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private The Corny RP


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"Good. I kick in my sleep and I don't want a knife in my back." Blaze said as he jumped on the bed. He stared at the ceiling as he thought about the day. Linus had arrived, Lily had her baby, they met Gears, and Rook was still being a scaredy pony about proposing to Starbolt. "Do you think Lily will be arlight in the hospital alone? And what about Gears? He's in a windmill for pony's sake. I can't believe Rook didn't let him crash here." Blaze complained. "Hey! I know what we should do!" he said as he popped up off of his bed. "We could build another room! A place for you and Gears to stay." He looked over to Linus to see if he had heard anything that he had said. Blaze rolled his eyes. Linus was already asleep, snoring. "Okay you big oaf, I'll make sure you get the the small bed out of the two." he said. He laid back on his bed. I hope Gears is alright. Blaze thought to himself and began to fall asleep.

Edited by SongBrony
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Meanwhile at the old windmill, Gears was crying eating chocolate ice cream, watching reruns of 2 Broke Mares, and crying. The usual nightly stuff.

He ate down to the bottom of the tub, and grabbed the other one from the side of his bed. He popped it open and began eating it.

"Hmm. That offer they gave was tempting... I'll *sniff* think about ittttt-I'M SO ALONE!!!"

He began crying and eating more Ice Cream.


(Gears is really depressing, I'd get used to it.)

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Blaze woke up at the break of dawn. Mainly because he fell off the bed and slammed his head on the ground. "Ow..." he said as he rubbed his head. He looked at Linus who was still sleeping loudly. Blaze groaned as he picked himself off of the floor. He walked out of the room and missed the first step, falling down the stairs. He stopped at the bottom of the staircase as Rook walked out with a cup of tea levitating by his magic.

"I see you're up." he said as he took a sip from his cup. "You sleep well?"

Blaze got up again. "Yeah. Until I woke up with my skull cracking against the floor." They walked to the kitchen and say at the table. "So, you're going to Star's school today?" Blaze asked.

"Yep." he said sipping his tea.


"Why would I be nervous?" he asked.

"Look, I know I pick on you and make your life hell sometimes, but I do care about what happens to you. I'm all about screwing you over." Blaze said. "I see how you look at her and how your face lightens up when she's around. It's one of the reasons I've been pushing for you to propose to her for so long. You're a very stress filled pony who needs to be relax. You are most relaxed when your with Star. You may not feel it, but you look it."

Rook looked at him. "And what if she says no?" he asked.

Blaze chuckled. "She won't. Believe me. You may not be the knight who rescues her from everything, but you've got enough brains for all of us. That's what she loves about you. Your brains, smart aleck come backs, and maybe your ability to stay calm in stressful situations."

"Funny, she said the same thing about me last night. And I take it you mean when Lily..." Rook said.

"Yeah. Lily will never let me live that down. But you have shown Star that you are someone who thinks things through before acting. Unlike me, nuking an entire cave full of Brotherhood before I can get out. You wouldn't do that, put yourself at risk without fully thinking." Blaze said.

Rook sat and contemplated what he was saying. "But what if she still says no?" Blaze gave him a thump on the head. "Hey!" Rook exclaimed. "What was that for?"

"For your pessimistic thinking! She loves you and you love her. Now stop thinking like she'll say no." Blaze said.

Rook sighed. "Okay. Thanks Blaze. I know you always mean well, but you have a really weird way to show it." Rook said as he finished his tea.

"I know, but I do it because it's fun. Now when you get to the classroom, you're going to propose, right in front of her class. Be a little treat for both of them." Blaze said with a smile.

Rook sat there thinking again. "I never knew you to he someone who could read faces..."

"I studied psychology. You know, for my explosive warfare."

"Of course." Rook said.

"I see you two have made up." Starbolt said as she walked into the kitchen. "Come on Rook, we're going to be late." she said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Well wish me luck." Rook said nervously.

"Good luck, you nervous wreck." Blaze said and gave him a pat on the shoulder. Rook walked out with Starbolt, leaving Blaze alone with a snoring Linus. "Well, might as well make use of the hot water on the stove." he said with a menevolent grin. He took the hot water and flew up the stairs. He opened the door and found Linus still sleeping on the floor. 


He walked over to him and dumped the scolding hot water on him. "AHHHHHH!" Linus exclaimed.


"Shut up. We're going to the windmill to take Gears back here." Blaze said. "Let's go Pinkie! And I'm not talking about the party animal." 

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''The least you could do is use the cold water.'' Linus muttered while getting up and rolling his eyes. He caught up with everyone and froze in his tracks. ''Do you ever wonder if there's something controlling us? If we're just a fictional character controlled by different things, having no free will once so ever?'' Linus asked Blaze while cocking an eyebrow. ''Man, I'm deep.''

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Blaze just stared back at him. "Yeah, and I'm the queen of Equestria and you can be my jester." he said sarcastically. "Rook and Star are going to her classroom. So in the meantime, we're going to take Gears back here. Besides, visiting hours aren't for another hour." His stomach growled. "Okay, first we'll hit up a pizza stand, then we'll get Gears."

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''Oh, we're going to get pizza? I love pizza, but I'm going to get my damned mane all screwed up!'' Linus whined while patting his light pink mane. He sighed and rolled his eyes. ''Ah, well. I've been missing black and white anyways. Not like I'll lose comedy relief points for my pink mane.''

