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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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"Awesome," Azure said. "I don't think I'll have anything to drink though. I haven't had an alcoholic drink at all in my life, in fact." Azure never liked the thought of alcohol and its effects. He had lost many friends to the poisoning beverage, too many to count. As he trotted along with the two ponies accompanying him, he took note of Luna's beautiful night sky. The stars were of many, bright and everything, and the moon was just as light. However, the dark night sky made distinction with the iridescent colors of the Manehattan buildings which lead Lily to look in awe, speechless.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"wow, i never get over how beautiful this place is. even when i went to..." once again she stopped herself "went on holiday." she looked up and saw the stars, she always found them pretty. "ok, so the bar rooke suggested is around this corner." she stopped and looked at the bars entrance. simple but pleasing to the eye. she turned to her friends "in we go!" 


lily walked in and sat at the bar. imma have a hay-lalua cocktail." she passed the drinks list to hunter "what do you feel like? remember, dont go cazy, we wnt to looke respectable at the resteraunt later! " she joked.

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Azure looked at the menu displayed. Are you bucking kidding me? He thought. Seriously, one non-alcoholic drink *sigh*. "I'll have a, uh, Root beer." He said almost as if stressed. Root beer was not his style of drink, but it'd have to do. "Alcohol isn't my thing *huff*,"

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"raspberry vodka, thanks"

hunter smiled at her companions

'so this is what its like to have real friends, I feel so...happy'

"hey, Azure, its ok to not like alcohol, you're still good in my books, in fact, if Lily and I end up legless, you can help walk us back to the dorms"

she gave a giggle to Azure

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"haha its ok, i only drink it for the taste. i hate being out of control of my body ever since..." once again... "uhhh... long story that one" she sighed. "oh boy..." she pulled out her new phone she got as a gift. she heard it beep. "uhhh, sorry guys, this message is important." she started to mumble the message as she typed it out. ok.... tell zym-my ill be home soon... and that i love him... mommy misses him... "sorry bout that." she chuckled "so after dinner, wanna go to a club?"

Edited by lilymalady123
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"Sounds... interesting," Azure said. If he had said fun then it would have been very misleading. Very nice ponies these two individuals are making themselves out to be He thought. "Just try not to get abducted by some shady pony, alright. It'd be one literal hell of a night looking for either of you," he stated, almost stunned at the thought of one of his friends gone missing in some carriage being... no, just no. Azure thought, or rather, didn't.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily sipped at her cocktail and laughed. her phone beeped again. "fuck, sorry again," she started to text. "you would think they would be good with kids, well, one of them at least." she put down her phone. "actually, only one of them would be any good at it. why did i leave him with them again?"

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"Yea, that's alright. I know how it feels to be torn away from an event by something like a phone." Azure said and thought simultaneously. Many times before has someone nagged on him for playing his music in his headphones too loud and not hearing them, along with countless other situations of the same deal.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"sure, club sounds great. dont worry about me Azure, I have experience in dealing with perverts and sickos"

Hunter took a sip of her drink, by the sip each one of her day-to-day stresses seemed to go away, thats what she loved about drinking

"this is the best drink I've had, here Azure have a sip, just a sip, it wont even eat a brain cell" 

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"Sorry, but no. I have a rather serious fear of alcohol, a deep one if you may." Azure said. "I have lost many friends to alcohol, even my own mother was corrupted by it. I just can't bear the thought of that thing in my system, making me addicted to it fastly, destroying me inside, and controlling every. Move. I make." he said with a somewhat frantic look on his face "I think I've went too much into detail on that one."

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"yeah...a simple 'no thank you' would have been enough, I wasnt gonna force it down your throat. well, more for me"

Hunter playfully poked her tongue out at Azure and took another sip of her drink. she enjoyed the company of her new friends, plus she couldnt get over how friggin' attractive Lily was

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"haha, indeed." lily chuckled, glad no one noticed her mumbling. if anyone should know... "how about we talk about something else?" she decided to change the topic. she looked at hunter, she seemed to be googling at her. her phone rang. "awww god..." she said with fustration. "i have to get this guys." she jumped down from the bar and walked into the corner. "really? god linus, get blaze to help you. what?! fine, find rooke. i dont care if he is reading. ive been gone for two days and my 9 year old son acts like a 3 year old. alright, im at a bar in town, ill come home for the night. zym will have to get over it eventually." she hung up


she walked back to the bar. "guys, ive got to go. im so sorry, ive got a problem at home. ill be at the school tommorrow. i only live in town so its not like i live in ponyville. ill see you guys soon." and with that she said her goodbye's and galloped off.

Edited by lilymalady123
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Azure was looking off in deep thought while sipping his Root beer. Unlike most ponies, he liked to keep most of his personal life in his head. What a long journey I've had. Huh, and I'm not even halfway through it. Born, raised in Canterlot and earned a living there, moved near the Everfree forest, moved again to Fillydelphia, again to Cloudsdale, and countless other times. Made many friends, many enemies. Faked many names, lives, and deaths. I met her... Azure ceased at the thought of his past.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"alright, bye"

Hunter waved as Lily left the bar

"I dont know about you Azure, but I think she's holding more cards than she's playing, I mean, I'm not one to meddle in ponies' affairs but something seems up. anyway enough about that, its just you and me tonight, if you're still up for it"


((last post, off to bed))

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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Angel closed her notebook once she found the gold pen was working and placed in carefully into her pastel blue saddle bag along with the two bags.  She stepped off of the log and walked back to the dorms.  She went into her room and closed the door.  I wonder if their expecting me to write, she thought sadly as she sat on the window seat.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Indeed. Something must be bothering that mare. Something deep." Azure said. This was yet another moment in which he felt like he was missing an essential piece of the pony puzzle. "Perhaps we should leave it alone... for now. We as her friends owe it to her to let her decide if she needs help with something or not." Azure stated with precision. "... and yes, I'm still up for it."

