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"Oh Dashie, please! Gummy's gonna be sooooo super duper disappointed if you leave now!"


A blue pegasus pony with a mane mimicking the light spectrum flew out from Sugarcube Corners. The minimal amount of light escaping the open doorway was soon lost to the expansive night, of which, thanks to Princess Luna on a far away balcony in Canterlot, had been brought to all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash, resident tomboy and self-proclaimed greatest flyer in all of Ponyville and beyond, turned to flutter in mid-air. The pink party pony she knew as her friend gave her two large sad eyes.


"Sorry Pinkie, I really need to get home and feed Tank before I head off to bed. I can normally stay up super late, but there's a really early weather job tomorrow I need to lead. Just, uh, tell Gummy I owe him, okay?" The pony said, before quickly flying out of earshot. Soon, she was soaring over the roofs of Ponyville, Sugarcube Corners vanishing into the distance behind her. Truth be told, the weather job tomorrow was hardly intense. Tonight simply wasn't a party night for the pegasus. Tonight was a cuddle with your blankets and your pet tortoise while vegging out, and eating snacks, night.


Over the roofs she went, mane in a flurry, towards her fluffy cloud home in the far distance.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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"Not this again."


Every little filly dreaded being by herself. In some circumstances, even the bravest ones. Such as this bright orange pegasus. She trotted around her clubhouse that her friend and fellow crusader Apple Bloom fixed up, wondering how to spend yet another dark and desolate night here. Most nights, she just huddled herself in a corner and tried her best to fall asleep, no matter the time it took. Often that wasn't a problem, since she was always beat from crusading earlier in the day.


However, tonight was not the case.


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both were unable to crusade that day, for they both had chores and other activities they were doing with their sisters, taking up most of the day. That being said, Scootaloo had nothing to do the whole day, nothing to tire her out, and nothing to cure her boredom and loneliness. She hated these days and nights. For over thirty minutes she had been decorating the floor with her hoof-prints until she thought, "Hmm... Nothing better to do anyway... I guess I could take a walk outside or something."


Scootaloo slowly trotted towards the door and opened it with a creak sound. She timidly looked to both sides and through the apple trees, making sure there was nopony else around, before walking down the stairs and into the beautiful night.

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Adrenaline coursing through her, Rainbow Dash began to rethink her scheduled night ahead of her; suddenly, relaxing and engaging in a quiet evening wasn't as tempting as it had been five minutes earlier. Now that she was one with the sky once again, she realized it was calling her. The pegasus swerved her angle and took off away from her cloud home, which had come into view off the edge of Ponyville. She would take a fly around the perimeter of Sweet Apple Acres, she thought. That'd knock some of her sudden need for speed out of her sails, so that she could settle down for the night properly, upon getting home.


Little did she know that her decision would have a bigger impact on her than she thought.


"Did I feed Tank this morning?..." The blue pony asked herself aloud, her words mumbled and challenged by the wind in her face. She tapped a goof on her chin, then smiled. "Yeah, must have."


Around Applejack and the rest of the Apple Family's main barn and home, around the apple trees, across the corn field and over the remaining crops, the pegasus found herself heading closer to the end of the perimeter, where a small shack sat in the middle of the belt of overlaying trees, surrounding the farm like a fence. Dash thought nothing of it.


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As Scootaloo slowly walked along, calming her mind and meditating on her own thoughts, she suddenly heard an oddly familiar noise. The sound of high speed flying. She looked up into the sky to see a dash of rainbow coloring soaring just ahead of her. She couldn't believe her luck. One of the few nights she had nothing to do, she found her savior. Without thinking, she shouted,


"Hey! Rainbow Da-"


She instantly stuck her hoof in her mouth, regretting ever speaking. She thought to herself, "Oh no... I shouldn't have said that... What if Rainbow Dash sees me out here, by myself? In the night? What if she finds out?" Scootaloo quickly sped off to the side, hiding herself behind a bush, trying her best to avoid coming into Rainbow's vision.

