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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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"Yes princess, im ready" "Lets do this!!!" replied Rainbow Dash. They prepared themselves for the battle.


Jacob looked at Abyss and Darkheart " Princess's if I may make a suggestion I think we should you the elements of Chaos now. All the elements are present." Jacob awaited their response.

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Darkheart looks at and Jacob and responds. Now is not the time Jacob. The elements will decide for themselves when the time is right. They will send us a sign when it is time. For now you clean up the rest of the guards. Leave the civilians as we will need some subjects. As for you Surge good job. Bring the army through. Once they are through I want you to position them around the palace so that no pony can escape. When both of you are done I want you to regroup with Abyss and I at the gates. After they leave Darkheart looks at her sister. We will make father proud sister.


Church paces around anxiously and looks over at Razor and Die Hard. They have each other. He looks at the mane six and they too had each other. Even the princesses had each other to look out for each others backs. Who did Church have? He wishes his wife was here. Together they would fight but right now... he felt alone. He simply sighs and stares at the door, waiting for the Tartarus. He thinks to himself. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to die in this battle. I've had enough of living without my wife. He wishes the others truly knew how much he hated living. The only reason he lives is because he knows it's what his wife would want... And because he knows she still lives, and when he is done with this battle he planned in taking a prisoner secretly against the princesses orders so he could interrogate them. He has reason to believe that they know what his wife is. He looks around at everyone. Get ready.

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Surge and Shining Armor have their troops at the ready.

Troops ready! Shields up! Spears down! And charge!!!!

Troops ready! Shields up! Spears down! And charge!!!!

The two armies charge at each other and clash. They fight in the most savage way. Swords cross, arrows fly, shields clash, and blood is shed. The two forces fight hours. Then... Thats it. Im going in. It looks like someone wants to play. The two charge at each other on the battle field. You will not take my home from me. You dont even know the meaning of loss. As they continue to fight. Abyss looks to Darkheart. Where is your pet my dear sister?


Celestia looks to Church and sees the down look on his face. My dear Church what is on your mind? Yes is there anything we can do for you?


Im going to take to the skies and get an over head view of what they are doing. Diehard and Razorwing lock hooves. Be careful up there brother. And come back to me in one piece . Ill be back in no time. Razor flies off. Be safe my brother.


In the darkness of Abyss White Wind is gaining his strength. Soon i will be ready. Soon i will have my power back. Soon...I....Will.....Kill....CHURCH!!! Just then Abyss feels a slight pulse within her body. She smiles and grabs her stomach. Easy my child. You will have you fun in due time.

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Jacob went into the ruins of Canterlot. He yelled "EQUESTRIANS SOLDIERS COME OUT AND DIE !!!" Jacob began killing off the remenants of the remaining soldiers. He shot out giant fireballs with his magic, burning alive his ennemis. One of the ponie's dodged Jacob's magic and began stabbing him. Jacob laughted as his wounds heal. "I can hardly feel that. This armor is amazing but I would expect no less from Slender Mane." Jacob grabbed the pony by the throat and sucked the very life from him.


The mane six could hear the fighting going on outside. Twilight was worried about her brother "Shinning Armor please come back alive."

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Darkheart looks at Abyss. If you are referring to Deathdealer then he is likely inside the palace, waiting to fight us. And if you are referring to my dragon... Tears swell in her eyes. My dragon is dead. He was killed off by a dragon of theirs however he did not die in vain. Their dragon Spike was killed in the process. Now come. While the armys are at bay we should head towards the palace.


Church was zoned out for a moment thinking about his wife and his plan but is brought back to reality when the princesses ask him the question. He can't lie to them. They would see right through him. My ladies... I have never felt so alone in my life. It seems everyone here has their loved ones to aid and support them... yet my loved one is lost. Gone. And I am alone. However I feel there is hope. I have reason to believe that they might know where my wife is. If you would allow may I take one prisoner from battle to interrogate? I beg of you... It is the only hope I have left to feel love again...

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Celestia smiles at Church. Give me two seconds. Walks to the window and picks up a trataren troop and squeezes him with her magic. Ahhhggg let me go you whore of light! Now thats not a nice thing to say to the person who holds your life in their hooves. Oh Church i have something for you. She said with an evil look on her face. Tia what are doing now? This is one of the only things i can do to help right now. The other way takes to long. Here you go Church. And have fun.


