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private Rhapsody in Blue


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Everypony must have picked up on how uncomfortable Blue Note was. Sterling seemed nervous too. Their performance couldn't be too real, could it? Still, the director stopped the show and demanded more. It looked like they were going to have to go through the scene again. Blue Note was not too happy with this development. She looked across the hall at the clock, willing the rehearsal to end, so she could get away from Ruby and Cheesy and go back to being herself with Sterling.


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Sterling tried the song again from the top, and eventually, the director had to make do after shaking his head. He dismissed Blue Note and Sterling after Sterling sang again and then moved on to the next scene where Billus (ie Cheesy) had to enter for his scene was head honcho of the army... Sterling gave a sigh of relief after he was done. It felt so uncomfortable trying to sing out his love to Nellie that way, especially when Nellie was his crush! Hopefully, the other ponies didn't notice the development happening... and hopefully there weren't any rumours swirling as he left the stage to make way for the soldiers and Bloody Mary... oh she was an interesting character indeed, but he was happy not to have to worry about her for now...


When Sterling went backstage, he could see Sweetie Belle jumping up and down towards Sterling. She went up to Sterling and excitedly spoke,


"Are you Sterling? If so, I'm Sweetie Belle! I was chosen to play one of your "foals" because I had such a nice voice!"

"Hey Sweetie Belle... Yes I'm Sterling. And yes you do have an amazing voice!" Sterling replied with a smile.

"Thanks! I hope to get a cutie mark for singing! Maybe THIS is my talent! The director certainly thinks so! He though I was too good!" Sweetie Belle then gave a grunt, wondering why the director said that as Sterling was wondering how to respond...

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Blue Note breathed a sigh of relief. She was finally out of a the spotlight. This kind of performing was too much pressure for her. She preferred to blend into the clarinet section if she had to perform. She felt amused as Sterling talked to Sweetie Belle. She had a lot of energy for performing.


"Hey, you never know," she cut in. "You just have to keep singing. I always loved music, but I didn't get my cutie mark until I actually tried writing it." 




Ruby was more than ready to get on stage and perform her part. Cheesy, however, was just staring off into space back stage, completely unaware of the show. 


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(Last post for tonight. Let's keep going tomorrow! :D)


Sterling was just about to add something when Blue Note suddenly barged into the conversation. He nodded when Blue Note gave Sweetie Belle some encouragement, to which Sweetie Belle replied with a smile!


"Thanks! You're Nellie right?! Sterling's lovie?! Hehehe! You two look so CUTE together on stage!" Sweetie Belle squeaked when she said "cute" to them. She couldn't help but be giddy. It was the first time being part of a musical for her, and a romantic one at that! Rarity was always a romantic deep inside, and Sweetie Belle caught on the trend herself! While Sterling was left to blush at what Sweetie Belle said, Sweetie Belle continued onward,


"And thanks Blue Note! You sounded great out there too! And you look like a great mom at that! Hehehe!" Sweetie Belle was continually acting like a ball of marshmallow energy as she always was, and her high-pitched voice made her all the cuter...



The director noticed all the other sailors and Bloody Mary coming out to get ready for their part... but where was Cheesy to play Billus?! The slouch! He had to call him out didn't he?!


"BILLUS!!! COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE! Ruby, go get that stallion for me please?!" The director commanded of Ruby. 

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"Thanks." Blue Note punctuated it with a nervous laugh. Her life had been full of many uncomfortable experiences, but playing Nellie was a special kind of awkward. "How long until I can escape this purgatory?"




Ruby left the stage in a huff. Why were their so many incompetent ponies in this production? "Billus! Get out here!" she shouted, storming backstage.


Cheesy was still lost in thought in the corner. His mind had been troubled lately, especially during finals week. His grades had always been unremarkable, but his first semester had been particularly laden with academic failures. He knew he was probably going to be put on academic probation, unless a miracle had been granted to him during finals week. He didn't know how he would be able to face his parents when he got home for break. On top of that, he had to work on learning all these lines for this stupid musical. He just was not up to the task.


