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private ROLEPLAY.MOV (Comedy)

Rebel the Wolfgirl

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(Here's the roleplay thread for ROLEPLAY.MOV. Here's the sign up thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/64807-roleplaymov-comedy/#entry1596035)

Renegade was walking around Ponyville, bored. He had just come out of the Ponyville library, with the task of finding Fluttershy 'cause Twilight needed help with something. Renegade decided to go ask Epic rainbow to help, so he went up to his buddy's home and knocked at the door. "Yo, Epic Rainbow, you there?" the unicorn asked. Renegade was bored, so he pulled out his copy of Wolf Puncher Advance. "Yeah take that, ya stupid wolf!" he yelled at the game. After a few minutes, he ragequit. "Damn game," he muttered under his breath. After an hour or two, Renegade heard the door open. Standing before him was Epic Rainbow. "What's up, Epic?" Rnegade asked her. He stood there, waiting. He was patient, so he waited for his friend's answer. Finally growing impatitentt, the unicorn saîd, "We don't have all day, you know." the unicorn said. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" the unicorn yelled.

A few minutes later, the duo were heading towards Fluttershy's place.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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"Didn't Fluttershy say something about people going into her shed?" Renegade asked. He felt uneasy and felt like asking. "'Cause ya know, I feel uneasy, ya know? Also, you do realize you can get STDs from random stallions, right? Also, what. The. Hell. That hurt like crazy, b***h!" Then he heard a familiar, Fat Albert-esque voice. "Hey, hey, hey..." Fluttershy said. "What'd I tell y'all bout comin' in my shed?!?" The yellow pegasus then pulled out a chainsaw. "Well, we're f**ked." Renegade commented. "Don't just stand there, do something!" Renegade yelled as he was locked in a metal chair. "Help!" the unicorn screamed as his head was being cut open. Then, some police came in. "Alright, what's going on in here?" one of them asked. "This isn't what it looks like?" Fluttershy said, chuckling lightly. Renegade, who was now a ghost, looked at Epic rainbow. "Why didn't you do anything? You could have saved me!" Renegade took out a bottle labeled 'Ectoplasmic Vodka' and drank it. "I mean, what kind of friendoes that to another friend? Ya know what, just take me to Twilight. See what she can do."

Edited by Renegade the Unicorn


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Shardz sighed, "Buncha fucking morons!" Shardz grumbled. "Its like im the only sane one!" She snorted with laughter.
"Pfft, I know better than to go in HER shed." Shardz was reffering to fluttershy.

Meanwhile, in some cave...
I said as i ran into the cave.

Meanwhile, at Shardz's house...

"Ugh, i need to go get HIM again, hes been Eaten 3 times by the same monster." Shardz was reffering to Richard Eakman, the retard.
She sighs and walks out of the house, hopefully not being seen by Epic and renegade.
"Oh please... " Shardz said as she quietly exited her house.
She stepped on a stick, that had an axe , that chopped down the tree.
"FUCK! Oh man, hope nopony heard that." Shardz whispered.
Meanwhile... in the cave..
"FUCK! THATS NOT PORN!" I said as a dragon chases me around the cave.

"Oh man oh man oh man ohman!!!!" I said, running.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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SKyFall was bored. She was playing Wolf Puncher 2 when she rage quit and broke her tv. She flew around and noticed Shardz that had cut down a tree. 'Yo beotch, what's up?" She said to the mare "Why are you cutting down trees? Hey is it alright if I borrow your tv? My one broke from how awesome I am." She also saw Epic Rainbow, who was walking down the street with Renegade's corpse. "OI! RAINBOW! RENEGAY! WHAT's UP YOU A-HOLES?!" SKyFall flew towards them and ignored Shardz. "Hey, dafaq happened to Renegay?" She noticed that his head was cut down the middle but what seems to be a chainsaw. "Oh, wait don't tell me. You went into Flutterguy's shed, right? Pfft, you dipsh*ts. Everyone knows not to go in that shed. Oh yea, tell me, what was it like in there?" She continued to ramble on with pointless topics untill she remebered something. "Oh yea, do you guys have a tv I can borrow? Mine broke from my awesomeness." They finally reached Twilight Sparkle's house when SkyFall asked. "WOOO! WE MADE IT! Now why are we at the liabary?" She was unaware that some pony lived there.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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"No! You cannnot have my TV! You ALWAYS break something. I gotta go save the retard. " Shardz said, while running to a cave.
"Nyooo! DUNT EET ME PLS!" I yelled, while running away from the dragon.