As Surge and Shining Armor fought they were fighting to kill. Shining Armor sees an opening and uses his magic to pull Surge closer. Now iv got you tartaren. You are a great fighter and i would hate to kill my friends father. But its all in the name of Equestria. Puts his blade to Surge's neck. Darkheart can feel something on her neck as well. But before i kill you i want to know your name. Surge drops his head and smiles. I....am Surge. General of the Tartarus Dark Army. And im not dieing today......You are! With that he calls Darkheart in thought. My lady. Use you force push through me. With that Darkheart focuses on Surge's heart and lets out a dark push through him, knocking Shining Armor off of him. Surge jumps on SA and pins him to the ground and cuts off his horn. Aaaaahhhgggg!!! My horn! Surge puts his blades to SA's neck. I will remember our fight SA. And i will tell your wife and sister you loved them. With that he cuts SA's head clean off. He sees Darkheart behind him and bows to her. Thank you for your help.


Razor saw what his father did and had to get back to the palace. Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! SA has fallen! The tartarus forces are at the palace gate!

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Twilight heard what Razor said. "Shining Armor...no." Twilight didnt feel sad this time, all she felt was an endless amount of rage building inside her. She wanted to kill all the Tartarus soldiers. She was walking toward the palace gate getting ready to take on the entire Tartarus army by herself. Fluttershy got in front of Twilight. "Fluttershy get out of my way...im going to kill them all." "No Twilight your going to get yourself killed."


Jacob just finished off the last of the soldiers in the ruins of Canterlot. He went to go meet up with Darkheart and Abyss.

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Darkheart looks at Surge. I expect more from you Surge. He was weaker than you. You should not have needed my help but I will forgive you. You're welcome. Now leave your army to fight and come to my side. Jacob should be finishing shortly. Here he is now. With Jacob at Abyss's side and you at my side we will be unstoppable. Not to mention the concealed surprise that Abyss has waiting for them. Now we move forward.


Church stares at what the princess is doing and is a bit repelled at her aggression but she granted his wish and he nods. Thank you my princess. I will be in the basement of the palace with our friend here. Send Nova to me if I'm needed. Church's horn is fully functional again so he teleports himself and the prisoner to the basement and straps him to a table. Hello my friend. I really don't want to kill you as I am generally peaceful however your princesses have managed to anger me. My name is Captain Church and I will be the last pony you ever see if you do not tell me when my wife is NOW.

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prisoner to the basement and straps him to a table.


(OCC cupcakes much :P )

Pinkie was helping Fluttershy hold Twi back. Fluttershy is right Twi. If you go out there mad your thoughts wont be straight and you wont fight right. Plus we need you here for the EOH to work. They are right dear. We need you to be here for everyone. You will have your retribution in time dear.


At this time the Tartarus forces were at the front gate. Abyss taps it with her hone and can feel some kind of force field around it. Lighting! Can you take care of this please. Yes my Lady. Lighting then pulls out an all black gem and throws it at the field. Corrupt.. As the gem hits the field it sends out a shock wave that starts to rip open the field. As the field slowly fell Abyss could see the mane palace. There were some Troops inside the gate. Jacob, Lighting, Surge.......Kill'em. All three of them charge and start killing off all that get in their way. Abyss looks to Darkheart. We are so close my sister. I can feel victory in our hooves.


Down in the basement of the Palace Church was doing unspeakable things to the tartarus troop. Is that all you got........Iv been bit by.....parasprites.....stronger than you. You will never get me to talk.......NEVER!

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"I want to kill them... but your right. " Twilight stop forcing she calmed down. "I'll let them come to me, then we'll use the elements."


Jacob, Lighting and Surge finished killing the soldiers guarding the entrance. As they moved in they saw that the hall split off into two sections. "Damn it, my spies never did come back to give us a report on the palace's layout...Lighting go with Surge to the left. I'll take the right." Slender Jacob walked down the path to the right hoping he would find someone strong to test just how powerful he was.

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Church looks at the prisoner with very serious eyes. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you tell me where my wife is now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will torture you, I will destroy all you hold dear, and I will kill you. Church waits for a response. (OOC: Yay for ripping off movies! :P )


As soon as Surge, Jacob, and Lightning took off into the castle, Abyss and Darkheart entered also. They could sense what room the princesses of light were in. The begin to run towards them. They burst into the room see them. Abyss you should take your twin, Celestia. I will take Luna. Perhaps having your, child, with you during battle isn't the best idea. Perhaps you should let him out?

