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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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Church is amazed at the story of Slender Mane. You say he turned light eco... purely into dark eco using magic? Incredible. But it's off topic. We're here for light eco. Take me to the veins containing it. We need it to finish my armour. If the armour is not finished than we cannot launch the attack.


Darkheart nods and remember what had happened to Surge as the element of greed. Very well. Back to your daily chores peasants. There will now be a bi-weekly inspection and if you fail the resulting consequence will be... unpleasant. With that she turns back towards the gates of Tartarus. She wanted to confront her subjects there too. You coming Surge?


Luna gets up after White Wind had dropped her. She looks over to White Wind and can't help but feel pity, even after what he had done. She walks up behind him. It's... It's not your fault White Wind... You were made this way. We cannot change our pasts but no matter what happens we can always shape our future. I know how you helped Church and Blue Moon. I know that you can achieve compassion and general emotions White Wind. You just have to unlock them. And I can help you.


AJ face hoofs at Rarity. Whydya got be so finicky all the time? You know just like me that we gotta get this done. Now teleport us there before the guards hear all your whinin'... or should I say complainin'? Now hurry it up.

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Rarity turned her nose up at AJ. Well i never. Fine ill take us to this retched place. Ok here i go. Focusing on the the pic she opens a portal to the building across from it. There are you happy now AJ?


Surge looks back at DH. Ill meet you back at the palace. There is something i want to do first. As DH walks back to the palace Surge walks through the town. He starts to flash back on his past. He walks by the BWCTF building, and it all comes back to him. This is where i met her. She was my second in command. He walks in the building and the ponies greet him as King Surge. Dont call me that. Just call me Surge. Take me to her. A door in the wall opens leading to some stares going underground. In a underground lab. How is it coming? You know this is crazy. And it is also against the gods. DAMN THE GODS! IF THERE WERE ANY GODS THEY WOULD NOT HAVE LET ANY OF THIS HAPPEN IT THE FIRST PLACE!! Now how is she coming along? well shes stable sir but im not sure she will be the same mare you knew. Looking in the giant cryo-tube he sees the forming body of his wife......Windscar.....i will bring you back.


Damien looks to Church. This is not what we need the eco for. The armor is done and ready to go. The light eco is for SM. You may not know this about him but.....SM was not always evil. He use to be good just like you and me. But darkness got in his heart and started to corrupt him. Nova did remember seeing something strange about SM when he left. Now that i think about it he did hide his hooves as he left. But anyway here we are. Down in the deepest part of the mine they fine the richest vain of light eco.


WW looks up to Luna. What should i do Luna? What can you do to help me? Wait Luna....how did you deal with you darkness when you were Nightmare Moon? And if its possible can i talk to her about this as well?


After dealing with Tia Abyss went to go see her father. Oh dad its good to see that your back. Have you seen DH anywhere? YES I HAVE. SHE IS THE NEW QUEEN OF TARTARUS. WHAT!!!! YOU GAVE HER TARTARUS AND NOT ME!!! HOW COULD YOU IM THE OLDEST AND SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT FIRST!! THIS IS NOT FAIR!! ABYSS SILENCE YOURSELF!!! Abyss pulled back and got quite with a stunned face. IF YOU WOULD HAVE LET ME FINISH I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU IM MAKING YOU QUEEN OF NEW TARTARUS. BUT NOW IM THINKING OF RECONSIDERING MY CHOICE AND KEEP IT FOR MYSELF. Abyss bows before her father. Im sorry father for speaking out of turn. Please forgive me My Lord. VERY WELL. IT IS YOURS NOW. Thank you Daddy. THATS FUNNY. YOUR SISTER SAID THE SAME THING. I LOVE THE BOTH OF YOU. MY TWO GIRLS OF DARKNESS.

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After inspecting that everything was in order for the attack. Fluttershy turned on the com-link. "Uumm excuse me, Diehard. Are you there? It's me Fluttershy. Everything is ready at. Hoofington. Are their any more cities you want us to check? Or do you want is to come back to Ponyville?"


Jacob was dodging the kraken's attacks. He couldnt get any closer to the kraken without getting killed. "Razorwing, if you wanna help, then distract him while i get closer."

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DH heard FS on the com-link. In a flirtatious voice. Well hello Fluttershy. Its good to hear your lovely voice again. But anyway on a serious note there is one more town to go to. Go to Stalliongard. That is the last place we need to go. By doing this we can take all the major cities around Canterlot. This will keep the outside forces at bay as the underground pushes them out. And we can take everything inside the circle. We will have them surrounded and take over from the inside out.


Razor looked at Jacob....Fine then. Stay on my six. Razor flew into the air with Jacob behind him. looking down at the kraken. Im going aim for the head. If i can dent or even crack its skull plate you should be able to us your magic on its mind. Now lets go. Razor goes into a full on nose dive at the monsters head. Razor then mix a blue,red, and yellow eco charge. Blue making him faster, red making him stronger, and yellow increasing the point of impact. His hooves and wings started to stream the colors behind him. Just then he did he war boom right into the monsters forehead. The kraken was stunned from the hit. As Razor jumped off..... JACOB! NOW!! Jacob sonic boomed to the dent in its skull plate. As Jacob hit the same spot the monsters plate cracked a bit. Jacob smiled as he.......


(OOC: ill leave the rest to you)

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...Puts his horn into the kraken's skull plate and used his magic. Darkness was seaping into the kraken. The kraken tryed to shake Jacob off. "It's no use. Ive won." After a while the kraken stopped shaking and stood still. "It's time to see just how obediant you are. Destroy the bridge." The kraken began smashing the bridge. "Alright, stop, good... Now what to do with you Razorwing." Jacob was in though. (If it wasnt for Razorwing i wouldnt have been able to subdue the kraken, but he's one of my ennemis, i should kill him, nows the perfect oppertunity. He wouldnt stand a chance agaisnt both me and the kraken) Jacob was about to give the order to the kraken. "Well Razorwing, you helped your ennemis now suffer for your actions, kraken kill Razo..." Jacob just couldnt do it. He felt an emotion that he had never felt before. This new emotion also made Jacob feel an endless amount of anger towards Razorwing. He yelled at Razorwing "DAMN IT, WHY THE HELL CANT I KILL YOU. EVERY TIME IVE COME SO CLOSE BUT YOU ALWAYS GET AWAY. WE KEEP RUNNING INTO EACH OTHER AND NOW JUST WHEN I HAVE YOU WHERE I WANT YOU. I CANT GIVE THE ORDER. DAMN YOU FOR HELPING ME. I HATE YOU, RAZORWING." Jacob took in a deep breath to calm down. He never lost his cool like he just did now. Jacob began to laugh. "Hahahaa, ohh my god, the irony it's so funny. I cant believe i didnt think of this earlier. Im going to let you leave here alive but before you go im going to let you know the truth about your mother. You though that it was me who killed your mother, granted i came up with the plan that lead to her death but i wasnt the one to kill her directly. For the last two years you let your anger for me grow, to the point were you saved me from the kraken, only so you could kill me yourself, and it wasnt even me who did it. The one who killed your mother was none other than your brother, Diehard. He was completly consumed by the darkness that he forgot that he was the one to do it. After he killed her, he began having nightmares about his mother to the point were he couldnt complete his duties as a member of Tartarus so i told him that it was me who delivered the final blow." Jacob saw the look on Razorwing's face. "Just out of curiousity what do you plan on doing with this information? If your brother finds out about the truth, it would completly crush him."

