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private Cultural Connections (1x1 with Shiny Silvermoon)

Skylight Scintillate

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/201576-ooc-cultural-connections-1x1-with-shiny-silvermoon/

It was another busy day at Sugarcube Corner, with Pinkie Pie attending the counter. The smell of freshly baked pastries filled the bakery as Mr. and Mrs. Cake continuously brought out more baked goods from the kitchen. A line of patrons waiting to order stretched out the door, and plenty more were seated at the various tables provided. Most notably, a pair of young alicorns, one lavender, the other sky blue, were discussing visiting the Changeling Kingdom together over a slice of red velvet cake. 

"Next!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Hello there, how can I help you?"

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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A white unicorn mare with a silver and icy blue mane made a step closer to the counter and responded to Pinkie Pie "Hi, Pinkie! As usually, I'd like to have 8 moon cupcakes! Don't forget to put Princess Luna's cutiemark on them!"

Suddenly, the unicorn's attention shifted completely toward the alicorns. She walked toward them and said "H-Hey... umm sorry to get in between of your conversation but I couldn't help but hear that you wanted to visit the hive of King Thorax. Is that right?"

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12 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

A white unicorn mare with a silver and icy blue mane made a step closer to the counter and responded to Pinkie Pie "Hi, Pinkie! As usually, I'd like to have 8 moon cupcakes! Don't forget to put Princess Luna's cutiemark on them!"

"Sure, eight moon cupcakes coming right up!" Pinkie Pie remarked. She ducked under the counter and immediately pulled out a box of eight moon cupcakes before opening the box and tossing on Luna's cutie mark energetically. "Here you go! That'll be twenty bits!" Pinkie punched the cash register.

12 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

Suddenly, the unicorn's attention shifted completely toward the alicorns. She walked toward them and said "H-Hey... umm sorry to get in between of your conversation but I couldn't help but hear that you wanted to visit the hive of King Thorax. Is that right?"

The light blue alicorn blushed and glanced away, nervous about making eye contact with a pony she never met before. 

Meanwhile, the lavender alicorn turned to face Shiny. "Why yes, we were talking about visiting the Changeling Kingdom. Is there something you would be interested in knowing? I'm Twilight by the way, and this is Skylight. What's your name?" Twilight asked.

"Umm, hi," Skylight blushed some more before glancing at the white unicorn.

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"Oh! The Princess Of Friendship! It's great to finally get to meet you! Ponies say a lot of good things about you! Is that true that you have fought Tirek with the gathered magic of all the princesses? It's kind of hard to believe... Wait! Hold that thought for a second! I don't want to keep Pinkie waiting!" Shiny said before quickly leaping back to the counter where she paid Pinkie Pie for the cupcakes while holding up the box with her magic.

After about a minute, the unicorn came back to the two alicorns "Sorry about that! Wait a minute! Skylight? I think Silky told me about you! It's great to meet you too! Want a cupcake?"

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"Heheh, yeah I get that a lot. Other ponies tell all kinds of interesting tales about me, but it's all true," Twilight replied, blushing slightly. "I don't think I got your name though. Could you introduce yourself?" Twilight scanned Shiny up and down, trying to figure out if she recognized this pony out of the hundreds of ponies she met as the Princess of Friendship.

"...Wait, Shiny, is that you?" Skylight asked, her curiosity overcoming her initial shyness. "I remember Silky mentioning you. It's nice to meet you, Shiny Silvermoon," Skylight extended her hoof in an offer of a hoofshake "Oh, Twilight, this is Shiny Silvermoon. She's a friend of a friend," Skylight explained.

"Well a friend of a friend of a friend is my friend," Twilight replied. She also extended her hoof in an offer of a hoofshake. "And we're good on cupcakes. We got plenty of pastries right here," Twilight replied as she served herself another slice of red velvet cake.

"So you're interested in the Changeling Kingdom?" Skylight asked. "What do you want to know about it?"