At the mention of his character's name, he turned his head. "Am I on or something?" he asked, exiting his daze. 


"Five minutes ago!" Ruby shouted.


Cheesy just stared at her. "Stop standing around and show the slightest sign of competence and get on stage!" Ruby was fuming as she walked back to her place. Cheesy followed her, unsure what he was going to do. 


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"Hehehehe!" Sweetie Belle giggled at Blue Note's thanks. She didn't notice just how nervous Blue Note was looking as she walked away in search for Applebloom... Sterling took a good look at Blue Note, while giggling sheepishly at all that Blue Note was saying...


"So... we finally get our break now huh...? How... how was exams?" Sterling chuckled nervously, hoping that he wasn't looking too awkward in front of her either as he began to hear the sailors singing "Bloody Mary" and rehearsing what would be a comical scene for the musical...



While Sterling remained backstage with Blue Note, Sweetie Belle left to look for her fellow CMC in crime, the yellow pony with the accent... and the sister of the great Element of Honesty, Applejack. She eventually found her at the hallways and rushed up to Applebloom for a chat...


"Hey Applebloom! How's the rehearsal been so far?!" Sweetie Belle asked excitedly to Applebloom.

"Oh shucks... It's been ok so far Ah guess... It's boring to have to do nothing until the end of Act 1... What are we gonna do?" Applebloom asked back to Sweetie Belle, clearly showing that she was bored after singing their first musical number "Dites-Moi."

"Oh don't you worry about that Applebloom... I have an idea... Hehehe..." Sweetie Belle smiled with a naughty grin as she began to whisper her plan to Applebloom...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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"They were all right," Blue Note said. "I didn't fail, and I made it through them with part of my sanity in tact. How did yours go?" she asked. Perhaps trying to pretend the awkwardness was not there would make it go away. All the stresses of the past few months had accumulated and she felt too tired to deal with any unpleasant emotions. 


On stage, Ruby was doing an excellent job as Bloody Mary. Cheesy, on the other hoof, was struggling. He could not quite remember exactly where he had to be, or exactly what he was supposed to do. Ruby tried to mask her frustration and keep in character, but couldn't help giving him a couple of dirty looks.


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Sterling could see that Blue Note was trying to push the awkwardness away from them both. It was like its aura just wanted to stay around to poke fun at the two friends. It probably knew Sterling had feelings for her, and it just wanted to keep bothering Sterling about it... Sterling told it to go away in his head before he replied with as normal a smile as he could.


"That's good to hear. My exams went pretty well too... I hope all that studying paid off. The exams were pretty hard, but very doable thanks to a lot of studying." Sterling began to feel comforted by Blue Note's presence once again as he spoke. Blue Note was really a wonderful friend, and thoughts of love and wishful thinking began to leave him. He then asked, feeling slightly more comforted now,


"How was the Music Theory exam? I found it very doable. If it weren't for all those sessions we had before we started exams, I think we would have been fried."

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"You know, for all Professor Adagio's fanfare about the difficulty of his class, the test was straight from the study guide. Though maybe that was a reward for anypony crazy enough to try and complete it." Sterling seemed more at ease, and that had a calming effect on Blue Note. "I'm just glad to put this semester behind me. Here's to having better classes next semester." There was a certain sense of accomplishment that came with making it through. 




Both Ruby and Cheesy were relieved when their number was finally over. "What was that?" Ruby hissed at him. 

"Acting?" Cheesy whispered unapologetically. 


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Sterling nodded at everything Blue Note was saying. It was indeed true that the entire exam was based off his study guide. Given how tough Professor Adagio was, Sterling couldn't help but wonder why Professor took the exam straight from the study guide. Perhaps it was too difficult to make an entire exam from scratch without using some sort of guide... In any case, Sterling was just happy to get his finals done to look forward to a new semester of music theory... with Professor Adagio. At least he was going to spend it with Blue Note.