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Church smiles. This is good. This is very good. He then begins to slowly and carefully use his magic to mine the light eco. He uses extreme caution so that he doesn't damage a single inch of it. Almost have enough... There! He points to both of his saddle bags full of it. Is this enough or do we need more?


Darkheart nods and walks back through the portal to Tartarus. As she walks through the palace every single pony bows at her sight. However one thing was on her mind. She enters her room and lays down on her strangely pink bed and thinks. Hmm... Earlier when I was gone for merely a minute Surge was broken down into tears... And now he wants alone time? Something strange is going on with him... I can't place it though...She simply lays back on her bed in thought, thinking up possible reasons Surge could want to be alone.


Luna ponders the question. Well... When I was Nightmare Moon I was brought back to the light by the elements of harmony... The power of those things are incredible and I bet they would work on you.. But that's from my perspective. I don't know how to channel Nightmare Moon... unless I focus very hard. Luna steps back and her horn begins to glow. Luna concentrates extremely hard and with a flash of her horn, Nightmare Moon stands before White Wind. What is it you would like to ask us White Wind?


AJ nods at Rarity. Thank ya kindly. With that the three of them step through the portal. AJ looks around. Now where are we supposed to find supplies in here? She looks around and sees three corridors. I think we could be more efficient and time savin' if we each take a corridor. I'll take straight, Rarity you take left, and Pinkie you take right. We'll signal each other if we are in trouble or find somethin'. If everything goes smoothly then we'll meet back here. With that AJ begins down the corridor in fron of her.

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WW bowed to NMM. NMM it is such an honor. But i need your help. How do i control my darkness. How do i become like you and Luna? How do i suppress my darkness and be able to change at will?


Remember girls to turn your armor off. We dont want to blow our cover. Fallow me troops. But try to look natural. Pinkie said hoping down the hall as she powered down. Well she is right AJ. Powers down. Ill be sure to keep you posted. Till we meet again.


Surge makes his way back to the palace. He walks around looking for DH. DH? DH babe where are you? She was not in the throne room or the grand hall. He walks up the tower to her room. As he walks in he sees her in bed...but he could feel something was wrong. The mark on his chest told him so. My dear are you ok? Is something on your mind?


Thats good enough. Now hurry we need to get get back so i can shape this eco. Just then a guard turned around and saw three unauthorized ponies in the eco mines. You three stop right there! Crap your bucked.


Razor sits on a cloud in front of Jacob. Why do you torment me with your stories Jacob? Why would you make me relive something i had gotten over? My brother knows his sins. He knows he killed mother. But you gave him the order to do it. So you might as well have killed her yourself. And how dare you try and turn me on my brother like that. He told me all about it over the past two years. At first i hated him, and i wanted to make him suffer as much as mother did as she watched her first born kill her. But he was all i had left in this world. Hes my only family left. Looking in Jacob's eyes as they seemed to look right into Jacob's soul. And you will never turn me against my own blood.....But i will not forget this day Jacob. I saved your life, and you spared mine. So we're even now. As he starts to fly off. You know Jacob...you dont have to be what you are. You could fight for whats right. With a sly look on his face. And you can become more powerful than SM....by being the one who takes him down. Just some food for thought. Because i know how much you crave power.


As Abyss left her father, SM warped to Tia's room. She jumped in her bed running from him. DO NOT FEAR MY CHILD. I COME IN PEACE THIS TIME. AND TO TELL YOU....YOU AND ABYSS ARE MORE CONNECTED THAN YOU THINK. ALL FOUR OF YOU ARE OF THE SAME BLOOD. JUST DIFFERENT SHADS OF PERSPECTIVE. Tia was confused. What do you mean my Lord? As he flies off he leaves without answering. But in his mind....I......MADE THE FOUR OF YOU........OH MAN....WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? WHY DO I FEEL THE NEED TO TELL THEM THE TRUTH? WHY......IS "HE" TRYING TO COME BACK?

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"Copy that Diehard, were on are way to Stalliongrad now, Fluttershy out." As they were flying to Stalliongrad Rainbow Dash commented. "So... Fluttershy...it looks like Diehard likes you...So do you like him back?" Fluttershy was caught of guard by the question, she blushed, her face was completly red. :blush: Fluttershy didnt know how to respond. "Rainbow Dash!!! It's none of your business about Fluttershy's love life, but i wouldnt mind knowing myself, if you dont mind telling us" "Uumm...well ok...Yes, i do...He is pretty handsome."



Jacob spoke to Razorwing before he flew too far away. "Your the second person trying to convince me that what im doing is wrong. Right and wrong are simply a matter of perspective. And let's say that hypothetically, I take you up on your offer and we fight against Taratarus and won. Celestia and Luna would be back as the rulers of Equestria. They would probably order me to be executed. I was the cause for most of the deaths during the war after all. Just as Abyss and Darkheart can love, Celestia and Luna can hate." Razorwing was getting farther and farther away, Jacob though to himself. (Become stronger than SM, now that would be quite fun. Razorwing just wants one of us to kill each other off, but if i were to even attempt anything this dangerous. I would need alot of planning. If i make the slightest mistake Slender Mane would rip me to shreeds...Maybe I shouldnt betray him, I mean he has been very good to me...Anyway back to the task at hand.) "Kraken head to Seaddle." Jacob was sitting on the kraken's head. The kraken began swimming towards Cervidas.

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Church looks up and sees the group of guards running at him. He dare not use magic in case he damages the light eco. His only hope is to look to Damien. Damien how much magic do you have left in that old body? Because right now we need it! I can only use minimal magic or else I will do damage to the light eco! It's up to you! Church is running out of time. He hopes Damien has enough strength left to open a portal home.


Nightmare Moon thought for a moment. It was not an easy transformation for us White Wind. We did not now how to do this without help. Luna was trapped within me for a thousand years before she was freed by the elements of harmony. Speak to them. Let their light guide you and they will show you the path. That is all the advice we can give. We will speak again White Wind. With that there is a bright flash and standing before him is Luna once again. She is exhausted from the effort of channelling Nightmare Moon and collapses into White Wind's arms.


Darkheart hears Surge's voice and sits up. She stands up off of her bed and circles around Surge. Hey Surge... You wouldn't... lie to me about anything would you? I'm simply confused. First you are begging for me to come back to the point of tears and merely 10 minutes later you ask to be alone. I'm only curious. What are you up to?


Applejack nods and tunes her power down. No use of being here if she just get't caught. As Applejack walks down the corridor she hears the voices from above her. Some normal and others... unworldly. She's tempted to investigate but decides some secrets should be left just that. A secret. She eventually get's to the end of the tunnel and it opens into a room. It seems to have chains and shackles... She winces. She found the torture room.

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Surge thinks fast on this one. And he gives her part of the truth. In a serious but calm voice. If you really must know my love. Seeing my home town restored like this make me feel....like im home again. I went through the town and flashed back on my old life. By doing this it will make our relationship stronger. This is helping me leave my past behind.....Grabs her hooves.....And look forward to my future with you. Kissing her hooves. And i already told you why i tripped out when you left me. That was the same way i lost my first wife. And i......i couldn't go through that again....im....im just not strong enough to go through that again. You know i love you Darkheart. And nothing will ever change that.


Damien stepped up. Let me show you how we brought the pain back in my day. His horn glows and a beam reaches out to all the guards. They are all stuck in suspended animation. Now....Rot. The guards start to age very fast and fall to dust where they stand. Portal.....open. A portal to UG HQ opens. Thank you for your help Nova. We will meet again. Wait. Before you go....can you do me favor....I need you to kill me....Please...end my suffering..... Very well my friend. I grant you....Peace....Damien puts his horn to his head and frees his soul and his body falls to the ground and becomes one with the eco mine. Lets go Church.