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(It would appear we have an anonymous Scootalove fan following the RP ;))


Rainbow Dash's slim and sleek body shot through the sky like a casual bullet, her mane still vibrant in Luna's dark night sky. Her violet eyes had just turned around to get a glance at her cloud home in the far distance, sitting a few hundred feet above the ground like a magnificent small palace. But something else caught her attention, now, as well. Her soft pony ears gave a little twitch, and she blinked curiously at the faint sound of someone calling her name. It was so fast, so sudden, that she was second-guessing herself to if she had actually heard it at all.


"Huh?" She muttered aloud, though completely rhetorical; no one could hear her from this height, even if there was someone calling her. The pony stopped on a dime and stood up straight in mid air, curling her front hooves to her chest as she fluttered, getting a good look at the dark, grassy fields mixed with shady trees below her. Squinting her eyes, she couldn't see anyone. But her curiously had gotten the better of her. If she didn't check, she'd think about it the rest of the night.


The blue pony swooped down in an arc, hovering a few feet above the ground and looking around once again.


"Is...somepony there?" Dash asked aloud, a bit hesitant in being too loud. Didn't want to chance somehow waking Applejack up from over in her barn, and getting a lecture.


Dash had no idea two big purple eyes were watching her from a bush not twenty feet away.

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"Great, just what I needed..." she muttered to herself quietly. Usually Scootaloo would be jumping for joy to actually get to talk to her lifelong idol, but now was not the time. The little filly scrambled with her thoughts to find some way out of this. She knew Rainbow was no stupid pony, so waiting it out was not an option.


Scootaloo then came to her last resort; Stealthy escape.


"Alright, so if I can somehow find my way back to the clubhouse without having Rainbow see me, I should be in the clear." When Dash was looking the other way, Scootaloo slowly, without a peep, trotted her small filly hooves over toward the direction of the CMC clubhouse. "Alright," she pondered, "since Rainbow Dash is looking over there, I can probably go a teeny bit faster." Scootaloo looked back at Rainbow one last time to make sure, and paced her agile body for a second. Before she could look back, however, she slammed her little hoof into a large apple tree root she hadn't seen a second ago in the dark of Luna's night. "Ow!" the young crusader cried out loudly in pain, stumbling to the grassy dirt.


"Uh oh..."

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For a while, Dash hunted through bushes and floated in the air, seemingly looking around just for the sake of it. She wasn't even convinced there was anyone here, now. They had obviously been calling out to her, and she would have heard or seen them by now. The blue pony shrugged it off, and had landed on the ground, ready to dart back up into the sky, when the loud shriek of a little filly in pain rattled through the silence. With a jump start, Dash looked around and quickly followed the sound, making a swift whooshing sound as she passed over a small hedge of bushes. There, just getting back up from the ground was a certain orange filly the blue pegasus knew.


"...Squirt?" The weather pony blinked, landing on all four hooves and retracing her majestic wings. She poked her head this way and that, kneeling down and looking at the filly's tiny body. She didn't appear to be hurt, thankfully. But, getting back up and looking around, there was an even bigger question that needed answering.


"Kid, what in the hay are doing out here this late?" She asked, the parental tone not suiting her. "Even I'm usually asleep by this time on average nights, and I'm twice as old as you."

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At the sound of these questions, nervousness and fear filled the little filly's eyes. She couldn't have Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony in all of Ponyville, her dream figure, find out her pathetic reason for being out here alone. Scoots timidly dragged her orange hoof across the ground a few times.


"Oh... Hey Rainbow Dash! I was just... Uhm... Walking back home after doing some... Late crusading!" Scootaloo said pathetically, trying her hardest to put on a smile.


But to no avail.

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The wind was now blowing through the trees overhead. It was painfully audible, and Scootaloo hated it. Dash remained utterly silent, giving her number one fan a 'don't lie to me' look. Her spectrum mane flowed in the wind, and it was only after it had eventually died down, that Dash spoke up at last. She walked a little closer to the filly, so that Scootaloo actually had to look up to see her.


"Kid, I may not be an egghead like Twilight, but I'm pretty good at figuring out when somepony isn't telling me something." She said softly, brows furrowed. She wanted answers to her now prodding questions. Why was Scootaloo up so late for, really? Why was she still at this rickety old clubhouse of AJ's? Shouldn't she be at home? While these questions bounced around in Rainbow's head, she watched and waited for Scootaloo to speak up.


