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private Rhapsody in Blue


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As the ringing percussion settled over the audience, clarity was brought to Blue Note's mind. The semester had been anything but perfect, yet she felt a strange sense of belonging as more applause rang out. The ponies in the audience really appreciated what she was doing. Ponies at the University of Manehatten appreciated music, and she was surrounded by many who understood how important it was. In the audience, she knew one such pony was cheering her on. And Sterling not only appreciated music, but he also appreciated her. Blue Note knew how special finding a pony that could do that was, and she knew she had to cherish it.


This feeling was new and precious, and assured her that despite her doubts and setbacks, she was in the right place. The conductor announced their last piece, a Christmas traditional at U of M. 



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The concert continued to go on, moving onto all sorts of wonderful Christmas tunes and other wintry pieces. As each one came to a close, Sterling clapped with enthusiasm and excitement. He loved every piece he was listening to, and he wished he could hear it all over again. But before he knew it, the conductor was already at his last piece. Sterling was disappointed that the concert was going to draw to a close. He enjoyed every moment of it and he wished it could go on forever... 


As Sterling listened, he was drawn to how solemn the piece seemed. How wintry the piece was like all the other ones. But most of all, he was enchanted by the piece's ability to draw out the elements of the Cossack ponies. Those who celebrated Christmas in the harsh winters and cold temperatures. The piece had so much strength and passion. The way the piece ended left him stunned as the wind group ended with several loud bangs.


After the concert was over, Sterling was the first pony to have given out a standing ovation. He clapped as long as he could, having enjoyed this wondrous night of watching Blue Note and the rest of the wind orchestra perform with beauty, finesse, and passion. As the clapping subsided, the first thought on Sterling's mind was to congratulate Blue Note...

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Blue Note basked in the moment at the end of the concert. She had successfully made it through her first semester of college band. The conductor gestured for all the instrumentalists to stand before he bowed for the ensemble. She looked out at all the ponies standing and cheering, touched by their music. She hoped that one day she could write a piece ponies would applaud. 


The clapping stopped, and the curtain went back down. She put her instrument back in its case, and came out back into the auditorium. There were many ponies around chatting and sharing congratulations. She scanned the crowd, looking for Sterling.


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Sterling was now outside among the hundreds of ponies who came to see the concert. All around him, he heard only praise for the group. Everypony was talking about the beauty of all the wind instruments and their synchronization. It was unfortunate though that he didn't hear much praise towards the clarinets. He thought they were the best, especially since Blue Note was the main clarinetist in the group. 


Although it was a large crowd, he eventually spotted Blue Note walking around the auditorium. He waved at Blue Note as frantically as he could, hoping to get a chance to express his heartfelt congratulations and his sincere compliments...


"BLUE NOTE!!!" Sterling shouted as loudly as he could. He had to get Blue Note's attention somehow...

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Blue Note turned her head as somepony screamed out her name. Her eyes lit up as she saw Sterling across the crowd. She trotted over to him quickly, weaving through ponies standing around talking. She caught bits and pieces of praise as she moved through them. One pony even stopped her to tell her how wonderful the ensemble sounded.


"Thank you so much," Blue Note said, humbled. She finally made it to Sterling. The concert had made her euphoric, and seeing her best friend only increased the feeling. Before she really thought about it, she pulled him in for a hug. "I'm so glad you made it!" she said, before releasing the embrace.


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Sterling continued to wave for Blue Note, unsure of where she was. Then, in an instant, he could feel a body trampling on him and giving him a big hug. His first thought was set on who was hugging him, but that was before he saw a sea of blue right by his face. Without thinking, he hugged the blue mare as tightly as he could, realizing that it was Blue Note... the hug felt so passionate and emotional. He was very proud of Blue Note for performing so well, for getting through all the backlash aimed at her, and very happy to have Blue Note as his dearest friend. He poured out his heart to the hug, slowly and nervously caressing her back. He didn't know how Blue Note would react, but the caressing was too amazing to pass up... 


Eventually, Sterling had to let go... He wished it would go on, but he could feel Blue Note exiting the hug... He gave a very warm smile to Blue Note before speaking as sincerely as he could,


"Blue Note... you were amazing tonight."

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Sterling hugged her more tightly than she anticipated. He started running his hoof across her back, and she leaned more into him before she realized what was happening between them. It made her nervous, even if it was exhilarating. She pulled away after a moment more, but she was determined not to let her feelings ruin this. 


He was smiling at her, and she was smiling back as he congratulated her. "Thanks," she said. "This was probably the best concert I've ever been a part of."


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After Blue Note and Sterling pulled away from each other, Sterling's first reaction was his shock at the way he and Blue Note hugged. He could feel a tinge that wouldn't stop tickling the caressing hoof. It was as if his hoof wanted to touch her soft body again... and again... But he had to stop the feeling. He internally slapped himself before he gave out another smile.