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"Indeed! It is I, Shiny Silvermoon! Befriender of Silky the prink pegasus! Loyal servant of the Moon! Champion of hugs and cuddles! And, most importantly, holder of the title of the Croissant Lord!" Shiny Silvermoon took different heroic poses while giving imaginary titles to Twilight and Skylight.

"It's nice to meet you, friends of my friend!" The mare then shaked both of their hooves in same time.

"What do I want to know about the Changeling Kingdom? That's simple to answer! EVERYTHING!!! It's one of my deepest dreams to be able to visit the hive of the King Thorax! However, since finding a guide is hard..."

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Twilight gave Shiny a skeptical look before Skylight moved on to talking about the changeling kingdom. 

"So you're asking us to let you tag along with us on our trip to the changeling kingdom? I mean, if Twilight and Thorax are fine with it," Skylight replied. She glanced towards Twilight to see what she had to say.

"Sure, why not? I'll have to ask Thorax though. Meet us at the castle tomorrow morning just after sunrise. If Thorax allows, all three of us are going to teleport there," Twilight replied as Skylight paid the check, both of them getting up to leave.

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Shiny Silvermoon's face lit up with excitement and a wide smile appeared on her face as two alicorns accepted her in their trip to the Changeling Kingdom. She couldn't help but happily yell "WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! I-I mean, if King Thorax allows it... heh..." She was now a bit embarassed.

"Anyway, I think it would also be a great occasion to get to know each others, Skylight. Since we are both friends with Silky I think it would be nice to be friends as well! I bet that the Princess of Friendship would agree to that!" The mare then winked at Twilight.

However, when Twilight mentionned teleportation, Shiny got a little bit worried. "Teleportation? I didn't completely master this spell yet... I hop it's not a problem."

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The entire crowd in Sugarcube Corner turned to stare at Shiny's sudden outburst, including Pinkie Pie, making the whole bakery awkwardly quiet for a few seconds. 

"Are you having shouting fun without me?!" Pinkie Pie shouted back with a laugh, dissipating the tension in the air. The rest of the ponies in the bakery laughed, and when they turned their attention away from Shiny, Pinkie winked, proud of the nice save she offered Shiny.

"Yeah, well, I mean, I can't see why Thorax wouldn't allow you, but we'll know for certain tomorrow," Twilight offered. "And don't worry about the teleportation. I've got that taken care of."

"Yeah I think it would be nice for us to become friends with each other," Skylight replied. "It would be nice to be able to get to know each other better. Like, I didn't know that you're that interested in changelings."

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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When Skylight mentionned Shiny's interest for the Changeling's specie, Shiny began to bounce from excitement. "They are such an incredible specie! Their history is so interesting and they have such a cool morphology! Imagine being able to turn into anypony you want at any time! They are using an extremely complexe kind of magic with ease! Did you know that they were even able to build structures capable of blocking the abilities of a Draconequus! Oh! Did I mention the shape of their horns? It's a shame that I never met one before!"

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Skylight nodded in agreement. "Yeah I think they are quite a fascinating species with an interesting culture to learn about and share," Skylight explained. "It seems that this is where we part ways for today. See you tomorrow morning at Twlight's Castle."

The next day, when Shiny Silvermoon showed up at the castle, Twilight would approach her to talk to her. "Thorax says that you can come along," Twilight said. She would then turn to Skylight. "Are you both ready?" Skylight would nod in reply.


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When Twilight told Shiny that they have King Thorax's agreement to let her be part of the journey, her face lighted up once again with happiness. The unicorn was equipped with saddle bags, which were a gift from Silverspark. The bags were containing various items, some are necessary such as a tooth brush and some others were...  Is that a comic book?

"I was born ready!!!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once the three ponies were holding hooves, the two alicorns would touch their horns together. There would be a blinding flash of light and the three ponies would feel themselves being pulled into a single point before suddenly appearing at the Changeling hive and turning back to themselves from that point. 