WW catches Luna. He puts her on her bed. As he walks out of her door.....But the EOH have been used on me once already. And all they did was knock me out for a second. But maybe....there is something else i can do. Its the only thing i can think of....Its just has to work. WW then takes off to Clouddale to the eco factory. Busting through the lab door. Lightning where is the light eco vat? Why do you need to know where that is? Ughhh! Fine ill find it myself. WW runs through the lab looking at the names on the vats. Red......Blue....Green.....Yellow.....Dark....Here we go...Light eco. He flies to the top of the vat and.....Here i go....This is for you Luna!!! Dives into the vat. WW no!!! Thats not light eco anymore. Thats pure Dark eco made by SM!!!. Everything was silent in the lab. other workers whispered after seeing what happened. That stupid fool. No pony could ever live through that. Someone tell Abyss WW is gone for good this time. Just then something started to rise out of the eco. Hoof after hoof came over the edge of the vat. Hold that call....I see something.....WW? As the beast steps out of the vat he lands in front of Lighting covered in dark eco. WW....is that you?..... He opens his eyes, two small bright red dots looked down at Lighting. The eco was sucked into his body and changed his coat from white to black. His mane and tail had changed and he had grown two new horns. This new power....It feels.....GREAT! This is much better than what i came here for. Lighting was backing away from WW if it was still him....WW.....Ist that still you in there........I am that week fool no longer. I am now Dark Wind. He then takes off shooting through to roof headed for the palace. What till Mother Abyss sees this.


Abyss was in the Thrown room sitting in her new seat. Just then she felt something change in the world. It felt...dark. What the hell is that? Thats a power i dont know. its....Its just evil. Almost......as evil as father. What could it be?


Tia was playing with her baby dragon when she felt a new darkness. The dragon flew under Tia to hid from what was coming. This cant be good. This is the last thing we need in this war is another dark power.




Razor flies back to HQ and finds DH. I have bad news. Jacob have control of the kraken.WHAT!!! How is that even possible? And that beast is just myth. Its not a myth. i saw him take over the beast. It almost killed him but he found a way to gain control of it. And hes headed for Seaddle and going to take over Cervidas. Dh looks at Razor and starts to laugh. Whats so funny? Hahahahahahahaha....Oh man. Jacob is going to die going there. That is the land of the lager breads. Im lost....Over there is where the deer, moose, and other breeds live. They are much more powerful than us pony breeds. A young deer buck is almost as powerful as an alicorn like Celestia. Holy crap man. Those things are crazy powerful. And if thats just a young buck, what are the full grown bucks like? Lets just say Jacob will be luck if the armor gives him enough power to come back alive.


At the docks of Seaddle the native folk see the kraken coming in. So....the day has come again. Sound the alam and light the becons. A loud horn was sounded and tree becons light all the way to Concordia. The king gets the message. Send the troops. And end all of them. But leave one surivor. They will learn just as they did a thousound years ago what happens when you bring war to us. An army was ready to fight at Seaddle in no time. Lets show them how you really fight.


The hall Rarity went down she found a large door with seven gemstons in it. I wonder what this room has in it? As the door opens to reveiles the rarest gems ever mined in the world. This......this....must be....the...Tartarus vault......Its just .......Breathtaking.


Pinkie hoped down her hall and was getting some odd looks from the guards. OOooo a door. hey mister guard guy. Whats behind this door? Uhhhhh....This is the weapons factory. Oooo really? Can we see? We would really like to go in and see how they are made. Uhhhh...I guess so. The guard takes them in the factory. pinkie radios AJ and Rarity. I found the weapons room. Ill set a becon so you can find it. Dont keep me waiting. Kay. See'ya.


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FS, RD and Twi made it to Stalliongrad. Twilight spoke "Ok girls, this is the last city lets make sure everything is ready." As they walk into the city they find a member of the resistance. RD asked if everything was ready. "Yes were ready. Now were just waiting for you to give the order and we will take back the city." Twilight used the com-link. "Diehard everything is ready here. Have you heard anything from AJ, R or PP yet?"


Tartarus forces already engaged the ennemis. As Jacob was getting closer to the docks, he saw a couple of ground troops on the docks. "Kraken kill them." Jacob jumped off of the kraken and meet up with the other Tartarus forces. The Tartarus officer was shocked to see that Jacob was still alive. "Jacob your still alive!!!! And the kraken's... under your control!!!" The officer though that Jacob was all talk and that they couldnt take over Cervidas with the forces they had left, but after seeing the kraken fighting for Jacob, he realised just how strong and intellegent Jacob was, he began to think that they might actually be able to take Cervidas. Jacob asked "Whats are status?" "We took over most of the docks, we caught them by surprise, they didnt expect us. But they managed to contact Concordia." Jacob looked at the kraken then back to the officer. "Once we move further into Cervidas, the kraken wont be able to help us...They will no doubt send more soldiers. Make a defensive perimiter around the docks, we dont have much time. We'll let the kraken weaken their army and then we'll move closer towards Concordia."

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Church is stunned for a moment at what happened to Nova but quickly turns back to Damien and nods. As they step through the portal and it closes behind them, Church smiles at Damien. I guess you still have some tricks in that old body Damien. I'm glad to see that you haven't aged to quickly. He smiles at Damien jokingly and lays the saddle bags down on the table. He carefully removes the light eco with his magic and puts it into a vat. He then feels the power radiating off of it and steps back. Church knows first hand what power can do to a pony. It turns them into... something they aren't. Slendermane himself was a good example of that however this is the entire reason they gathered the light eco. He remembers the old pony tale of Slendermane. How he was the original creator of light. The father of the four ruling alicorns. Until... Until he discovered dark eco. Church shivers at the rest of the story. He simply turns back to Damien. So what's next?


Darkheart looks into the eyes of Surge, searching for even the slightest sign of doubt. Surge was a terrible liar and she knew that. She simply nods and pulls her hooves back. Very well then Surge... I believe you. Though know now that trust is extremely hard to come by these days. No matter how much I love you, things can break within a push of a hoof. One wrong move and relationships can be torn apart, ponies driven to insanity, entire wars started over one single lie. As much as I love the thought of war... I don't want that to be our relationship. I love you Surge. With all of my dark heart ironically... However much I may trust you, it can snap with the smallest little lie. With that she stomps and snaps an ant at her hooves to symbolize her point. Now tell me again what is going on. I will trust you no matter what you say, but you have to trust me too. Tell me, colt to mare, what is going on.


Luna awakens with a start. It had been only minutes since she passed out but she had felt something... dark approach. It had caused her to awake. She stands up and stretches her legs and follows her feeling. She exits her room and continues down the hall. She is almost at the throne room when she can feel the dark force extremely close to her. She peaks around the corner and sees an intimidating black pony walking down the corridor, towards the throne room. She doesn't know how she knows this... but she has a feeling in her gut. Something between them had connected. She knew that who she was looking at was White Wind and steps out in front of him. Although he was not looking like himself she could still feel him. White Wind? White Wind is that you?


Applejack hears Pinkie and turns around. She didn't want to stay in that room any longer. She then gets an idea. She is very talented with a rope lasso... could a chain work the same way? She would never have been able to do it before but with her new found power she lifts up the chain and fastens it around her waist. It could come in handy later. She then runs back down the corridor and meets with Pinkie. So what's the plan sugar cube?