"Yeah... let's hope for a better semester eh? I'm glad we're finally settling though." Sterling spoke with some confidence. After all that transpired in his first month of classes, Sterling was relieved to have made some wonderful friends, particularly Blue Note...


The director was happy with the progress that was being made so far, but he didn't like how Cheesy was not being a good Billus... He called for a short break for everypony before they moved onward to the next scene where Blue Note got to sing "I'm Gonna Wash that Man Outta My Hair." Rehearsal was moving on pretty well, but the director needed to have Billus improve...


"Billus... can I talk to you for a second?" The director asked as calmly as he could after walking up to him and poking him on his back...

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"Here's to that!" Blue Note said. "Though, honestly, this semester is not going to be hard to outdo. Not after the way we were treated in the beginning." Blue Note stopped a second; she couldn't help but remember.


"But it's gotten a little better." She gave Sterling a small smile. After all, she would so much worse off without him as a friend. "And I hope the trend continues next semester. I hope university isn't all rejection." 




Cheesy turned around to face the director. "Hey, it's not like I've got a choice," he said. He wondered what the director wanted. Sure, he didn't know all his lines perfectly, and dancing was not his strong point, but it's not like he was into any of this. What was everypony expecting of him? He wasn't talented like all the other ponies in the cast.


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Sterling nodded once again when Blue Note hoped that this semester could be undone. He didn't like how the semester went, other than the few new friends he met in Erlen and Spectro and definitely Blue Note. 


"I'm glad to see you're settling down. As for me, I'm feeling a lot better here too. After you were there for me when all those rumours swirled around... things changed for the better. I hope we can see each other even after South Pacific." Sterling gave a warm smile back to Blue Note. It was true. If it weren't for Blue Note, Sterling would have been in a much worse position than he already was...



"Well... I can see that you don't really like the role of Billus... I'm quite surprised actually. Why you ask? Becaus Billus is also a troublemaker of sorts, like you somewhat! You're supposed to act with swagger and yet be nice towards the ladies so you can get a kiss from them! You do realize you also get a kiss from Nellie during the musical right? Who wouldn't want a role like Billus?!" The director placed his eyes upward slightly as if to show a sense of confusion as to why Cheesy wasn't that interested in the role...

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"I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other for awhile," Blue Note said. As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized that her words could be taken romantically in a different context. She rushed to say something else. "I mean, we've got a class together and we're best friends, so I don't see it stopping." Her cheeks were bright red by the time she finished talking.




Cheesy considered actually kissing Blue Note. She was hot, but she was also really weird. His friends would never let him hear the end of it. Then again, they'd been talking to him a lot less since he joined the stupid play, and they weren't about to go see it... But either way, he knew he was not good at performing. He wasn't allowed to quit, and he really did want to keep his spot at the University of Manehatten. Everything was getting so serious, something he wasn't used to facing.


"I can't act," he said. 


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Sterling chuckled inwardly when Blue Note mentioned that they would be seeing each other for awhile yet. It comforted Sterling to know that Blue Note wanted to be with him just as much as Sterling wanted to be with Blue Note. It comforted Sterling to know that his mare friend, not mare-friend wanted to be with him a lot. He noticed Blue Note's face going slightly red after what she said... Sterling wondered what it meant, but he decided to have a little bit of fun...


"Blue Note... why's your face going slightly red?" Sterling asked inquisitively and with a slight giggle.



"You can't act? Cheesy! I chose you because I think you're natural for the role! You're not really acting! In fact, I see it all in you! You've got an air of confidence in you, you easily swoon for mares, and you even have a nice Manehattan accent on you! What's not to like?! Don't be silly! You're going to be great as Billus when you put the effort to it! And don't mess up on me either! The University of Manehattan is depending on you and the rest of the cast to get this right!" The director spoke with an air confidence as always. He chose Cheesy for a reason, and he wanted him to know that. 

