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private Rhapsody in Blue


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Sterling could see the look of fear in Blue Note's face as she recounted her memory concerning a yellow pegasus named Cheesy. He sounded like some sort of evil pony out to get Blue. If that really was the case, the she was smart not to have gotten near Cheesy. Plus, Sterling too had a certain mare he wanted to avoid... Sterling replied with understanding, 


"Yeah. I know the feeling. I too have a mare I wish to avoid. Her name's Chemm. She's the mare I spilled the punch on at the same night. And her coltfriend beat me to a crisp because he thought I was flirting with her. All I did was just say hi and everything went downhill. Why me...?" 

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@Sterling Crimson


"I don't know," Blue Note said. "Why are some ponies so out to get us? It's like they delight in making others miserable. If there is one thing I can't understand, it's why some ponies can't just leave others alone. Does it really make their life so much better to pick on us?" It seemed that almost everypony didn't care for anypony other than themselves. They only cared about appearances and looking good for others. Or they were too shallow to see past petty details. 


"At least everypony here isn't like that..." Blue Note was beginning to see that not all her classmates were the same. 


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Sterling's face was also filled with confusion like Blue's. "I know right? It... it just isn't fair! I can't help it if I was born with autism! When things don't go my way, everything just falls apart! I'm clumsier than usual, and people call me an anti-social just because I'm different! IT'S NOT FAIR!!" 


Sterling stopped for a moment. He just realized what he blurted out. It was one of his most kept secrets... but most ponies suspected it from him already. Doctors had diagnosed him with autism ever since he was a colt. His parents did well not to let him know until high school. Nonetheless, other students in the past called him that without Sterling ever knowing what it was. That gave autism a very negative connotation from him, a condition that he could just... never understand. When Sterling finished his rant, he lowered his head towards the ground. 'Great... now she'll just desert me... I hate autism.' thought a droopy Sterling as he awaited her response... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note hadn't been expecting such a passionate rant. It made her want to go tell off every single ignorant pony at this university. "You know what, they're stupid. Everypony is so hung up on differences, but they can't even be bothered to understand them, only ridicule them! They aren't worth your attention; you deserve better." Blue Note realized she had gone off on her own rant, but she didn't care. Equestria wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to her. It wasn't fair to Sterling. It wasn't fair for anypony! These bullies got off scott-free while Sterling had to deal with the effects of their ignorance. Where was the justice in that? "You really do."


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Sterling looked up towards Blue Note. He could see he beginning to rant for the both of them. Still, he felt the ranting wasn't going to get anywhere... at least they were on the same page...


"Thanks. But... it doesn't really make a difference doesn't it? They'll all have their way with injustice. Still, I'm glad to see somepony else who understands... even if they've never been diagnosed with autism like me."


Sterling reached the music halls. He gave a smile to her upon seeing it. He ran quickly to the music practice room where he played Sineightra the other day. He then spoke warmly to Blue Note,


"Hey Blue Note, would you like to hear some Sineightra first?"

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@Sterling Crimson


"Hey, what are friends for?" Blue Note said as she followed him to the music hall.


"Sure, I do love Sineightra. You know, it's weird that you mention him. I was practicing down here the other day, and I heard a pony playing Sineightra. I guess it makes sense; he's quite popular." Blue Note was just happy to be the place where she felt most at home. No matter what life threw at her, she would always be able to enjoy music. 


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When Blue Note mentioned a certain pony playing Sineightra, Sterling giggled and blushed uncontrollably. After all, that WAS him singing after all... He was hoping no other pony heard... he shuffled his hooves off to the side as he approached the beautiful, yet old black Steinhay and Sons piano. He then started to sing "I've Got you Under My Skin..." with a certain pleasure that he had never felt before when singing...

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note just relaxed and listened to Sterling sing. She was jealous of his confidence; she never would have the nerve to sing in front of other ponies. His love for music simply shone through in his playing, and he certainly had some skill to back up that love. There was something nice about just listening to another pony play. Not necessarily being critical or expecting a world class performance, but just appreciating somepony else's music. 


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Sterling had just finished singing "I've Got you Under My Skin". It was a welcome relief for him to sing, especially for a mare as pretty and cute as her. Nonetheless, he wanted to tell her... 


"Oh Blue Note... I forgot to say... you know how you said you heard somepony playing on the piano the other day." That... that was me. 'I've Got you Under My Skin' is one of my favourite songs from him." Sterling giggled with a light blush on his face, clearly finding it cute that Blue Note didn't realize that fact even after he finished playing one of his favourite Sineightra songs.