"Come on kid, out with it. Why are you really out here?"


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The chilling temperatures of the night didn't help Scootaloo at all in this situation. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash towering over her, which, in truth, frightened her a bit in the dark of the night. The little filly's eyes widened as she spoke,


"Well... you see.. I... I just w-was..."


She looked down at the ground. Tears filled her big purple eyes. The pressure and embarrassment of this situation was too much for the young pegasus. After a few seconds of silence between the young crusader and the azure pegasus, Scootaloo finally cracked. The young filly ran away towards her clubhouse, sobbing.

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Dash blinked and gave a gaping-mouthed look of complete confusion and slight shock. That wasn't the response she had been expecting at all. In an instant, she fluttered into the air and followed the orange pony, her expression softening, but also becoming slightly agitated. She was honestly starting to worry a bit...


"Kid, hold on, I was trying to make sure you're okay! No, don't go in there-Ughhh!" Just before Dash could catch up to her, the orange filly had ran inside the Clubhouse and slammed it's front door. With a snort, the blue pony landed on the ground, and put a face in her hoof. Why did this have to be so hard? Why was she in this mess, when she could be back home, relaxing with Tank?


"Come on kid, please open up, I just wanna talk to you! What's wrong?" She asked, knocking on the wooden door and putting an ear to it, listening for a response.

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It was still cold and windy outside. Scootaloo could barely make out Rainbow's words through her sobbing. She had her back against the wall and her teary eyes in her hooves. She almost felt... Cornered. No way out of this.


No excuses.


Although, something about the blue pegasus's words were soothing to her. The sincerity and showing worry in Rainbow's voice sounded calming... She knew one thing though. There was no way to hide the truth without making herself look stupid. The orange filly got up and slowly trotted across the clubhouse to the door. "Why does this have to happen now?" she thought. She opened the door only a crack so she could slightly see Rainbow's face. "Well," she whispered, tears still in her big purple eyes,


"welcome to my home."

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After a moment, Scootaloo opened up the door completely, and Rainbow stood in the doorway, looking from the big sobbing eyes of the small filly, to the interior of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse. It looked rather empty and dodgy when it was this late at night, Rainbow thought. But now, the blue pony finally began to piece together what was going on.


Oh, horse feathers.


"Kid..." Dash began, taking on yet another softening demeanor as she slowly walked inside. Something compelled her to close the door behind her, as if she didn't want anything to disturb the interaction she and the filly were about to have. "...You live here alone? You're an orph-"


Dash caught herself. Normally she didn't care about holding back her mouth in situations, but the filly was too young, too scared and too upset for the azure pegasus to not worry about her feelings. Instead, she sighed, and began to contemplate how in the hay to deal with this sort of situation. She rubbed her head and walked after Scootaloo, who had retreated to the safety of one particular Clubhouse corner.


She was hardly the comforting, mushy type. But...the kid needed somepony for her, right now. Dash could only hope she'd be good enough at it to help.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Her eyes became glassy. That word was like a dagger to her. She knows she should somehow accept the truth. But this particular case... It was too much for the elementary filly to handle on her own.


The truth she has hidden from everypony for so many years.


As Rainbow Dash slowly walked towards Scootaloo, her presence became more and more comforting than it was outside a few minutes ago. Scootaloo gave Rainbow Dash two big eyes while still partially looking at the ground. "Yeah..." she muttered, "I sleep down here every night. U-usually I'm able t-to sleep okay, b-but I had nothing to do all day... That's why I w-was outside and..." Her words were swelling in her throat, and it soon became impossible to speak. She trotted up to Rainbow's check and buried her face in it, crying.


Right then, she had no idea how much of an impact this night would have on her life.

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Something in Dash began to fill rapidly with heat, as well as tranquility and care. She closed her eyes half-way and let the filly cry into her, giving her a moment, before Dash put a hoof on the top of the kid's head, and ruffled through her mane. She watched Scoots and made a deep exhale, forcing a smile and then promptly laying down on the wooden floor. Curling her tail and stretching out her hooves before drawing them to her body, she encouraged the filly to come sit down with her.


