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open Paper Mario: Equestrian Dangers

Toon Richard

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Mario was relaxing at his house, as normal. Watching his favorite TV show, (Wait for it....) My little pony: friendship is magic, when a letter from the princess arrived at mario's mailbox.
In a pink lettering, it says
"Mario! Please come to the castle, We need your Help!"
Mario, being the Spring into action type, Ran to the castle, with bowser not far behind.
Mario looked to the princess with a nervous look.
"This portal, of unknown origin, looks highly suspicious..." She said, as bowser grabbed her, and entered the portal.
Mario, alarmed and actiony, Jumped right on in.
But to mario's surprise, He was transformed, Into a red, unicorn with his trademark hat.
A pink, pony went up to mario, Who is this? Why, Its the Pink and cute, Pinkie Pie!
Mario, Still Disorented, Said "Where am i?"
Pinkie Laughed and said, "Why ponyville ofcourse!"

(App/OOC/Rules Thread here)

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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