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Abyss and Darkheart stood there looking at their twins. This is it sister. This is the moment we have been waiting for. And just think, we started in the scorched lands and marched a path across the world and are now taking on the most powerful kingdom in the world.Just then WW speaks to Abyss. Mother...I am ready. And i can feel him. He is close by.....Church is here. Let me fight mother. I am ready to fight. Abyss rubs her stomach Very well my child. It is your time to play. Abyss opens a portal on her stomach to the blackest parts of her soul. Two red glowing eyes looked out from the darkness and a white cloud came out of her. The cloud started to take shape. In a dark voice. I live again. Now to find Church. The EOH stood in his way Do you really think you can stop me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WW turns into his aura and phases right through them. YOU ARE MINE CHURCH!! Abyss and Darkheart stare down their other half's. So Celestia are you ready for this?


Surge and Lighting make their way down the hall and run into Nova. Hello sister. Hello brother. Surge you keep going ill take care of this one. Fine. Have fun then. Nova and Lighting stare and circle each other. So i see you changed your name Flare. I dont go by that name anymore. And you are not my brother anymore. Fine then lets fight. The two start throwing magic gems, potions, and weapons at each other. I see you have learned some new tricks. As have you. As the fight goes on, down the other hall Jacib runs into some old friends. From the side of the hall. Hows it going Jacob? Charging at Jacob from above and lands in front of him. I told you we would meet again. And now.....You have to fight the both of us. As they walk in a circle around Jacob.


Celestia and Luna look back at their darker half. EOH. Stand back. Yes this is our fight.

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Jacob laughed "Im doing just fine and so is your father...I couldnt think of a better fight because this fight has aready happend in the past when Surge fought against Slander Mane... And now his sons will fight agaisnt Slender Mane's armor, but the end result will be diffrent. This time Slender Mane's power will win." Slender Jacob began shooting dark energie blast's at the brothers.

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Darkheart stands away from her sister and begins to approach Luna. You have no Idea how long I've been waiting for this my twin. I wish I could say the same. With that Luna blasts a force push at Darkheart and then while she is stumbled she hits her with a fire ball. Darkheart stumbles back and when the smoke clears Luna can see that Darkheart barely took damage. Hmm. This is going to be a great battle. One that will be recorded in history. I agree. It's too bad that you won't be alive to remember it. With that Darkheart begins her barrage.


Church is beginning to lose patience with the Tartarus prisoner. It appears they had been trained to the extreme not to say anything. Just then he hears the commotion upstairs and knows that it's time. Very well. If you are no use to then you will die. You should have heeded my warning. As soon as Church kills him off, WW breaks through the roof and knocks Church to the ground. What the? WW? How are you alive? I've killed you twice now! No matter. You know what they say. Third time's the charm. Church begins to run for the stairs, hoping to lose him in the labyrinth that is the palace basement. If he can make it upstairs he can fight WW directly.

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As Luna and Darkheart fought Celestia and Abyss Circle. So you just think you can walk into my country, start a war, and walk into my palace trying to dethrone me. You are dead wrong. Oh my dear sister you have no idea. I have come here do to do more than dethrone you. Im here to make you one with me. The two of them clash in the middle of the room sending out a powerful shock wave that blew out all the windows. As they stalemate they take to the skies and destroy to roof as they fight.


Surge walks into the main hall where the princesses he sees the EOH. He walks in slowly. So.....You are the six EOH. I would have never guessed it would be a bunch of young mares. But no matter. Witch one of you is Twilight Sparkle? Twi steps forward. Surge shakes his head and reaches in his bag and pulls out SA head and tosses it to her feet. I promised him i would tell you and and his wife he loved you. Your brother fought with honor and i am glad he died by my hand. The girls looked at the head then back to Twi and could the pure anger on her face. If you wish to fight me i am ready. And i will fight all of you with everything iv got. Now.....Lets do this.


Razor and Diehard split up and attack Jacob from both sides. Jacob opens a portal that warps them to opposite side of him. This is going to take forever. Razor i have an idea but it will only work once. What you got man? Regroup. Jacob was just siting there plotting. Razor and Diehard look at Jacob and see a blade in his hoof that some strange aura coming off of it. What is that? Just then Diehard feels something cut him on the arm. What the buck was that? Jacob just stands there and smiles.


