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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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Rust wandered the school corridors, lost in the ever changing students moving from class to class. What now? He had no idea what to do!


Suddenly, a though occurred to him. The cool crowd! If he got into that crowd, just in the background, then he could follow members around to different classes! He wouldn't have to remember a thing!


Only problem was... finding the cool crowd. There were so many small friend groups passing him that it was difficult to pinpoint any one sect...


Wait... there was some kid outside walking alone round the gardens. He was either a loner... or part of a cool gang! Rust quickly found an exit into the grassy area, and he fell into step behind the stranger. A black pony with acid green eyes... he'd just follow this guy, then join the group unnoticed! As long as it was big enough...

Edited by Silverpoint345
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Acid Dash felt someone close. "If your looking for any group, your not gonna get any luck sticking with me, I have 1 friend, if you want a group, try Lily Ringing-Bell." He turned and looked at Rust. "You can most likely find her with the other alicorn, Azure. Or with Hunter..."

  • Brohoof 1
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Rust jumped back in shock, and answered him indignantly. "What?! Nah, I was just walking here! Who needs a group anyway! It's not as if I haven't... already got one..." he hesitated, then returned to being indignant. "I've got better things to do than walk around with a loser like you!"


He felt kind of bad for insulting him, but he didn't want to look uncool, or desperate. Besides, only one friend in the whole school...


Irritated by the confrontation, Rust moved off towards another location. Had he mentioned an Alicorn? Like the one he'd seen that morning! That Alicorn was definitely part of a cool group! He had to be...

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After class, Azure had decided to take another trip to the garden. This had become a ritual for him, to clear his thoughts by taking in the nature of the surroundings was to always make for a fine moment. As he trotted his way to the usual spot, he saw a slightly bewildered red stallion (Rust) heading his way, perhaps unintentionally. Digressing from his main intention, he approached the colt.

"Sup'? You new here?"

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily left class after the teacher dismissed her. she walked out to the garden. she saw azure, but he was talking to somepony, so she sat down and started to play tetris with the clouds. she texted hunter: hey sweetie, im out in the garden. wanna come hang? <3 lily XOXO

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Hunter's phone buzzed, she checked to see what the message was

hey sweetie, im out in the garden. wanna come hang? <3 lily XOXO

she kissed her phone and smiled as she up and left the cafeteria. she trotted out to the gardens and just like the other day, Lily was playing with the clouds. she flew up and snuck up behind Lily before grabbing her in an instant hug, but also trying to playfully jump-scare her

"hey sweetie, got your message"

Hunter kissed her lover on the cheek and sat on a nearby cloud to watch 

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Rust looked back at Azure without recognising him. How did everyone know that he was new! There were like... a million different students here...


"Yeah," he replied casually, "I just got here. I'm waiting to go to my next class. Why, do you need anything?" Rust tried his best to look disinterested, however he was greatfull for the interaction.

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At the music room, Night Song was working on a warm-up that was on her desk before she got there. It asked what she would feel when she listens to a different type of music. Well... I do get energized when I hear techno music and I feel happy when I listen to some country music... was what was going through her mind as she answered the questions. She adjusted her new mane extensions and continued writing.

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"Not at all, sir. Just trying to make a friendly approach." Azure thought he recognized Rust as one of the ponies crowding around him in the cafeteria, but decided to brush it off. "I know what it feels like to be new here is all, but if you're not interested in hanging out then I'm cool with that. I have many friends to tend to."

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"That's cool, I'll just... wait... did you say many friends?" Rust exclaimed.


Suddenly, he recognised Azure. "You're an Alicorn! You're THE Alicorn! Hell yeah, I'll hang with you!"


Rust had visions of a huge group of popular ponies and he grinned. Step one... find the cool crowd! From there, he could make a few friends and hang with them!


"So, where are your friends?" Rust asked carefully.

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Angel continued along the path, her eyes searching the ponies around her. She didn't even notice that she was. She did it all the time. It no longer seemed to occur to her that she was. But she would be doing it for the rest of her life. That she was certain.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid Dash found a spot in the garden where there wasn't any flowers, so none would die, and he laid down in the grass and watched the sky.


He saw what looked like blocks of clouds... He could guess who made those...


As he laid, he pulled a book out of his saddlebag. He hadn't started it, yet he new what was in it...