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Diehard here. No i have not gotten any word from the yet. But thats great that they are ready. Be sure to leave the com-links on. Ladies return back to HQ. And get ready for the attack. He hears Church and Damien come back to HQ. He can feel the power coming off the light eco. Well its good to see you two again. Whats with all that eco? Damien was coughing harder than normal this time. Well DH. I know how we are going to do. We are going to purify SM.


Pinkie looked at AJ. I have no idea AJ.*giggle snort* I just thought we needed to find the room. AJ face hoofs. Whats the matter Aj? You look upset. Hey wheres Rarity? Rarity was gem struck at what she was seeing. Just....look.....at all.....these.....gems......Its.....its.....Words cant even describe. She hears the call on her com-link. Yea yea....ill be right there......Rarity stayed in the vault. Back in the weapons room some of the guards start to get suspicious. Hey AJ. Why are all the guards looking at us? One guard steps up to AJ. Miss let me see your tartarus i.d.


Surge's seal started to burn. He could feel the guilt eating at his very heart. He could not take it anymore. So he tells her the truth. *sigh* well i guess i have not been completely honest with you. Ok.....here i go *takes deep breath* Look into my mind so i can show you the truth. As she puts her horn to his head it shows what he really did after she left black water. As they walk through his memories it shows the first time they fought before she destroyed the city. He had been working on bringing his wife back to life for years in secret under the ruins of black water. After the city was destroyed by DH he thought was lost. But he found her still in her cryo-coma. He had been working on her for years now and could not stop for anything. But he knows that she will not be the same when she wakes up. She may not even remember him. But all he cares about is that he saved her life this time. That this time......he did not fail in bringing her back. As they leave his thoughts Surge had a tear in his eye. But DH kept her eyes closed. DH i am so sorry i never told you this before. I just.....i just had to know i could have saved her. I just......wanted her alive again. Please my love dont be angry with me. I know i never told you but.......i just didnt know how to. Im......im suck a fool for doing this.......The burning feeling in his mark had stopped. But had changed to a stinging numbing feeling. Please DH answer me.....I dont like when your silent like this......Hangs his head.


DW stops and looks down at Luna. He gives her a loving smile and nuzzles the side of her face. As he pulls back he had his eyes closed. He then opens them sharply looking down on her with a psychopathic look on his face. He picks her up by the throat with his magic. I am WW no longer. That weak pony has died. And reborn from the ashes and formed by bark eco arose a new beast. So no Luna i am not WW at all. I AM DARK WIND!!! He force pushes her through the throne room doors. She flies through the air till she hits the back wall and lands at Abyss's hooves. Oh mother.....Your child has returned. Putting his hoof on Luna's horn. So mother what do you think of the new me?


Abyss was at a loss for words. She just gets up and walks around him. WW......What happened to you my child? You look.......Evil. And your aura is just......pure darkness. Mommy likes what she sees......She really likes what she sees. And how did this happen to you?

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"Girls you heard him, let head back now." "You heard what he sayed Fluttershy...PP, AJ and R arn't ready yet. You and Diehard could get to know eachother better before the attack." Fluttershy blushed again, but her face wasnt as red this time. "That would be very nice." They began to fly toward's HQ.


The Tartarus forces were setting up their defences around the docks. "Kraken submerge yourself, until i call you back." The kraken went into the deeper water. The officer walked up to Jacob. "The defences are set up.What do you think are chances of winning are?" "Well, before coming here i read up on Cervidas history, culture, ect...Victory goes to the better prepared. The average deer soldier is equivilant to around fifty earth ponies and ratio for moo..." The officer cut Jacob off. "Fifty...for one deer. Why didnt we come with the entire Tartarus army. Were hopelessly outmatched, the kraken also killed half of are soldiers before we even made it into Cervidas." Jacob gave him an evil look. "Never cut me off like that ever again. Now as I was saying the ratio for the average moose soldier is 100 to 1. And yes, we are hopelessly outmatched in a head to head confrontation. But wars are won by strategies, and dont forget the kraken fights for us now." "Im sorry for cutting you off, those statistics are just frightning." Jacob looks off in the distance and see's an army approching. "You asked me what are chances of winning are. Well i can't say for sure about the rest of the war, but for this battle specifically i would say about 95% chance of victory. I've been given the first experimental super weapon made by Lighting."

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Church nods in agreement. He didn't know how they were supposed to accomplish this but if Damien, the Holy Ghost, thought it was possible then who was he to argue. Being the powerful unicorn he is, Church had always been able to sense magical shifts in power. Events such as a new magic power being brought into the world, switches from light to dark power, things like that. What Church felt then was like a mix. He fell to his knees as this sense over took him. He hadn't gotten a sense like this since Slender Mane himself stepped out oh his portal. He quickly looks up at Damien. Ugh... Damien... Can you feel it? There is a new power in Equestria. A dark power. A strong power. I felt the very boundary of what is light and dark being challenged by the creature... But I can't place my hoof on what could have caused it. Please tell me you can feel it too and I'm not simply going insane...


Darkheart kept silent for a few more seconds. She spoke but her eyes were still shut. Surge seemed surprised to hear that her voice was very calm, almost too soft to even be coming from her. Show me. Her eyes were still shut be she could sense that Surge had been taken back at the request. She simply asks again. Show me Surge. Although her eyes were still shut she can tell that Surge still hasn't moved. She gives it one final try before she get's angry. Surge, bring me to this little project. I want to see it with my own eyes. She then opens her eyes and Surge is surprised to see that they are lined with tiny tears of blood. I want you to bring me to her so I can examine her for myself. Take me there before I lose control of my emotions.


Luna weakly opened one eye a few seconds after she hit the ground. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. White Wind wouldn't have hurt her... But Dark Wind would. That moment was burned into her mind. The way he lovingly nuzzled her cheek, only to launch her into the throne room violently. She closed her eyes and began to sob silently. She doesn't know what happened to him, but this is not the White Wind she knows. She then gathers herself, stands up, and turns to Abyss. I'll return to my duties now if you so wish mistress... With that she turns and begins to walk for the door.


Applejack had to think on her hooves for this one. Unfortunately she had never been the thinking type. Ugh... Here you go mister. She reaches down as if looking for her ID and but when she lifts her hooves up as if to hand him the ID, she simply nails him in the temple. He falls to the ground unconscious. Although that took care of the current problem, the rest of the guards suddenly perked up and began to run for the three. Ah... Pinkie! Grab up all the weapons and armour with your magic and Rarity you start working on a portal back to HQ! I'll give ya as much time as ya need!

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Surge looks at DH and felt awful but fearful at the same time. His seal was in so much pain. He could feel it squeezing his heart with a burning stinging pain. He says......Yes my love. Right this way. As they get to black water he takes her to the BWCTF building. The other ponies bow out of respect and Surge.....She knows....Open the door....NOW. The door opens and they go down to the cryo-vat. There she is.....My...first wife.....Windscar.


I feel it to. Things are changing and its not good. Its power almost matches SM's....but its different. Its not aura....its....eco. But not just any eco....dark eco...Pure Dark Eco. This cant be good.


Twi, FS, and RD fly into HQ. Girls your back. How did things go? DH walks up to FS and gives her a slight nuzzle. Oh....umm...im sorry FS. Its good to see you still alive. I....i missed you :blush:. So everything is ready. We are just waiting for the others.


Rarity was still in the gem room when she heard AJ call her and the alarm go off. Alright AJ im on my way. Looking at all the gems. Hmmmmm....Maybe i could......Pinkie and the other troops were grabbing what they could. Where is Rarity? We cant leave without her. More guards come in as they fight. AJ what do we do? Back in the vault. Now if id this right i should be able to take these with me. Ok here i go. Rarity focuses her magic on the gems. She then incases her and her team in them and drill to the next room where AJ and the others wher. Now this is how a lady works. Gem Wall! The gems form a giant wall shielding them from the guards. Ok now lets get out of here. Opens the portal.