Unsure of what to say next, Sterling fumbled on his next set of words to Blue Note...


"Yeah... I... I can imagine..." It took a brief moment of awkward silence, but Sterling managed to find his next question,


"I... I liked the Ice Palace piece the most... What was your favourite piece, Blue Note?"

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Blue Note was aware of the awkwardness between the two of them. She didn't want it to get in the way of them talking though. Ignoring it seemed her best option. "I liked A Festive Overture, personally. Shorsetakovich is an excellent composer, though I enjoyed playing all of them." If she could ever write a piece half as good as any of them, she would be happy. "The Frozen Cathedral is really neat, though. I love the way the percussion section surrounds the audience. It was a really inventive choice." The words came more naturally out of her mouth as she talked about the pieces. Music put her at ease. 


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Sterling listened to Blue Note go on about the pieces she played. He admired her deep love of music and the knowledge she had about them. Just listening to her talk about all the pieces was pure bliss for him. All Sterling could do was nod on and on through everything she said. He didn't want to interject during her passionate speech about the pieces. His heart continued to soar when Blue Note mentioned that she liked the Frozen Cathedral. It was a lovely piece that he wished to hear again and again...

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Blue Note was happy to continue on talking about the pieces. The ponies around them began to thin out, though Blue Note hardly noticed as she started talking about her favorite recording of The Frozen Cathedral. "The Canterlot University Wind Symphony did a great job premiering the piece," she said, talking on. She started to become conscious of ponies leaving. She didn't want to stop talking, but finals week was still looming, and it was getting later...


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As time passed, Sterling began to realize that it was getting late... He too had finals to worry about, and he still had to polish his final draft for his lab report! But he couldn't possibly just leave Blue Note so suddenly... He didn't want to give a bad impression towards her regarding his care for her... With that in mind, he continued to nod, albeit more awkwardly. He surely agreed at everything Blue Note had to say, but he was realizing that the auditorium was emptying more and more...

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"I guess we should go," Blue Note said. "I still have to finish that stupid music theory review." It would be nice if she could just forget about finals week and hang out with Sterling. Unfortunately, she would have to wait a little long on that. "I'm really glad that you came out to see me though. It... meant a lot." Rarely did anypony come to watch her and her specifically play. 


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Sterling shuffled his hooves when he saw Blue Note's gratitude towards him for coming to her concert. It felt like their time together had ended so abruptly... He didn't want it to end, but reality was fast approaching them as always. He gave out a stutter as he began his nervous reply... 


"Blue Note... thanks for inviting me to your concert... This was a wonderful night where we could spend some time together... I value our friendship, and I wanted to show that tonight... I loved your clarinet playing the most because it was so pretty and beautiful... Like you. Well, you in the sense that you care a lot about me and want to be with me despite my failings!" Sterling stopped before realizing that he had one last thing to say...


"Well Blue Note, I hope to see you this Saturday at our orchestral concert... There will be lots of Christmas pieces as well." Sterling then turned slowly before slowly trotting away...

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Blue Note stood in place for a moment, registering the meaning of Sterling's words. He mentioned friendship, but Blue Note started to get an inkling that maybe, just maybe, more was going on between them. Did friends call each other beautiful? What was she supposed to say or do? Her mind was flooded with questions. At the root of it, she was unsure how to act in such a close relationship to ensure that it stayed close. 


"I'll be there!" Blue Note called out as Sterling walked away. "I'm really looking forward to it!" 


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Sterling walked away, wondering whether his words registered any meaning to her. He walked away with a bittersweet feeling. It was sweet that he could see Blue Note playing beautifully on the clarinet and inherently spending time with her prettiness. It was also bitter that he had to go back to the harsh realities of scheduling and conflict, both internal and external. Internally, Sterling was stressed about all the work he had to do. Externally, he had much more to worry about than just a lack of friends and a surplus of mockers. He now had to worry about his parents, who were gradually looking more and more exhausted every day... 


One question was on his mind as he left. Would these glimpses of happiness last?

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Blue Note went back to her dorm room and fell asleep without doing any homework. Nothing was due the next day, and she figured the extra sleep would help her get through the weekend. There was so much to be done though. Her Friday was a blur with work, homework, and her last regular classes. She had to get a lot done, if she wanted to be able to fully enjoy Sterling's performance. 


Her biggest accomplishment was finishing her music theory review in the afternoon on Saturday. It was one of the best moments of the semester, if only for the sense of relief she felt. Granted, she still had studying to do for the class, but the hardest part was over by far. After studying for her piano technique class the rest of the afternoon, it was time to go see Sterling.