"Oh wow, Princess Twilight, how punctual," Thorax noted, stepping back at the sudden appearance of the three ponies in front of him. "I'm so glad you're here. I hope we can discuss a few things. Although it appears you brought a guest. Who might you be? I'm Thorax," Thorax noticed Shiny Silvermoon and introduced himself.

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Shiny Silvermoon was a bit shaken by the teleportation process, after all she wasn't used to group teleportations. However, when she realized that she was standing in front of the Changeling King and that he was speaking to her, she quickly shook her head to the right and the left and instantly recovered.

The mouth of the unicorn was gaping while she was staring at Thorax. Then, she decided to say something before it became awkward.

"G-Greetings, Thorax, King of the Changelings! I-I didn't expect to have the chance to meet you! My name is Shiny Silvermoon, loyal servant of the Moon! A pleasure to meet you!" Shiny bowed before Thorax.

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"O-oh, uhh, no need to be so formal with me. I don't really feel much like a leader... I mean, I'm good at friendship and all, but all of this?" Thorax gestured around to where he was in the hive. "This doesn't feel like me. Which is why I asked Princess Twilight for some advice," Thorax explained. "Though I would love to chat with ponies to help them get to know us better. Maybe we should do it somewhere more private though?" Thorax would offer to lead the way towards what appeared to be his makeshift office. Twilight and Skylight would follow.

As they walked, Thorax would ask "What is a loyal servant of the Moon exactly?"

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"You have difficulties being a king?! I'm highly surprised by this statement! You've been the best leader that the changelings ever had so far! However, I'm sure that Princess Twilight will help you feel more comfortable with your title, King Thorax, I mean, Mr Thorax, I mean, budy, I mean... How should I call you?" Shiny Silvermoon asked to Thorax with an embarrassed grin.

"Wait! Are you offering me to help me expand my knowledge about your specie?! It's even better than I could have imaginated and in exchange I'll tell you whatever you need to know about ponies or even the Moon if you want!" The unicorn said gratefully while walking next to the changeling.

"A servant of the Moon? Mmmh... To be honest, I just imaginated this title but it does mean something! You see, I always had some sort of connection with the Moon... The Moon isn't a dead rock, it's alive just like Equestria and it has it's own magic! The Moon often share with me a bit of this lunar magic when the moonlight hits my skin!"

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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On 2024-02-17 at 10:51 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"You have difficulties being a king?! I'm highly surprised by this statement! You've been the best leader that the changelings ever had so far! However, I'm sure that Princess Twilight will help you feel more comfortable with your title, King Thorax, I mean, Mrs Thorax, I mean, budy, I mean... How should I call you?" Shiny Silvermoon asked to Thorax with an embarrassed grin.

"Uuh, just 'Thorax' is fine," Thorax replied. "And I don't know. I feel like all the other changelings look towards me for answers. Answers of which I don't have. For the most part, we have just been rebuilding the hive, talking about feelings in forums, and letting changelings do what they want as long as it doesn't negatively affect others."

Twilight thought for a moment before replying. "Thorax, I think that you're doing great. However, what should be done depends on what you and the changelings want. Perhaps you could discuss this at the feelings forum. However, this topic is quite heavy so it should be mixed in with less heavy subjects at the forums."

On 2024-02-17 at 10:51 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"Wait! Are you offering me to help me expand my knowledge about your specie?! It's even better than I could have imaginated and in exchange I'll tell you whatever you need to know about ponies or even the Moon if you want!" The unicorn said gratefully while walking next to the changeling.

"Well, what do you want to know about changelings? I'm sure you know we can transform," Thorax replied. White flames enveloped him as he rrapidly changed into a kirin then a hippogriff then a pony. "In addition, we love love and feed off of it. However, now, we're able to create our own love from our friendships and we find it very important to respect other species..." Thorax in his pony form and Skylight would both snuggle Princess Twilight, openly displaying their affection for each other. 