Shardz took out one of fluttershy's ChainSaws, that she stole from the shed.
"GET AWAY FROM THE RETARD!" Shardz yelled as her eyes glowed red.
*One DragonVsChainsaw fight later...*
"Whew! LOOKS LIKE DRAGON SOUP TONIGHT!" Shardz said as she harvested the dragon meat. I shudder, and say "Never look for P0rn in a cave!!" I said, then flew over to skyfall.
"HEY SKYFART! Dont look now, but here comes a real badass! SHARDZ!" I say.
"I stole a chainsaw from Fluttershit, Then broke it on a dragon. But now i can have Roasted Dragon!" Shardz laughed, slightly insanely.
"If either of you tell fluttershit, I will come to your house, and RIP OFF YOUR D!CKS!" Shardz said, as her eyes glowed red again.
Fluttershy, walked right past me, and i gave her a STERN stare. She backs the fuvk off.
"So, I got enough money to give away money for ONE flatscreen tv. Skyfall, can i trust you to NOT spend it on whatever?" She said as her eyes glowed red again.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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SkyFall couldn't be bothered to go to the liabary and flew off. "I don't see how books are gunna help you out. See yea later." She was still upset that her tv broke, and was about to go shopping for one, when Eakman and Shardz came to her.

"HEY SKYFART! Don't look now, but here comes a real badass, SHARDZ!" Eakman said.

"Hey what'sup?" She answered, compleatly ignoring the comment on her name.

"I stole a chainsaw from Fluttersh!t, then broke it on a dragon, But now I can have roasted dragon!" Shardz laughed.

"Hey that's coo- Wait, you stole something from Fluttersh!t? Well that's gonna end fine with no problems whatsoever." SkyFall said sarcasticly.

"If either of you tell fluttersh!t, I will come to your house and RIP OFF YOUR D!CKS." Shardz said with red eyes.

"Ha, stupid beotch, I don't have one." SkyFall said.

"So I got enough money to give away for ONE flatscreen tv. SkyFall, can I trust you to not spend it on whatever?" Shardz asked.

"Sure, no problem." She said as Shardz gave her the money. "Anyway, see you dipsh!ts around." And With that, see flew off.


She pulled out her wad of cash that she was goning to use to buy a flatscreen, and added it to the ammount she already carried. In total, she had about six grand. "Ha, what a stupid cow." SkyFall said as she went shopping.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Shardz didnt trust her, so she used an invisibility spell to spy on skyfall.
"Im gonna see what that Bitch is up to." Shardz whispered.
Unluckily, Applejack tripped over Shardz, causing a loud noise.
"What in tarnation?!?!" AJ said, while still on the invisible shardz.
Shardz threw Applejack across the mall with magic, paying attention as Skyfall bought a tv.
She has left over money, Exactly 1000$.
"She probably earned that other money by doing her job." Shardz thought.
Meanwhile, At fluttershy's cottage.
"Ummm, FlutterFart? Uhm i know who broke your chainsaw." I said to Fluttershy.
"Oh thank you! WHO?!?!" She said, with a sadistic smile.
"S-Shardz, but for a good reason. She saved me from a dragon." I say, slightly scared.
She was quiet for a while.
She sighed, then said,"Well, that would explain the dragon blood on your wing. Just, tell her to bring me a chainsaw, fresh in the box."
I nod, then she says, "Stay outta my shed!"
"M'kay! See you!" I say, as i get the FUCK outta there.

Back at the mall,

Shardz's magic grew weary.
"Uuggh!! I've been following her all this time??" Shardz said as she facehoofed.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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((It's JappleAck, get it right X3))


SkyFall was just about to leave the shops when she spotted a game store. "Maybe I can get some more Wolf Puncher sh!t." She bought a copy of Wolf Puncher Advance and several merchindise to go along with it. She left the store (Finally) and started to fly home, but remembered she had ordered some cosplay outfits from Rarity. So SkyFall flew over to Rarity's slave house place. Upon reaching there, she rang the door bell and waited several hours for Rarity to come to the door. SkyFall played her new copy of Wolf Puncher Advance, and rage quit after a minute. "GAH, STUPID BUCKING GAME!" She complained. When Rarity opened the door, she instantly knew what SkyFall wanted. "Ah, your here my daarlin'. So will I be paying you for ten minutes, or the hour?" 