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Sterling had gone through the rest of the week without much fanfare. He got the rest of his final lab report done, continued to study hard for his science examinations, and even managed to get much of his music theory review done! All that despite the fact his parents were still in a very fatigued state after their latest road trip. On the night before the concert, Sterling heard his parents argue about their financial state and Sterling's education. From that, Sterling knew that they probably wouldn't be coming to his concert to relax... He had also heard them say that they had another "journal stint" happening... Whatever that meant.


But it was the night of the concert, and Sterling had to get his head back into the orchestra. He was busy tuning his violin while everyone else was already finished. They were chattering amongst themselves at the back stage of U of M's large auditorium. After tuning his violin, all Sterling did was wonder where Blue Note would sit among the audience and whether he would be able to see her as he performed with the first violins...



Erlen had just entered the Manehattan auditorium. Sterling had invited him to the concert, and he loved classical music too. He wasn't as knowledgeable on the matter as Sterling was, but he knew what good music was. He trotted into the auditorium towards the middle rows where he would be able to see the orchestra best. The large red curtain closed the stage to all, but Erlen could hear all the instruments tuning up for the concert at hand. Erlen then took his seat at his designated spot, and waited expectantly for the curtain to rise...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note made her way into the concert hall. She looked to the stage, and could make out Sterling's red fur. She managed to find a seat where she could see him. The orchestra looked impressive, and she was excited to hear what they would play. Sterling had mentioned Christmas music, which she could definitely get into. It would be her in a cheerful mood after all the studying. 


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The curtain had arisen... it was time for the concert to start. It was a frantic run to his seat, but Sterling reached it unscathed. Dr. Thorrington, the orchestra's conductor, was now raising his baton to allow everyone in the orchestra to tune up one last time... Once all the sections were tuned, Sterling placed his violin in his playing position, and waited for the conductor to signal the beginning of the "Rosamunde" Overture... Sterling loved this piece, and he wanted to play it as best as he could... Throughout the rehearsals, he could recall the amount of practice they put towards this piece and their constant attempts to make the melodic sections as sweet as possible, the way Shoebert intended... But now it was time... for the Christmas orchestral concert to begin.


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Blue Note enjoyed the intensity of the opening of the piece, and the transition into the more upbeat portion of the piece. It was a wonderful orchestral work. She looked down at her program to get the name of the piece. "Rosemunde" Overture. She felt a desire to look over the score and analyze it. Maybe next time she was in the music library. She looked up to Sterling; he was doing a superb job playing. The orchestra was enthusiastic in its playing, and at the end of the piece, Blue Note found herself applauding with reciprocal enthusiasm. 


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After the first piece came to a close, Sterling quickly looked to his side to see if he could spot Blue Note from among the crowd. He couldn't see too well, given that the auditorium was without light that was all focused onto the orchestra. After the conductor gave his bow for the orchestra and clapping subsided, Dr. Thorrington then introduced a young solo pianist who was going to perform the entirety of Frederick Horseshoepin's 2nd Piano Concerto... a young phenom who was among Manehattan's piano elites and who had performed all over Equestria already. Sterling didn't know his name much and never really had the chance to express his admiration towards his piano playing due to time constraints, but he certainly was looking forward to playing this piece as a violinist...


Once the pianist trotted to the stage and welcomed with applause, the orchestra was now set to play... the entirety of Horseshoepin's 2nd piano concerto...


Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note looked down at the program and tried to find the bio for this apparently prolific pianist. The lights were down, so she couldn't really read the page. The orchestra began playing anyway, and she wanted to give her full attention to them. The piano playing was gorgeous, and the strings were lovely. She definitely wanted to know more about the piano player; he seemed very talented. Though, she turned her eyes back to Sterling. He was playing wonderfully, and she was really enjoying it. 

Edited by lincolnshirepony


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When Sterling and the orchestra were finally finished playing, the concert pianist was given a standing ovation from all the ponies... Even though the lights were dim, he could still see all the ponies getting up from their seats and giving their sincere appreciation towards his finesse and skill... Sterling too clapped with his hooves after placing his violin down, but he couldn't help feeling a little jealous... He always wanted to play a piano concerto, but never got the chance as a child because of the lack of orchestral resources to do so... If only he could perform with Manehattan U's orchestra someday...


Before his imagination got the best of him, Dr. Thorrington signaled a 15 minute intermission where the second half would bring many Christmas pieces and festivities to round off the concert. Sterling happily got up from his seat and walked towards the nearest washroom to freshen up after a long piano concerto...

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Blue Note stood up with other ponies and clapped when the piece ended. The orchestra had been incredible. The lights came back on, and it was time for intermission. Blue Note stood up and stretched. She had been sitting for awhile. The second half promised to be full of Christmas music, which she could definitely get behind. She also hoped that she would get a chance to talk to Sterling after the concert. They barely had time to speak over the last couple of days due to their busyness. She missed him.


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