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open Canterlot Life


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OoC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/26297-canterlot-life/



*Schwartz sighed as she pushed the door to the diner open abd sat down at the bar. It had been a tiring day at the castle. First off, there had been a field trip to the castle from the Canterlot Elementary School, and as one of the most well known guards, Schwartz was put in the role of tour guide for all the young fillies and colts. After that, Schwartz had to attend a staff meeting. Those always bored her nearly to tears. If her helmet had a visor, she could fall asleep without anypony noticing. But it didnt, so she couldnt.*


"This job is harder than ponies think."

*She sighed.*

Edited by GildaShy

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Lapis Lazuli took a deep breath. He'd never really spent much time in Canterlot before. Lapis had always wondered what the basic life of the upper class ponies consisted of, so he decided this should be his next stop. He was going to write a research paper on it. But, since Asteria had chosen to return home for a while, he was on his own here. He tried not to let it get to him. He was a grown stallion, and shouldn't worry about such things. His first stop was a local diner, where he expected to get some idea where he could stay while in Canterlot. The blue earth pony trotted up to the bar and laid down a few bits. "One colta-cola, please." he said, trying keep his composure. Luckily, he didn't seemed to show any sign of it. At least he had hoped he didn't appear nervous. As he waited patiently, he noticed a strange looking Pegasus sitting nearby. He tried not to stare at her, but something seemed off about her wings.


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*Schwartz noticed the entrance of the new pony. She handt seen him before. And that was unusual. She has seen almost every pony in Canterlot at least once, and she never forgot a face.*


"Must be a tourist or something."

*She mumbled. Schwartz yawned and streched her bat wings, getting some odd looks from other ponies at the bar. Many of them didnt see bat winged pegasai very often, so she was an oddity to them, but Schwartz didnt care. She was used to staring.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Lapis was mildly startled when the Pegasus mare stretched her wings. He had never seen bat wings on a pony before. He took his Colta-Cola and went over to the odd-winged pony. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Hello, my name is Lapis Lazuli, and I've noticed you seem to be different from ponies I've encountered before." he said, hoping not to offend her. "If I may be so bold as to ask, how did you acquire your, um, wings?" He saw this as a learning opportunity, but thought perhaps this pony could help him get accustomed to life in Canterlot. She seem like she held rank judging from her manner of dress. Perhaps she was a guard of some sort, and he thought that this was an okay approach.


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Lapis was mildly startled when the Pegasus mare stretched her wings. He had never seen bat wings on a pony before. He took his Colta-Cola and went over to the odd-winged pony. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Hello, my name is Lapis Lazuli, and I've noticed you seem to be different from ponies I've encountered before." he said, hoping not to offend her. "If I may be so bold as to ask, how did you acquire your, um, wings?" He saw this as a learning opportunity, but thought perhaps this pony could help him get accustomed to life in Canterlot. She seem like she held rank judging from her manner of dress. Perhaps she was a guard of some sort, and he thought that this was an okay approach.


"My name is Schwartz Lunar. Adopted Daughter of Princess Luna. Nice to meet you."

*Schwartz said the the pony.*

"And my wings? I was born with them like this. Its a recessive genetic mutation the occurs once every few generations in pegasus families decended from Glenoras Bright-Star, the ancient alicorn of the moon."

*Schwartz took a sip of her drink.*

"Or at least thats how the legend goes. I personally think its nonsense."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Legend? I don't believe I've heard it." Lapis said, half to himself. "Adopted daughter of Princess Luna you say? Very interesting. By chance, are you a guard? Do you know your way around here? I've just come to Canterlot, and I was hoping I'd find some place to live. Do you know of a hotel or something of that sort? I'm also interested in finding a slightly more permanent form of residence," He sat down next to Schwartz and took a slip from his own drink.


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"Legend? I don't believe I've heard it." Lapis said, half to himself. "Adopted daughter of Princess Luna you say? Very interesting. By chance, are you a guard? Do you know your way around here? I've just come to Canterlot, and I was hoping I'd find some place to live. Do you know of a hotel or something of that sort? I'm also interested in finding a slightly more permanent form of residence," He sat down next to Schwartz and took a slip from his own drink.


