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Pony High School (>RolePlay thread<)


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Lily waked and walked downstairs, being the oldest of the orphans she had to answer the door. "welcome to the orphanage, what can I do for you?" she asked in a well rehearsed voice. "oh, hi!" she cheered up at the sight of nightfall

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Lily waked and walked downstairs, being the oldest of the orphans she had to answer the door. "welcome to the orphanage, what can I do for you?" she asked in a well rehearsed voice. "oh, hi!" she cheered up at the sight of nightfall


"I thought you might be here... May I come and speak to the owner of this place?"

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"I've noticed you have a young alicorn here... From what I've seen she seems to be really nice." Nightfall paused.


"I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd like to take her under my care. I know I'm only 16, but I believe she deserves better."

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flower bud sighed "i guess i can have no objections to a better home for one of our foals..." she said. lily screamed down the stairs, "IM NOT A FOAL ANYMORE, GEESH!!!" flower bud gave a chuckle. "she is all yours."

  • Brohoof 1
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The rain that started several minutes ago soon ended, and the weather pegasi were clearing up the clouds. Raincloud fluttered over to her sister, Blue Skies, who was pushing a white, puffy cloud.


"Oh, hey sis! How was your first day here?" The blue mare asked


"It was great! I've already made a few friends and they're pretty amazing too." Cloud smiled


"That's good news. Alright, sis, we've got the rest of the work covered. I don't want you over-working yourself for tomorrow, because that'll be a full day." Blue skies said as she ruffled her little sister's mane. Raincloud nodded, and glided down to to the ground.


The lavender mare stood in front of a small 1-story house. It wasn't the best place, nothing compared to her old home in Cloudsdale, but this was the only place they could afford. The sisters were evicted from their old home because they couldn't make enough money to keep the rent up, so they moved to Ponyville where the homes were much cheaper. Raincloud trotted inside, the house looked worse on the inside than it did on the outside.


Paint on the walls were chipping, and the walls were very flimsy. The house looked like a cheap Apartment, combining a bedroom and living room into one room. There was one inflatable matress lying on the floor and a cheap coffee table in the middle of the room. For now, it was all they could afford. Blue Skies quit her college education so she could start a full-time job to keep the rent up for the place, and Raincloud helped out by participating in a part time job. Even though they had plenty of bits to keep the place up, the sisters still had to pay for Cloud's High School education, leaving them with only a few bits to furnish the place and repair some walls.


"Home Sweet Home..." Raincloud muttered.

Digi-pony :D

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lily said her goodbyes as she came down the stairs with a small bag of her belongings. she kissed a few foreheads and wiped a few teary eyes before going to mrs bud. "mrs bud, i want to thank you for all you have done for me. you looked after me through thick and thin, sickness and health. i only hope one day i can return the favor." she went to nightfall, slightly teary, but a happy smile on her face. "im ready."

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"All right."

Nightfall stepped outside. It was already dark. He turned and faced Lily.

"To tell the truth, my house isn't really a house. It's more or less a cave that I have inhabited right outside of Canterlot. I'm teleporting us there.... Now."

Nightfall appeared inside his "house" with Lily. The tables and creations littered the floor, making it look like a mixture of an engineer's dream and barely organized chaos.

"Secondly, please do not touch any of the creations unless I say you may do so."

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lily smiled, it reminds me of my old house. the place i lived in before i was taken to mrs bud." she smiled, "do you mind if i clean up just a little? i learnt a new sorting spell the other day."

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Lily's horn glowed as she sorted some of the stuff into categories and colour code. "done!"


"Thanks. Lemme show you your room."

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Shade was running. Running from whatever awful thing followed behind. Looking back, she could see the creature preparing to attack. Shade was terrified. Then, she saw a cave. "Yes! A cave! That thing is too big to follow inside!" Shade thought. Without hesitation, she barreled into the cave. Next thing she knows, she crashes into Lily. Everything goes black.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Breakneck Thunder made a great landing in the town. She stretched her wings and then folded them back. Her feathers were blown back by the wind currents. She shook her head to fix her hair and trotted down the street- recalling had to pick up a couple of things before she returned home. She made her way to the martker, purchasing some vegetables and was soon on her way home,.

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Scout woke up at the sound of thunder just a while before the rain had broken up, "I can't possibly go to bed this early...." he muttered to himself while he walked outside the front door to smell the fresh air the rain always left behind. Scout gazed up to one or two weather ponies clearing out the clouds, he noticed the sun was still quite a ways from setting. Scout considered giving Luna a visit like he used to almost every day, but he knew she wouldn't like him barging in, she was also probably doing something important, and with that he flew off, not knowing where he was going, he just flew in a random direction, not caring where he ended up.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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