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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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Jacob was loking at Ponyville while it was still peaceful. " We will capture the foals if possible and raise them as future Tartarus soldiers. But are top priority is taking the city. If the foals die in the process then so be it... Im exited for the fighting to start. It's going to be so fun."

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Darkheart smirks at Abyss. You'll find out shortly. All of Ponyville will know within less than an hour. Canterlot itself will know shortly. But for now we shall fight for Ponyville and then move on to Canterlot. Men! Sound the horns!


From inside the hall they could hear the first of the war horns. Well... this is it. I'd better get down to Ponyville and do my best to defend. You girls can come with me or stay with the Princesses as a last line of defence. Your choice. With that Church races towards Ponyville with his magic and armour at the ready.

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Diehard and Razor heard the horn come from the mountains. Ahhh buck they have made it this far already. What should we do? Try to get everypony out of town. Ill take the south and the east. You take the north and the west.Gotcha. We'll meet back here. Ok lets go. They split up to warn the town.


Girls i want you to take post at the half way point of Ponyvill and Canterlot as back up for Church. Ill go make sure all the troops are ready.


Remember dear sister. Ponyvill is mine for the taking. They have all seen your power and they know what our armies can do. Its time i show them....In a dark demonic voice. What true darkness really is. She takes off into the sky with WW.

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Oh very well. I'll sit this one out. My surprise will have to wait until we get to Canterlot. Good luck sister and do have fun. Try not to demolish everything. Darkheart then flys back to the Tartarus camp to check on the rest of the army.


Church arrives in Ponyville just in the nick of time. Squads of Tartarus are already pushing through. He sees Razorwing and Die Hard evacuating the town. The Tartarus are coming too fast. I have to give them more time... Hmmm I wonder. Church attempt a single fireball but with the power of the Solar Lunar Apex Armour it comes out as an overpowered fire cannon. Church almost falls over from the kickback and sees that he just wiped out a platoon of Tartarus soldiers. Oh man... This is going to be fun. Church runs at the next platoon of Tartarus.





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(OOC ShotGun! ^_^ )

Diehard and Razor got everyone out of town and on to the trains. Thats the last of them. Yea same here. Hey look! As he points up at WW. I thought he was dead. Well it looks like Abyss brought him back from the dead.


WW looks down and see Church with a new found power. WW flies down in front of his next attack and flies right through it. I have not fought you before. This should be a good match. What is your name warrior?


Abyss is flying over the town and sees that Deathdealer has changed back to his old self. Well well. It looks like Diehard is back. And his brother it here with him. This will great for breaking Surge. To watch both of his boys die on the field of battle.

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Church looks back at WW. You... I heard you were dead. Nevertheless. It just means you have to suffer dying again. I am Church and I have heard of you, Whitewind. You are not a pony. You are a lab pet. An experiment which will make it easier on me to kill you as I don't like harming living creatures. Now show me what you've got. With that Church fires a storm of lightning at WW and follow up with fire cannon.

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WW warps behind Church and speaks in his ear as he walks by. You are a good fighter. And very skilled with your magic. But be as it may that i was made in a lab. I was given a heart of darkness to feel for nothing. WW lets out a force push from around him pushing Church back. Now if you are done with your show, can we get to our fight? As he puts his horn down ready to charge.

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Church gets back into balance after the push and realizes WW is charging at him. I'm afraid it's not that easy. You may have a heart of darkness, unable to feel pain but I have the opposite yet the same. I have nothing left to live for. I lost my one true love long ago and I no longer feel anything. I simply fight this war to prevent it from ever happening to anypony else. Nopony deserves to feel that kind of pain and I will defend them from the pain. Just as WW runs by Church side steps and uses a telekinesis spell to levitate him and smash him through a building right through two walls. He then sets fire to the house with a spell and hopes it will be enough. He doubts it though. That should at least weaken you...

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WW walks out of the burning house and waves the dust off his wings. Not bad but let me show you how its done. WW then used his magic to pick a house and drop it Church. The cast Hell Fire on the house. You say you have nothing to lose but you fight for others. You have felt the pain of love and war and have lost love and gained pain. So in light of your pain why should you care about others pain when it has nothing to do with you?

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Church gets up and brushes off the smoke. He thinks about what WW was saying. Well WW, it's because I am not of a dark heart. I have felt myself what the pain of war can force upon you and it isn't pleasant. It's cruel and I feel for my fellow Equestrians. It's one of the perks of being pure. You may think it a weakness... but I find it to be my strength. It's what keeps me going when I am down. When all is seems bleak and there is no hope... what is there to do but fight for what is right or moral? To protect those from what should not happen. However why am I explaining this to you. You are of a dark heart and could not understand compassion. With that Church uses the spell to open a huge gorge under WW and as he falls in Church sets the gorge ablaze.

