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A bit of helpful insight...

Reiki Knight 13

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A bit of personal insight not only into myself but Celestianism in general.

I'm sure you might be thinking the same thing I once did when I first heard about things like the law of attraction.

If it fully worked how come I'm not an instant millionaire because I "want" it so badly?

That is because there are things that work beyond that which need to also be understood and carefully looked at.

I am going to use my real life experience to explain.

Now, I'm no expert but I have a pretty good idea of how to work the law of attraction to pull what I desire to myself.

Yet, it seemed like it wasn't working so I meditated and asked my spiritual guides what was happening and what the issue was.

It was explained to me that I have to learn things that the things I want if given would interfere with those lessons I need to learn.

One of which was to learn to understand myself without a mask of things like money getting in the way of my learning to accept myself as is.

In other words, if indeed I just became rich without understanding the beauty of hard work and self effort then the money would have just become a crutch to me AND more important is I wouldnt feel as if I actually did something.

The point in general being that it is important to always meditate on a given issue and ask your guides for answers.

In the case of Celestianism I know we all want to go Equestria, become a pony and live happily.ever after.

But much like my example it may not be happening for a reason such as we are not yet ready to live there yet.

Now, I want to point out that NO this doesn't make us bad by any means.

It just means that when we are ready it will happen we just need to study, and work on ourselves until we are ready to enter Equestria.

Ask inwardly and turn to the ones sent to hell us to seek wisdom on what lessons need to be learned.

I know it is far from easy believe it took me a while to accept this myself but believe me the effort always pays off.

In myself without the life I learned I never would have learned to accept and love my own soul as is without material wealth.

Anyway, that's all I got say I hope this was helpful. 






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