WW chased Church and caught up to him. Standing in front of Church. Church my dear friend how are you doing? Its been to long since you killed me....twice. So my friend are you ready to settle this like a real colt, or do you want to kill me in my sleep again? Oh wait let me close my eyes first. But on a real note lets go have some fun. WW turns into his Aura form and jumps on Church sending them to the black void again. In a echoing voice. Now last time you were here i was not at my full power. But this time. Walks out of the blackness. We can have all the fun we want.

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Darkheart gives it all she has. She continues to throw magic at Luna but Luna keeps the spell at bay with a shield spell. When Darkheart finally finishes she is surprised to see that Luna is unscathed. You are well trained Luna. I didn't expect must resistance I will admit. Then you have deeply underestimated me. I'll show you my power. Luna sends a bolt of magic at Darkheart and Darkheart casts one at the same time. Their two magic streams lock and now it's a force of the most powerful magic as Luna's light stream fights against Darkheart's stream of darkness.


Church remembers the void. His memories there were not fond though. Church laughs at White Wind's remark. Ha! You're telling me to fight like a colt! Seems reasonable coming from the one who had to be saved by his mother three times. For the record in our first I killed you fair in square. the second I was just trying to keep you dead as you seem to be terrible at dying. I guess it's a good thing your mamma's boy. Otherwise we wouldn't be fighting this battle. I'm sorry White Wind when was the last time you killed me? But enough talk. I've made my point. It's time for you to die... again... for the fourth time. With that Church begins to bombard White Wind with fire balls.

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WW stands there as the fireballs come his way. All of them go right through him. WW looks at shock on Church's face. Whats wrong? Mad im not even burned? Have you forgotten where you are? This is my domain. This is my world. Making more copies of himself. Here i can do any thing. I can be me. I can be you. Clone turns into Church. I can be anyone i want to be. Each clone turns into a different person. Even.....Your Wife. WW turns into Church's wife Blue Moon. So tell me Church can you.......Fight me now? Or all of us for that matter? All the clones turn into Blue moon. Come on Church. Lets fight. Two clones charge at Church.

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Twilight only felt anger and cried. "WHY...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT SURGE...WERE YOU LYING BACK WHEN YOU TOLD ME, YOU DIDNT WANT ME OR MY FRIENDS TO EXPERIENCE WAR... WERE YOU PLOTTING WITH TARTARUS FROM THE BEGINING." Twilight shot a huge bolt of lightning from her horn trying to kill Surge.


Jacob was enjoying himself. "Is something wrong, Diehard. Hahhahhaha!...Im going to rip both of you into pieces."

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Church looks around at all of the clones and trys to figure out a strategy to pick out the real one. He had no problem with killing the clones as they were not even real. It was just like the apparition ha saw of his wife last time he was in the void only this time he wasn't holding back. He notices that all of the clones are very. very slightly transparent and there is one that stuck out who was solid. He shoots at that one. Taste my lightning!

