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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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As Surge and Darkheart walked to what was the war room he takes a seat and sighs. Well my past is an epic of war, blood, and pain. There are very few moments of happiness, but when i had them they out weighed all the bad. Surge then starts to tell Darkheart about his life. (door shuts and fade to black)


Damien shook his head at the news. Sigh....I feared this day would come. I have been preparing for this day since Slender was banished. I was the one who taught Surge how to do so. but anyway there is only one to stop Slender Mane. You are all the EOH, and you will all need something stronger than just your element itself. And i will need to finish Celestia and Luna's armor now. This may take a while, So you six should train here in my catacombs. As he clapped his hooves the gems in the walls lit up. And as more of them lit up they revile a battle dome. I would get started if i were you. (fade to black)


Razor and Diehard nod their heads on there own. Thanks Zecora. Well Church whatever you got planed we're right behind you. ( fade to black)


Slender looks at the expression on Jacobs face. NOW, SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO. AND THEN THE TRAINING CAN BEGIN. Jacob formed his shadow wings and tried to do the same thing, but it was not as powerful as Slender's. YOU MAY BE STRONG, BUT YOU HAVE MUCH TO LEARN. They both fly off into the darkness. (fade to black)


Abyss took Celestia and Luna to their rooms. Abyss looked around. I will let you keep your rooms, and i will not change them. You can thank me latter. As she walks out. Oh and Tia.....You still are my PSF. (fade to black)



The war was over. Tartarus had won and the darkness spreed. The sun goddess Celestia had fallen, and the dark goddess Abyss had taken Equestria. Slender Mane the Father of Darkness walked the earth again. But their conquest did not stop there. The kingdom of darkness now stretches from the Scorched Lands to Canida. It has been two years under the dark rule of Tartarus. Life is hard, it rains blood and fire on a good day, and all hope was lost long ago. But in the dark kingdom things could not be any better.


Abyss drops down into her courtyard. All around her bow down. Abyss had become much stronger. Her strips emitted a black and red aura from them, her mane was of pure darkness and lost souls, and everywhere she walked the ground would burn and then regrow as a dark eco plant. Ahhhhhh....What a wonderful day for darkness. Oh Tia where are you? Celestia flew out to her mistress. Her coat was of a gray shade, her mark was now a faded sun, her mane and tail were black and white now. Her horn was kept filed down so she would not challenge her lady. You called me my Lady? Yes where is WW? He is with Lord Slender Mane my Lady. Thank you Tia. Now walk with me.


Up in a new tower Darkheart and Surge were looking out at the new Ponyvill. Darkheart and Surge had grown very close over the past two years. They were truly of one mind and one body now. She leaned on his shoulder. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful Surge? Yes i have. The pure darkness i see when i look into your eyes is second to nun in this world and the next. Awww. You so sweet when you speak of my darkness. She kisses his cheek. You know i never thought this would work. But i can see that i was wrong about you. Even as an element of greed it is as if we balance out each other. And let me just say. In a sadistic voice. I like you better when your greedy. Oh i bet you do. He said with the same voice. Just then Luna walked in.Here are your drinks my Lady. Thank you Luna. You may go back to your room now. Thank you my Lady. Surge whispers in Darkheart's ear. So how bout you show me why they call you the dark temptress. Darkheart smiles and pushes him to the wall. Be careful what you wish for.


Flying across the sky Slender Mane, Slender Jacob, and White Wind make their way to the palace. Slender Mane had become even more powerfull than before. He could walk through worlds at will. He feeds off the chaos in the world. Jacob landed next to him. Jacob was now a true Slender. The armor was now one with his body. His mane was of pure dark eco and his horn emitted a black haze. WW dropped down next to them. He cracked the ground aroud him. WW had grown into his final state. He was now a Slender in training. THE BOTH OF YOU HAVE MADE ME PROUD. THE WAY THE TWO OF YOU PROFORMED AT THE LAST BATTLE WAS AMAZING. YOU TWO ARE LIKE THE SONS I NEVER HAD. As they walked to the thrown room with Slender. Thank you Sir.Thank you Sir.


Lighting was at her lab in the new Cloudsdale. The rainbow factory was now a eco factory. It made all the types of eco from green to dark and even the forbiden light eco. She had much more techolagey to work with. She had improoved on her dark arts. These new eco bombs will be great for the next conquest. Is there anything i can do for you Lady Lighting? No Nova, you may rest. Thank you my Lady. Lighting had found a way to use eco to bring her brother back to life.


Down deep in the EFF Razor, Church, and Diehard were in their underground war room. Church the troops in Filly have their army ready. Good. Diehard what do you have to report? The Ponyvill army is coming together perfectly. Good. everything is almost ready. The Underground is almost ready to rise. To a new Equestria. To a new Equestria. Spike had just flown in with Zecora. He had learned how to change size at will now. We have gotten the Dragon Kingdom on our side now. Time is almost near, for the new Equestria to apear. We have planed and ploted for the last two years, now i am sure we have nothing to fear.