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@Sterling Crimson


"Oh, wow," Blue Note said. She realized that Sterling and the pony from before sounded the same. She felt a blush creep up on her face as Sterling giggled at her. "I guess I got so caught up in listening, I just missed that. You have quite the knack for Sineightra, by the way." She felt slightly embarrassed, so a change of subject was her best course. 


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Sterling giggled again when Blue mentioned his talent for Sineightra. He replied with a greater sense of confidence inside, "Yeah, but that's not the only piece I can play. I play all sorts of classical music too. Clopin, Neighdelssohn, Marezart. You name it! My personal favourite compose though is Rachmaneninoff. His music is filled with passion and fire, nothing I've ever seen from any other pony! Here! Have a listen at this piece!" 


Sterling then walked back towards the piano and played again...The Prelude in g minor... The most famous of Rachmaneninoff's preludes... The march at the start... the passionate section at the middle and the buildup to the march once again... it was a favourite solo piece of Sterling's, and his playing showed that.


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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note was impressed with Sterling's repertoire. He clearly had been at piano playing for awhile. Prelude in G Minor was a piece she enjoyed, and it was clear he knew how to play it. She sat back and let herself be immersed in the music. It took her back to the Canterlot Center for Music, and the time she spent in the music library listening to old music recordings. She could remember the day she listened to this particular piece. 


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Sterling was also done this piece. Just as he was about to tell Blue Note about his compositions, he opted instead to save them for another time. After all, he wanted to hear some of Blue Note's works. He then asked Blue Note sincerely, 


"Well Blue Note, that's just some of the music I can play. Now... how about you? Can I hear some of your compositions?" Sterling then gave a cute smile to Blue Note, clearly interested to see everything she did as a musician.

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note felt assured by Sterling's smile. "Well, I don't want to disappoint." She strode confidently to the piano. There were so many things she could show him. "What's something I can actually play? Not anything for full orchestra... Oh, I know!" She pointed her horn more directly at the piano, casting a light blue glow around the instrument. "This is a woodwind quintet called 'Tension'."


The spell allowed her change the piano sound into that of different instruments. It took immense concentration on the sound she wanted, in addition to playing the actual piece. It never sounded quite as authentic as real instruments, but it was a great way to hear her pieces. She hadn't quite mastered the spell to get the whole array of orchestra sounds, but she was proficient enough at getting out several instruments at once. 


The piece opened with a soft clarinet solo containing angry undertones. The other voices joined in, creating dissonance throughout the piece. It started at a piano dynamic, and subtly crescendoed. Blue Note was entirely concentrating on the spell and the piece; the rest of the world almost ceased to exist. Finally she built up to the end, playing at fortissimo. The last chord was the loudest of the piece. It never resolved. 


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Sterling listened intently at Blue Note's composition. As the title suggested, he could hear a lot of the tension build throughout the whole wind piece. What disturbed him slightly was that the piece never seemed to resolve itself. It all just felt like noise to him. He didn't want to hurt Blue Note's feelings, so he ignored these criticisms for now. He then gave a cautious smile and replied with a slight hint of feeling overwhelmed,


"Wow... that sure was... thought-provoking. Definitely fits the title very well." In an attempt to get Blue Note to play a more soothing piece, Sterling then asked very cautiously, "Umm... Blue Note... could I hear some of the jazz compositions you made? I'd love to hear those!"

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Blue Note noticed that Sterling didn't seem exactly into her piece, though he didn't say anything critical. It wasn't her best work, but it was by far the most accurate story she had ever told musically. Still, there were a few things she could always try to improve upon. Perhaps the intent of the piece could be made more clear. 


"Of course! I was working on this jazz piano piece just last night. Composing jazz is so much fun, even though it's not my specialty, per say. I've just loved the genre ever since I first heard Dave Brubuck, so I had to at least try composing for it. Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramble about that, so just enjoy some untitled jazz." 


She couldn't help but notice how this piece was so different from the previous one she played. It was relaxed and calming, unlike "Tension". As she thought about how friendship inspired the piece, it occurred to her that this piece was more specifically about the soothing aspect of another pony's company. It was a portrait of friends relaxing around each other, knowing it was okay. Perhaps "Tension" wouldn't always be the most accurate story of her life. 