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WW flies out of the hole with the edge of his wings still on fire. Let me let you something. I may be of a darkheart, but i had emotions in a past life. They made me feel for others. But those feelings are what lead to my death. Puts his horn to the ground and it starts to shake. Stone coffin. Four stones shoot up from the ground entrapping Church. WW walks over to him. But me and you are not that different you know. We both fight for something we care about. Looks up at Abyss. So i know what it is to fight with compassion. To fight for another. And good and evil, tainted and pure, light and dark are all the same once you have taken a life. it was nice fighting with you. Maybe ill see if Abyss will bring you back to life. WW finishes the spell. Diamond Presser. The stones start to crush in on Church. As it finished it encased him in a diamond coffin. But just then the Diamond starts to crack.

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Church struggles and then his eyes begin to glow. The diamond coffin suddenly breaks into a million little pieces. Fine then. You want to know the real reason why I fight? Because of the Tartarus I lost my one true love.... Abyss and Darkheart were the ones who manipulated the ponies of my home land into not trusting each other which led to the great war... However she is alive. I fight to find her, and avenge her. I can sense she is alive... I can't die now... I WON'T DIE NOW! YOU CANNOT WIN THIS FIGHT WHITEWIND! HER LOVE IS FUELLING MY MAGIC STRONGER THAN YOUR MASTER'S DARKNESS EVER COULD! With that Church lets out a huge scream. The entire city shakes and the ground around WW begins to melt. Suddenly all around WW a volcano forms and traps him within the bowls of the volcano. This is your final prison WW, and may you die within. Church walks away, hoping that it will be enough.

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Diehard and Razor watched the fight from afar. Well damn. I know right. That was something crazy man. Just then a slight but strong wind blew through town. This does not feel right. The wind rapped around the volcano up to the top and stopped. Just then it starts to crack all over falling to pieces. Dude run!. As they run away to volcano implodes on itself and sinks into the ground. Holy buck man. Ay yo do you see that?


Out of the hole came a burned hoof with lava still on it. And then WW pulled himself from the hole. His wing were burned to the bone. Parts of his flesh were missing and burned. His horn had turned bright red from being in the lava. And half of his face was burned down to the bone. Talking in an altered voice. iTS goInG To TaKe mORe thAN ThaT to KiLL me! Now LeT me ShOw You WhAT TRUE PowER IS! WW then used all the darkness he could muster and cast the darkest spell he knows. OBlIVION!! Just then a black dome forms around Church. NoW Sir ChURcH. LeTS See hoW YoU DO wiTH reLIViNg All of YoUR PaIN. All OF YouR FeARs. All Of Your.....DaRKneSS. Within the dome Church is surrounded by a dark aura that seems to go on forever. As he looks around he sees a figure in the blackness.

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Church couldn't see a thing so he decided his best bet was head towards the dark figure. When he gets there he sees... his wife. B-b-b... Blue Moon? Is... Is it you? Church immediately begins to run towards her. He leaps and embraces her and she embraces him back. Hello Church. It's so good to see you again. Are you hurt? Let me take care of that. Church has tears in his eyes. Where have you been all of these years? Why have I never been able to find you? Shhhh. It's okay Church. I'm here now. We can now be together forever. I would like nothing more my love! But what about the war? What about Ponyville? Church. Listen to me. You are away from that. You can be in eternal peace here with me. Stay Church. You don't need them as long as we have each other. Church breaks out more tears. Of course my love. But... how did you get in here? Is this where you have been? Did they capture you? Yes Church I've been in here for years. Now sleep and let the peace take you. We have an eternity to be together now. But... I can't just abandon them. They need me! For the war! For Equestria. Shhh Church you don't need them. They can handle themselves. All that matters is you and me in here. Church can't believe his ears. His Blue Moon would never say such a thing. She would fight for what is right. You... You aren't my wife... You are darkness. BE GONE DEMON! Church then blasts her with a spell he learned called purity cannon. The apparition that appeared to be his wife turned into black smoke and drifted away. Church breaks out into tears once again. Why must you be so cruel... To have her within my grasp... only to have her yanked away... I wish I could just die... Church then hears the voice of Razor and Die Hard calling to him and he stands up. But there is a war to be won. And I used to think there was good in everyone... I've been taught wrong after WW actions.... he will die by my hand... Churches eyes then begin to glow and as he charges a purity cannon his armour kicks in and turns it into a purity storm. A huge flash occurs and the Darkness is gone. the ground is burnt where it used to be. He sees WW is very weak after such a powerful spell but Church feels fine because of the armours effects. WW. I was hoping I wouldn't have to kill you but you showed me that there is no compassion in those eyes. You will die a coward and demon. May Abyss have mercy on your soul. Church then blasts another purity cannon in WW's face and when the flash goes down, all that stands there is a black mark. Since WW was made of darkness it tore him apart. there was nothing left. Now to go and see if Razor and Die Hard are alright. Church begins to run towards them.