"Come here, squirt." Dash said softly. Of all her friends, she was probably the worst at comforting, but she had no other choice. There was no one else around, and Scoots saw her as an awesome pony, after all. If she couldn't try and help the kid out, what kind of 'awesome pony' would she even be?


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This made her smile.


Eyes still a bit moist, Scootaloo slowly trotted over to Rainbow and plopped herself down next to the blue pony. After a second, she got a bit light headed and rested her head on Rainbow's side.


"I wish I could live somewhere with somepony. But I don't," Scootaloo said abruptly. She figured, after all that has happened, there was no reason to hold back her feelings now. "I just sleep down here in this place. She looked out the window from where she was sitting at some clouds outside. She asked, "Do clouds keep you warm? Because on most nights, it sure gets cold in here." Scoots' ears lowered and she looked at the ground again. She didn't know why she was telling Rainbow Dash all this, but there was this certain vibe coming off of the cyan pegasus. Something caring. Something compassionate.


Something sister-like.

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Her vibrant tail wrapping around little Scoot's body, Dash used a hoof to drag the filly's flank a little closer to her, so that she was rightly laying with her idol. It got a giggle out of Scootaloo, and a grin out of Dash


"Uhh...well, clouds can actually be kinda cold sometimes, cause they're susceptible to heat." The rainbow said, 'susceptible' being one of the very few large words in her vocabulary. As Scoots began to feel more and more comfortable where she was, Dash's warm body and tail embracing her, her eyes tried to betray her and close more with each passing minute. She must be tired, after all. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom must have been put to bed by their sisters, hours ago.


Sisters. Damn, the kid didn't even have a guardian to look after her. Rainbow could only imagine what it must feel like seeing the only two people in your life having such fun with something you don't have. It made her hearth squeeze in her chest. Crap, Dash could already see where this was going.


"Well, kid, you're lookin' about ready to pass out on me." She stated, noogying the filly harshly to get her to snort and fling open her eyes abruptly again. "I can't leave your here. So...if you've really got nowhere else to go, why don't you come on up and stay the night with me at my place? We'll try and figure out what to do with ya in the morning, okay?"


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Scootaloo immediately stood up. Her ears shot up. Her heart EXPLODED.


Rainbow Dash, the best flier and coolest pony in all of Equestria, was inviting her to her house for the night? Scootaloo felt about ready to burst in excitement. Lost for words, she just bounced in excitement, which retrieved a thrown aback look from Dash. This made her completely forget the sorrows earlier that night.


"Oh my gosh, no way, dear Celestia, I must be dreaming!" Was all that ran through the young pegasus's head. "No way!" she screamed with a voice crack, after finally finding the will inside her to talk rather than bounce. "Are you being serious?! I get to stay with you?" She exclaimed, a grin wider than a mile spread across her face.

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Looking a tad relieved that she could end the cuddle fest she had assumed she'd have to drag out even longer, Dash smirked and stood back up as well. She bowed her head to the ground and scuffed her hoof playfully, nudging the filly in the face with her nose and winking.


"I dunno...could you even handle the awesomeness that is my super cool cloud house, squirt?"


She zoomed around the room and then took the filly by surprise, when she tossed her up into the air and onto her azure back, using her snout. Now fluttering in the air, Dash made a bee-line out the open window, and rose up above the trees, up into the dark jewel-filled sky. Scootaloo clung to the ponies' neck for safety. "Just for the night, kid, then in the morning we'll talk to my friends, and see what we can do for ya."


Little did Dash know that one night was not at all truth in just how long Scootaloo would stay with her.


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It all happened so fast. From being harmlessly kicked up into the air, landing with a thud on Rainbow's back and speeding out the window, she could hardly remember thinking during that epic moment of time. The cold winds chilled her as they flew upwards, but she didn't care because she was filled with adrenaline.


"So this is what it's like to fly..." she muttered, amazed, yet she sadly looked back at her own wings, knowing how for her at the moment, it was not possible. She squeezed that though out of her brain for the time being and just enjoyed the amazing thrill of the flight with Dash. This night already was more amazing than anything she has ever experienced. As the wind blew in her mane, she let it all go.