Down in the Catacombs Damien was just now finishing the final touches on the armors. It is done. The time has come. The girls come up from the battle dome. All of them had grown so much over the two years. The best armors in the known world are done. The EOH fail in comoarason to the power of you new armor. And Celestia and Luna's armor will alow them to take their kingdom back.


The table has been set. The war may have ended, but a new fight was just a bout to start. The true battle of light and dark was on the herizon. The fight for a new Equestria was just begining.


All Hail The Never Ending Darkness of Tartarus

All Hail The New Light of The New Equestria


Edited by Razorwing
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Church was pleased with the progress they were making. Soon their forces would be strong enough to launch an attack on Canterlot. Then we are almost set. Spike I want you to do another routine sweep of the area and make sure no Tartarus have caught onto our HQ. Razor and Die Hard, we are going on a mission. There is something I want to collect before we begin the campaign. Two years ago... When I had finally saved my wife. I swore that I would lay down my weapons. This included my apex armour. The three of us are going to retrieve it. I have a spell I have been working on for a long time to restore it. Are you with me?


As Luna returns to her room she sighs. What had become of her? Celestia and herself used to rule this land but now... they were merely servants. Her coat had also faded to a grey and had a greyish blue mane. She looks over the window like she did everyday and whispers to herself. I am so sorry Equestria...


Darkheart smiles and pushes Surge into the tower. The door closes behind them. Darkheart then remembers that she was supposed to meet Abyss in 15 minutes. Buck I'm going to be late... I'm sorry Surge but I have to go for now. Abyss and I have a meeting with our father. She kisses him on the cheek. I'll see you later. With that she runs out to meet with Abyss.

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Jacob walked to Abyss. Jacob's voice has changed into a more demonic voice in the two years "Hello princess, it has been a while, as of today your father has officially made me a true Slender."


In the two year's Twilight's magic has become more powerful. Fluttershy is still very kind but she learned to hold her emotions and know's that she will need to kill in order to bring back the old Equestria. And Rainbow Dash has become a better flyer. "All right, after two years it's finally time we'll take back Equestria." They put on their new armor.

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Slender Mane, Jacob, Abyss, and Darkheart met in the war room. It is good to see you again as well Jacob. And WW my child you have grown so much. Mommy is very proud of you. And Father i trust things in the Griffin Kingdom went well? Just then Slender tossed the head of the Griffin king on the table. Ill take that as a yes. As they all sit at the table Slender starts to talk. WE HAVE TAKEN THE NORTHERN KINGDOM AND WILL CONTINUE MOVING NORTH. looks around the table. ABYSS WHERE IS YOUR SISTER? Darkheart runs through the door. YOUR LATE BUT ANYWAY BACK TO WORK. WE ARE GOING TO START MOVING SOUTH. I HAVE HAD A TEAM WORKING ON THE ETERNITY BRIDGE. OUR NEXT TARGET IS CERVIDAS.


WW was walking through the palace. He started to think about the deal he made with Church. I hope you and your wife are nowhere near this chaos. I would hate to see such a good family stuck in such chaos. Walks to Celestia's room. She sees WW walk in. Oh its you. What do you want? Have you come to punish me? Or have you come to have your way with me like you did to Luna? WW had a scowl on his face. For your information that never happened. I would never do that to a mare of her standers. Yea right whatever. I know what i heard. WW then picked up Tia with his magic and pined her to the wall. You think you know, but you dont know. Your sister chose me after i showed her my mind. And she is one of the first to understand me. And now i will make you understand as well. As he puts his horn to her head and shows her the truth about him. No stop...i dont want this. To bad. As my slave you have to. And this will help you. Plus you will thank me latter. After a few seconds he drops her to the ground with tears in her eyes. As he walks out. Now if you dont mind im going to go see Luna. As he flies to Luna's tower he sees her in her bed crying. Luna are you ok? I saw what you did to Tia.


Surge lay there on the bed as Darkheart ran out. He starts to think on the new life he has in this dark world. Everything was perfect to him. He had power, wealth, was married to one of the Princesses of darkness, and it was all worth it. But something seemed amiss. He would start to think of his past and his boys. The life and family he use to have.He walks over to the window and looks out across the land. Sigh.....I hope you boys are ok. I feel like i turned my back on them. He starts to fight within himself. What do you mean you turned your back on them? I you had not done that they would both be dead. But i could have found a way to save them. We could have still been a family. What do you even need them for when you have all of this? You run the army of Slender Mane and the world, what more could you want? What i want...is to have my family back. Hey man why have your old family, when you could start a new one with Darkheart? The fighting in his mind stops. Sigh...I dont think im ready to be a father again. I cant bare to see one of my children get hurt. He walks back to the bed and plops down on it. Sigh...Oh boy. What am i going to do with you Surge?