((also last post, heading to bed))

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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In the end, Angel Feather decided to write a letter.  Just one to each of them.  Maybe they wouldn't read them...but maybe they would feel bad if they see that Angel hadn't forgotten them.

So Angel laid out a piece of paper and began to write:


Dear Princess Celestia,

I had my first class today.  I really like what they taught me.  I believe that they will teach me a great deal more.  I am thinking of publishing a book.  Do you think I could, even though I'm still so young?

Thank you again, Princess.  As always.

From your faithful student, Angel Feather.


Angel Feather folded up the letter, tears dripping from her eyes as she set it aside to be sent to the Princess later on.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(OOC: Sorry for my lack of posting.)


Night Song shook her hooves and her wings as she climbed out of the shower that evening. Once she dried herself off, she brushed her mane with a colorful brush. After that, Night Song's mane and tail became soft and shiny and her coat smooth. She re-tied her ribbon back into her mane and walked over to her dorm. It had been a long day and she was ready to go to sleep. It was a good she wasn't given any homework! So she sung a song on her way back to Dorm 13.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Next, Angel wrote a letter to her...caretaker, perhaps she could call her.  She wrote the same thing she had written to the Princess.


Dear Snow Shine,

I had my first class today.  I really like what they taught me.  I believe that they will teach me a great deal more.  I am thinking of publishing a book.  Do you think I could, even though I'm still so young?

And thank you for taking care of me all those years.

From Angel Feather.


Angel folded it up and placed it down, now her tears were a waterfall down her face.  It was not true.  She hadn't taken care of her.  She never cared.

Angel curled up on her bed and waited for the tears to stop flowing.  Silly Angel.  Its only your second day here and you've already cried buckets.  Get a hold of yourself you big foal.

Her thoughts made her cry more.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"What are you doing here...Again" Acid Dash asked his sister. "I'm visiting you again!" She replied. Acid Dash groaned and looked at his clock. "How did mom and dad even let you come here? It's 4 in the morning." He rolled back up in his blankets and went back to sleep. "Awww! Come one! that's no fun!" She jumped up and down on him while he was trying to go back to sleep. "Alright. What do you want?" "I want breakfast" she said. "Seriously? You came HERE to ask ME to make you breakfast?"

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On the hottest day of the summer in Appleloosa, an execution was taking place.

"Eve Gala, I hereby charge you with the coldblooded murder of Commander Hurricane." The executioner stated.

The pony being charged with such a crime was a yellow Earth pony, who was sure of her own innocence.

"Any last words?" questioned the executioner

"I'm innocent," she pleaded in a small, sad voice

"No." said a white stallion with a deep azure blue mane along with blood red eyes upon seeing his beloved about to be hung.

Before anypony could react, the executioner pulled a lever, sending Eve to her inevitable death.

Upon seeing this, the white stallion knew he could do no more but watch. And cry.


Azure inhaled deeply. He had a nightmare, one that has haunted him before. All he could do right now was look up at the ceiling of his dorm room in anger, fear... and agitation. He somehow managed to get a headache without drinking anything alcoholic last night. Figures, the club was almost insanely loud and bright. He got up and went to his bathroom to wash his face, and got ready for a day of, well, anything.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Hunter awoke to find herself in her room

"ugh, how did I get here and whats with this headache ugh"

she then remembered something as she got out of bed and drank a bottle of water

"wait, Azure helped me back, thats it. he's such a gentlecolt, walking a wasted mare to her room and not trying anything"

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I wonder what happened to Lily last night. Azure thought to himself. Oh, that's right. she went home to... something. Azure still wondered how he could've forgotten such a valid event of the night prior without drinking. He rubbed his head. I wonder if she's back. With that, Azure trotted down the hall to Lily's dorm.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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When Acid Dash finally got his younger sister to go home it was 6 in the morning. He decided he would get ready for the day. So he grabbed his Saddle bag and put a notebook, his laptop, and some pens and pencils into it. He decided he would go get a cupcake. He decided to go check out some towns, as it was a free day. He flew to PonyVillle, as he heard Sugarcube Corner made the best cupcakes ever. When he got to Sugarcube Corner, he saw Pinkie at the counter. "Hi there! Would you like some cupcakes!? :D"

Acid Dash looked at her and said "Uhm... Sure. Any cupcake will do." "Okee Dokey!" Acid Dash waited, and when his cupcake came, he  ate it and said "Thanks! I am from Cloudsdale, and heard your shop makes the best cupcakes in Equestria, anyways, Iv'e got to get back to Manehatatten" He payed for his cupcake. Then he asked if he could have about 5 in a small box, so he could take them back. "Sure!!!" Pinkiepie said, when she came back with the cupcakes, Acid dash thanked her again, and payed her for 5 cupcakes. Then he flew back to Manehatten University.

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lily had just gotten home from... well... home. she walked into her dorm and started to clean it up. she made her bed and cleaned up her floor. she logged onto her computer and inserted an sd card. she started flipping through photos of her and a certain young foal. after what they probably heard, saw or thought last night, i guess i can trust them... she thought

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