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This piece was very different... he could hear Blue Note's improvisations soar during this piece. He personally loved this one. He could feel the comfort and colour emanate from the piece. Sterling closed his eyes in comfort to imagine the piece and even bobbed his head around with a big smile. He was amazed that this was a piece Blue Note worked on just last night. As she continued to play, Sterling decided to comment as if he were in a trance-like state,


"Mmm... wow... hehe... This is amazing stuff Blue Note... I can't believe you did all this in one night... Wow."

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note halted her playing. "Thank you," she said, feeling happy that he liked this one. "I've been partial to jazz as of late. And doing some improv gave me some great ideas for the rest of the piece. I was thinking something like this." She turned her attention back to the piano, and her vision became clearer. This piece was about friends drawing support from each other in the face of adversity. After she triumphantly ended the piece, she said, "I think I'll keep working one this one."


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Sterling heard Blue Note working on yet another piece. He smiled happily at how nice and harmonious it sounded. It just made him feel... right at home, even in a place as hostile as the University of Manehattan. He loved the triumphant ending of the piece and he clapped enthusiastically with his hooves.


"Wow that was really nice! You really have to keep that one going! I love how everything is so hopeful and resolving! You see, I really don't like it when things don't get resolved, even if it doesn't seem that way for a really long time. That's what makes most classical music successful." spoke an introspective Sterling as he pondered about Blue's works. 

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note felt pleased at his praise for her newest work, but at the same time noticed the criticism buried within. She chose her next words carefully. "Thanks Sterling. I definitely think I'll be able to do something with it. I've never enjoyed a lack of resolution either. The feeling that there should be something next is maddening." She paused, and wondered if she was saying too much. "'But not everything gets a resolution." 


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Sterling noticed the last sentence Blue Note. Not everything gets a resolution... what... what did she mean by that? Even after all of what he had to go through, his parents always preached hope to him, even if it seemed as small as a glimmer... Sterling didn't want to touch the subject further, especially considering how personal it could have been. With that in mind, Sterling then changed the subject, 


"Hey... You never showed me your ability as a clarinetist. I want to hear from Manehattan's brightest clarinet player so I can show you to Dr. Thorrington!" spoke a Sterling who regained his enthusiasm.

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Blue Note smiled. Piano was great, but clarinet was the instrument she really shined at. She took her clarinet out of its case and began assembling it. "Okay, well I think I know something good I can play. Back in Canterlot, we did 'Molly on the Shore' by Percy Haynger the last year I was in band there. It's one of my favorite clarinet parts." She played a quick warm up to get her ready to play the piece. 


Blue Note took a deep breathe, and then was off. She played the cheery clarinet part, carefully articulating. She felt herself getting more and more into her playing, capturing the intensity and the optimism of the piece. She only wished she could have a band behind her. 



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(OOC: I clap at your musical proficiency.)




Sterling listened to Blue Note playing. He could hear the cheeriness emanating from the A flat scale and the sailor-like mood that he portrayed. He could feel the seas roaring in his face and the ship rolling outward. The imagery was so strong he could even feel the breeze and shouts of sailors happy to be working for their captain. When the piece was done, Sterling replied with excitement, 


"You've got to play more of these pieces! You're a great clarinetist! I'll DEFINITELY request your admission to the orchestra to Dr. Thorrington! You'll have so much fun with us!"

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note was happy with Sterling's enthusiasm. "That does sound like a lot of fun. I do miss orchestra..." Blue Note remembered her time in the Canterlot Youth Orchestra. The best young musicians from all over Canterlot participated. The auditions were competitive, but Blue Note had always been up to the challenge. Playing orchestral repertoire had been a great experience, as well as being in an ensemble with mostly serious musicians. Though, sometimes they were a bit a nasty, but she never was there for them. "It was a lot of fun."


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Sterling checked his watch. He gasped at how much time had just flown. He was almost late for physiology class! He spoke sadly and nervously to Blue Note, 


"Oh Blue Note. I'm so sorry about this! I've got physiology class in less than 10 minutes and it's back at the science pod! I have to go now! I'll let Dr. Thorrington know about your interest in the Manehattan University Orchestra this year at tomorrow's lesson!" Just then, Sterling realized that he hadn't set up another time to talk with Blue. He so much enjoyed her company that he wanted to play on the piano with her sometime. He asked, 


"Before I go though, would it be good if we could play together on the piano sometime? I know some easy duet pieces we could try to warm up."

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