DW looked at Luna as she walked off. Where do you think your going? Did i say you could leave you blue moon whore? Get your worthless flank back over here. Abyss was stunned but yet pleased with the new DW. She is fine DW. She is free to go to her room. No mother.....If i did not tell her then she is not to go anywhere so get back over here! Abyss is now stunned at the way DW is talking to her. Just who do you think you are talking to me like that! I am the queen of New Tartarus and your creator and i will not be talked to like that by you! Well then "mother" if your so mad about it come do something....My "Queen". Abyss was now in raged with his attitude and would take no more of it. She warps to him and locks horns with him. I dont know whats come over you. But whatever it is im not going to tolerate it. You will lean just like the rest. We will see about that. The two start to charge their horns. Black sparks fly from them as they clash. They both take to the sky and fight there. How dare you turn against me DW! You will pay for your crimes! Thats only if you can get me. They fight for some more and are about to end it. Abyss had her shot lined up. You will lean how to treat your mother. As she fires he vanished. But then she feels something pushing her down. You missed. In a full on nose dive he puts her in a wing lock. DW what are you doing!!! What every child does...He sonic booms to the palace crashing through the roof and slamming her into the ground. The shock wave sends Luna flying into the wall. As she opens her eyes she sees DW on top of Abyss. Out do their parents. You....wouldent...kill...me. Im a Queen....and...your mother....Charging up his attack. Oh. Would i now? Just then right before he fires his attack SW warps down behind him. GET OFF MY DAUGHTER. NOW!! Or what old man? Turning his beam on SM. TRUST ME. YOU DONT WANT TO DO THAT. oh.....But i do. He fires his beam at SM. The beam shoots a hole in the wall the size of and Ursa Major. As the beam stops SM is nowhere to be seen. Ha. Weak old man. Before DW could even turn around something engulfed him. He was no in a void unlike his own. A voice in the darkness. YOU SHALL NOW SUFFER FOR YOU DISOBEDINCE.


Celesita could hear all the fighting going on outside. But she also felt something else. A pain in her heart. Something was wrong.....with Luna. She Leaves the dragon in her room and goes to find Luna. When she gets to the thron room all she hears is a big blast. She runs throught the door and sees SM take this black pony away. She sees Luna on the ground and runs to her aid. Luna my sister are you ok? What happened to you? Who did this to you? She then sees Abyss stand up out of the crater she was in. Abyss? My lady what happened to you? What happened to the both of you?


The moose king had gotten the news of that the coast had been taken. Very well then. Send in the deer forces. That should get the message across. And i see they manedged to take control of our sea beast. I will deal with that when the time comes. Deer forces move in quickly on Jacobs local. Remember we are to make this quick. Kill them off and dont let them gain any ground. Let s go. One deer charges out and stads a troop with his horns. Then more deer start to pour out of the woods


Before Jacob had left to fight Lighting gave him a new weapon. Jacob iv been working on somethings that will up your armor. I call it Slender's Suite. Its still a prototype thoe so dont over do it. But anyway you know how Lord Slender wears a suit? Well this here is infused with the same matter that his suit is made of. It will turn you into Slender Mane. Your power will sky rocket. It will be unlike anything you have ever experenced. But you will only be able to use it for five minutes. So when you do use it make sure it was worth it. and you can only use it once a day. Any also.....Dont break it. Putting tie around his neck on the armor it becomes one with the armor. There you go Jacob. Have fun.


(ooc. this is the moose king)

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Church stands up. He cannot explain it but his feeling had suddenly subdued, as if that malevolent force was not in this world any more. Somehow this made Church worry more. However he brushes it off for now. He turns back to the rest. Then everything is set. Now we wait for the others to return. Tomorrow is the day ponies. We have the element of surprise on our side and a force to be reckoned with. We will attack the cities together and take them before the Tartarus have time to react. Once every city is taken we will close in and surround Canterlot. They will have no where to hide. Tomorrow peace will be restored. I hope...


Luna opened one eye weakly. She looked around however everything was hazy. As things began to come into focus she noticed Celestia above her with a worried look on her face. Luna looked down at her own body and noticed that her wing had been broken. She attempted to move it but sung out in pain and stopped. Then she looks up to Celestia. White Wind... Or should I say Dark Wind... I... I don't know what happened to him... One minute he is nuzzling me, asking for forgiveness and the next... Her voice trails off and a tear rolls down her cheek. Perhaps Abyss will have better insight... She saw first hand what was happening... As a mother... Luna then stands up and steadies her self. She winces in pain as her broken wing brushes against Celestia. She stands at Celestia's side before Abyss.


Darkheart is silent for a few minutes. She simply stands there and stares at Windscar. She had many questions to ask Surge, all of them related to this. She turns back to Surge. And what do you plan to do with her once she is finished? Surge seems taken back by the question but Darkheart is dead serious. Although Surge didn't know it, he was deciding life or death for Windscar. If his reason was not sound enough she would kill Windscar in cold blood. Darkheart didn't mind though. It was one of the perks of being born without a soul.


Applejack nods at Rarity. All right Pinkie! Bring em' on through! With the wall of gems to protect them, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity leap through the portal. As soon as it closes behind them the gem wall breaks down and the guards get a confused loon on their faces. Back at HQ Applejack straightened out before Church. We got the weapons! Good. Then we are truly ready now. Take these weapons to those who need them. Now I will assign you all a place in the attack. Razorwing I want you to lead the pegasi attack against Cloudsdale. As for you Die Hard I want you to lead the attack against the Tartarus stronghold we know as Ponyville. I want for each of you EOU to each pick a major city other than Ponyville and Cloudsdale. You will lead the attack from there. Good day ponies. I will see you on the battlefield. All right I got Hoofington! I'll see ya'll later! Applejack hugs each and every one of the EOU. Now come back safe ya hear?

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Fluttershy was talking with Diehard. "I missed you too, i guess that we dont have chance to get to know eachother better now. Im going to be waiting for you after the war, so be careful." "Ive got Fillydelphia" "Im going to go to go take Stalliongrad." "Well i guess that just leave's Manehatten. Rarity, Pinky Pie do you wanna help me take Manehatten?" RD and Twi were preparing to leave for the cities. Fluttershy waited to see if Diehard had anything he wanted to say before she had to go.


Jacob and the other soldiers were fighting. More and more deer soldiers poored out of the forest, their numbers seemed endless. "Kraken now!" The kraken rose from the sea and smashed the deers with his tentacles. The deers were moving in fast and killing Tartarus soldiers. "Now's the best time to use it." Jacob flew in the air, above the battle field. He activated his armor. "Five minutes starting now." Jacob could feel the power, he shot giant fireballs at the forest, stopping anymore reinforcements from coming. He sonic boomed right into a huge group of deer, causing a huge crater. "Feel the power of darkness." Jacob let out a dark energy blast. Jacob was completly destroying the deer forces. He could see the fear in the deers eyes. His mind flashed back to when Razorwing said.( You know Jacob...you dont have to be what you are. You could fight for whats right.) Jacob froze and wisperd to himself. "I dont understand, this battle is going exactly as i planned, yet i feel miserable inside" The five minutes were up and Jacob's armor turned back to normal. The Tartarus forces were moving up and killing the rest of the deer soldiers. Jacob was still frozen. They won the battle. Jacob snapped out of it. "Good we won. Now's the time to move up."

