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private Rhapsody in Blue


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Sterling looked at her with open eyes as she spoke about questioning her motive to be here. Somehow, that statement was entirely against his flow. He was really beginning to appreciate her as a mare and really wanted a first friend here to look forward to being with. He replied with a rush, 


"I understand why you're questioning your motive to be here, but it's because of you that I made my first friend! I don't want you gone that quickly!" Sterling just realized what he said. He closed his mouth quickly, worried that he said something stupid. Afterwards, he realized he wanted to say something else, so he quickly took his hooves off his mouth and continued, 


"I hope you're right about us going places. Plus, I think you're very nice for standing up for me. Name's Sterling Crimson. What instrument do you play? I play the piano and violin, but the piano's my main instrument."

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Blue Note was a little surprised. Had she just made a friend? Perhaps she had written everypony off too early; tt looked like she wasn't the only one struggling. "Hey, I can't let those ponies run me off that easily. Besides, it's not like I've got anywhere else to go." She would gladly endure years of Cheesy's company before she would go back to Canterlot. 


For the first time that day, Blue Note genuinely smiled. "Call me Blue Note," she said, extending her hoof. "It's nice to meet you, Sterling Crimson. Thank you," she said. She was glad to finally have somepony that she could talk to.


"I'm primarily a clarinetist, but I can also play the piano. It's a necessity for composers."


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Sterling extended his hoof as to shake it with hers. His face showed delight that he finally made a friend. He then replied, 


"Don't worry about calling me Sterling Crimson. Just Sterling is fine." Sterling then continued, "You play the clarinet? That's awesome! Can you play Marezart's Clarinet Concerto in A? It's so beautiful to hear! And you play the piano! Oh I'm just so excited right now! A fellow pianist! How long have you played?! What type of music do you play?! Oh I'm just SO EXCITED right now! YAY!"


Sterling then realized that he was going overboard with his excitement towards Blue Note and then calmed down. He still wondered about Blue Note's name preference, to which he asked cautiously, 


"Ok Blue Note. I was just wondering though... Why not Blue? I think calling you Blue is cuter to the ears. Blue Note's just too formal. But... who am I to question that? Blue Note's fine then."  

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note was too overwhelmed by his questions to know where to start. There was something endearing about his enthusiasm though. "Perhaps I should answer those questions one at a time," she said. "I'm sure we'll have plenty of chances to talk." 


His final question caused her to freeze. Rarely did anypony question her odd name preferences. Either they ignored it, or accepted it. While she was glad to make a new friend, she wasn't sure if she should trust him with her whole life story. "It just bothers me for a certain reason." At least he was being nice about it. She couldn't stand it when ponies kept bothering her about it. 


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Sterling could clearly see the discomfort from Blue Note's eyes after he asked about her name. For all he knew, the name preference was something very personal and touchy. WIth that, he decided to stop there in silence. After the moment of silence, Sterling then apologized, 


"Sorry for bursting out on you like that. I really do think Blue sounds very cute on you. You DO... umm... look cute after all... Blue Note." Sterling then blushed as he just realized what he said. 'Wait, cute?! What am I thinking? Oh Sterling now you've done it! This is why you NEVER talk with mares! You end up doing stupid things, like what happened with Chemm yesterday!' Sterling then giggled cheekily as he awaited Blue Note's response...

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note wasn't quite sure how to respond, so she stood there for a second. Did he just call her cute? Well, cute was better than crazy, right? And he did use the correct name. "Thanks," she said. She may as well accept the compliment. "So, I've got some time to kill before band rehearsal. You want to go somewhere and talk?" she asked. It would be better than sitting in her room, staring at the ceiling, and wondering where she went wrong in life. 

Edited by lincolnshirepony


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Sterling quivered inside as he waited for Blue Note's response, but her acceptance of his compliment left his relieved. To add to his happiness, Blue Note just asked him out for chatting about life. Needless to say, that left him in Cloud Nine. He raised his eyes upwards towards the blue sky and then had to shake his head back to reality. He then replied with a cheesy giggle, 


"Sure... that would be great! We can talk over some coffee at a nearby cafe if you want." Sterling then walked in the direction of the cafe, hoping that he could at least spend some more time with Blue Note before he went off for the day...