"Commander of the royal Lunar guards."

*Schwartz said casually.*

"I know a place. Not too costly, but still a nice spot to be."

*Schwartz finished her drink and paid the barkeeper.*

"Want me to show you there?"

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Well, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to see this place. If you please, show me the way." Lapis replied, finishing his drink. He got up and adjusted his saddle bag. Inside it contained what he brought with him. Mostly just a few trinkets, but also his note books and some novels as well.


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Lily stalked out of the castle. Her mother had no idea where she was. She went to a diner. She saw Shwartz walking out. "hey! Cousin! Who's the hotty?" she giggled. The pony was a newby, she could tell.

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"Um, hello. My name is Lapis Lazuli." he said, slightly embarrassed at the use of the word "hotty". "And, who might you be? You said Shwartz was your cousin." Lapis tried to regain his composure, but he was sure some pink was creeping across his blue face.


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Wishing Star was sitting on her bed reading a book, but always looking back at the door or windows in case any Paparazzi show up out of nowhere. Last time she ran into them, she almost went blind due to the camera flashes. They've given her quite some paranoia since that moment.


With paranoia creeping up on her, Starry felt the need to get out of her home and get some fresh air. Being extra cautious, the mare put on a hat and dress to cover her mane, cutiemark, and tail. She walked outside and onto the street, trotting past a diner. She took notice of a pegasus who had bat wings.


"How peculiar..." she thought.

Digi-pony :D

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"thank god you don't know." lily chuckled. "mother is very good at keeping me a secret" she bowed her head " princess lily of the clouds." she announced. "daughter of celestia." lily laughed. " mind if I join you on your stroll?"

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"Well, if Shwartz doesn't mind, I'm okay with you coming along." Lapis responded, starting to think he might of stumbled onto something big. Writing about these two could really help his career. All he had to do was somehow become friends with one of them. Then, he could learn a lot more about Canterlot.


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"Little Lilly. How are you today, cus?"

*Schwartz said with a laugh.*

"I'm just showing this guy to the Grounded Cloud. You know, that hotel with the really comfy beds? They really are just like clouds."

*Schwartz said. Out of the corner of her eye, Schwartz noticed another pony looking at her. She recognized the disguise as belonging to Wishing Star, the actor. Schwartz noted her presence and turned back to her cousin and new friend.*

Edited by GildaShy

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"oh my celestia! Those beds are soooo comfy!" lily always said 'oh my celestia' awkwardly. She was practically saying 'oh my mother'. She smiled. She noticed Shwartz look around at a pony. Lily nodded at Shwartz to say she knew too. "let's go!"

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"Well, if these beds are as nice as you say, I'd love to check out this place." Lapis said, ready to move forward. He noticed Shwartz look at a strangely dressed pony, but he didn't think further about it. The idea of settling in sent a thrill through him. Then tomorrow, he could set out and get to know Canterlot better.


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*The group walked for a few minutes, chatting, until they arrived at a quaint little hotel.*

"Here we are."

*Schwartz said casually.*

"The Grounded Cloud. The best inexpensive hotel in Canterlot."

*Schwartz checked her watch.*

"Aw geez, Im gonna be late."

*Schwartz spread her wings, preparing to take off.*

"I gotta go guys. K-Bar and I have something set up, and she really gets on my case when Im late. You two have fun, and I will see you guys later."

*Schwartz tool off into the air, flying off towards the castle in the distance.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Lily sighed. "she is always so busy..." was all she said before leading lapis into the hotel. She took him to the counter. "I'll have to leave you here" she said "I have got to go see someone before the day is out. Lily smiled warmly. She walked outside, summoned a cloud and flew off on it.

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"Erm, thanks..." Lapis said as she left him standing there. "Uh, hello, I'd like to rent a room." The desk clerk looked up from his news paper and reply, "That'll be 10 bit to open up the room, and it's 5 bits a days." Lapis paid the price and went to his room. He was to stay in room 7B, an adequate room with the standard things. He unpacked his saddle bag and lay down his bed. It really was comfortable.


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