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"What do you know, I think I see two of them over there," Azure replied to Rust, gesturing towards Lily and Hunter. However, they both seemed to be minding their own business, and frankly Azure hated to be one to intrude. "... but I think we should leave them be for a bit."


Lawrence had finished presenting himself to the magic class, so he went outside. He had no intention of following his father, but luck had it that he somehow managed to trot into the university's garden where he saw Rust and Azure conversing. "Hey dad," Lawrence said, attention on Azure "Who's this?"

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Lily smiled at hunter. She loved the way she just sat and watched. The way her eyes gleamed and her hair blowed. She loved the way her smile brightened the world, even when it was the middle of the day. She smiled too. She loved hunter, and hunter loved her. She felt warm and cool at the same time. She saw azure and Lawrence. "Hunter, be right back, imma see what the blokes are up to." And with that she trotted over.

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"you know, I'll come too. after all, Azure is my friend as well and i dont want to make us more of a priority than him, its best to even both priorities"

Hunter smiled as she hopped off the cloud and accompanied Lily to see what Azure and Lawrence were up to

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Rust glanced at Lawrence with slight interest. "The name's Rust, Rust Datech... I'm guessing that you're one of Azure's friends too.. wait, did you just call him dad? Is that like... an inside joke or something?"


Rust was beginning to feel more confident, Azure clearly had a whole bunch of friends. They weren't how he'd expected the cool crew to be, but in a university this high ranking, there'd be no room for ponies who were unacademic. Rust noticed that the two ponies Azure had marked as friends were approaching, and he focused in them, waiting for an answer from Azure.

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"Long story on that one," Lawrence said. "To make it shorter, I'll just go straight forward and tell you he's indeed my dad."


"One of these days you should hear it, Rust," Azure stated. "It's pretty interesting."


Azure saw his other friends approaching and decided to greet them. "Hey Lily. Hey Hunter."

Edited by Azurepony4269
  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Hi azure! Who's this?" She quizzed slightly as she put her hoof around hunter. "Oh! Is he a new friend! I like new friends!" She giggled. She nuzzled hunters neck. "Maybe he can join us for breakfast sometime!!! I love our breakfasts together! It would be even more fun!"

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Hunter giggled with Lily

"of course, theres always room for more friends"

she returned her lovers nuzzles and cuddled close

then we can be a group of five. yay!"

hunter was excited, she never really had any friends before, and to have five was feeling great

  • Brohoof 1

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Rust raised an eyebrow. This was wierd... he'd expected the cool group to be much larger, and less... friendly. He'd been expecting to be made fun of, or laughed at by the more popular ponies, not welcomed in. To be honest, insults would have been easier to adjust to than this open kindness and friendship; he felt sort of embarrassed.


Well, he'd adapt to the group soon enough, it was just a matter of fitting in. So, play it cool, Rust thought to himself, and he spoke with confidence and arrogance. "So this is the group then? What do you guys do then, aside from eating breakfast? I'm guessing that you all take classes..."

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"We hang, mostly. On rare occasions we'll give life advice to one another, and on others we'll... well, go out," Azure said "The webs of association throughout the university are thin, so we don't really find larger groups than what we have here... and yes, of course we take classes."

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Night Song was very hungry by the time she got to the cafe. She got her food and sat at her usual place by the window. She was pretty excited because she had plans this evening to buy some stuff and maybe even take Acid along if he wants to come and do some stuff as well. She vaguely knew how to get around the area because she used to live in Manehatten when she was a little filly. Her only worry was running into her mother, the only pony she dreads meeting.

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Acid walked back to his dorm, where he usually went to be alone, and listened to Love Me Cherilee (Toutube: "Love Me Cherilee, Song by WoodenToaster, if you can find it, video by BronyDanceParty) He sang along to it "Hey Cherilee, hey Cherileeee, I'm afraid to raise my ha-aa-and, I have something to ask you, because I want to understaa--and..."

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lily smiled. she turned to the newbie. "I KNOW!" she said with an excited tone, "lets go out to the pub again!" she gleemed with joy. "hopefully, zym can live without me for a few hours this time." she laughed. she turned to azure "this time, we go somewhere with a larger range of softdrinks..."

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Angel lowered her head, keeping her eyes on the ponies around her.  When she would meet a ponies eye, she would turn quickly away in embarrassment.  Finally, she turned around to go back to the university campus.  She felt disappointed at the lack of excitement of her little trip.  But also relieved.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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