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@Sterling Crimson


"Coffee, eh? I think you and I will get along smashingly, Sterling." Blue Note followed him in the same direction. "I have to say, I haven't been in Manehatten long enough to get an idea of the coffee scene. I've barely settled in. I really need to change that though, because coffee in the dining hall is horrible." She made a face; this morning had been bad enough without waking up to that stuff. "Anyway, where are you from? I'm from Canterlot." It had been awhile since she had been able to make pleasant small talk or a new friend for that matter. 


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Sterling chuckled at Blue's face. He knew too well how horrible the food tasted at the university's dining hall, especially since his dad Front Page attended the very same university and warned him about the terrible food. 


"Yeah I know how terrible the food tastes in the dining halls. My dad told me about it. By the way, I'm from Manehattan. Lived here all my life, so I know a lot about the nice places ponies go. Away from the party scenes. The museums, stadiums, and art galleries. Concert halls too!" spoke a happy Sterling as the two continued to walk onward.


When the two new friends arrived at the coffee shop, Sterling walked in and bought two cappuccinos. One for him and one for her. He gave the cappuccino happily to Blue. 


"Here you go Blue. It's on me! Don't worry about paying me back either! You standing up for me was more than enough." spoke a happy Sterling as the two found a place to sit.  

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@Sterling Crimson


"That's great. You'll have to show me around sometime. I think my college party career ended with Monday night's fiasco." Blue Note was excited at the prospect of having interesting places to go, and somepony to go with. Going alone wasn't as fun. Sometimes she had ponies to go places with back in Canterlot, but she just as often went alone. 


"Oh, you didn't have to do that," Blue Note said after Sterling paid for her drink. "I'll still get him back later..." Perhaps they would do this again. "So, how about that music theory class? Professor Adagio sure is... something, right?" She wondered if he shared her distaste for the music theory professor. 


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Sterling nodded at Blue's interest in letting him show her around some of Manehattan's more "refined" locations. Carneighie Hall, the Hayton Centre of Performing Arts, the Smithsoneighan Museum, and even Manekee Stadium, the historic one that is. However, he had to get back to the conversation at hand, for he was beginning to daydream again. He replied to Blue's question with his tongue sticking out to show disgust, 


"Professor Adagio is a huge meanie. My goodness he makes everypony feel so much pain when he teaches music theory. I was hoping for it to be more... friendly at least. Well, at least it separates the contenders from the pretenders huh?"

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@Sterling Crimson


"Yeah, he'll really weed out the slackers. Of course, he might kill a few of us in the process." The syllabus had been ridiculous. There was so much material crammed in; she would need to do an insane amount of studying. "I have to wonder why they stuck the most arrogant professor with the freshman. Maybe his colleagues don't like him either?" Music theory was definitely not going to be her favorite class this semester.


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As the conversation with Blue continued, Sterling felt more and more comfort talking to her. Yep. She really was a new friend for Sterling. And all because of the taunting and teasing he went through. Sterling nodded in agreement to Blue's reply and spoke as well, 


"Well I guess that could be the case. In any case, if he doesn't want to be there, then why doesn't he just move out? Why would any employer want somepony who doesn't want to work for them? They'll just make the classroom experience terrible." Sterling then took a short pause before continuing, 


"You know, I just realized. You've never once told me how surprised you were that I'm taking medical studies and musical studies at the same time. Lots of ponies found that ridiculous at my high school, and I can see that Professor Adagio seems to think so as well. Well, at least I hope he doesn't. It's just his glare... He scares me. Period."

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@Sterling Crimson


"He's probably one of those professors that just wants to do research or work with PhD students. Some professors just don't like undergrads." Blue Note remembered her father talking about academia and professors like that. She didn't mind him talking about that; it kept their conversations away from subjects they didn't quite see eye to eye on, like her passion in life. 