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Jacob sent his spies three best spies to go to Canterlot. He was watching the chaos in Ponyville from the top of dragon mountain. He was enjoying himself, watching all the violence. "I should probably go meet up with Darkheart now." Jacob was heading back to a Tartarus camp.


The mane 6 were inbetween Ponyville and Canterlot following princess Celestia's orders.

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WW watched as his death was starring him in the face again. As the blast incinerates him, he gives in to his fate. A voice on the wind. You may have won the battle Church. But the war for your mind is still yet to be won. We will meet again.....Soooooon enough Sir Church.


Razor and Diehard walked over to Church. Dude that was awesome! Yea man. and nice armor too man. Where can i get one?


Abyss watched as her child was killed again right before her eyes. The dust in the wind flew up to her and formed into WW war mark in her hoof. A blood tear fell on his remains. She put his mark away and spoke in a demonic voice of the old days. Citizens of Ponyvill! Your hero Church has killed my child WW. And as punishment the whole town will now suffer. Abyss then starts to glow. Her stripes turn the brightest shade of red. Her eyes went all black. Her hair turned into pure dark aura. Her light could be seen all the way from Canterlot. Then she says. Giga Gravitation! Just then a giant ball of dark energy formed around her. The clouds started to pull toward her. The wind whipped around her at unbelievable speeds. As the ball got bigger and bigger the town itself was leaning toward her. And with a great yell she released the energy......... All was quite...... All was still........ It was an aery silence in Equestia........... And Ponyvill was no more.


Celestia and Luna saw the whole thing from Canterlot. They were jaw dropped at what they just saw. All of my people.......Gone. She killed.......all of them. I have never seen such power like that before. She just decimated the whole town. Theres nothing left. What do we do now Tia? Tia?.... Luna looked at the expression on her sisters face. Tears rolled down her face as she had a look of a brokenhearted mother. Its ok Tia. They will not have died in vane. As she hugs her sister as she looks down at the wasteland that was Ponyvill. We will make them pay Tia. We will make them pay. As a tear rolled down Luna's face as well.


Surge saw what Abyss was doing and could only look wide eyed at her power. He looked down on the town and saw three ponies running away. They all looked like....Church?......Razor?......Diehard?......My boys are ok. Just then Abyss unleashed her attack and in a bright flash. No!!!!!!!!!!! As he got his vision back he could see that they were gone. The leveled Ponyvill made him flash back to what was left of Black Water City. My.....my...my boys......their.....gone.......their....dead.....Just then Surges heart dropped. The lights in his eyes was gone. And his body went numb. Surge was finally broken. Surge fell silent and would speak no more.


Razor, Diehard, And Church were in a force field mad of red aura that was coming form.....Diehard? What is this?

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Church had closed his eyes, expecting certain death and was surprised when he found himself still alive. What the... Die Hard? How are you doing that? You aren't even a unicorn! And guys... I'm so sorry about Ponyville... I let my emotions get the best of me and the whole town paid for it... Lives were lost because I let my anger get the best of me. But you have to understand that I had no idea she was so emotionally attached to WW. I had no ideo she even had feelings. But Die Hard... you saved us and we owe you our thanks. but what are we going to do now? Abyss is mad with emotion and power and I don't think that my magic even with the armour can stop her.


Darkheart sees the flash from Ponyville and fears the worst. On her way there she runs right into Jacob. Jacob? Jacob what happened at Ponyville? Is Abyss all right? We have to go and help her now! When she and Jacob arrive at Ponyville they see Abyss in the air emitting power. Abyss! Abyss! Come down here! What have you done to Ponyville? I was joking when I said not to destroy everything but we still needed the city! She then notices the ashes forming WW in her hands and she understands. The same thing happened when Blood Lust was killed. Abyss I know it hurts but you can't let your emotions control you! That's where they are most positioned to strike you! Please come down and talk to me! I felt the same way with Blood Lust and father wouldn't want you like this!

