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private Rhapsody in Blue


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Blue Note felt a flush come over her. The musical number wasn't any good or special or anything. "Oh, it was just a Hearth's Warming ballad. It's not good. I should really stick to instrumental." She decided to leave out that the song was about a couple singing on Hearth's Warming Eve. Well, they weren't technically a couple yet. They had to work out some confusing feelings... Perhaps it was a bit too true to life for now.


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Sterling nodded when Blue Note mentioned that it was a ballad about Hearth's Warming. He remembered her telling him that the Hearth's Warming they spent together was the best she ever had... Sterling could sense his love for Blue Note continue to grow... His heart began to rush at the thought of a mare thinking that highly and wonderfully of him... But Sterling quickly shook those thoughts off. He couldn't let Blue Note know that his feelings were growing... He began with what he thought was a simple compliment,


"Well Blue Note, I should like to listen to it someday. I don't think anything you make is bad... I think they're all great from what I heard so far!" Sterling then smiled back, trying his best to be sincere towards his best friend.

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"Um, maybe if I revise it a little. Not that I'll have time for now. Maybe next year?" Blue Note asked. "Or the year after that? Or after I'm done with college? Let's face it; we're going to drown in all of these papers before we get a change to do anything with our free time." She hoped that she successfully dodged the subject. It would take a lot of revising before she would show him anything that had to with that musical number.


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Sterling nodded when Blue Note mentioned the lack of free time that she had because her semester was becoming busier every day. Sterling realized that his semester too was becoming very busy, and that he didn't have much time at all for extracurricular activities either. 


"I understand. My semester's going to become very busy soon, and I also have to think about an internship this fall... It's a time for me to shadow doctors and get marked for how good I am at the job... I hope I do well..." Sterling's mind wandered to that prospect... he wouldn't be able to talk with Blue Note as much unless they managed to organize really well.. but could they do that? Sterling wondered as he waited for Blue Note's response...

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"You're going to do excellently, if I know you at all," Blue Note said. "We both are. We have to. There's no room for failure for ponies like us." If she did fail, she did not want to think about the consequences. That would mean that so many ponies would have been right about her... But she knew they couldn't possible be. What did that say about her if they were?


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"Thanks Blue Note. I just hope you're right..." Sterling's mind began to wander towards not being able to see Blue Note as much because of his internship... He didn't want to lose Blue Note to other friends just because he couldn't find time to talk with her... but he knew that his work at the hospital would take up most of his day and prevent him from having as much time towards being with Blue Note... Sterling continued to mumble himself without noticing as he began to wonder about his internship... 

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Sterling mumbled something unintelligible. Blue Note could see a distant look in his eyes; his mind was elsewhere. He was probably equally stressed out. "I hope so too," she said. She glanced up at the clock. "Well, it looks like lunch is nearing its end. I guess I'm going to go do homework before rehearsal. I hope there's still a nice seat at the library."


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Sterling's head perked up when Blue Note mentioned that lunch time was almost over. How time had flown over the course of their conversation... time had always flown whenever they conversed with each other... Sterling got up from his seat soon after he finished his cabbage salad. At this point, his mind now wandered to preparing for his first lab by going to the library too... but he didn't want to bother Blue Note, so he opted to instead go over to Erlen's dorm to do some work instead...


"Well in that case, I hope to see you at our rehearsal tonight! Apparently, we have to work on Act 2 tonight!"  Sterling realized that this was the act where Blue Note had to be angry at Sterling since their characters had issues regarding Sterling's "foals" being earth ponies when the unicorns had a poor opinion of the earth ponies... Hopefully Blue Note wouldn't be too cruel towards him when they met for the rest of the play... 

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"Of course," Blue Note said. "Hopefully, Act 2 will go well." She didn't particularly want to go to musical practice, especially after having band rehearsal and work beforehand, but this was the price she paid. "Maybe my exhaustion will add a dimension to my acting. I suppose I should go work on practicing clarinet. I have my first lesson this Thursday." 


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Sterling nodded at Blue Note's hopes that Act 2 would go well. Sterling then chuckled lightly when Blue Note sarcastically mentioned her exhaustion and her acting. Sterling then remembered that Blue Note still had clarinet lessons! Perhaps she could try for orchestra someday, but by the looks of it, she was really busy right now, so perhaps suggesting it again to her wasn't the best idea...Sterling then began to trot towards the exit, hoping to get some work done over at Erlen's, but not without first giving his goodbye,


"Well I guess I'll see you at rehearsal tonight! Good luck with your other work!" Sterling smiled before he trotted out the dining hall's metallic doors...