"Well, you must certainly have a lot of work to do. Being a music major is enough for me; I can't imagine medical studies on top of that. But if that's what you want to do, no pony should stop you. Every pony is unique, so why should others try to tell us that we're wasting our time? I mean, I can't tell you how much flack I've gotten for wanting to be a composer, but here I am, trying anyway. As far as Professor Adagio goes, just don't let him win. Do well in his class; that's my plan." Blue Note sipped her cappuccino. She felt at ease talking to Sterling. It seemed he had problems with being doubted as well. 


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Sterling nodded in agreement as Blue sipped through her cappuccino and spoke of Professor Adagio. "Yeah. It's a lot of work, but my parents taught me time management skills. I liked to get worried about deadlines and such, but my parents assure me that with a good schedule, I can get everything done and at the same time still socialize. Even though I personally don't understand how I could socialize with the other ponies. They're just so blabby and raucous. It makes you want to go crazy over it! They ask me how I can become a doctor with my clumsiness, and yet I should be asking them the same thing considering their party habits! Can you imagine a doctor partying into the night?! Ludicrous!" 


Sterling then continued onward about Professor Adagio, "Yeah. That's true. The only antidote to bad first impressions are good grades and high work ethics. Something I see in you thankfully. Not many ponies look like they have that around here. You'd expect them to have some considering the rigours of university life huh?"

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"Time management is rather important. I try to get my work done ahead of time. Of course, I do have a bit of a problem with staying up late." Blue Note could forgive herself for last night though. There was no possibility of sleeping so easily after all that ordeal with the pool. "And I'm starting to wonder how many ponies that go here are actually worth socializing with. Present company excluded, naturally." Blue Note was glad she knew at least one sensible pony now.


"Oh, I don't think they'll make it that far. A lot of the partiers tend to either drop out or get kicked out by the end of the first year. Much less find employment as a medical professional. I think some ponies are just here to party." Blue Note shook her head. "I don't get why they would want to waste their money. It's kind of expensive to go here, so I want to get the most out of it. I'm here to learn how to become a great composer, after all."


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Sterling blushed slightly when she mentioned present company. He did have a mare tell him she enjoyed his company, but it was completely fake and half-hearted. This mare was different. She looked legitimately interested in him and that made him smile. Plus, he and Blue shared a lot of common interests, further adding to his enjoyment at being with her. Sterling also nodded in agreement at everything Blue said. 


"That's true. I'm very glad somepony still has some scruples around this university. Based on the past two days being in Manehattan University, I was beginning to think that there wasn't anypony who actually cared about their career aspirations and goals. It really stinks. I still have yet to find a friend who legitimately wants to be a medical doctor like me and be dedicated to that goal!" spoke a compliant Sterling.


"You'll be a great composer by the way. I'm sure the fact you're here already says something; after all, Manehattan's supposed to have the best musical university in the world! You said you played the clarinet? Why don't you try out for orchestra? They play symphonies, concertos, musicals, just about anything. With a full orchestra, anything is possible! I'm going to become a first violinist there! One of the professors actually knows my dad, Dr. Thorrington. My dad showed me off to him and he was very impressed. He picked out a violin teacher for me, AND even offered to be my piano teacher! I heard he even performed in Carneighie Hall as a soloist! I'm so excited! My lessons starts this Thursday!"


At this point, Sterling's excitement could not be contained once again. When Sterling got excited about anything, it was hard for him to stop. Sterling eventually noticed however that he was rambling and then ended with this, "Sorry for rambling there. I may be a doctor in waiting, but I love my music! It's a part of me! If you take it away from me, a part of me dies." 

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"There has to be somepony else that's serious. I haven't even met another composition major yet. Of course, it's kind of hard to approach some ponies and find out. There's no way I'm talking to somepony that I know is whispering about me. Or openly discussing me," Blue Note said with a hint of bitterness. 