Spike nodded his head and took off. Razor and Diehard said....We're with ya Church but there is one thing we need to know. Where is the Armor anyway? And just how are we going to get it?


Damien gave the girls their old elements and as they put them on he said...Elements activate. Just then their necklaces turned into a full body armor. Power inside them was so strong it had changed all of them into.....Wow. I feel......a lot taller. And hey....whats this thingy on my head? And what are these on my back? This is......unbelievable. You've turned us into.....into......Alicorns. Damien smiled as they transformed. Yes i have. The power in these suits of armor are beyond that of your natural elements. Your bodies will now be able to handle the armors magic. Also you elements name has taken a change too.

Twilight you were the element of magic. But now you are the Element of Enchantment.

Rainbow Dash you were the element of loyalty. And now you are the Element of Trustworthiness.

Applejack you were the element of honesty. Now you are the Element of Forthrightness.

Pinkie Pie you were the element of laughter. From now on you will be the Element of Merriment.

Fluttershy you were the element of kindness. But you shall now be the Element of Benevolence.

And Rarity the element of generosity you are no longer. From now on you will be the Element of Openhandedness.

This is who you are and will now and forever more be when you use the Elements of Unity. As for they princesses. Goes back to two eco furriness and pulls out an armor from each one. Did you girls ever wonder where Luna got the Nightmare armor from? Well she got it from me. At the time it was not finished but she said she needed it for something big. Sigh....The Nightmare armor was never meant for evil. But anyway these are the new armors for the princesses. For Celestia, The Solar Flare Armor. And for Luna, The Lunar Eclipse Armor. Both of these armors will bring their power to that of Slender Mane and then some. As he walks back to his work station he starts to cough a lot. It seems as if my time is getting closer. Girls we must hurry to the surface. But we can not go back through the palace. Come this way. As they fallow him through the catacombs they reach a underground cave in the EFF. But they find some ponies they have not seen in a while. Girls? Is that really you? Church are you seeing this? Well well well look at you all here, grown up much you all have my dears. The elements are back and stronger than ever, i can see you are ready for our next endeavor.


(OCC i was look for a pick for this post. And now i found it)

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Rainbow Dash said "Diehard, Razorwing, Zacora, Church your all still alive, but how... the darkness spread through Equestria " Twilight saw a small purple thing standing behind Razorwing. When she got a better look she saw that it was Spike even though he was smaller she instantly knew that it was him. Tears formed around her eyes. She ran up to him and knocked him over, hugging him as hard as she could. "SPIKE YOUR ALIVE... I...CANT...BELIEVE...IT...YOUR...ALIVE." Twilight was hugging him for several minutes."IM...NEVER...GOING...TO...LET...YOU...GO...NEVER." Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tryed to pull them appart but Twilight's gripp was to strong. After, she had a moment she let him go but she was still crying of joy. "How did you survive?"



Jacob look at Slender Mane "Lord Slender Mane, if i may, I would like to test just how much stronger I have gotten in the last two years. Allow me to lead the charge at Cervidas."

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It's good to see you girls! And you too old friend. He smiles at Damien. He then considered Die Hard's Question. Church doesn't have an answer to that. Sigh... that's the thing. I don't really know. Last time I saw it it was in the Tartarus palace but it has surely been moved. I don't even know if they use that palace now that they use Canterlot. Wait... That's it! I'm willing to bet it;s in the Canterlot armoury. I can teleport all three of us there and that will allow us to bypass all if the guards. It will be dangerous though. As soon as we touch it an alarm is sure to go off and I won't have enough magic left to teleport us back out. You guys will have to defend me while I out the armour on so it will give me it's strength and I can warp us out of there. You still in?


Darkheart nods her head. Of course father... and I'm sorry for being late. It won't happen again. So what my orders today?


Luna coldly stares at White Wind. I'm not stupid you know. I have ears too and what I heard... Well it isn't forgiveable. She then begins to push WW back and back with her horn. You may think that you have won, that you are a high and mighty power, but you are a coward. You show me things and make me feel safe with myself but you are no different from the rest of them. You are just a cold hearted, evil, coward with nothing better to do than pick on people less powerful than you. You disgust me. She then spits in White Wind's face. If you lay another hoof in my sister I'll gut you.

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WW tuned his face as Luna spat on him. He whips his face off and presses his chest against Luna's horn pushing her back. So thats how you feel? You would threaten to kill me, after all iv done for you? After letting you keep your horn, making your life easier than your sisters, he starts to tear up, after showing you the real me and letting you inside my mind? Fine then....Ill be this so called coward. Ill be evil then. His chest starts to bleed as her horn breaks the skin. Ill start to push around the powerless then! Luna falls on to her bed. And as she looks in WW eyes she can see his pain. Ill be....whispers in her ear .....Cold hearted as you say i am. As he walks the the window he leaves a trail of blood dripping from his chest. Luna looks in regret at what shes done. Just so you know..... i showed her the same thing i showed you. I showed her my heart. You of all ponies should know that......his wound was still bleeding, and a tear fell from his eye as he turned to look at Luna. Should know that i have a heart. He flies off.