On 2024-02-17 at 10:51 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"A servant of the Moon? Mmmh... To be honest, I just imaginated this title but it does mean something! You see, I always had some sort of connection with the Moon... The Moon isn't a dead rock, it's alive just like Equestria and it has it's own magic! The Moon often share with me a bit of this lunar magic when the moonlight hits my skin!"

"Ah yes, Lunar magic is quite the fascinating field of magic. It is almost always associated with a strong connection to Princess Luna of some form," Princess Twilight explained. 

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"Princess Twilight is probably right! You should let the other changelings know about your feelings! You don't have to rule alone and, in fact, you shouldn't rule without asking other's opinion about important topics! However, if you wish, I could always try to ask the Moon for advices but I can assure the result..." Shiny Silvermoon added to what Princess Twilight said to Thorax.

"I already know about the incredible abilities of the changelings! I really like their shapeshifting powers! I might surprise you but my body also transform during certain full moons! When the Moon changes, it affects me in a very symbiotic way! However, I'm not here to talk about myself! I'm here to know about the young culture that you've been developping little by little! I'm aware that it must not be much since it's sort of a newborn kingdom but I'm sure that you have some! I'm also interested in knowing more about the other aspects of being a changeling that might be unknown by ponies!" Shiny explained to Thorax as she was looking at him in his pony form, hugging Twilight and Skylight, which made her smile.

"Lunar magic is a very misunderstood field of magic just like changeling magic!"

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-02-28 at 8:05 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"Princess Twilight is probably right! You should let the other changelings know about your feelings! You don't have to rule alone and, in fact, you shouldn't rule without asking other's opinion about important topics! However, if you wish, I could always try to ask the Moon for advices but I can assure the result..." Shiny Silvermoon added to what Princess Twilight said to Thorax.

"I mean, yeah, we do discuss these ideas. Though I wonder if there is a way of ruling that is based off of what the majority of the changeling hive wants..."Thorax pondered out loud. "Uuh, what do you mean you could ask the Moon for advice? I mean, I know there's Princess Luna, who is usually associated with the moon, but you're saying the moon itself can actually answer? How does that work?" Thorax asked.

On 2024-02-28 at 8:05 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"I already know about the incredible abilities of the changelings! I really like their shapeshifting powers! I might surprise you but my body also transform during certain full moons! When the Moon changes, it affects me in a very symbiotic way! However, I'm not here to talk about myself! I'm here to know about the young culture that you've been developping little by little! I'm aware that it must not be much since it's sort of a newborn kingdom but I'm sure that you have some! I'm also interested in knowing more about the other aspects of being a changeling that might be unknown by ponies!"

"Uuh, culture? I mean, What culture we did have when Chrysalis was around, we kind of got rid of that. So I'm not really sure if there are any aspects of changeling culture that you don't know already. We kind of just copy what ponies do. Twilight gave us a very through list," Thorax explained. He pulled out a scroll so long it almost unrolled out of the office. "So uh, yeah, we're still trying to figure out what we're doing around here. Maybe you could help?" Thorax asked.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2024-03-11 at 12:19 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I mean, yeah, we do discuss these ideas. Though I wonder if there is a way of ruling that is based off of what the majority of the changeling hive wants..."Thorax pondered out loud. "Uuh, what do you mean you could ask the Moon for advice? I mean, I know there's Princess Luna, who is usually associated with the moon, but you're saying the moon itself can actually answer? How does that work?" Thorax asked.

"Princess Luna is a great princess and a wise alicorn so I highly recommand that you ask her for advices but I wasn't referring to her when I said that I could ask the Moon for advices. Princess Luna is rising and lowering the Moon but she's not the Moon itself. The Moon is sentient and self-aware, my deep connection with it allows me to have a glance at it's thoughts, when it consent to it. I can't think of a greater source of wisdom than a celestial body that saw the rise and fall of countless Equestrian civilizations. I can talk to the Moon about your situation but I can't assure you that it will respond." Shiny Silvermoon explained to the new leader of the Changelings.

