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How seriously do you take ponies?


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About as seriously as I take any other fandom I'm in. I can't say it's changed my life, but it's been a positive influence on it. Definitely seems to have reignited my creative spark and my desire to draw. And it helps me smile on my bad days, sometimes.

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This show has changed me from a hate-fueled hothead on a hair trigger to a full blown optimist, if it wasn't for this show, I would probably be put in the loony bin for suspicion of murderous behaviour. I'm serious, this is very true, MLP has saved my life, and I repay it by loving and supporting the show and converting non-bronies for a better community. I can't say that I would ever have been a FanFic writer without this show!


EDIT: As I'm scrolling through these, I'm starting to wonder if MLP is better than most (or all) anti-depressant medications. There are a lot of people, including me, that have been depression cured by this show and community alone. :D

Edited by Ronaan
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I do take ponies very seriously. Not in the sense that if someone were to make fun of the show I’d get pissed off, but the show has brightened up my life so much. It’s given me such a positive outlook on life, I used to be very apathetic and cynical FiM single handedly changed that. This community has also helped me in a big way. I’m not afraid at all to be myself because of all of you I’ve gained so much confidence in myself, so thanks guys. :)

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