As Twi let Spike go he tries to catch his breath. I take it you missed me Twi. Well its a long story. But the sum of it is i fell from Cloudsdale saving Razor and the other dragon broke my fall. And i may be small right now but i can change size at will. And Twi we will catch up when i get back. Changes size. Right now i have a mission to do. Razor and Diehard went to the girls. Its so great to see you again AJ. And just so you know your family is ok. They needed the apple family to keep making food for them. And AB has grown so much, as have SB and Scoot. Diehard walks right to FS. Its nice to see you again Shy. Im glad that your safe and i see that you carry yourself in a different way now. I can see it in your eyes, your not as shy anymore. Razor looks at Diehard. Dude now is not the time for flirting. Now Church im still with you. But i still think its crazy, but i like doing crazy things. So when do we make our move?

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Darkheart nods at her father. She then flys up to the tower to get Surge. Surge! We have a mission together! She enters the tower and sees him on the bed in deep thought. She jumps on top of him. We have a mission together you and I. We are heading back to Tartarus to check up on things. If we succeed we get a "reward". That's what father said anyway. Excited? Come on then. She gets off of Surge and makes a portal to Tartarus. She then steps through and beckons Surge over.


Church get's a smile that hasn't been seen in ages. Right now. In a flash of light he teleports all of them to the Canterlot armoury. He can see the apex armour mounted on a wall. He casts his restoring spell on it. Okay guys as soon as I lay my hoof on some alarm is sure to go off. Get ready to fight. Sure enough as soon as Church takes it down an alarm sounds and they can here guards running their way. Defend me while I get this armour on!


Luna is angry with herself. She knew that White Wind meant well.... She let her emotions get the better of her. When WW picked up Celestia it reminded her of when Tartarus won and Slender Mane picked her up. It ignited the rage she felt that day and she let it out on WW. She was ashamed... She simply falls back into her bed and tries to get some sleep. She had to think.

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(OOC: cant use colors because im on my i-pod)


Jacob looked at Abyss. "Well princess during most of the war i've been using others to fight and carry out my strategies but now im strong enough to take out entire armies. So i feel glad that im going on my first solo mission but i do feel a little jelous of Surge being in charge of the entire army now. I kinda miss having soldiers charge and die at my command." Jacob heard the alarm go off. "I should probably check what that's about."


Twilight and the others waited for the others to come back. Twilight still could barely believe that Spike was alive. She spent two years morning his death.

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Surge got off the bed and got his blades off the wall. He walks through the portal and looks at the Tartarus Palace. Taking in a deep breath of the ash filled air. Tartarus is always nice this time of year. Hey you think after this we can go see New Black Water City?


Spike looks down at Twi. He lifts her head up with one of his claws and whips her tears away. I missed you too Twilight. But now we have a rebellion to run. To the new Equestria. As he files off. Spike sure has turned into quit the gentlemen over the years. I think its cool he can change sizes now. It so cool.


Abyss looks around to the towers and thinks Tia and Luna are up to something. While you do that Jacob im going to go check on my pet. Abyss takes off Tia's tower. Busting through her door. Tia! Where are you! As she looks around the room she sees Tia on the floor. Tia what are you doing? If your trying to trick me it wont work. She pick Tia up with her magic and puts her on her bed. Slapping her face. Wake up! Now what happened here? Tia snaps back to reality and grabs Abyss. Abyss WW did this to me. He showed me....he showed me his true self. Abyss raised and eyebrow at Tia and pushes her off her. What do you mean his true self? What did he show you? Celestia looked at Abyss and had to think about what she was going to do. But to avoid punishment she tells the truth. WW is not as evil as you think he is. He also has been becoming very friendly with Luna. Hes not the monster you thought you made him. Abyss force pushes Celestia across the room. How dare you speak lies on my child. You are lucky we have a mission to go on or i would deal with you right now. Now go get your sister while i find WW. She flies off. Tia goes to Luna's tower to get her. As she gets in she sees Luna on her bed with a sad look on her face. What seem to be the matter my dear sister?


Razor and Diehard get ready for the worst. They had planted some eco charges on the door so when it opens it blows up whoever walks in. You ready for this man? Yea man. I aint spend two years training for nothing. Did you bring your new toy? I never go anywhere with out it. They both pull out a short stick. It then changed into a pair of hoof blades on Diehard and a pair of wave swords for Razor. The door blows up and pony body parts fly everywhere. Alright. Here we go.

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Twilight was sad to see Spike leave again. As he was flying away she yelled "Spike come back alive no matter what." Rainbow Dash said "With a rebellion and are new armor Tartarus wont know what hit them."


