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At the Grand Galloping Gala!


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So, I came back yesterday from a weekend filled with fun, knowledge, stress, fun, ponies, ponies, love, tolerance, ponies, Twilight Sparkle, Mr. Poniator, Fluttershy and so much more.


Galacon was definitely a fun experience, due to things like there being 400 other like-minded people. The Hotel was awesome, the food was awesome, the panels were awesome.


As I arrived I had to check in. There were so many people that it took one hour for me to get trough and finally have my room. Once the luggage put safely into the chamber I quickly went to the mane room, where everything was supposed to be happening. I was not disappointed. The current event had already started and there was only about 20 minutes left. They then suddenly decided to do a sing-along, with everyone invited to join to sing "Smile Smile Smile". Of course I decided to join in, knowing the lyrics by heart! We were about 40 people on the stage singing this one song, we all knew it and loads of fun was had. After this, I was in the right mood, no restraints anymore. This is THE place. No laughing, no booing, nothing. When a singer didn't know the lyrics, the public enjoyed helping out by singing a bit with him. Wrong pitch? Nobody cared.


After the PonyVision contest ( where everybody won ) there was a small pause before the next panel. I took that moment to get a drink and try to talk to some of the others. I succeeded and found some guys who came from Zurich. We commented on the cosplayers around us ( The Dash-O-Tron was unanimously the favorite ), talked about our favorite episodes, characters and all that. Jokes were made and we all had a good laugh.


Then it was time for the "Legends of Equestria" Panel. Swebow came on stage, with a few of the co-authors, and he explained us what the game ultimately will be, what we will be able to do, and what not. He also told us he didn't trust us on keeping it child friendly. Which I completely agree on, but some people prefer fighting in a game instead of being nice all the time. I asked him what he thought about Roleplaying, and what he will do to encourage it. His answer was pretty much "Nothing, gotta use your imagination" which pretty much made me disinterested in the game. But I'm sure some will like it the way he plans it to be.


Now it was Mr.Poniator time. This Panel was by far the weirdest. You see Mr. Poniator never was on a stage before and thus had enormous trouble speaking. He was stuttering a lot and often cut of midsentence. ( All the time actually. ) After about half an hour of deciphering what he was trying to say it got a lot better and he was able to make a coherent speech. I, myself didn't learn any new techniques on how to animate ponies, but I am sure a lot of the visitors came back home with new knowledge on how Flash generally works!


Again, a short waiting time for the next panel to be set up! It was time for the Voice Actresses. I got to ask the first question! ( lolnoonecares ) and as I wanted to ask another question a bit further on I embarrassingly forgot it. But I just chuckled it off and gave the mic to the dude next to me, who did remember it.


This was the last panel before they started to set everything up for the Gala Ball which was meant to take place that evening. I took the time to eat and talk. I also went down to the vendors and bought myself a DVD and PonyCards. ( great quality! )


The Ball had a technical problem so it only started at 9. I went to it at around 10 PM as I can't dance to anything classical.


The evening was awesome. General Mumble, Renard, TheBrokenTombstone, MicTheMicrophone and much much more artists were being played. Pretty much everything was Electronica: Dubstep, Speedcore, Hardcore and a lot more.


Obviously the dance floor was full with everyone having an epic time. As songs from the show started to play, everyone cheered and we sang over them. Creating a circle and it ending with a huge grouphug. ( EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. )


This was by far the best Gala evening ever. ( And we were all in serious apparel )



I fell asleep at around 3 AM, and got up at 8. Which left me a bit tired, but that was okay.


After getting dressed I decided to get Breakfast which consisted mainly of Croissants and Tea with Milk.


I then still had four hours before I had to catch my Train, so I decided to check out the Beta Version of Legends of Equestria. I created a character and all that. It is still pretty barebones and empty but actually playing it restored my opinion on it and I might see potential in it. But I will see.


Once I went everywhere I could in the game ( Ponyville, Appleloosa, Canterlot and Tartarus ) I went back to the restaurant and spotted a "Let's draw Poni" table. I immediately sat down and started to draw something. I drew Twilight and Fluttershy!


At around 1 PM I then went to the train and drove home!


Was this worth my 80 Euros? Yes, yes and YES! Everything was great, the ambiance, the panels, the ball, the people. EVERYTHING. I am definitely going again next year!




Picture Time!





This is during PonyVision. ( That is Flam! )



PonyCards :D



The DVD I got



Mr. Poniator



Legends of Equestria ( not me playing )



Tartarus! ( Yeah pretty dark, sorry )



Fluttershy! First sketch



After I colored her :D

  • Brohoof 7

I love you! <3

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Oh man I'm jealous! I wish I also could've been there... But oh well, I hope to be there next year.... :)


Awesome! I will probably post a topic once we know more about it! That way we can meetup or something :)
  • Brohoof 1

I love you! <3

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Awesome! I will probably post a topic once we know more about it! That way we can meetup or something :)


Yeah, that'll be good, I just need someone to go with, I think at least... since I'm pretty sure my dad will refuse to go with me... but that's maybe a good thing... Anyway, I guess I need to be early on getting tickets? :)


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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Yeah, that'll be good, I just need someone to go with, I think at least... since I'm pretty sure my dad will refuse to go with me... but that's maybe a good thing... Anyway, I guess I need to be early on getting tickets? :)


For this one I reserved my place about four months in advance. ( They had a crowdfunding and when you put in 20 euros you were able to reserve a place and pay the remaining 65 Euros later ) They sold out a month before afaik. So yeah, you should buy them a bit in advance.


Then your age... yeah that might be a problem for you. You will be 17 by the next time it will probably take place, so too young to go alone. Perhaps if you have an older friend?

I love you! <3

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For this one I reserved my place about four months in advance. ( They had a crowdfunding and when you put in 20 euros you were able to reserve a place and pay the remaining 65 Euros later ) They sold out a month before afaik. So yeah, you should buy them a bit in advance.


Then your age... yeah that might be a problem for you. You will be 17 by the next time it will probably take place, so too young to go alone. Perhaps if you have an older friend?


Well, my sister lives in Germany at the moment, so if she still lives there next year, she might be able to accompany me.. so to speak... but I'll see if someone else could come with me... :)


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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Is it wierd that because I felt so happy from reading this that I shed a tear? It always makes me so happy to see bronies getting together for events like this.


And also, I have always wanted to visit germany!, better start practicing German again.

  • Brohoof 2


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:( <- x 1000.

i rely wanted to go to galacon, i paid for my ticket and everything, then i got injured so i couldn't go anymore


Aww man that sucks! Did you try contacting them? Some dude's friend couldn't go as well so they told him to contact them after the gala for a possible refund.

I love you! <3

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Aww man that sucks! Did you try contacting them? Some dude's friend couldn't go as well so they told him to contact them after the gala for a possible refund.


yeah i got my ticket refunded but I still rely wanted to go, which was why I donated money when they did the kick starter.. so yeah :( x 1000

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Let me just correct about the roleplaying part.


We do have support for roleplaying! You got emoticons, you got hats, dresses etc.

I'm very sorry that I couldn't show more of that on the panel since it was cut a bit short and I had to present the best parts asap.


What I was talking about imagination is that roleplayers need to use it more, since we cannot add everything. Let's say you want to roleplay as a knight and fight monsters. You can do that, we encourages it.


We want YOU to do what YOU want in the game. Of course there is limits what you can do since the game is children friendly. I hope my reply makes you happier. Please feel free to ask me questions if you have them.

  • Brohoof 1
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