On 2024-03-11 at 12:19 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Uuh, culture? I mean, What culture we did have when Chrysalis was around, we kind of got rid of that. So I'm not really sure if there are any aspects of changeling culture that you don't know already. We kind of just copy what ponies do. Twilight gave us a very through list," Thorax explained. He pulled out a scroll so long it almost unrolled out of the office. "So uh, yeah, we're still trying to figure out what we're doing around here. Maybe you could help?" Thorax asked.

"Wait! Really?! Me, Shiny Silvermoon, I could help you, King Thorax, understanding our traditions?! It would be an honor for me to be your guide in your exploration of my own culture! Perhaps we could even establish new traditions proper to the Changelings!" Shiny Silvermoon extended her hoof toward Thorax as a way to seal this deal.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! Shaking hooves is a way for us to conclude an agreement! I just wanted to make sure you knew about it..."

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On 2024-05-27 at 8:31 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"Princess Luna is a great princess and a wise alicorn so I highly recommand that you ask her for advices but I wasn't referring to her when I said that I could ask the Moon for advices. Princess Luna is rising and lowering the Moon but she's not the Moon itself. The Moon is sentient and self-aware, my deep connection with it allows me to have a glance at it's thoughts, when it consent to it. I can't think of a greater source of wisdom than a celestial body that saw the rise and fall of countless Equestrian civilizations. I can talk to the Moon about your situation but I can't assure you that it will respond." Shiny Silvermoon explained to the new leader of the Changelings.

"Oh, um, well I still think asking the moon is a little unusual, but ok then. I'd like to hear what the moon has to say about this situation," Thorax replied as he tried to wrap his head around how a celestial body could reply. 

"Huh, this connection you claim to have with the moon is quite fascinating. I'd love to learn about how you got this connection," Princess Twilight asked.

On 2024-05-27 at 8:31 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! Shaking hooves is a way for us to conclude an agreement! I just wanted to make sure you knew about it..."

"Oh, um, ok," Thorax replied. He nervously extended his hoof to shake Shiny's. He remained silent for a few moments, not quite sure where to go from there, before replying, "Perhaps we could start with me showing you around the hive. That would give you all a better idea of what we're working with."

If Shiny didn't have any more questions, the group would get up to follow Thorax around.

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20 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh, um, well I still think asking the moon is a little unusual, but ok then. I'd like to hear what the moon has to say about this situation," Thorax replied as he tried to wrap his head around how a celestial body could reply. 

"Huh, this connection you claim to have with the moon is quite fascinating. I'd love to learn about how you got this connection," Princess Twilight asked.

"Oh, um, ok," Thorax replied. He nervously extended his hoof to shake Shiny's. He remained silent for a few moments, not quite sure where to go from there, before replying, "Perhaps we could start with me showing you around the hive. That would give you all a better idea of what we're working with."

If Shiny didn't have any more questions, the group would get up to follow Thorax around.

"However, we will have to wait for the Moon to be back in the sky, in order for me to establish a contact with it! But the day is still young so we have plenty of time for you to show me around, King Thorax! Lead the way and I'll follow!" Shiny Silvermoon said to Thorax as she began to trot.

"You don't believe me, do you? Misfortunately, I don't really have any proof of the connection that I have with the Moon, Princess Twilight! During night time, my magic is doubled but for a better proof you'll have to wait until that a fullmoon of a special color or a different size appears above our heads! It might take months for that to happen unless you want to send a scroll to Princess Luna so she speed up the process! Anyway, the story behind my connection with the Moon... isn't important! Let's hear what the King of Changelings has to say about his Hive instead!" Shiny dodged Twilight's question.

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On 2024-05-31 at 9:00 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"However, we will have to wait for the Moon to be back in the sky, in order for me to establish a contact with it! But the day is still young so we have plenty of time for you to show me around, King Thorax! Lead the way and I'll follow!" Shiny Silvermoon said to Thorax as she began to trot.