Jacob made his way down to the armory. He saw some body parts of Tartarus soldiers around the ground. He also saw Razorwing and Diehard killing Tartarus troops. "Well, well if it isnt Diehard and his brother, Razorwing. I should have killed you both two years ago when I had the chance." Jacob just noticed Church. (Church, he should be dead, WW you better have a good explanation for why you lied about killing him.) Jacob charged at DH and RW.

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Razor and Diehard look and see how much Jacob has changed. Wow, i hate to say this Jacob. But i didn't think you could get any uglier. Yea hes got a point man. You looked a lot better two years ago. As Jacob charged at both of them they ready their weapons to block. As they make contact they can feel that Jacobs gotten a lot stronger. Come on man....hold your ground. Just then they both see an opening on his back. Diehard and Razor both take one blade stab Jacob in the back. But the blades go right through him and Jacob fades away. What the buck just happened? And where did he go? They look back at the door to see that Jacob had never moved. Church whatever your doing back there can you speed it up a bit? How the hell did he do that? He was just right here. Jacob just looked down at them with an evil smile on his face. Yo Diehard, be ready for anything.


As Spike takes to the skies he looks down at Ponyvill. Guard patrol was higher than normal. Something big was about to go down in Ponyvill. Just then Spike sees a flash in the distance. And then takes a hard hit to the side and is pushed through the sky. He pulls whatever it was off of him and sees its WW. What are you doing here dragon? You know you are not to be in Tartarus air space. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM DOING? IM FLYING, THATS WHAT DRAGONS DO. You are to leave this air space at once. Or suffer the consequences. He said while charging his horn. FINE IM GOING, IM GOING. As Spike flies off WW keeps his distance and fallows him. Its a good thing i lost that guy or we would be found out. Where are you going my little dragon friend? Spike made a few other stops to some other towns before returning to the cave. When he gets back WW tails him from afar. As Spike walks in the cave WW moves to the opening and looks in. He sees the dragon, some funny striped looking pony. He looks around and sees a few other ponies as well. But they all look very familiar. Those cant be.....are they....Its the EOH. They live. I have to tell Abyss right away. And just as he turns around to fly off he looks down and sees a face he has not seen in what felt like forever. Blue.....Moon?? Is that you???

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Church is getting the armour as fast as he can however it isn't normal armour. It takes a a few minutes for the armour to set onto your body. He should be done in about a minute. Almost done! Hold him off for another minute! He sees Jacob running towards them and his sword dragging on the ground. He uses a welding spell to mould it to the ground. That should give you a few seconds at least!


Darkheart nods. Of course! After all it was after all where we first discovered each other. But first we have business. You check around the left wing of the palace and I'll take the right. We will meet up at the portal to Blackwater okay? Don't keep me waiting! She smiles then walks off down the right corridor.


Luna simply stares a Celestia. What did he show you Tia? Did he show you... himself? Luna is very serious about this.


Blue Moon was patrolling ground floor of the forest when she heard someone call her name. She looks up and is surprised at what she sees. ... White Wind? Is it you? But... What are you doing here? You better have not betrayed what you said to my husband... About revealing out location... Come down and we can talk.

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Jacob tryed to pull his sword out of the ground. Church's spell slowed him down a bit, but then he ripped it out of the ground with a block of concret at the edge of his sword. Jacob swang his sword at Diehard. DH barely manage's to block. Razorwing tryed to attack Jacob from the side. Jacob doged with ease and hit RW with the concret on his sword, both injuring RW and clearing his sword of concret. "Is this really how much stronger you've become it the last two years. Pathedic, im ashamed to say that you used to be able to beat me in a fight. Diehard, your swordmanship is weak." Jacob walked up to Razorwing and touched him on his head. "Brother, are you alright." From Razorwing's point of view Diehard was now Jacob and Jacob was now Diehard. Jacob helped Razorwing up and had an evil smile. "Brother, as long as we work together we can beat Jacob." Jacob loved the look on Diehard's face, seeing that he had to fight his brother.

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As Razor got up he shook his head to focus. He could hear Diehard telling him to get up and fight. Razor had a dark haze in his eyes from Jacobs spell. Diehard looks at Razor and tries to.....Razor are you ok? Razor what are you doing? Why should you care.....Jacob. Afraid that you hurt me? Well it takes more than that to put me down. Razor picks up his blades and turns them into a broad sword. Razor...dont do this. Razor sees the fake Diehard as he tells him "lets do this, we can take him". Razor looks at the fake Jacob and charges at him. Whats wrong Jacob? Afraid to fight me now? Diehard blocks and knows what hes going to have to do. He looks at Jacob. I will get you for this Jacob. Jacob just sits there and smiles.


Celestia looks into Luna's eyes and sees how hurt and mad she is. Sigh.....Yes Luna....He showed me his heart. But it was my fault he had to do it. He walked into my room and i did not know what he wanted, i just wanted him out of my room. So when i gave him attitude and talked down about him he pined me to the wall and........and showed me who he really was. He is not as evil as i thought he was. And then i saw what hes been doing for you. I would always see him fly to your tower during the day and sometimes at night and....and i thought he was taking advantage of you. I never knew he was protecting you. But Luna i must know...Looking into Luna's eyes...Do you have the same feelings for him that he does for you?