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"Huh?" Blue Note asked. "Oh, it must be hot in here." She could feel her face growing warmer. Somehow she hadn't mastered keeping her blushing under control. She was trying really hard not to think about how cute Sterling was, or how she sort of wished that they were dating. "They certainly keep the heat up during the winter." Technically, it was true... 




Cheesy nodded. Maybe he wouldn't be so terrible. "Well, I guess I'll try some more," he said. He would have some time to look over his lines during the break. If he was really just acting like himself, it couldn't be that hard. Though it might be easier if he had somepony to help him...


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Sterling looked around the room, wondering where the heat was coming from... it wasn't particularly hot for Sterling at the moment, but maybe it was for Blue Note... she did look pretty after all... And alluring... if only he could kiss her again... Sterling had to shake his thoughts away from love again after the thought of hotness came back again. He couldn't afford to let his romantic side take a hold him. That had to be saved for South Pacific! Sterling quickly came up with a reply to diffuse his situation,


"Oh... ok then... It IS winter after all... The inside heat makes the place feel comforting despite the cold outside." Sterling let out an inward sigh, glad to have not let his feelings get the best of him...



"Good! I suggest you find a drama teacher to help you with your confidence! Confidence is the key to success! You seemed brimming with confidence before being sent here..." The director then called out to all the ponies,



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"Looks like I'm on," Blue Note said, hearing the director's call. "We'll have to finish talking after rehearsal." She was glad to be spared of the awkwardness. Hopefully, it was just due to the oddness of playing two ponies in love. She walked out onto the stage, ready to sing. 




Cheesy wondered where he could find a drama teacher. He wasn't sure where to look for one. Perhaps somepony else in the cast could help him out. He mentally went through the ponies in the show with him. Blue Note was out. She couldn't stand him, and he wasn't too keen on spending time with her anyway. Her coltfriend probably wouldn't be any better. Maybe he could ask that pony who was giving him the evil eye earlier... She wanted him to get better, right?


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Sterling was left alone to wonder about Blue Note's redness on her cheeks during the rehearsal... Hotness? It was kind of weird to be having a red face in times of hotness... Especially when exclusive to her cheeks... Sterling wondered whether it was a blush or whether her cheeks were just naturally rosy... Could her blush have meant something... Was it even a blush at all? Sterling walked in circles wondering what the redness meant... He was back to his overanalyzing self.



"Tell me why we're doing this again?" Applebloom asked as she began to wave her mistletoe around.

"Applebloom! We could be Cutie Mark Matchmakers! Trust me! Nellie and Emile NEED to practice their kissing for the play! They have a kissing scene coming up! Plus, the actor and actress look really cute together!" Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle and a squeak at the word cute once again. 

"Sweetie Belle. Yer an idiot. But Ah got nothin' else to do, so Ah guess this COULD be mah cutie mark..." Applebloom replied glumly. Perhaps this would be a fun little thing fillies would do, but still... it sounded stupid, and the director wasn't too keen on jokes...

"Oh come on Applebloom! This could be something BIG we're missing out on, and we're going to help them!" Sweetie Belle gave out her squee, hoping that Applebloom would be more convinced...

'Fine fine... Ah guess Nellie IS looking a bit grumpy... This better work Sweetie Belle..." Applebloom replied, rolling her eyes  and giving out a sigh as the two CMCs waded backstage, waiting ever so patiently for the kissing scene... 




"Places everypony! Now, Blue Note... this is the time where you have to be sassy and Throw your Emile out of your mane!" The director spoke with determination to Blue Note. He wanted to make this as convincing as possible and even decided to show Blue Note how to do it himself... Even if he looked silly doing it.


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Sass was something Blue Note could do. She usually did not have any problem giving a pony a piece of her mind. As she performed the scene, she just thought about all the ponies that had given her grief the whole semester. She wanted to be done with them all. Her dancing, while not perfect, certainly had attitude. She had to admit to herself that it was fun.