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DH was upset that he would have to leave FS so soon. Well then.....good luck FS. As FS walks off he goes into thought. Dude is that it? is that the last thing you want her to hear from you? Good luck? Dude tell her ma. if you dont tell her now she will never know at all. And do you really want her to die if she does not knowing she found love? Dude do it or regret it for the rest of your life. DH runs up to FS. FS wait! As she turns around. DH kisses her on the lips. I love you FS. And i want you to know that just in case we never see each other again i want you to know that. And also...takes his BWC dog tags out of his pocket. I want you to have this. So no matter what i will always be with you. Putting it around her neck and hugs her. And ill be waiting for you too...Fluttershy.


Surge was done with the lies. So he gave her the full out truth. Well when she wakes up she wont remember anything from her past. But i was going to teach her everything she needs to know. After you put the seal on me i knew i could never go back to her. So i was going to tell her everything about her life with out me in it. She would think my brother was her husband. But im mainly doing this for my boys. Its already bad enough they lost their mother and father, so i want to at least give them one of us back. She is all they have left. And it the least i can do for them. After all iv done to them. Looking at DH as she looks at Windscar. My love....what are you thinking?


Abyss looks at Tia and Luna as they come to her aid. Im fine Tia. Thank you. But i am most heart broken with my chiles betrayal. And i see that i am not the only one Luna. I know WW had feelings for you. So i know you are just as broken up as i am. I may not be able to fix your heart but i can fix your wing. *heals Luna's wing* Abyss where did SM take him? I dont know. Be if i know my father like i do it cant be good.


In the Abyssal Plane SM and DW stare each other down. What is this old man? Where is this? Answer me old man! SM looks at DW. YOU HAVE MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE. NOT ONLY HAVE YOU STEPPED AGAINST MY DAUGHTER BUT YOU HAVE ALSO RAISED YOUR HORN TO ME. YOU WILL NOW BE PUNISHED FOR YOUR CRIMES. Oh so what are you going to do banish me here? DW said smugly. NO....IM GOING TO SHOW YOU THE TRUE FACE OF DARKNESS. SM then looks at DW. His eyes open, his mouth line starts to crack open as well. Just then SM showed his true face to DW. The the void was gone and they were back in the thrown room. DW was just standing there in shock. Frozen in fear at what he saw. SM walks over to his girls as they bow. HE SHALL HAVE NO MORE OUT BURST LIKE THAT AGAIN. BUT HIS NEW SELF IS STILL HERE TO STAY. I LIKETHAT MUCH ABOUT HIM. BE HE IS COMPLETELY SUBSERVIENT TO YOU AGAIN. Looking at Luna.IF YOU DONT WANT YOUR HEART BROKEN AGAIN YOU FORGET ABOUT HIM. WW IS LOST IN HIM NOW. HE IS NOT COMING BACK. Flies off.


The eco was finaly done. But so was SM secret weapon. The eco is ready. These light eco weapons should be able to coruptet his darkness. This is just what you need. All of you take one with you.

The weapon is done. Vegnagun is finished.


The deer forces were falling back. The Moose king was highly upset. That is up setting. My deers have failed me. His daughter walks in. Father is everything ok? My child enemy forces are moving in. My child i need you to take your stealth squad and the best moose troops we got. I put this war in your hooves. I will not fail you father.


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Fluttershy kissed Diehard back. "I love you to." She looked back at Rarity and Pinky Pie. "Diehard i need to go now, but i promise you we will see each other again." She gave him one last kiss then she was about to leave with PP and R.


Jacob and his troops advanced to the front of the forest. It was sindged from Jacob's fireballs from earlier. "Behind this forest lies the city of Equadoe. Soldiers burn the forest to the ground." "But sir wont that also damage the city?" "Yes it will, but if we go into the forest, we walk in their territory, they could easily set up an ambush. And if we want to win we can't afford to lose anymore soldiers." "As you command, sir. Soldiers burn it down." The Tartarus unicorns light the forest on fire. The fire begins to spread deeper and deeper in the forest.

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Church nods at the rest. He takes the gun presented to him by Damien and can feel the power of the light eco immediately. He could feel it's power soothing through him, becoming a part of his power. What with the armour and the gun Church felt like a new unicorn, a more powerful unicorn. He nods again at every pony. You are among the bravest ponies I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. It has been an honour serving with all of you. In case I don't come back I want you all to know, I will never forget the sacrifices that you made. The princesses will never forget. Equestria will never forget. We are the heroes of Equestria. The saviours of the light. The rescuers, of harmony. On this day we leave, fighting for what we perceive as good, we may die. However know this. We will be dying for a worthy cause! No life shall be lost in vein at the hands of battle! Know now that if in your heart you do not have the courage or the strength to persevere through the never ending darkness, than you have no hope. Let Celestia's light guide you, and failure is not a possibility. Good bye my fellow warriors. Long live the light. May we meet again, in this life, or another. May the light live on. Forever. With that he opens a portal to just outside of Canterlot where his section of forces are waiting to storm the streets.


Darkheart remains silent for a while longer before speaking. She simply stands there and stares at Windscar. Her face was an unreadable mask. Her cold stare only broken occasionally broken by her strands of hair curling down over her eye. After a while of standing still and thinking she speaks. You're boys are dead to you. And you are dead to them. There is nothing you can do for them. Surge you know as well as I do how unnatural this is. I may have a heart of darkness without a soul, but I respect the basic laws life. My sister's practises are... undesirable by myself however she is my sister and I will do by her side until the end. She would do the same for me. Unfortunately this news does not bode well for Windscar. I know how much she meant to you therefore I will allow 5 minutes to say any final goodbyes before I... dispose of her.


Luna could feel a tear rolling down her cheek at Slender Mane's words. She was in denial and didn't want to accept the truth... but deep down she knew it to be true. She could feel it. The feeling she had had before when she first saw Dark Wind, the one that told her White Wind was still in there, was gone now. Replaced by an empty void that somehow had been filled by White Wind and she hadn't even realized it until now. She was too arrogant and stuck in her mind set that she... that she completely ignored the feeling that she had been having towards him since the start. Of course she felt nothing but despair and regret now. She could have saved him. She could have still had her love. But she ignored her heart and arrogantly shunned White Wind... This was her fault... She simply turns around so that her sisters could not see her cry like a little filly. I'll... I'll return to my duties now... However Luna simply returns to her room and lays down on her bed, feeling shame and regret. She bursts out into silent tears.


After Applejack had listened to Church's speech, she felt like she could fight an entire army. His words had inspired her to fight against the never ending darkness. She then straightens, hugs the other elements, and tips her hat. In case I don't make it back It's been a real honour knowin' all ah ya'll... And I want ya'll to know that these years have been the best ah my life. I'll never forget any ah ya'll... and I hope ya'll all do me the same courtesy. Though knowin' all of you mares I wouldn't expect any less! You make it back now ya hear? I'll do that same! May the light live on! Forever. With that she steps through her portal to Hoofington and readies her troops to storm the streets.

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Everyone was at a new level of hype after Church's speech. R and PP where about to go with FS but could see that her and DH did not want to part. FS....we think you should go to Ponyvill with DH. Me and Me and Pinkie will go to Manehatten. Yea i think you should stay with him and fight by his side. That way you guys can have each others back. Besides deary all is fair in love and war. And i think you two should have that together. Now go to him FS. PP and R go through the portal to Manehatten.


DH over heard what PP and R were telling FS. He did not want to step in. He wanted to see what FS was going to do next.