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WW moves to the side. Oooo nice shot. You found me. But since you have no problem fighting your fake wife. The black void stretches down the hallway. Lets see how you fair watching your real wife suffer. With that frames pop up on the wall. Each one was a day that his wife spent in Tartarus. Lets see now it all started with the day we took over your town. Church looks into frame as it starts playing the memories through his wife's eyes. How do i know your not one of them now! How do i know that im really your "wife"! You could just be saying that so you can kill me like the others out there! Well im not falling for that! Bye Church! The frame stops and church just looks at it. And to think all you were trying to do was help her. Shall we look at another? I think yes. The next frame showed the day she walked into the Tartarus territory. Church! Church where are you? Im scared Church and i want to go home. WW drops down in front of her. Oh my god! Who are you? Can you help me sir? I think im lost and i dont know where i am or how i got here. WW walks up to her and looks down on her with his blank eyes( at this time WW had not learned speech yet). He puts his horn to her head and puts her to sleep. Frame stops. Ahh yes i remember that day. It was my first mission on my own. Good times. As Church looks at more frames his wife's memories get more and more painful for him to watch. Church where are you! Church save me! Church help! Help me please! Somepony save me! Church! Her screams of pain echoed in Church's head. Church....help..me......Church.....where are you?.......Come for me church.......Church....i.....i....love you.......i know....you will...come...for me........Now Church i will say this, you wife has a strong heart. Very strong will. She would never give up or break no matter what we did to her. But then this day came. A giant frame came out of the blackness. This day was the day i think we broke her for good. As the memory plays it shows Abyss, Darkheart, DD, and WW enter the room. Are you ready to give in to the darkness yet? I....will...never....give in....to you. Church....will find me......And when he does....He will.....kill you....all of....you. Very well then. I would hate to have to do this to you but i dont want to want to kill....yet. White Wind. Death Dealer. Do as you wish to her. And be sure to have fun. Oh and Blue Moon do take it easy on WW its his first time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The door closes. What are you doing? No. Stay away from me! Stay away! Dont make this any harder than it already is. I to am being forced to do this. Then why dont you stop this? Because...I must do as i am told. DD straps her into a harness where she cant move at all. DD puts a muzzle on her and right before he blindfolds her. Please forgive me for this. Puts the blindfold on. He then nods at WW and turns to the door. All you could hear was heavy breathing and crying. Then....silence. And then a loud muffled scream of pain and terror echoed through the palace. A few hours later Abyss and Darkheart came back. All they see is Blue Moon strapped to the harness and WW dismounting her as Abyss waved her hoof. So are you ready to talk? Blue Moon could not speak. She did not say anything. DD checked for her pulse, she was still alive. They took her blindfold off and could see that the lights had left her eyes. She had been broken. DD unstrap her. As the straps come off she falls to the floor. Her body twitching a bit from what had just happened. We will come back in the morning when she has had more time to think.Come WW. Did you have fun my child? Yes my Lady. (this takes place before Abyss starts calling herself mommy). As the door closed behind them Blue Moon was speaking in a low voice. Church...save me.....church....saveme.....church....save me.........church...save me.The frame sinks back into the darkness. Church had teras running down his face as his body shook. That was one of the best moments of my past life. She screamed and screamed and scremed but back then i did not konw what stop ment unless Abyss told me to. But even after all of that she still called for you. But you never came. You were her last light of hope. But that light slowly faded away. HAHAHAHAHA! Oh whats wrong Church? Mad that yu could not save her? Oh but wait theres more. Just look at all these other frames. Do you know what she does now? A new fram shows up. Oooo this must be from today. It shows Blue Moon walking to the trown room of the palace. And she just sits there awaiting orders. She is now the personal slave to the princesses. She is so brain washed and broken that she does her job even when nobody is home. The Blue Moon you once knew in no more Church. And it looks like her mouth is moving. Do you want to know what she is saying Church? Here listen closly. This is the only thing she has ever been able to say every since that day. In a very low voice. Church save me. Where are you church? Have you forgoten me Church? Im all alone Church. Your never coming to save me Church. Farewell Church. Church save me. Where are you church? Have you forgoten me Church? Im all alone Church. Your never coming to save me Church. Farewell Church. Church save me. Where are you church? Have you forgoten me Church? Im all alone Church. Your never coming to save me Church. Farewell Church. And thats all she says every day all day. You let her down Church. You gave up on her. Just face it. Whispers in his ear. You. Failed. Her.


Surge moves out of the way of the bolt. It still nicked his face. Now if i was with tartarus from the begining you and your friends would have been dead a week ago. I had no choice but to join them. It was eather them.....or my sons life. But now....i have no sons. I have no family. I fight for whats in my heart. Pulling his vest down he shows the seal of darkness over his heart. This who i am now. It is what i am. Darkheart and i are in a since one now. As much as teh old me regreats doing this i did what i had to do to save my family. Just your brother did. He did what he had to do to protect his family. Now i can clearly see that you want to fight. Pulling out his hoof blades. Very well then. Lets go.


Razor felt something cut his back leg to. Ahg bitch! What was that? Diehard looks at what Jacob is holding. So i see Lighting finished her Shadow Blade. In Razor's ear. Dude we need to get to an open area where there are no shadows. Ok so what are we waiting for lets go. But first, you got and flash bangs on you. All the time. They both throw the flash bangs taking out the shadows and stuning Jacob. Run to the courtyard. Running down the hall.


Abyss and Celestia were clashing like the gods of the old days. They both throw light and dark spells at each other. I see you have learned some new tricks since last we met. I can see you have not changed since we went to school together. They clash horns again. Why did you not join me in my studies? I coud ask you the same thing. They both break into a sconic boom.