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Abyss floats down to Darkheart. Oh my dear sister. That was not done out of emotion. That was done of my own free will. WW's death was just an added bonus. That was just to show them the true power of darkness. Oh my if i had put my emotions into that attack, everything from here to Appleloosa would be destroyed. Lighting take this with you and try to get him back. Gives lighting WW's war mark. Looks back to Darkheart and Jacob. Jacob i want you to put your plan about Cloudsdale in action. Darkrheart i want you to go with him and help take over. Sees a light coming from behind Darkheart. Sister what is that?


Diehard looks perplexed as it happened. I dont even know how im doing it. It just happened. But Church its ok. You did what you had to do. Besides we got all the pony folk out of here long ago. Yea man, We put them on the train to Canterlot way before this happened. Speaking of Canterlot we might want to get there too. Yea your right. Hey Church do you think you can poof us there from here?

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Church is about to agree and teleport them when he sees another pony running towards them. What the... Who is that? Is that Jacob? Is he insane? There are three of us and one of him! What does he think he's going to do against three battle trained warriors? Hold on guys why don't we stay. This may be our one chance to put down a Tartarus general.


Darkheart is sceptical about what Abyss is saying. She can see tears still lining her eyes and from what she could tell she held onto those ashes pretty tight. Darkheart is pretty sure Abyss is making up excuses to not sound emotional but she doesn't tell her that. She simply smiles at Abyss. Yeah okay Abyss... Where is Jacob running off to? Is he going to try to take on all three of them? Abyss he listens to you. Yell at him to stop before he gets killed.

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Abyss calls to Jacob. Jacob! Did i tell you to go after them? Get back here. We will get them in due time. Right now i need you and Darkheart to get ready for your attack.


Diehard, Razor, and Church stand their ground. Just then Jacob stops a few yards away form them when he hears Abyss call him. I can see the anger in your eyes Jacob. And trust me there is nothing more that i would like but to fight you right now. Oh yea Jacob i had forgot you kill our mother. And you did it in my face when i was your Princesses pet. You might want to go back to your master. Yea we would not want you to get hurt. Lets get out of here Church.

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Jacob looked at them and laughs. " Mock me all you want you wont make me loose my cool and yes i killed your mother but lets not forget all the innocent ponies that you killed Diehard. Dont think that because you were under Darkheart's control that makes you any less guilty. You ruined family's. And dont worry we replaced you, but i wont tell you who we replaced you with. " Jacob walked back to Abyss smiling, knowing that there father is fighting for Tartarus.

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Church laughs as he runs away. That guys crazy. Anyway to Canterlot. If you've never teleported before, which I'm guessing you haven't since you are not unicorns, I advise sitting down while you do it because the first time will make you puke. I garentee it. Now lets go and report to the princesses. With a flash of Church's horn they are in Canterlot in the main hall with the princesses.


Darkheart looks at Jacob and realizes a flaw. Jacob, how can you expect to get to cloudsdale without wings or magic? hold I'll give you some temporary wings. Darkheart casts a spell and gives Jacob a set of wings. Now lets go. I have someone who I want them to meet. She then pats her box and then they fly towards the floating city.

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Jacob was a little bit clumsy at flying " Thank you for the wings Darkheart. Pegasi ponies make flying look so easy. Now were ready to take Cloudsdale. " Behind Jacob and Darkheart followed the pegasi of the Tartarus army. As they approched Cloudsdale Jacob gave a quick set of orders. "Now soldiers were going to take Cloudsdale and it's important that we leave no survivors. If any of them contact Canterlot then we will loose the element of surprise."

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As Diehard and Razor end up in the hall. Well that was not all that bad. I feel fine. Speak for yourself. My insides feel like there in all the wrong places. Suck it up man. Pats Diehard on the back. Ohh dude dont do that. Ahh man. I think im going to be sick. Runs to the nearest window and throws up. And it hits a guard down below. Ahhhhhhgggggg! What is this man? Dude really? My bad.


Celestia was in her room over looking what was left of Ponyvill. Tia has been in a bad mood after she saw what happened. Shes been up there for the past two hours. In Celestias tower she over looks Ponyvill. My poor little ponies. All of you died and i could do nothing to save you. Im.....im....sorry my little ponies. Just then a whole line of trains pulled into Canterlot. It cant be..... theres no way. She flies down to the train station. Princess look. Diehard and Razor saved all the ponies in town. Everypony is here. Celestia was so happy to see her people still alive. See was so happy that she was driven to tears. Princess are you ok? Iv never seen you cry before. I never knew you could cry. Im just so happy that you are all alive.

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