Tia watched as Luna walked off. Abyss...thank you for healing her wing. Tia i may be evil and heartless. But i do know companion. And i can understand how Luna feels right now. looking at DW I feel the same way too. But that is about to change. Go to your sister. She needs you right now. walks to DW Thank you Abyss. Tia heard Luna's door shut. She knocks. Luna.....You in there? Can i come in? She gets no answer and slowly opens the door and sees Luna in tears on her bed. Tia goes over to her and covers her with her wings. Im here for you Luna. I dont think hes gone just yet. I think you can still save him. But for now im here for you. And i will always be here.


As DW starts to come to he sees Abyss in front of him. He then Slowly drops to his knees and bows to his mother kissing her hooves. Forgive me mother. I dont know what came over me. I dont see why i cant forgive you. So i will....After i punish you myself!!! Abyss then kicks DW in the face. Mother....why? She picks him up with her magic and throws him into a wall. She keeps doing this, slinging him all over the room. After a few minutes she drops him on the ground in front of her. His body broken up but healing slowly. If you ever turn on me again i will kill you. And this time...I wont bring you back. She sits back in her chair.


Razor had made it to Cloudsdale. He had his team split up all over the the cloud city. Him and a few troops went to the eco factory. They saw SM and Lighting. We need to tail them. Keep quite and watch for guards. We want to be stealth as possible. They nod and fallow them. They go deep into the factory, deep into the unknown zones of it. Just then SM and Lighting stop at this giant machine. What the hell in that?


SM's super weapon was done. LIGHTING YOU HAVE DONE WELL. THIS IS JUST WHAT WE NEED TO FINISH MY CONQUEST OF THE WORLD. Thank you my Lord. With your new dark eco it was up and running in no time. It flows through it right now. Looking at the massive monster machine. VEGNAGUN.....IS FINISHED.....NOW THE WORLD IS MINE.



Damian stopped Church before he went to the portal. Before you go you need to know about this weapon. It and it ammo are crafted from pure light eco. So be very careful with it. It can change ponies to the light. But you must not over use this weapon. Light eco is the purest eco in the world thus making it the easiest to taint. If used to kill it will start to change shades. Depending on what you use it for it will change to that color. But your armor should help balance it out. But still dont kill with this weapon. And if you see SM tell him the mediator is coming home.


Surge's heart dropped when he heard what DH said. He tryed to speak but nothing came out. He walked over to the vat loking at WS. He then spoke. Wake her up.......But sir shes not ready. She might not even surive to process. Punching the doctor. I SAID WAKE HER!!! EITHER WAY SHE IS GOING TO DIE SO WAKE HER UP NOW!!! Yes sir. They start the process. The vat drains and opens. Surge pulls her out and holds her in his arms. She starts to open her eyes. In a low soft voice. Where....where am i? Whats this? Looking around the room she sees ponies she does not know. But then looks up and sees Surge. Who are you? Do i know you sir?and where are we? Surge was in tears to see his wife alive again. Hello WS its good to see you again. Do...do you know who i am? You sound like someone i know.....and you look like him to. But i cant remember.....But i do remember seeing you looking at me....and taking care of me......Is your name....Surge? Surge was happy she knew his name. Yea...thats my name......Iv been trying to save you the past few years. You died in a war a while back. I did? Wait.....i remember.....i know who you are. You were my general. We lead the attack on Tartarus together. But i feel like there was more to it than that. Surge's heart was breaking alover again. Yea....we were more than that....You were........you were my wife......and we had two sons.....Die.....hard.....and Razorwing....right? Yea thats right. Well where are they? I want to see my boys. Surge could not take the pain anymore. His seal was on fire with emotions rageing through him. With his face full of tears he looks at DH....Please there must be another way. Something other than this. I dont.....i dont think i can live through this again. DH just looks with that same plan face. She then looks at the clock on the wall. Times up Surge. He looks back to WS as she looks at him. What....what is she talking about Surge? He strokes her mane and kisses her forhead. Its ok WS. You'll see the boys soon enough. He puts his head down and walks away. AS he walks away.....Surge...My love.......Thanks....For trying to save me.....I will always love you. Surge could not take it anymore. His seal was in pain, his heart broken beyond repair, and his mind now in shambles. As he walks past DH he says in a low voice....Make it quick......She has already suffered enough....He walks to the back of the room. DH then walks over to WS as she lay on her table. Im just doing what best for him. WS looks her death in the eye. You will never have a love like we had. You may have a heart, but you know nothing of true love. True love last beyond death. We will see about that. DH then puts her horn to WS head. Disolve..... WS's body then starts to colaps as the spell kills her from the inside out. Within a minute her body was a pile of dust on the table. Surge watched as she died again. He could feel nothing anymore. His heart was gone. His seal was burning but he had grown numb to the pain. He had grown to everthing. As DH walked back over to him......I did this for your own good. Surge looks her in the eye with a look she has never seen before. He says nothing, turns and walks away. DH was shocked but had to finish things off. Doctor...Dectory everything. Yes my lady. They then set the the lab on fire.


The moose kings daughter set out Equadoe with her task force. Judging by the flames they will be here by night fall. I want you men to spread out in the surrounding area. We will take them on by spreading them out. Then we will close in on them and take them out. Ok lets go.

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"Really, girls thank you so much!" Fluttershy gave Rarity and Pinky Pie a hug then ran towards Diehard and gave him another kiss. "Diehard good news, my friends decided to take care of Manehatten by themselves they sayed that i could help you." Fluttershy was glad that she would be able to fight along side Diehard.


As the fire was burning the forest, Jacob was thinking about how he froze up earlier during the fighting. (Damn it, Razorwing since you told me to fight for what's right. I havent felt happy about any of the fighting. Not even the kraken's great power is bringing me any joy, I just feel empty. Ive never felt guilty about anything ive ever done before, so why now?) The tree's were mostly burnt down. "Soldiers advance." The Tartarus forces made their way through the burnt down forest. Jacob was still trying to find a logical explanation for his sudden emotions. Unfortunatly, he couldnt. The soldiers stop right before entering Equadoe. Some small groups of moose were spread around the area. The Tartarus army spread out charging at all of the mooses. The Tartarus troops were getting killed at a relitively good rate. Jacob was so distracted about his emotions that he just realised what was going on. "COMMANDER ORDER THE TROOPS TO REGROUP... RIGHT NOW DAMN IT" "Soldier hurry and regroup" The remaining Tartarus soldiers regrouped and formed a circle around Jacob "Damn, I let myself get distracted, stupid 100 to 1 ratio. Are best strategy would have been to stay as one big group and focus on one of their small groups at a time but we dont have enough soldiers for that anymore." As the moose soldiers were closing in, Jacob was being pressured to think fast. "Soldiers retreat, focus all efforts on getting away." As Jacob and his soldiers were retreating, Jacob looked back and saw the moose king's daughther. Jacob sayed to himself "Enjoy your victory now, will it last."