Lighting and Nova where evenly matched and running out of items. You dont have to do this Flare. Things can go back to the way they were. Pulling out a Shadow Blade. I told you. My Name is Not FLARE! She slames the blade into the ground. As spikes form in the shadow under Nova they shoot up impailing him. As he coughf up blood. Why......Flare.......We could have Lighting walks up to him lifting his head. Because im just what our family said i would be. A Bad Girl. Goog bye brother. She pulls the spikes out of him and walks off as he bleeds out. With his last breath. I....love....you.....Flare.............................Lighting stops for a sec and drops her head. Then she continues to walk away, with a trail of tears fallowing her. I loved you too........Nova.

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Luna and Darkheart's magic battle continue. Luna gives it all she has but Darkheart's stream of darkness begins to push through. She continues to put on the pressure. You are a good opponent my twin but the time has come for you to fall. Darkheart's stream continues to push inwards on Luna's stream and Luna's stream is very short now. It will only be a matter of seconds before Darkheart would prevail. As Darkheart's stream eventually pushed through and made contact with Luna's horn, Luna was sent flying across the room. She was pounded into a wall and cracks formed in the wall around her. I... I still have fight in me... In the ways of old she yells. BRING IT ON! Darkheart simply laughs. You have lost my twin but I was hoping there would be some way for me to keep you alive. I guess I was wrong. You are willing to fight to the death just for these mortals? YES! I WILL ALWAYS AND FOREVER FIGHT FOR EQUESTRIA AND HER PEOPLE! I WILL DIE BEFORE GIVING UP! Very well... Than so be it. Darkheart begins to barrage Luna once again in magic.


After what he was shown Church is on his knees. He is crying and feels like dying in that very spot. I... I never meant for any of this to happen my love... I wanted us to live in peace... I... I failed you... He begins to cry some more. I swear to Celestia I looked for you... I did... I searched all of the world for you. But you weren't in this world... Just then Church feels something inside of him. It wasn't sadness or regret. It was something he had never felt before. A kind of anger. Church had felt anger before but this... This was more powerful than anything he had ever encountered. He could feel the anger running through him, powering his magic another 10 fold on top of his armour. And then he felt love. He knew where his wife was... And no one would stop him. Slender Mane himself could not stand in his way. Church's eyes and then his entire body begins glow. His voice remains the same but it sounds like it is being multiplied, as if 10 Church's were talking at the same time. When he looks up at White Wind his iris's and pupils and his entire eye is glowing in white. You... You are the one who took my wife? You have made a dire mistake this moment in history White Wind. You have angered me far more than anything I have ever felt before. This may be your domain... BUT THIS IS MY WORLD! THIS IS MERELY AN ILLUSION OF THE MIND! AND IT'S MY MIND! With that Church's horn glows uncontrollably and a massive flash of blinding light flashes and when it clears, the darkness is gone and they are back in the basement. You have made the biggest mistake of your life showing me that White Wind. Not only have you given me more than enough reason to decimate you, but you have shown me the location of my wife... AND NO MAGIC ON THE WORLD OR HELL CAN STOP ME! NOW YOU WILL DIE FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST THE WORLD! BE GONE WHITE WIND! I'LL BE SURE TO TELL ABYSS YOU LOVED HER... BEFORE I BOIL HER BLOOD FOR DOING WHAT SHE DID TO MY WIFE! With that Church's uses yet another Purity Cannon, Only this time it is overpowered to the maximum. He blasts it into WW's face and when the light dims down, the basement is almost gone. The castle suddenly becomes severely unstable as all of the supports were in the basement. Now to find my wife. With that he teleports himself to Black Water city. As he stands in front of the portal to Tartarus he thinks to himself. My wife is in there... And I will stop at nothing to find her. I hope Abyss felt what I did to WW. I certainly did. With that he rushes into Tartarus.