"Woooooohooooo! Yeaaaa!" she screamed into the dark of the night as they soared upward.

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All the while they soared up into the darkened sky, Rainbow Dash began to reflect on the action she had just made. She said she'd find something to do with the kid, but there really weren't that many options. If the kid's parents and family were really gone, then foster care would be the only thing awaiting the orange scootering filly, something Dash knew the kid would absolutely hate. Heck, that was probably why she never told anyone, so that she didn't wind up in a place like that, to begin with.


But what could she do, then? She wasn't mom or sister material in the least, how could she look after the kid?


Maybe one of her friends could take her in, like Applejack. Apple Bloom was the squirt's age after all and they were best friends, Dash was sure that between the orange farm pony, her brother and their grandmother, they might be able to do the job. Maybe she could take the kid to Sweet Apple Acres in the morning, and talk with them about-


Dash suddenly felt the orange pony wrap her small front hooves around Dash's neck tighter, burrowing her nose into the rainbow mane and laughing happily. Dash's eyes half closed as she reached her cloud home, at last.


No, what was she thinking? She couldn't do that. Ugh...this was giving her a headache.


"K squirt, time to get off and get inside." The blue pony said, sitting on her haunches and making the filly roll off her back like a slide.


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Scootaloo landed with a "poof" sound on the clouds. As her hooves sank in, she thought she was going to sink through, and yelped a bit before realizing that she was standing on a cloud. "Hehehe, so this is what standing on a cloud is like, eh?" she giggled. The orange filly bounced on the clouds like a trampoline, rolling around and hopping like Pinkie Pie. The chilling temperatures of the height she was at didn't even affect her spontaneous character. She abruptly stopped at a perplexed look from Rainbow Dash. Her cheeks became red.


"So, uh, this is an awesome house! I've always seen mostly the side and bottom of it when I'm following you on my scooter, but it looks totally rad up here! Can I go inside? Can I? Can I?" Scootaloo shouted excitedly. Without even thinking, she opened the doors to the plush cloud mansion and rushed inside giggling.

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"That's what I said to begin with squirt, to go inside." Dash said with an eye-roll, trotting in after the over-excited pony and closing the door. As soon as she got in, she noticed the filly bouncing around her living room, taking in all the new sights that she had only dreamed and wondered about, until now. Restraining herself from yelling at the filly to stop jumping up and down on her poor, defenseless couch, Dash trotted into her bathroom and began to work on brushing her teeth, and then, adventuring to the kitchen to feed Tank before bed.


"Hope you expend all that energy soon, kid, cause it's time for bed." The rainbow pony said flatly, emerging back into the living room, and nodding her head towards her large bedroom, matched with her equally large bed.


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Scootaloo stopped in her tracks. Expend? What does that mean? "Hmmm...," the young filly thought, "since she mentions energy, I sure got a lot of that stuff." She furrowed her eyebrows. A smirk spread across her face. She slowly trotted over to the bed and hopped on top of it. "Hey Rainbow Dash! Since you said to expand or whatever my energy, I just got an idea..."


The little orange Pegasus put a pillow between her hooves, and aimed at the cyan weather pony. Scootaloo fired.


"PILLOW FIGHT!" she exclaimed, giggling and hiding behind the bed with two other pillows.

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Dash's soft ear had just twitched, when she turned around and took a soft bed pillow to her face. She blinked and shook her head rapidly as feathers floated lazily past her face. She glared in minor irritation as the rambunctious filly giggled and ran behind the bed.


"Not 'expand' goofball, 'expend'! Which means 'to get rid of'!" Dash yelled. But it was too late for reason. Dash quickly leaned down and grabbed the end of her pillow in her mouth, then fluttered over to the other side of the bed. Desire for feathery revenge now taking over, the pegasus figured that this would tire the filly out anyway...


"Ha! Mcan't hide mfrom me, squirt!" Dash muffled through her mouthful of pillow, bonking Scootaloo over the head and against her back and tummy repeatedly.


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