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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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This time Darkheart cannot cap her anger she begins to shout. Yes! Yes I would! I would also like to know why I haven't even been told about it yet too! He is my father too you know! I would also like to know why you are keeping secrets like Surge being greed from me! That would have been bucking useful to know! How do you expect me to lead this war with you when you treat me like a child? I can't do this if you are going to keep secrets from me Abyss! Now please tell me! What the buck happened to our father?

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Jacob sent a letter to Abyss ( Princess Abyss, we have taken the dragon mountain, unfortunatly the element of harmony users got away but we managed to injure some of them. The equestrians also have a dragon on there side. The only thing that stands in are way to Canterlot is a small town called Ponyville. I am currently awaiting your orders. Jacob) the letter was on its way to Abyss.


Rainbow Dash started to panic when Razorwing blacked out "Razorwing, were right here just hold on a little bit longer." They rushed into the nearest hospital. The hospital took in Razorwing, Twilight and Church who havnt regained consiousness yet.

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Abyss puts her horn to Darkhearts horn and starts to play a vision of what happened.


Surge was in a stand off with Slender Mane. So we meet again Slender. In a dark demonic voice. Yes we do General Surge. I will say you are a very worthy opponent. It almost makes me mad that your going to die. Keep thinking that Slender. But im here to kill you for what you did to my son Razorwing all those years ago. And....as he pulled out two hoof blades. AND FOR KILLING MY DAUGHTER!! As he lunges at Slender he places a knife in the ground. Your going to have to do better than that General. Slender then fires dark aura at Surge. The darkness will rule the world in the end Surge. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. The fight went on for hours. Slender and Surge fought like the titans of the old world clashing with extreme power. Cut after cut, spell after spell, blow by blow they kept going at it. Surge was still placing blades in the ground. Hours into the battle Surge is starting to get weak. With his body all cut, bloody and beaten he was at his limit. Slender walks over to Surge as he heals himself. Well well well General it looks like your body is about to give out. Its a good thing that i have body parts to spare. And to think your daughter died with that same look on her face. Slender then picks up Surge with his magic. And now you will join her and become me. Surge starts to laugh as Slender pulls him closer. Whats funny? Is your own death laughable to you? No the fact of how easy it was it catch you. The ground under them begins to glow and shows a dispelling ring. And now to get rid of you once and for all. A portal opens up under Slender and stars to pull him in. You tricked me General! You were not here to kill me. You came here to banish me! But of course. Because how can you what never had life? Slender could feel his power being pulled out of him. I will get you for this Surge! You cant keep me down forever! Slender looks behind Surge and sees Abyss. Abyss! My child! Dont tell Darkheart what you have seen here! She must never know what happened to me! Promises me this my child! Promises me! As the portal shut closed. Far Plain wind blow and take another to the place of woe. Surge turns around and sees young Abyss standing there with blood tears in her eyes. As he walks by her. Im just doing my job. If you still feel raw about this over the years ill be ready for whatever you send my way. Surge is gone. Abyss walks over to where the portal was and sees four gems. Two orbs of disrepair an two gems with me and my sisters name on it. Darkheart's Soul....Abyss's Heart. We will get you back father. And Surge will pay for his crimes. I promises.


As Abyss takes her horn off of Darkheart she sees a tear of blood roll down her sisters face. And now you know the truth. Now you know why im so hard on you. Now you know.......Why i didnt want you to know about this. The day i saw father get taken away i found out i had emotions. Those emotions corrupted my darkness with feelings that father never gave us. So by keeping this from you it would keep you from turning into me.

Edited by Razorwing
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Darkheart is silent. She simply looks away from Abyss and goes thought he portal where Abyss threw Surge. She walks up to him and pokes him on the shoulder with blood tears still rolling down her face. She speaks softly. Surge... You are the reason I can't see my father? She begins to smile however the tears continue. She chuckles. You think yourself strong... You think you are powerful for what you accomplished against me... You think that you could overpower me but I am not my sister. However as my sister said this has revealed to me that we do indeed feel emotions as you mortals do... And when I released my anger upon you earlier I was not using my full potential... You have angered me Surge and this is no anger I have ever felt before in my long life... I truly know why I am the element of anger now... She lifts up he head to reveal two blazing red eyes with no pupils. Simply red eyes with what looks like fires within. Now I am being very gentle right now as if I don't control my anger... all of Equestria will be blown to smoulders. If you are intelligent Surge you will come with Abyss and I to Canterlot... You will tell Celestia and Luna to hand over their thrones and you will make your son Die Hard work for us as we need him to finish out elements... I wouldn't try to pull anything this time though. I am the element of rage. You have enraged me to a point that my power is 10 fold. I would destroy you and everything that you love within seconds... Follow me. As she enters back through the portal to Abyss she leans her head against Abyss and begins to cry some more. Thank you sister...