"Ahh, actully, I'm here to pick up my cosplay outfits, remember?" SkyFall asked.

"Oh? Oh! I remember. Here they are. You know, you really look like a man." Rarity said.

"What? I don't look like a dude. Anyway here's your money." SkyFall siad as she gave a couple hundred (fake) dollars to Rarity. "You fat beotch" SkyFall said under her breath. And with that, SkyFall quickly flew off. 


Upon finally reaching her house, she dumped all of the stuff she bought on the floor and went online to order more sh!t, and charge it to Shardz credit account.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Shardz's eyes glew BLOOD RED.
"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHHHHH!!!"Shardz Screeched at a loud frequency, that shattered the window.
Shardz said, then laughed.
"YOU ABUSED MY TRUST, NOW YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!" Shardz said, taking out her katana.
((Shit! You pissed off shardz! Roll for apology points?))
Shardz loomed over poor skyfall.
"ArE yOu ReAdY tO DiE? AnY lAst WoRds?"
Shardz said, insanely. Her eyes glew red again, And the bracelet, holding back her magic, Glew red again. She takes it off.
"AHAHAHHAHAHAH!! FEAR MY TRUE FORM: Draconequus of the skyline!" Shardz threw skyfall at a wall.
Meanwhile, Richard eakman set off to find shardz.
An uneasy feeling washes over me.
"Oh no.. Shes in THAT state." I say, worried.
"Her magic gets really bucking strong." I say, and equiped myself with a Tranquilizer gun.
"You are a WEAK AND SPINELESS FOOL." Shardz said, as she squished Skyfall with her tail.
She then threw her at a wall.

"This is fun. Sadly i have to end you."Shardz said as she extended out her katana.
"NOW PERISH!" Shardz yelled, thrusting the katana. Shardz laughed, then turned herself back to normal.
"I scare the SHIT out of people who lie. Now you have to REPAY ME."

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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SkyFall could only say the following sentences after being thrown against the wall, and getting her eardrums blasted by the insane pony who thought that she was sane. "OW YOU STUPID, CRAZY BEOTCH! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?! AND WHY WERE YOU STALKING ME ANYWAYS, YOU PERVE! AND WHY WOULD YOU GIVE ME MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU'RE GOING TO THROW A TANTRUM?! AND YOU BETTER PAY FOR THAT COMPUTER YOU JUST BROKE, 'CUZ I ACTULLY BOUGHT THAT! SO IF ANYTHING, YOU HAVE TO PAY ME BACK!" SkyFall went over to her computer screen and cried a single tear. "Anyway, I'm going to set up my tv. That I used YOUR money that YOU GAVE ME." SkyFall walked off and took the tv out of it's box and set the thing up. Once that was finished, SkyFall began to set up her console so that she can play Wolf Puncher 2. "Come on, you stupid wolf!" She continued to punch the wolf, but then the wolf imploded. "GAH, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" SkyFall yelled as the rage quit the game. She threw the controler down and went to get some apples from the fridge. She took some and went out to the living room were Shardz was still standing. "Oi, when are ya gonna leave? This isn't a hotel, ya know." SkyFall paused for a second. "Hm. I wonder why I got this feeling that Fluttersh!t and Rarity are angry?"


((When are Renegade and Rainbow posting again?))

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Renegade waited outside of Rarity's shop. Was it true she used illegal Mexican immigrants to make her dresses? Renegade pondered this for a few minutes as he drank some Everfree dandelion vodka. Eh, no matter. He pushed the thought into the back of his mind. Just then, he saw a fat white unicorn standing behind him. At first he thought it was the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Upon closer inspection, however, he realized it was Rarity. "Hey, Rarity. I need to ask you something. Do you know anypony who could help me get revenge on another pony?" he asked her. As he waited for her answer, he began playing Wolf Puncher Advance. He had just gotten 3100 points when the wolf exploded. "Damn wolf." he muttered. "So, you gonna hire a hitman or what?" he asked Rarity. He drank another bottle of vodka. He peeked inside her shop. No...it couldn't be true. There were over 30 illegal Mexican immigrants. And they were making dresses.

Edited by Artemis


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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