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"Thanks," Blue Note said. "Good luck to you too!" She sighed as she went to put her tray and bowl away. At least she wasn't the one who had to wash them. 


It was too bad that she and Sterling didn't have more overlap. He was diligently working towards med school, while she was doing the same for music school. Their interests in music overlapped, but it was starting to seem like that was diverging instead of converging. And where would they be after school? She might try to go to grad school somewhere... She shook her head; this was too far away to worry about now. All she needed to do was get through the day and do a good job in rehearsal.

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling walked into the corridors of the University of Manehattan and towards the residences to meet with Erlen and work on homework together. During the walk, Sterling couldn't help but wonder about his future... and Blue Note. His mind pondered about the possibility of losing Blue Note in his medicall work... He knew they had different career paths, but could they stay together? Could Sterling keep up with his work and have time for his best friend? Why was he becoming so worried about spending time with Blue Note? They were just friends... right? 


Sterling tried to shake his mind, hoping that his thoughts would go away, but they just wouldn't... hopefully he would be able to focus on his first sets of bioethics and music theory homework once he got over to Erlen's dorm...


Erlen pranced about his dorm excitedly as he waited for Sterling to come over to his place. No other ponies were in the dorm since he was the only one free of classes for the day as the others toiled with theirs. It would be the first time Sterling visited his dorm, and he wanted to make sure that everyone was looking tip-top condition, since he knew Sterling wasn't one to appreciate dirty rooms. Erlen shuffled about to make sure that their work table in particular was clear of all his junk. Once everything was cleaned up, Erlen went to his room towards his pillow... He picked up his pillow to make sure his Entropy magazines were safely under it. Once he saw a cover of Entropy's glamorous dress, he quickly put his pillow down... Hopefully Sterling wouldn't enter his room during his visit...  

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note managed to push her worries away by playing music, a tactic that rarely failed her. Over the years practice rooms had become havens away from worry to her, as long as she played. The plainness of the room allowed her to forget herself, and the white walls ceased to exist as her sound pushed them out. Only when she stopped would they come back to suffocate her. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling arrived at Erlen's dorm which was actually really close by to Blue Note's dorm... and high above it. No wonder Erlen was able to see Sterling from above when he picked Blue Note up for their Hearth's Warming treat! Sterling knocked softly on the door as to not startle Erlen or any other pony inside the dorm. He could hear a set of hooves shuffling about towards the dorm. That had to be Erlen, given how frantic he was trotting! When the dorm's door was opened to Sterling, Erlen gave out a warm greeting,


"Hey Sterling!" You ready to do some work together?!" Sterling then trotted into Erlen's dorm room, allowing Erlen to close the door behind Sterling...

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After her practice session, Blue Note went up to the lounge in the music building. She wanted to take a break before band rehearsal. She sighed as she idly wrote a few notes down. The theme had been running through her head earlier in the day, but she couldn't come up with much else to give it more substance. It looked like a case of composer's block was setting in. 


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Sterling and Erlen spent much of the afternoon working hard on their respective readings and assignments. Even though it was just the second day of classes, both students were given a large pile of readings to do, from the Equestria philosophy of biological life to readings about the basics of physiology to a simple stoichiometric assignment for Erlen to perform. In the midst of their homework, Sterling's mind continued to wander towards Blue Note, worrying that his friendship with Blue Note would wither away if he didn't do something about it... those fears were exacerbated by their seemingly diverging schedules and whether they would be able to make time for each other despite this revelation...

Erlen noticed Sterling's mind wandering off constantly. He asked Sterling what was wrong with a concerned look... Sterling didn't want to concern Erlen with his personal life again... and gave out a sigh.


"Nothing's wrong ok... It's just... there's a lot on my mind right now, and I just want to get to my homework." Erlen wasn't very satisfied with Sterling's dodgy response, but he couldn't make him talk... Erlen shrugged in reply,


"Alright then. Hope you feel better." Erlen then returned to his work, leaving Sterling to his worries and struggles... Having been able to dodge Erlen's concerns, Sterling gave a subtle sigh of relief before he continued with his homework, his fears still haunting him...

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Band rehearsal passed by without much fanfare. Blue Note wished it could have lasted longer, maybe even conflicted with South Pacific. No such luck, too many members were in the orchestra pit for South Pacific, so the directors made sure to coordinate times. Blue Note found herself wishing she was in the pit instead of center stage. No pony would be looking at her down there. 


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Sterling and Erlen went through most of their work in a meditated silence... Both of them wanted to get a good start to their respective semesters, and Sterling didn't really want to open up about his personal life with Blue Note either. Once their work was completed, the sun was already beginning to set, the sign that winter was at its deepest stages... Sterling got up quickly, not wanting to stay out in complete darkness too long, and hastily waved away at Erlen before leaving his dorm...