Surge watches as Darkheart trots off and gets some "dirty thoughts" That plot. Refocusing on what he was there to do he walks through the palace. Guards stand at attention as he walks by. He goes the the lab, everything is good. The dungeon still had prisoners in it, some dead. Guards! Why have these cells not been cleaned yet? Forgive us Sir. We will get right on it. The armory was still fully stocked. He went to Darkhearts room to see if anything was out of order. He walked around and saw how it looked nothing like he thought it would be. Wow....This is nothing like i imagined. Putting his hoof on her pink bed. Wow it matches her eyes. And its soooooo soft too. He lays down on it and starts to roll around on it. Awwwwww maaaaaaaan. This beeeeeeed feeeeeeellllllsssss soooooooooo gooooooooooood. Ahhhhhhwwwwwwhhhwwwww. Just then as he hangs his head off the side of the bed he sees Darkheart at the door. His face shrinks and he starts to blush. Ummmmmmmmmm.....Its not what it looks like. With the worst poker face in the world on.


WW drops down to BM. I could ask you the same thing. What are you guys doing here? I told you to get far away from this place.But if your here, where is Church? And what are the EOH doing in this cave? You know if they find you here they will have you all killed. I saved you guys once. And i dont think Abyss would like the fact that you and Church are "back from the dead". She might try to kill me now. You guys have to get out of here, or i will be forced to go back on my word like you guys have. WW was frantic and uneasy. He knew that this meant trouble for him. He starts pacing back and forth. This is not good. Not good at all.


Abyss goes back to the war room with Slender. Father have you seen WW? I have somethings i need to ask him. LAST I SAW HIM HE HAD DARTED OUT OF LUNA'S TOWER. HE FLEW TOWARD PONYVILL. IS THERE SOMETHING THE MATTER? Nothing i cant handle Father. Im going to have to leave Luna and Celestia here for now. I have a child to deal with. She then bolts through the roof and to Ponyvill.

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The armour finally set onto Church and he could feel the power all ready taking effect. He looks over and sees Razorwing fighting Die Hard. (He can still see who is and who isn't.) What are you guys doing! Jacob is behind you! But it doesn't matter now anyway! Get your flanks over here so I can teleport us! And for Celestia's sakes Razorwing why are you fighting your brother?


Luna stutters. I-I don't know Tia... He was so kind to me me but... He is simply a creation.... A slave under Abyss. He is literally made of Darkness and I don't know if I can feel for the thing I fight to oppose...


Darkheart simply laughs. It's okay Surge. I don't blame you. It's much more comfortable than my sister's room. Last I saw she had one tiny corner dedicated to sleeping and the rest of her room is a torture chamber. The screams of ponies help her sleep. Then she smiles again. You think it matches my eyes? That's sweet. You know Surge... My father never put the mission on a specific time limit... So we have a few hours to kill... With that she closes the door behind him.


Blue Moon is worried to see WW like this. You can't go back on your word now WW! She'll do horrible things to you if she finds out you lied! And my husband is in the Canterlot armoury... stealing one of your rarest pieces of armour... Come with me WW! I can help you! What do you say?

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Razor looked at Church but did not see Church. He now saw two Jacobs. One with a horn and one without a horn. Razor backs you to the fake Diehard. So this is how you play Jacob? Fine then now its a fare fight. Two on two. Diehard you get the one with the horn. Ill take this one. Changing his weapon to a set of hoof blades he flies at the Diehard and pins him to the wall. Why wont you fight me Jacob? Think im not worth it? Well your dead wrong. Razor snap out of it. Its me.....Diehard. Diehard looked in Razors eyes and saw the dark haze in his eyes. He flashed back to when he had to fight his father two years ago. I am not going to loose you like i lost dad. Jacob and Church circled each other.


As Darkheart closed the door and walked over to Surge she pins him with her magic and stretches him out. As she jumps on top of him she puts her hooves on his looking him dead in the eyes. Surge was lost in her eyes. He lifts his head up to kiss her. As they broke the kiss....You are my Dark Temptress, and i am your slave. Use me as you wish my Mistress. He kisses her again.(fade to black)


Celestia nods at Luna. Sigh...Well Luna i can understand what you mean. But dont be to quick to put him down Luna. He trust you with his most inner self, and to a point his true self. But just because hes made of darkness does not make him any different than us. And if you recall you were darkness yourself once before. So you have more in common than you think. As she walks off. Luna.....Sometimes to light the darkness you must stand in the dark and be the light.


WW was even more unsteady to hear that.....Hes in Canterlot!!! Is he crazy? Abyss, Slender Mane , and Slender Jacob are in the palace! Does he have another death wish! And where can you take me? How are you going to help me? Abyss might be looking for me right now. So how can you help me? Looking BM in the eyes.