Edited by MJP2010
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Abyss embraces Darkheart. I know it hurts. But the pain is what makes us stronger. We were made to feed off of the bad things in this world. And sadness is one of them. Like i said, its going to hurt but it will make you stronger. Lifts Darkhearts head, wipes away her tears, and looks her in the eye. You truly a lady of darkness. And i have something else to tell you. With an evil smirk on her face. I have found a way to bring him back. But it will only work once and if we are in trouble. So it will have to wait. Letter comes out of WW's horn. My Lady. A letter from Jacob. Abyss reads the letter and writes back: Well done my faithful subject. Stay there until me and my sister arrive. I have my own plans for this town. Abyss

Send this to Jacob WW. Things are about to heat up.


Surge was in shock to see Darkheart with all that power. What did i miss? The last thing i remember was talking to Darkheart in Filly. Slick go back to Ponyvill and defend the town. I guess i can go see what she wants. Walks through the portal. Is....is this.....Black Water? Where....where are the ruins? What happened to my home?


Razor woke up in pain as he heard the others walk in the room. Ahhhhhhhhgggggg.........My body hurts. Where am i?

Razor! Your ok! We thought we lost you. Yes darling you gave us quite the scare.

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Church awakes a few seconds after Razor. Did we do it? Where is Twilight? Did she make it? I hope that spell didn't drain her of everything... Razor are you alright? I'll be honest it wasn't easy dragging you from the diamond with so many blades in you. You weren't the easiest either Rainbow. What do we do now? You saw the army? How do we stop that?


Darkheart smirks at Surge. What happened you ask? Why don't you ask yourself? Come on now you can remember right? When you went crazy with power and caused destruction to everything you hold dear? Come now. There is work to be done.

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Surge sits down with his jaw dropped and eyes widened with tears rolling down his face. Wha....wha...what do you mean? There is no way i could have done this. No thats not possible. His color started to fade to a greyish green. No.....no.....i..i..wouldn't....i couldnt....my home. As he looks over the wasteland that was his home. Its gone.

Abyss takes not of Surge's change in color. And her gem starts to glow again. This is strange. It seems we may not need DD at all. She walks over to Surge. It seems you hold more than one element in you Surge. And you may have just fixed our problem. Surge looks up at Abyss. Well look who's all grown up now. So....did you bring me here to break me for what i have done to you? No. Your here to help me.....My new Element of Disrepair. Fine......whatever.....I have nothing to fight for anymore. My home is gone, my boys might be dead, i have nothing left. No home to go back to. He said with a defeated voice and bows his head to Abyss. Sigh....Ill fight for you. Good. Come with us. We have work to do.


Razor looks out the window to the mountain. Well it seems they have taken the mountain. I hope Spike wont get mad about losing his gems. But all we can do now is keep Ponyvill and Canterlot safe. This is the home front. If we lose this thats it for us. Rairty runs to the window. NOOOOOO!!!!! Not my precious gems and jewels!! They have all of them now!! Everyone looks at Rairty like this http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png . Ummmmm.....I mean yes we need to keep Ponyvill safe. Thats what i meant to say. Enhaha....Ill go tell the Princess everyone is ok and that Tartarus forces are at Dragon Mountain. See'ya. As she hops away.


Diehard walks past the royal war room and sees Celestia in there. Abyss? Is that you? What have you done to your hair? Celestia turns around. Oh it is you Diehard it is good to see you awake. Your not Abyss or Darkheart. Who are you? And where am i? Why your in Canterlot me child. Church brought you here and we pulled the darkness out of you. Diehard is lost at what he is hearing. You mean....Im not evil anymore? You were never evil in the first place. As Luna walks in. The darkness that was in you may have taken over your body, but it could not take over your mind and heart. .......Im still lost here. Have any of you ladies seen my brother Razorwing and my father Surge?

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Fluttershy began to answer some of Church's questions. " Twilight's in the bed down the room and she fine. You managed to save us." Down the room Twilight woke up. She saw all her friends. "Church, we did it."


Jacob was waiting for the arrival of Abyss and Darkheart. To kill time, he was looking at the map trying to figure out the best strategy for the battle to come.