"Anyway, thanks for saying that. You might want to hear one of my pieces before say I'll be great." Blue Note still felt a little flattered, though. "I was planning on auditioning my spring semester. I thought I wouldn't have time in the fall because of marching band, but I... was prevented from trying out." Her father had seen the audition information in the mail and thrown it away. She hadn't realized until it was too late.


"That does sound like a lot of fun though. I enjoyed orchestra back in Canterlot. And I know just what you mean about great teachers. Dr. Wind, the clarinet professor, is so amazing. I had my first lesson with her today, and I already learned so much! She's a world class clarinetist, and has played with some of the best groups in Equestria, not to mention her incredible solo work..." Blue Note realized she was rambling as well.


"Don't even worry about it. I know just how you feel; my life would be unbearably miserable if I didn't have music."


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Sterling could feel the mutuality increase between him and her more and more. It was becoming more and more amazing that they had so much in common, especially with musical tastes. It felt like time had slowed down just for them. Just the way he wanted it. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with Blue. The more he chatted with her, the more flattering she became. He began to look dreamily into Blue's eyes because of this feeling. At this point, he really lost it. He tried his best not to daydream and stare at Blue, but her rambling became more and more...attractive. It wasn't the sort of attractive that you saw with pretty mares and the like, but it was just... her nature maybe? Or was it the similarities? Or was it both? Either way, Sterling didn't know, and he didn't care. He continued to stare at Blue with near bedroom eyes... Maybe he was imagining something less than savoury... oh Sterling. 

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Blue Note noticed that Sterling was looking at her... rather strangely. She couldn't quite figure out why. Maybe there was something in her mane? Or did she have something on her face? Where was a mirror when she needed one? She didn't want to be silly and continue to ramble, so she levitated her coffee up to her mouth and took another sip. Her eyes wandered up to the clock. 


"Oh, wow. I didn't realize it was getting to be so late. I have to get to rehearsal for symphonic band! I don't want to make a bad impression on the conductor." She wouldn't have minded staying and talking to Sterling a little longer, but she needed sufficient time to prepare for rehearsal. "Perhaps we can do this again sometime."


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Sterling was suddenly whisked back to reality as he heard Blue's voice. It had a sense of urgency that brought him back as quickly as it could. After that, Sterling gave Blue a sad, yet accepting look. He then replied nervously, 


"Yeah. Let's do that. I still want to hear you play sometime. Maybe tomorrow at lunch? I don't have anything to do at lunch and we could just eat together if you want...?" Sterling was never great with invitations to lunch with mares. The shock from Blue's urgent voice also didn't help. He stuttered throughout the question, leaving him wondering why he stuttered so much as soon as they were set to go their separate ways for the day. Nonetheless, he wanted to say one more thing before Blue answered, 


"By the way, I could try convincing Dr. Thorrington that you're a good clarinetist. He's the conductor for the University orchestra as well you know? I can have you part of the orchestra this fall even if he's lacking in clarinets. He probably is though, especially considering how few ponies want to be one. Not that I'm saying anything bad out clarinets. I'll ask him on my first lesson if you want this Thursday."

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"Sure," Blue Note said. "I do love to eat. You want to hit the main dining hall and get some of that great food?" she said sarcastically. The dining hall was terrible; she already felt like she had made a mistake in buying a meal plan. Though the prospect of hanging out with Sterling was exciting. She was happy that she finally had somepony she felt like she could talk to. "And playing sounds great. I'll bring my clarinet."


"If they need another clarinet, sure. I imagine most of us are busy with the various bands on campus. I wouldn't mind taking another music class." Orchestra would be fun, and it looked like she already had a friend in the ensemble. "All right, well I've got to dash. It was lovely chatting with you. I'll see you tomorrow!" 


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Sterling waved goodbye to Blue as she dashed off for orchestra. The smile on her face said it all. Just her smile already made Sterling very happy. The fact her front teeth had a hole in between left Sterling chuckling at how cute her smile was. Now that the conversation was finished, Sterling walked home happily. He didn't care much about the other ponies who made fun of him before his encounter with Blue. Blue made him a much happier stallion now.