Now it was time for South Pacific rehearsal, and Sterling couldn't afford to waste his time thinking about Blue Note or anything else... he had to get the Second Act right... since South Pacific's shows were looming nearer and nearer...

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Blue Note showed up just on time (25 minutes early) to South Pacific rehearsal. She liked having time to prepare. She would go sit in the front of theater, looking over her lines, while she waited for the others to show up. 


No amount of time would have prepared her for the other pony sitting in the front row.


"Heya, Blue Note," Cheesy said, looking up from his lines.

  • Brohoof 1


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(Nice Cliffhanger... :P How will Blue Note respond? :o )


Erlen laid back on his bed after having enjoyed... well, it depended on what enjoyed meant, a study session with Sterling. He agreed that they should be doing this more often since it seemed to get a lot of work out of the way for both ponies, but he couldn't help but feel concerned about Sterling... He looked noticeably tired and weary... Erlen couldn't put a hoof on what was going on, but he knew that something was up... He kept the issue on the back of his mind, realizing that Sterling, being the open stallion he was, would probably talk about it sometime in the semester...



Sterling made sure to arrive early for the South Pacific rehearsal in hopes of getting at least a chat with Blue Note before they began Act 2. When they arrived at the stage, he saw Cheesy being approached by Blue Note... did he need to protect her again? No... it didn't seem like it... Blue Note knew how to handle herself better than he did, as evidenced by their last encounter with him... But maybe he could give Blue Note her escape... But for some reason, he didn't want to... He didn't want to seem clingy to Blue Note... He just trotted away from Blue Note and Cheesy and trotted backstage to dress up as Emile and get ready for Act 2...

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Blue Note noticed Sterling look towards them, and then walk away. Great, now she was still stuck alone with Cheesy. Since when did he show up early anyway?


"You don't pick up on social cues very well, do you?" 


"Just sayin' hi," Cheesy said, looking away. "I gotta go meet Ruby anyway. Catch ya later." Of course he had to go meet Ruby. Those two were just perfect for in each other in their capacity to make her miserable. 


Blessedly, he wandered off to find whatever dark corner of the earth Ruby had chosen as a hiding place. 


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Sterling dressed up in what was supposed to be his casual attire after having "broken up" with Nelly just before they were to marry. Sterling had to begin acting as if he lost his best friend and lover... in some ways, Sterling was beginning to feel that way right now, given how busy Blue Note was and how preoccupied she seemed with other colts... Perhaps he could act it out naturally in front of the stage as he reviewed his lines for the Act 2 rehearsal...




Speaking of rehearsals... dress rehearsal was drawing nearer and nearer... The director was becoming more and more excited at opening night which was just about a month away! There was going to be a whole week of South Pacific fun, and already tickets were being sold like wildfire. Ponies from all over Equestria were going to come see the spectacular comedy that he directed! This would be his big chance... to become a directing star... to become the face of the entertainment industry... this had better go well.

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Blue Note breathed out a sigh of relief and went to find Sterling. "Great costume," she said, approaching him. "I can't believe dress rehearsals are starting up already. The director is really getting into things." She was nervous about the increase in commitment necessary in this final month. Her life was already filled to the brim, could she really squeeze all these extra rehearsal in?


She supposed that she could chalk this whole experience up to a learning process. At least she could hang out with Sterling. That was the best part of this mess. 


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Sterling jumped slightly just as he finished putting on his costume. Even though it was Blue Note, Sterling was startled at her sudden entrance, having expected her to spend her time with Cheesy and having made amends with him... it wasn't such a bad thing for it to happen, but he couldn't help but feel jealous... He wanted Blue Note all for his own, even if he knew it wasn't the best attitude to have with regards to their friendship...


"Oh! Thanks Blue Note!" Sterling chuckled lightly, not realizing that a light blush was growing on his face. He didn't like his costume too much because it felt uncomfortably small, but if Blue Note liked it, then it was a nice compliment for him to take! "Are you just coming in to get your costumes ready?" Sterling asked back. Hopefully they gave Blue Note a really nice outfit for her role. She deserved, given how pretty she was in Sterling's eyes.

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  • 8 months later...

"Yeah," Blue Note said. She looked through the rack, using her levitation to pull her costume out. "Oh Celestia, I can't believe I'm willingly wearing this." Nellie's fashion sensibilities were a bit dated compared to her own. "Actually, I'm still coming around to the idea that I'm willingly here. But I'm glad we're in this together. I think I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with all these crazy ponies on my own. Did you see Cheesy trying to talk to me earlier? I don't know what his problem is." 


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