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Church nods at Damien. He knew what the consequences could be however he didn't understand the mediator could mean. Thank you Damien... For everything. With that he stepped through the portal and closed it behind him. He looked around at the soldiers. They seemed strong and confident. Exactly what he liked to see. He turns to them all and stands above them, turning their attention to him. Soldiers! I'm glad to see you all made it. The trek up here cannot have been easy however it was but a test! A test you men have passed and have earned my respect with. You are among the finest warriors in Equestria. You have hearts of solid light and the strength to match. Let Celestia's light guide you and you cannot fail! Now what do you say we take back what belongs to the light! What belongs to us and what is rightfully Equestria's?! The soldiers cheer. Good! Now the time is nigh! Let this be a warning to you now! If you do not have the courage to allow the light to guide you an let you fight, then leave now! A few soldiers look at their feet nervously but none leave. Most have confident smiles in their faces. Now let it begin! With that Church uses his magic to shoot a flare into the sky that is visible all across Equestria. It is the signal. The signal to begin the coordinated attacks in the cities. With that Church yells and they storm the gates of Canterlot, killing Tartarus guards left and right. The Tartarus are caught completely off guard. They are slaughtered easily in there surprise and within the first five minutes of the attack half of the Canterlot guard is killed off. The battle is quickly making it's way towards the palace as the street guards are killed off in the surprise attack. Everything is going as planned.


Darkheart could feel her own seal burning in pain. She fell down on her knees and clutched her heart area. It was a feeling she had never felt before... Love. Not the kind of love she was used too like fake love used to make people do her bidding. This was... True... And a second feeling was creeping it's way in. Yet another emotion that was foreign to her mind. Regret. She had no regrets in killing Windscar. What she had done was right. She was trying to protect Surge from any more... Emotional pain. But what she was regretting... Was hurting Surge. It was what she said to hurt him. She wanted to take it back but she couldn't it. She stands up again before the doctor realizes something is wrong and calmly out of the room, it still ablaze behind her. She wanted to make things right with Surge... But her seal told her he had none of the same wishes. She simply walks up behind him and turns him around, not shocked to see tears in his eyes. She speaks calmly but sternly. Surge... Can we talk?


Luna looks at her older sister and appreciates her support but brushes Celestia off. Luna could not and would forgive herself for what had been done. She had driven him to do this to himself. It was her fault and she would never live it down. She then turns to Celestia and decides she would take the support. Luna awkwardly embraces Celestia at first but it turns into a warm hug and Luna begins to weep relentlessly one her shoulder. Thank you Tia... I... I don't know what would do if you weren't here... But I can't... It's my fault he's gone... I... I can no longer feel White Wind within him...


As Applejack closes the portal behind her she turns to the soldiers she had been granted. Hardened men but looked like city slickers to her. She walks by each of them, looking every single one dead in the eye, trying to make them out to see how they would fare. She is surprised to see none of them flinched or moved a muscle, except for one little eye twitch. Ahright boys! Who's ready to kick some Tartarus flank? They yell out cheers. Good! Cus I ain't dealing with no weak links ya here me? They all nod in agreement. She sees one back away slightly out of nervousness. And who do you think you are? Are ya weak? Are ya gonna gove up Equestria because you ain't strong enough cus you can go right back to where you came from if you ain'y give it your all! Ya here me? Ugh... Yes Ma'am! Good! Now get ready! Church should give us the signal any moment! As if on cue the flare shoots into the sky and the soldier yell as they storm the street of Hoofington, slaughtering Tartarus left and right. In their surprise the Tartarus had no time to react and were killed off easily. The battle was going well. Applejack just hopes the battles are doing well for her friends.

Edited by MJP2010
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Diehard happy to see FS's reaction. Im so glad to hear that FS. There is nothing more that i could ask for but to fight by your side. So shall we? They walk through the portal to Ponyvill. They are in the underground base. Are you guys ready? Yes sir. Everyone is in position. Good we attack at the signal. They go up top and see that the town is empty just as they planed. Good this way no bystanders will be harmed. The flare goes up. There it is. You ready for this Fluttershy? He asked just before he kicked open the door.


PP and R got to Manehatten. As they stepped out PP was doing her hop like always. Ok you guys things are about to get real crazy out there. So i hope you are ready for anything. Alright all of you be ready. And watch the skies for the signal. They look at the other strong holds from the tallest building. Everyone was in place. Just then a flare went up. Ok.....LETS PARTY!!!!!! PP said as she took to the skies and dove down killing a guard where he stands. CHARGE!!!! Troops poor out of every building into the streets. The Tartarus troops did not know what to do.


Razor and the other troops went back out to the lab half of the factory. Ok guys. I have no idea what that thing was down there. But i do know we cant let it get free. And as much as we need this eco for after the war we need to blow up this lab. Help me set some charges. The other troops outside saw the flare go up. Its time. We will have to start without Razor. Lets go now!. The troops fly from everywhere raining down on Cloudsdale.


Down in the lab an alarm goes off. LIGHTING WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? We must be under attack my Lord. Ill turn the factories air defense on. YES DO THAT NOW. AND WAKE THIS THING UP. ITS TIME WE SHOW THEM TRUE POWER. It answers to your voice and yours only. With that SM flies up to the things face. VEGNAGUN.....AWAKEN......


The machine starts to move. Its legs open and it spreads it wings, spewing dark eco from them. It raises its head and looks at SM. VEGNAGUN......ACTIVATED......MASTER.... GOOD. LIGHTING OPEN THE HATCH.



Celestia just hugs Luna. She knew she could not help him or Luna. All she could do was be there for Luna. Just then she sees a bright flash in the sky and hears yelling and the sound of swords clashing. What is going on out there? She walks to the window and sees there is an uprising down in Canterlot. What is this? Is that Church? Hes still alive?


Abyss hears the alarm go off. Well well well. It seems like the day has finally come. They have come out of hiding. Well DW it looks like you have a chance to redeem yourself. Go out and stop this foolishness. As he pulls himself from the ground. Yes mother. Ill take care of this. As he gets to the Palace gate he sees Canterlot on fire. His troops dieing left and right. The one pony in golden armor with the four ecos in it caught his eye. Well well....If it aint my old friend Church. I knew this day would come again. But this time he dies. Deep in DW's mind a small foal WW was there. Where am i? Why do i feel so cold? What is this place? Wait....wheres Luna?


Surge looks down at DH. His eyes still with a few tears in them. He just keeps looking at her as the building behind her burns. The things that were going through his mind at the time were unlike anything he had ever thought of before. As he looked at DH he started to envision the things he could do to her right now. He thought grabbing her by the throat and squeeze the life out of her. He then thought about breaking her horn off and use it to cut her chest open and stab her in the heart with it. More thought of him killing her ran through his head as he looked down at her. He thought of skinning her alive, turning back into greed and drain all her power and then killing her with it. He wanted to throw her in that fire just to make her suffer. But he knew she could feel every bit of pain from his seal. And he hoped it hurt worse than anything she had every felt before. He wanted to raise his hoof to her and slap her clean across her face. But he was to much of a colt to put his hooves on her. He just kept giving her this cold soul piercing stare. As he took a deep breath the tears stopped....and a blood tear streaked down his face.He put his hoof over his seal as he looked at her. Then turned back around and went to the palace. He goes into the thrown room and sits in the chair that was SM's. A dark aura then starts to form around the chair and Surge. As DH walked in behind him she asked him could they talk again. He then lifts his head.One of his eyes had turned black with a bright green pupil. Looking at DH with that one blood tear staining his fur under his eye and down his cheek. Then in a voice DH had never heard from him before. What do you want. His voice was almost like that of SM. Well...What is it.


The princess saw Jacob and his troops fall back. Quick try to cut them off while we have them on the run. I want this bastard dead for what he has done to my home. They chase Jacob through the ashes of the still burning forest. Some of the moose troops take a short cut underground to head them off and cut them off. Before Jacob could get back to the docks the moose troops cut his group off. They were surrounded. The moose's formed a circle around them. Then the princess walked through them and looked at Jacob. I told you i would catch you....And now....im going to kill you.As she looked him dead in the eye.

Edited by Diehard
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