Edited by Razorwing
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While circling Church, Jacob was thinking out loud. "Church, Tartarus though you were dead for the past two year's. If i had to guess i would think that WW betrayed us." Jacob laughted "It's so funny, because im supposed to be the element of deception, yet he tricked all of us. Why would WW betray us for you of all people, you killed him multiple times. It just dosnt make sence, and I wonder why would you three reveal yourselves all of a sudden. You three can't hope to stop the entire Tartarus force by yourselves. Unless you have a plan to defeat us." Jacob turned to Razorwing. "Brother, when are we going to start the plan?" Jacob asked a vague question to get any usefull information out of Razorwing.


Spike informed the EOU about the revellion they've been building for the last two years. Twilight explained to Spike about all their training and how they are no longer the elements of Harmony, but now the elements Unity. "Spike, were ready to help in the fight against Tartarus, what do you want us to do?"

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Church scowls. He attempts to lie to get WW out of trouble. White Wind had nothing to do with my survival. In his eyes, he had killed us. In reality I had cast a hallucination spell on him to make us appear dead. This way I escaped. Razorwing listen to me! I am not Jacob and that is not Jacob who you are fighting! It's us, Church and Die Hard. Don;t you dare tell him anything Razor! He sees it's not getting through to him. Church has to do something. He didn't spend two years planning and training just to have his plan thrown away. I have an idea. Die Hard! Switch places! He then teleports himself into Die Hard's position and Die Hard is now with Jacob. As Razorwing pins him to the wall he touches his horn against Razorwing's head and uses a small version of the purity spell and clears Razorwing's mind of darkness. He looks up and sees the darkness gone from Razorwing's eyes. Now let's get back on schedule.


Luna knew what Tia meant but she was still sceptical. As her sister leaves she lays back and thinks to herself. But I've all ready hurt him too much...


Blue Moon smiles. Follow me. Though now you have to promise you will keep your word because this is top secret though I trust you. My husband should be back shortly. I'm sure from your many encounters with him you've realised he is powerful with his magic and in these few years he's been training non-stop. When he wasn't giving orders he was training his magic. I wouldn't be surprised if that armour made him as strong as Jacob... Here we are. HQ.

Edited by Like A Boss
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Jacob though about what Church said. (So WW though he killed both Church and Blue Moon because he was under a spell. And Church left his armor behind to make his death seem more convincing. Sounds plaussible. ) Jacob still had his doubts but he belived what Church told him, for now. He looked and saw that Church had broken his spell on Razorwing. "Church, you managed to fake your death, tricked and killed WW multiple times in the past, walk into the Canterlot armory and take back your armor and you stoped my hypnotic spell before Razorwing gave me any information... Your quite intellegent and powerful. I must say im impressed... This should be very fun." Tartarus reinforcement arrived at the armory. "Soldiers kill Razorwing and Diehard, Church is mine!!" Jacob teleported in between Razorwing and Church. He kicked Razorwing into his brother. "Church you will find that im not as easy to kill as WW, and for your sake you better hope you've gotten much stronger in the last two years. Because i trained with the father of darkness himself."

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As Razor landed in Diehards arms tartarus guards surrounded them. Oh crap. Razor wake up! He was still a little dazed from the spell. As the darkness cleared from his eyes he saw they were in deep....shit when did this happen? When you under Jacobs spell. Bun time to talk, we got a fight on our hooves. Alright then. Hey you still got some red eco charges? Yea why? Put it on your hoof blades. Trust me, your going to love this. As Razor turned his blade into hoof gauntlets he put the eco on it and they start to glow. We hit the ground on three. Ready?......Three! As they hit the ground a shock wave went out from them and launched the guards into the wall. Now thats what in talking about! They both charge into battle.


As Celestia left Luna's room she saw Abyss fly toward Ponyvill and she seemed to be in a rush. This cant be good.


Abyss drops down in Ponyvill in front of town hall. All bowed around her. All hail the Princess of darkness. Princess Aby........Abyss then grabbed that one pony. Where is WW? I....i.....i dont knok my l....lady. I have not seen him today. Ahhhhhhh!! Useless. As she threw him to the ground. Fine ill find him latter. But for now im here for your inspection.


Spike looks at Twi. Well we cant really make a move till Church gets back. But we are planing to take over one city at a time. We just needed the other Apex Armor to get started. You mean both armors are still in this world? I will need to see it when he gets back. There is something i must do it. Spike then hears BM walking in with someone. Oh BM your ba........You! Your the guy who attacked me. Spike transforms. ILL KILL YOU!!!


As WW and BM walk into the cave. Well he is strong. He had a bad habit of blowing me up tho. But if you guys have been in here this whole time how come we have never found you? Just then WW sees the little dragon. And as he changed...You! I dont care how big you get ill kill you just as easily.