"Alright then, let's go," Thorax replied. He started leading the way towards the rest of the hive. "There have been significant changes since you've been here last, Twilight. I've started some new activities since the only thing we did before was hunt and patrol. There's theatre, swing dancing, a once-a-week potluck lunch. Ooh! And who can change shape and organize craft time? Hmm?" Thorax asked.

"This guy!" Thorax exclaimed as he transformed into a fuchsia bat pony and pointed to himself. "We also have a feelings forum. It's a place where changelings can express their feelings so we can better comprehend each other. It's really helped bring the hive closer together," Thorax remarked.

On 2024-05-31 at 9:00 PM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"You don't believe me, do you? Misfortunately, I don't really have any proof of the connection that I have with the Moon, Princess Twilight! During night time, my magic is doubled but for a better proof you'll have to wait until that a fullmoon of a special color or a different size appears above our heads! It might take months for that to happen unless you want to send a scroll to Princess Luna so she speed up the process! Anyway, the story behind my connection with the Moon... isn't important! Let's hear what the King of Changelings has to say about his Hive instead!" Shiny dodged Twilight's question.

"Aww," Twilight remarked, disappointed. Her ears flopped down. Skylight seemed a little disappointed as well. 

Thorax seemed to pick up on this and cleared his throat. "You know, the feelings forum is great for when one pony upsets another pony and doesn't realize it," Thorax remarked not so subtly.

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On 2024-06-06 at 12:08 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Alright then, let's go," Thorax replied. He started leading the way towards the rest of the hive. "There have been significant changes since you've been here last, Twilight. I've started some new activities since the only thing we did before was hunt and patrol. There's theatre, swing dancing, a once-a-week potluck lunch. Ooh! And who can change shape and organize craft time? Hmm?" Thorax asked.

"This guy!" Thorax exclaimed as he transformed into a fuchsia bat pony and pointed to himself. "We also have a feelings forum. It's a place where changelings can express their feelings so we can better comprehend each other. It's really helped bring the hive closer together," Thorax remarked.

Shiny Silvermoon was following Thorax with glimmers of wonder and astonishment lighting up her gaze, as her head was in a constant motion to glance at every single inches of the Hive. Time to time, a "Woah!" or a "Oooh!" was leaving her mouth.

"King Thorax! This place is incredible! It seems like the sense of community of the Changelings within the Hive has caused them to decide to live in a tightly bond kingdom! Like a family, which I guess that you technically are! You guys have a theatre and crafting activities? That's wonderful!" The unicorn beamed.

On 2024-06-06 at 12:08 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Aww," Twilight remarked, disappointed. Her ears flopped down. Skylight seemed a little disappointed as well. 

Thorax seemed to pick up on this and cleared his throat. "You know, the feelings forum is great for when one pony upsets another pony and doesn't realize it," Thorax remarked not so subtly.

"If the princesses are willing to spend time with me at the feelings forum to open up, I'm fine with doing the same!" Shiny responded to Thorax's invitation to go to the feelings forum with Twilight and Skylight.

"However, if you are disappointed because I can't prove that I'm connected to the Moon, then I'm eager to show you both as soon as a special lunar phenomenom happens! I can't tell when it will be..." She also said to Twilight and Skylight.

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On 2024-06-07 at 10:22 AM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"If the princesses are willing to spend time with me at the feelings forum to open up, I'm fine with doing the same!" Shiny responded to Thorax's invitation to go to the feelings forum with Twilight and Skylight.

"Ok then, let's go to the feelings forum," Thorax replied. He lead the way to a large room full of plants with many changelings sitting together in a circle. One of the changelings, who appeared to the forums facilitator, tapped a gong before saying "We have some new guests with us today. Please welcome Princess Twilight, Princess Skylight, and Shiny."

"Hello there," both Princess Twilight and Skylight remarked as they waved to the changelings already seated in the circle. They would find a seat where there was space with Twilight in between Thorax and Skylight.

"So what brings you all here today?" the forums facilitator asked the new arrivals.

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