd say "But those ducks are super cute"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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