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Church and Jacob begin to circle. I'd rather not fight you right now Jacob. I'm behind schedule all ready but if you insist. With the power of the armour and his training he uses an over powered flash bang spell then while Jacob is shocked he kicks him in the jaw and uses an overpowered version of the fire spell. Instead of a bolt of fire it came out as a blistering inferno stream. He continues it for a few seconds and then stops. He waits for the smoke to clear and hopes it did the job.


Blue Moon steps in between Spike and White Wind. Stop! Spike! This is White Wind! I would be dead right now of not for him! And White Wind! This is Spike! A dear friend of my husband's. Now that we are on better terms can we get along? Good. Now White Wind to answer your question Church had put put up a very powerful cloaking spell over the forest. You cannot sense magic or sound from the outside. From the outside it looks like everything is normal.

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From the smoke came out Jacob still partially covered with fire. "Thanks, i was begining to get cold and that felt pretty nice... Tell me Church did you know that fire can change colors based on how hot the flame is" Jacob's horn sucked the fire off of his body. His horn was engulfed with a flame. The flame's color started of as red, then it turned yellow, to white and finaly into a blue flame. "Church, didnt anyone ever tell you that if you play with fire your going to get burned." Jacob then shot a huge blue flame toward's Church.

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WW and Spike backed off each other. Fine. Fine. They both said as they go to opposite sides of the cave. Well it sounds like he has gotten much stronger. But i really need to.....WW is side tracked by box on a table. Wh....where did you get that box from?


Slender Mane watched as Abyss took off through the roof. SIGH.....THATS MY GIRL. GUARDS FIX THAT HOLE NOW. AND DO BE SURE THAT OUR GUEST KNOW THAT I KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND I KNOW THAT THEY ARE HERE. He flies through the hole and heads for Cloudsdale. As he steps on the cloud the whole thing starts to turn black and blood red. As he walks to to the lab with Lighting. LIGHTING MY CHILD HOW ARE THINGS GOING? Lighting bows. Well my Lord its coming along just great. But i will say this, the eco factory has been making more light eco than dark. Due to the fact that we can mix the four other eco's to make light, but we have not found a mix to make dark. Slender then walks over to the vat full of light eco. He puts his hoof in it and pulls it out. As he looks at his hoof it changed from white to a split night and day coat. He cringes and looks at it. I HAVE NOT SEEN MY TRUE COAT IN MILENNIA. AND I TEND TO KEEP IT THAT WAY! Putting his wings and dark aura in the light eco and starts to corrupt it. The change from light to dark was so powerful it shut down all of Cloudsdale. As he pulled out of the new more pure dark eco he hides his body parts that had been changed. My Lord the dark eco readings are off the charts. We now have more than enough to launch the...... Lighting sees Slender trembling and looking at his hooves....My Lord...Are you alright? Putting his hooves down and pulling himself together. ITS NOTHING LIGHTING. IM FINE. KEEP MOVING FORTH WITH THE WEAPON. Yes my Lord. My Lady the dark eco levels are off the charts. Whats going on? Slender looked at Nova. SO I SEE YOU BROUGHT YOUR BROTHER BACK TO LIFE. IM GOING BACK TO THE PALACE. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK KID. Slender flies off. But Lighting is shocked at what he said. Good work? Kid? I hope the Lord is ok. Iv never heard him say those words before. As Slender made his way to his room he locked down the whole room. He turned it into a dark void. In thought. I CANT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. IM NOT GOING BACK TO THE OLD ME. IM NOT THAT PONY ANYMORE. He starts to let the dark aura cover his old coat. His split day and night coat turned back to the pail white he was use to. AHHHH...THATS BETTER. IM NOT THAT CLOT ANYMORE.......NOT ANYMORE.

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Church only has time to put up a magic barrier to block the flame. Jacob is strong but Church pulls through with the barrier. You're strong Jacob... Too bad you're fighting for the wrong side. Just then more guards come running down the hall. Attention rebels. We know who you are, and what you're doing. Lay down your arms and Lord Slender Mane may spare you. ... Buck that. Plan B guys! Get behind me! He teleports to Razor and Die Hard. Hold on! With a flash he teleports all of them back to HQ. Every pony! We're back from the mis- White Wind? White Wind is that you? Church approaches him. What are you doing here? You have to leave. It isn't safe for you here.


As the door to Darkheart's old room opens, she walks out followed by Surge.Did you enjoy our bonding time Surge? I hope so because I did. Now where was it you wanted to visit? It slipped my mind during our... time together.


Blue Moon looks back to Church as he appears. WW here was scouting the area and happened to come by our HQ. Although he may be in trouble. If he returns he's sure to be punished for lying- Not a problem. I have you covered WW. I gave an excuse as to why I was alive and Jacob seemed to believe it so you should be safe. And as for the egg on the table we found it when we found Spike. Do you know what is in it? We know a dragon but it's still a mystery to us.

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