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Church smiles at Twilight. Yes... I guess we did do it. We have all o the element of harmony now. we have the power stop them. best of all we have Die Hard. They cannot complete their elements without him. Church then looks at Razor. you should follow me. Die Hard is at Canterlot and i have a feeling he will want to see you.


Darkheart, Surge, and Abyss arrive at the mountains and meet up with Jacob. Jacob... It'd been to long. I believe the last time we met I actually still had Blood Lust. She then casts a scowl at Surge for what he did. However we are not here to chat. I believe Abyss wanted to speak to you. I will take surge with me and we will make sure the surrounding area is secure.

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Razor jumped out of the bed. YOU FOUND MY BROTHER!!! NO WAY!!! Come on then lets go!! As he limps out the room with the IV still in his arm. Puts his head back in the door. COME ON!!


Surge walks behind Darkheart with a defeated look and tone in his voice. Yes my Lady. Im right behind you.


Abyss called Jacob over to the edge of the mountain over looking Ponyvill. Do you see that Jacob? We are almost there, thanks to you. But Jacob im going to deal with Ponyvill myself. Celestia only knows of the troops strength. Its time i show them my true power. Send some of your spies to Canterlot and get the lay out of the city.

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Twilight got out of bed then followed Razor. "Its going to be a while until I can use my magic again. That spell took a lot out of me." Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash followed behind Twilight.


Jacob looked at Abyss "Yes princess as you wish, my spies will map out Canterlot.I also heard that Canterlot has a magical barrier over it. The barrier is the spell of a pony called Shinning Armor. I would like for another wing spell so I could take control of the floating city, Cloudsdale. I plan to ram the city of Cloudsdale into Shinning Amor's barrier. Unless you want me to do something else."

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Darkheart and Surge do a lap of the mountain. It looks clear. Surge I want you to take a message to someone. Back at the Tartarus camp. One of our generals. You remember this egg? Deliver it to him. He will know what I want.


Church has to run as hard as he can to keep up with Razor. When they arrive he can see Celestia talking with Die Hard. Ugh... Made it. die Hard come here. I have someone who wants to see you! Someone who you want to see too!

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Surge put the egg in his bag. Yes my Lady. Shall i return after this my Lady? Or is there more for me to do?


Diehard was wide eyed to see church and jumps as with a knife to his neck. Church! You will tell me what you meant by you saw my memories? Celestia and Luna's guards went to protect the princesses in case he were to turn on them. Just then Razor came around the corner still with the IV in his arm. Diehard? What are you doing man? Diehard looks at his brother and tears start to roll down his face. You came back for me? Of course. I couldnt just let you die out there. They hug and brohoof. Your my only brother man. I would never let you die. Ha....I told you that once. They hug again.

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Church stumbles away. So I guess it's cool you just tried to kill me. you know whatever. I'll let you two have your moment. Church leaves and lets them have their privacy.


Darkheart stops Surge before he leaves. Yes actually. You will return to me after you deliver the egg. We have work to do. In Canterlot.

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Yes my Lady. If you would be so kind could you make me a portal to the place my Lady? That is only if you want to.


Yea my bad about that. I was just had a lil flash back. But we're cool now right?

Razor you found your brother! And such a strapping young colt he is as well. Oh yea ladies this is my brother Diehard.

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Twilight walked up to Diehard. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Fluttershy keep her distance from Diehard, she was afraid of him. "Dieh...Diehard as in the same Diehard who fought for Tartarus." Rainbow Dash walked to Fluttershy "Relax Fluttershy he's Razorwing's brother and he dosnt seem like a bad guy."

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Ya it's no problem Die Hard. We're cool. Girls by the way I left for a reason. don't you think we should let them be? They've been separated for years and I think they have things to catch up on. I think we should go find the Princesses and tell them what happened.


Darkheart opens a portal to the Tartarus camp. See the pony with the green eyes and black mane? That's the general. When you give him the egg he will put it in a box. He will then open a portal to me and will tell you to bring the box to me. Can you handle that? And for the love of darkness stop calling me my lady. I think you used it twice in the last sentence. With that she smiles at Surge and flys off

Edited by Like A Boss
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Diehard walks over to Fluttershy. Yea miss Shy. Im not that colt anymore. Takes her hoof and kisses it. Im a nice guy miss Shy. He said with a sly look on his face. Well i see your still a big flirt.


