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Thoughts on Make Your Mark Chapter 6

Misty Shadow

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What did you guys think of the newest chapter of MYM? I was the one to make the discussion for the latest chapter on the forums this time.


Even as it's hard to say where things will go from here right now, I believe...


...that Chapter 6's two-parter, Roots of All Evil, served as a stellar conclusion to the story arc with Opaline.


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On 2023-11-24 at 12:58 PM, Sparklefan1234 said:

One thought spoiler:

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Why is the new villain a non-pony? :confused:



Because new villains being non-ponies has been a thing since forever, lol. Allura is related to ice the way Opaline is related to fire, keeping in line with the hinted theme of how the elements of nature will play a part in G5


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