When he returned to his apartment, he sighed in pure bliss. 

"I was with a mare for that long! But... what in the hey was I doing looking at her like that? It's a good thing she didn't notice! I felt so embarrassed after that! Why exactly was I doing that?! Yes she stood up for me, which no mare ever did before, but the fact I blushed AND looked at her like that... Oh I just hope she didn't notice. It'd be so embarrassing if she did!" spoke Sterling to himself as he reflected on today's positives lying on his couch. He knew he still had to face the jeers from his classmates after nearly starting a fire at the safety lab today, but he didn't care. With Blue, everything just seemed better... 


As Sterling got up to begin his music theory homework, he couldn't help but set his thoughts on Blue. For one, he really wanted to hear her compositions; it wasn't every day you got to hear a fellow student's compositions. Plus, he was excited about showing off his piano skills. He could show her all the pieces he could play by heart! Or maybe some Sineightra! Or maybe even his musical number! Oh the possibilities were endless for the cute, yet clumsy stallion. Nonetheless, he regained focus eventually and sought to finish his music theory homework before continuing his daydreaming...

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"Okay, I want the trombones and euphoniums to start from letter A." Blue Note found her mind wandering as the low brass blatted their notes. Sterling had been great company, and he had excellent taste in coffee. She felt excited about lunch the next day, and started daydreaming about what they would talk about. She could play one of her clarinet pieces, or maybe a piano tune? Why not both? And then she could listen to him play. He was probably an excellent piano player. 


Her stand partner shot her a look, and she was back to reality. Looks like it wasn't just trombones and euphoniums anymore. She hurried to figure out where they were in the music. Blue Note managed not to have any other huge losses of focus for the rest of rehearsal, but she kept finding her thoughts wandering towards Sterling. She had a good feeling about him.


After walking back to her dorm, she decided to start her music theory homework. It was due on Monday, but she decided that it was probably better to work ahead. It looked like it might take awhile. She started off writing out the proper chords and scales for the assignment, but found herself once again thinking about Sterling and their new friendship. She started humming a jazzy little tune, and started to write it down. Somehow, she had begun writing a jazz piano piece instead of doing her homework. Blue Note looked up at the clock, 1 AM. "Theory is pretty early tomorrow..." She decided to go to bed. 


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Sterling was just finished his music theory homework. It was pretty easy for him considering how he had already undergone the Royal Conservatory Curriculum over the course of his life. Most of the homework was just review for him as a result. The sun was just beginning to set after Sterling finished his homework. He prepared his dinner of cabbage salad and ate it all alone... it left him daydreaming about Blue again. He was imagining a dinner... a glamorous dinner...


-------------------------------DAYDREAM SEQUENCE---------------------------- 

It was dinner time. At the Paramount Restaurant. The lights were gleaming, the ponies were chattering, and the trumpet solo from Blue Rhapsody's "An Equestrian in Mareis" was playing in the background. The moonlight was also shining from the sky as it peered over the bustling city. Sterling and Blue were at the patio, enjoying the clear night sky. 


"It's been... a wonderful dinner eh Blue Note?" spoke a dreamy Sterling as he looked into Blue's eyes.

"Yes... yes it's been very magical Sterling. Spending so much time with you in the posh of Paramount Restaurant. So much better than the parties that most others go to." replied Blue Note with a giggle.

"Oh Blue Note. That's what you'll always get under the Paramount. My family eats her whenever he is welcomed by baseball ponies for casual interviews. He has a strong relationship with them. That's what gets us all the free dinners." Replied Sterling with a smile.

"Wow... you must be really well off. Oh Sterling. My life's been so much better with you! I---"

-------------------------------END OF SEQUENCE---------------------------------


All of a sudden, Sterling was whisked back to reality. He just realized that he had to practice on the piano for his first piano lesson this Thursday! Yes it wasn't until Thursday, but Sterling always pledged to practice at least an hour a day, no matter the conditions. He snapped himself away from his daydream, quickly finished his cabbage salad, and then practiced some Clopin.




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