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"Yeah, you'll look more threatening without walking around with cotton candy on your head." Blaze said. They walked into the town's pizza joint and grabbed a two whole pizzas. "I'll take one for Gears. You and me can probably finish one by ourselves." Blaze said. He opened the box that Linus had and found that three slices were already missing. "Hey!" he said, and took the box from him. "No eating until we get to Gear's place!" They walked to the windmill with Linus pouting. Blaze's stomach gave a low growl. We should have eaten before we came by. They walked up to the windmill doors and knocked, waiting for Gears to respond.

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Several machine guns and rockets popped out of secret compartments around the door, and slow metallic footsteps were heard on the other side.

"Go away. The Master doesn't want any visitors. Unless you're a supermodel and/or a millionaire. If you are, please do say so."

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"Uh...Gears? It's Blaze and Linus. From the hospital?" Blaze called out. "Mind shutting off the defenses? Last time I was put in danger I nuked an entire cave with rocks and alkali metals. I brought you pizza." He looked to Linus. "Master? What, is he a relative of the Doctor or something?"

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"You're here to see the Master? Oh why didn't you say so!!! Hold on just let me...."

The sounds many different types of locks unlocking and chains being loosened, and combination knob turning are heard, and the door opens. A robotic pony stands near the door. "Master's right in the basement, he be delighted to have visitors."

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''Doctor Who?'' Linus asked while cocking an eyebrow. ''I wonder what he's doing right now. And what's with the robot?'' Linus asked while staring at the metal pony. ''I'm getting nervous, Blaze. So, can I have a slice to calm me down?'' Linus said while reaching for the box of Pizza.

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"Hooves off! You've already had three!" Blaze said as his stomach growled. "And I still haven't had any yet!" They walked inside past the robot and down the stairs that the robot pointed at. "Hey Gears! We have some pizza for you! Want a slice before Linus the bottomless pit eats it all?" he shouted as he walked down. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he fell over an empty ice cream bucket. The pizza flew out of his grasp and landed on top of him. Linus began laughing and took a slice off of his head. "Shut up." Blaze grunted as he stood up. "Gears! What's with the ice cream laying around everywhere?"

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''Oh, I've seen this before.'' Linus said after stuffing the slice he took of off Blaze into his mouth. ''I think he's depressed or something. I always eat ice cream when I'm sad. For some reason, frozen, flavored milk seems to help me when I'm depressed.'' Linus said while kicking one of the empty ice cream buckets. ''He must have been REALLY sad if he ate so much ice cream.'' 

Edited by Calirolls (Hazmat)
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"I'm not depressed! I'm perfectly fine, calm yourselves down.... I'm just.... Really hungry.... And this was all I had...."

Linus opened a nearby fridge, which was full of all sorts of food and drink. Linus then took a turkey leg, and started chomping down on it.

Gears frowned, and starting hitting his hammer on the robot he was working on. Several more of them stood in the corner, dormant.

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Linus cocked his eyebrow as he took another bite and Gears had a look of anger on his face. ''Calm down, man! I'm just trying to wash out the taste of Blaze Hair Pizza on my tongue.'' Linus said innocently before finishing the turkey leg. ''Wait a minute.. Aren't we not supposed to eat meat?''

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"Well, we can if we make up excuses for it. That's filled with.... With leaves... Yeah, leaves...."

He hits the robot's head, and it's eyes begin to glow, he throws it in the corner with the others, and grabs the blueprints for the model. He grabs a long, metal cylinder, and grabs a piece of metal.

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Blaze looked at them worriedly. "Gears...Please tell me that isn't a real turkey leg? Like, it is mostly vegetarian....right?" he asked. He shook his head and grabbed a slice off of his head. "Linus, you have to admit pizza with my hair on it is an improvement from rocks." 

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He stood up and walked over to Gears. "So, what's your next greatest invention?" he asked, taking a bite out of the pizza. "Is it some sort of device that I can use to hit Linus on the head from a safe distance? Or can I use it to torture Rook some more? Maybe a constantly fully stocked soda machine?" 

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''No one is safe from me no matter where they are. Seriously, I killed somepony with a tomahawk on my first try.'' Linus said as he jumped in on the conversation. ''I ban myself from drinking soda. It tends to be far too much sugar for me. Seeing as I already act like I've been drinking it 50% of the time..''

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"It's a... It's a secret. But it involves a lot of robots. And maybe a few musical numbers and deaths of friends and loved ones. Nothing out of the ordinary."

He looked at the robots, walked over, and put a tarp over them.

"Of course they're vegitarian. We ARE ponies..."

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"What a coincidence. I'm a huge fan of musicals!" Blaze said with a smile. He took a deep breath and began to sing, but Linus quickly thumped him on the head. "Hey!" Blaze exclaimed. "I'm not THAT bad am I?" he asked as he rubbed his head. He walked over to Gears and tried to get a peak at the blueprints. Is there anything there special for Rook and Starbolt? Is that for the inevitable wedding? If he'll ask her, that is." Blaze said as he tried to pick one of the blueprints away. This time he was hit on the head with one of the blueprints he tried to steal. "Hey!" he shouted again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Don't touch. It's a secret." Gears said.


"Well you didn't need to hit me..." Blaze replied.


"You just can't keep your nose out from where it doesn't belong." Linus said snootily.


"I know where you sleep Linus." Blaze replied with a glare.


"And Rook lives with you guys too. How's he doing anyway? Don't hear much from him." Gears said as he studied one of the blueprints.


"I think he's about to propose to Starbolt. He went with her to her school to meet her students." Blaze said. "I wonder if he'll crack under the pressure like he always does."


((OOC: We really need to keep this going. I don't about you guys, but I was having a lot of fun :/ ))

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