Yes........my Lady. As he walks through the portal the witchdoctor cast a spell on the egg. He takes a few moments to do the incantation and puts it in a magic box. Do not open this box for a full hour. Now go......I must rest. As he walks back through the portal he goes to find Darkheart.

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Fluttershy blushed at Diehard's comments. Twilight the spoke. "Anyway we'll let you two catch up, Fluttershy we should go report to the princess." They left the room.


Back at Tartarus Jacob was still speaking with Abyss. " I also see that Surge is now on are side, I would suggest that you keep him away from his son's. They might be the only one's who can convince him to betray us."

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Darkheart sees Surge and flys toward him. Do you have the box? Good. I'll keep it safe for now. As for the moment I must assist my sister in planning. You are to go and talk to Jacob. He will give you orders. You will fight in the battle for Ponyville. Prove me your worth in this battle and you will be rewarded. Darkheart then flys off to the main tower to talk to her sister.


Church and the rest of them walk into the main hall to find the Princesses. They see them at the end, opening the vault to the safe which holds the elements. Princess we have dire reports. The Tartarus have taken the mountains and I believe that they may have their own elements. I also have reason to believe an attack on Ponyville is eminent. I'm beginning to lose hope. What do we do? Will the elements be able to stop them?

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Abyss responds to Jacob. Dont fret my General. Me and Darkheart have broken Surge's will. He is now completely in our power. Even his son will have a hard time bringing him back. And even if he does turn on us he is to far gone to become the old him again. He will be like a new born on the battle field. Speaking of, here he is now. Im going to see what my sister is up to. Flies off to the tower with Darkheart.


Surge bows as Darkheart flies away. Surge then walks over to Jacob. I was sent to you by Darkheart Sir Jacob. How may i be of use to you?


As Celestia opens the vault. Fear not my little pony. We will be ready for whatever they bring our way. Gives the elements to the girls. Oh and Church. Me and Luna have something for you. Pulls out another box. This is our gift to you for all your help. Opens the box to reveal the Solar Lunar Apex Armor . This is the most powerful armor that a unicorn can posses. This armor will increases your magic 10 fold. The armor plates are made from strongest metals in all of Equestria. It will cover 90% of your body and is very light and has very good versatility. The horn piece is lined with the rarest gems in the world that will aid your magic as well. Yes this is one of the Armors of Legend. And now we pass it to you.


Razor and Diehard walked around the palace. So i see being brain washed has not effected your way with the ladies. What can i say man. Its been two years since iv seen mares like this. And i really like the yellow one. So this is where you came to find help for me? Yea. I herd so much about these elements and these princesses so i knew they could help us. They walk to a window over looking to town. Sigh...Its no Black Water City. Yea thats true. But i found Uncle Aries here and he makes everything from Black Water. Well i could use some food. Lets go. They go to Ponyvill.

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Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash put on the armor. "Thank you princess." "Thank you princess." "Thank you princess."



Jacob looked to Surge and sayed " Princess Abyss is going to be in the fight for ponyville. She wants to be on the front lines and show her power. Surge your going to be on support. Hopefully well be able to you the elements of chaos." Jacob begins to walk away. He turns around. "Oh and Surge were not taking any prisonners."

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Church doesn't know what to say. Th-Thank you princesses! I will wear it to battle with pride! Are we prepared for the battle of Ponyville? Do we have enough troops to defend?


Darkheart stops at her sister. Abyss the troops are ready for the battle. They are waiting on my order to charge. Does your assistant Jacob have the mapping of Ponyville?

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Abyss smirks at Darkheart. Oh dear sister. Ponyvill is not the problem. I will take care of that. But now he has some spies mapping out Canterlot for me. Looking at the box on her back. Whats in the box?


Surge hangs his head and bows to Jacob. Yes Sir. No survivors. What of the foals sir?


Pinkie, Rairty, and AJ put their elements on. Thx Princess. As she hoped around. Thank you Princess. Thank ya Princess. Celestia looks to Church as she puts the armor on him. Yes we do. Slick Skies has mad his way back to Ponyvill. Shining Armor and his strongest unicorns put a shield around the city. So i would say we are more than ready. In the old voice. BRING IT ON TARTARUS!!! HAVE AT THE AND MAKE THY DAY!!! .................................Oops. Haha......


Razor showed Diehard the town. Thats Rose over there. She has the best flowers in town. Thats Big Mac, AJ's older brother. Dude man this place is crawling with mares. Iv never seen so many in one town. Well the mare to clot ratio here is 5 to 1. Deihard nearly passed out when he heard that. Dude when this war we got to move here.

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