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The director was wowed at Blue Note's sass. He had picked the perfect mare for this role after all! It was like she was born to be sassy and to wash all those stallions, especially the would be stallion of her dreams! He applauded at her singing and how much it had improved from the last time he had spoken with her about her acting and singing.


"Bravo Blue Note! Bravo! Now all we need to do is to improve your motions to the musical beats, and you'll be set with that number! I'm sure you can learn the dance numbers privately, but keep that in mind as we progress!" The director spoke as if he was extremely impressed with Blue Note and all she embodied in that number. Afterwards, the director began to address the other mares about their singing and acting, telling them to continue agreeing with Blue Note and to be more convincing with their acting...



Sterling noticed Blue Note's singing go off the charts as he sat there reciting his lines and getting ready to come in for Nellie after she finished singing. He could also hear the director applauding from the distance, clearly impressed with Blue Note's acting. Sterling too clapped from the distance, albeit quietly out of fear that the director would nice his clapping... 

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Blue Note smiled as the director gave her strong praise. She stood a little taller. The dancing would come along, but she had the sass down perfectly. She looked over to the backstage and saw Sterling clapping. She sent a smile his way, and turned back to face the director. He was giving instruction to other ponies in the scene. She waited patiently to move onto the next part.


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The director was eventually finished with the other singers, and they finally moved on... to the dreaded kissing scene, well at least for Sterling it was. The director though was really looking forward to this scene and the possible romance that could be truly tied between Nellie and Emile...


"Alrighty! Places everypony! We've got to move on the love scene between Nellie and Emile now! Come out Sterling!" Sterling heard his director's call to come over and begin the scene that started after "I'm Gonna Wash that Colt out of my Mane!" Blue Note was apparently supposed to hum the tune first before Sterling came in to ask the type of song was singing... Sterling walked out, genuinely looking confused and indeed asked Blue Note the very question...



"Oh Applebloom! This will be perfect! Just when Sterling and Blue are going to kiss, I'll bring this out for them to encourage the kissing! C'mon Applebloom! We don't have much time left!" Sweetie Belle continued to beckon Applebloom to her call, hoping that she wasn't too late to help Sterling kiss Blue Note just at the end of the "Some Enchanted Evening" Reprise...

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Blue Note responded nervously, talking about the song. She was finding it easier to slip into Nellie's character. It was a nice break from herself. She could show Nellie's uncertainty, instead of her own. Her lines came naturally, and she almost forgot who she was. 


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Sterling had to be the creator of awkward moments in this scene. Oh Sterling... He was going to have to kiss Blue Note, no... NELLIE... in this scene. He didn't know what to say about all that would happen in a few short moments after he said his lines about politics... Sterling now had to ask... about politics. And that he did as Emile...



The 2 CMCs were up above the scene. Somehow, they managed to get away from the technicians and get upstairs above the stage.


"You ready with the mistletoe and the fishing hook? Now we have to reel it down towards them!" Sweetie Belle asked with determination to Applebloom.

"Yes Ah got it ready Sweetie Belle. When do I reel it down?" Applebloom asked with some interest, now beginning to see the awkwardness between Emile and Nellie... 

"Just before Emile sings "Some Enchanted Evening"... when the intro chords come out. Reel it down so they can kiss..." Sweetie Belle replied, slightly annoyed that Applebloom wasn't understanding her reasoning...

"Ok Ok... although Ah think we should do it AFTER he finishes? That's when they HAVE to kiss after all..." Applebloom countered. If Sweetie Belle were to make a plan, at least make it effective... That was what she thought as Sterling and Blue Note continued the scene from below...

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As the moment of the kiss approached, Blue Note felt her character falter a little. This was nerve-wracking. What made it worse was the voices wafting down from the above the stage. "Voices?" Blue Note thought. She looked up and did not see anything there. She hoped the director did not pick up on her moment's pause as she kept going through her lines about politics. Something did not seem right about this though...


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