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As the dust clears from where WW was standing a cloud of white and black aura appear. Ouch. That hurt.Oh crap im still alive. this new body rocks. Oh so it looks like somepony is on his way home. You may find her church, but it wont be what you want. HAHAHAHAHA. Now how do i get my body back? Just then he sees lighting walking down the hall. Lighting. ligting! A lil help here. Lighting looks at the aura. WW is that you? Let me guess you got blown up again? Yea that Church guy loves to do that. So how do i get my body back? Just try to focus on your body. And you know you could have just changed into this form so he would not kill you. So now you tell me. Well i got to get to Tartarus. Someone is trying to take something back. Ill go with you. They open a portal to the throne room of the palace. Ha shes still here. Blue Moon was still sitting there awaiting orders. Well while you make your body im going to get some stuff from my lab. Yea you do that. Now lets see new body, new body. Ok lets do this. As WW sits in his seat he starts to regenerate his body. About an hour later Church Barges through the front door covered in blood from all the guards he just killed. And it was as if he had seen a ghost. WW was back and had something under his wing. Hello again....Church. Ya'know you have a real bad habit of blowing me up. So here's what im going to do. Church starts to charge another attack. I would not do that if i were you. Lifting up his wing to show Blue Moon. He puts a knife to her neck. Now here's what i want to do. I want to make you a deal. If you try to attack me she dies so listen up. Here is what i want to do. I want you to drop your weapons and leave this war, i will let you have you wife back, plus ill even give you the spell to fix her mind along with the potion for it. But....If you try anything slick i will kill her where she stands. And all you will have left in this world is me. And the fact that no matter how many time you kill me ill keep coming back. So tell me. Will you drop your weapons and forget about this war and run somewhere far away from here? Or will you have to loose everything your world stands for again? The choice is yours. Church stops his spell and stares down WW. Just think about it Church. You could start a family again. And she will remember nothing that has happened over the past few years. It will be as if she was sleep. So whats it going to be? Her? Or Me?

Edited by Razorwing
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Fluttershy timidly said "let's use the elements of harmony it might bring Surge back to his normal self. " As they were about to use the elements Surge changed at Rainbow Dash with his his hoof blades. Rainbow Dash flew back at the last moment and doged. "haha to slow you missed me." As Rainbow Dash looked at Surge she saw that he was holding her element of harmony. Twilight shot a fire blast near Surge's feet. "Give Rainbow Dash her element back or else i'll kill you. " Twilight didnt care weather or not Surge died. After he showed her brother's head she just wanted to see him dead but she knew that getting the elements of harmony was the top priority.



Jacob was blinded by the flash bangs. After he could see again, he chased them down the hall as they went into the courtyard. He looked at the new surrounding's in the courtyard and saw that there were no shadows. "It looks like you finally caught on."

Edited by giordano
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Surge ducks and doges Twi's attacks. Putting the EOH in his bag. If you want it come get it. Rarity starts to use her gem magic on the jewels in the palace. Dodging the gem spikes coming at him. Just then they feel an explosion from under the palace. Whoa what was that? And is it just me or the world tilting side ways? On Pinkie the palace is falling over. Ill go see what i can do. Rarity took AJ down to the big gaping hole in the side of the palace. Oh my. This is going to need my best gem magic. Come on AJ ill need your help. They go down to the basement. Surge still looking at Twi, PP, RD, and FS. So ladies, are we going to dance or what?


DH whispers to RW. Ok we got him out here. Just watch out for any dark spots out here. Alright gotcha. Also, i want to try that sealing spell dad did on SM. Since he has on SM's armor it should work, and it might take Jacob with him. Ok man im game. Just tell me what to do. Here you take these blades. We need to place them in a circle around him. So try to keep him in this spot. Hands Razor the blades. Alright lets do this. Ok. You go that way ill go this way. As the two circle around Jacob, Jacob whats till they get just at the right spot. He then throws two knives at them and they both hit in the same spot. Ah Buck! What did you do to us? Ah Buck! What did you do to us? They start making the same movements and saying the same thing at the same time. Jacob just sits there with a smirk on his face.

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How the buck are you alive? I've killed you three times now... Church got down on his knees. He was so delighted to have found his wife... but at such a great cost. He solemnly thinks. Should I take the deal? Celestia is counting on me to return. Everyone is... But this is what I've been searching for my entire life... And I'm not going to pass it up now. Church lifts his head at WW, tears still in his eyes. I agree... I will put down my weapons... I will cease to fight this very war right now... Just please give me my wife back... I'm begging... Though I have one request. If she is going to be normal than I want her to remember everything... I want to be there for her... We can't just sit here pretending nothing happened. She deserves to know the truth. And I'll be there every step of the way to help her through it. Please teach me the fixing spell... But don't give me the memory wiping potion. We won't need it. You have my word that I will not step hoof in this war again...
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