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private Rhapsody in Blue


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@Sterling Crimson


(OOC: Yay!)


Blue Note felt happy, if not a little confused when she was safely in her dorm room. Pink Heart wasn't back yet, so she could relax for a little while. She couldn't deny her feelings for Sterling any longer, and certainly wouldn't mind getting another kiss...


Blue Note found herself daydreaming about being with Sterling. They would have a nice long romantic dinner under the stars, perhaps on a rooftop. Candles would be lit, illuminating the beautiful flowers all around them. The food would be top notch, and the would be this wonderfully romantic music playing in the background. 


Blue Note started to hum along to the music in her imagination, and decided to commit it to a paper. She would end the perfect night by writing the most romantic song...


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(OOC: I'll get to the dream in my next post :P)


One may think that little Sterling was asleep, but in reality, he could have danced all night... The escapade with Blue Note was simply too overbearing on him! He couldn't sleep! It was an amazing feeling he harboured and he couldn't deny it any longer! He was having feelings for Blue Note! The only problem? How could he actually express it? The kiss was something, but it just... didn't feel right. He wasn't sure why he gave the kiss and it was more of a reactionary feeling than anything. Deep inside, he didn't understand why he gave the kiss. Nonetheless, he imagined himself dancing with Blue Note all night... he closed his eyes and had happy dreams...



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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note wished she had a piano in her dorm room. She could try out playing this piece to see what it would sound like. As she put her staff paper away, she made a note to visit the practice rooms sometime before weekend was over. It was well into the morning hours, and Pink Heart had yet to get back from whatever party she was visiting. Blue Note was glad. Maybe Pink Heart would be gone when she woke up too.




Blue Note was back in her city. It was daytime and well dressed ponies surrounded her. The stores and restaurants around her were decorated, and the architecture was flawlessly Canterlot style. She had certainly walked a long way from home to get to this part of town. "What am I doing here?" Still, it was a lovely day to be out. She continued trotting down the street, admiring her surroundings.


Her purpose became clear when her old music school came into view. Somehow she had gone the wrong way when going to band practice. Blue Note quickly dashed inside the building, hoping she wasn't too late. Her fellow musicians were packing up their instruments when she arrived. However, they continued without noticing her. The conductor didn't even say anything to her. 


"Hey, Blue Note!" Sterling said. He was packing up his instrument in a case.


"Oh, hello Sterling."


"Practice was so crazy today. How did you handle that clarinet part?"


Blue Note suddenly remembered that she had been at practice the whole time. "I don't know. My lips are killing me, though." That had to have been the hardest part she had ever played in band. But what was the piece called...?


"So, you want to walk home together?" he asked. Blue Note nodded. She always wanted to walk home with him, even if she sounded like an idiot every time she opened her mouth. 


"I wish I didn't have to go home. My dad is just going to be there staring disapprovingly or something." Her home life had just gotten worse lately. She and her dad barely spoke, and it was never pleasant when they did.


"We could stay a little while longer." He touched her cheek. Blue Note felt ecstatic, and then remembered. This had happened before. 




Blue Note woke up with the realization that she had been dreaming, and not entirely about Sterling. 

  • Brohoof 1


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(OOC: I'm available for RPing again tonight!)


It was still night time... the starts continued to shine into the black night sky over the small town houses over the city of London... Sterling could see his room, but... it wasn't his room. He was surrounded by maidservants, so he couldn't see much of where he was... he had maid servants? He didn't know that. Sterling asked with a shout,


"Why are all of you here?! I didn't know I had servants!" 

The maids were clearly beginning to get very worried about Sterling's sanity, and they replied with fear,

"Sterling! Now you REALLY need to go to bed! It's 3 in the morning and you were rambling on how wonderful this mare was! You need to be in bed! You've got school tomorrow!"

"What? Which mare was this? And why am I still up?"

"Yes Sterling! Get to bed! I know you had a wonderful night with Blue Note-" Before one of the other maidservants continued with her explanation, Sterling suddenly beamed with happiness. The name of Blue Note rang before him like chimes... he didn't know why it did, but one thing was for sure, his whole demeanor was revitalized... he then began to sing with ecstasy,


"I could have danced... all night!

I could have danced... all night! 

And still have begged for more...

I could have spread my hooves!

And done a thousand moves!

I've never done before!


I'll never know...

what made it so exciting...

Why all at once, my heart took flight!

I only know when she

began to dance with me...

I could have danced, danced, danced all night!!!"


The maidservants then performed a facehoof in front of the purple maidservant. Now he was going to keep singing... all night... And that he did... The maids gave up and then left him to his peace... The name Blue Note just excited him...


Then suddenly, there was a knock on the window! Sterling got up from his bed and quietly tiptoed towards the door. Who could it be? Sterling could only wonder... It was Blue Note! She spoke with the cutest voice she could give,


"Sterling! So this is where you are! Oh I couldn't get enough of the dancing! And the kiss! I just wanted more!"

"Blueey! I was thinking about you too! Now we CAN dance all night! Just don't be too loud! The maidservants gave up on me in hopes that I would sleep. I don't want them coming up here!" Sterling replied with a beaming smile.


And dance they did... The instruments continued to play the famous tune Sterling sang into the night, and Sterling was in heaven...


Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


(OOC: Awesome!)


Blue Note felt cranky when she woke up. "No wonder..." Her clock red 7 AM. She rolled over, burying her face in the pillow. The dream was still fresh on her mind. "Why did that have to come up now?" Was she really that worried about her relationship with Sterling? It was nothing like her first adventure in romance, if one could even call it that. "More like an awkward adolescent experience that I don't know why I haven't forgotten already." 


Blue Note had doubts about dating. Her parents weren't exemplary in that department. Her peers in Canterlot broke up with each other all the time. Logically, this was not a good time for her to date, but her attraction to Sterling just kept getting stronger. He was different somehowShe still could not be sure that a relationship wouldn't hurt her somehow. She drifted back to sleep as she pushed the thoughts of romance away.


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Sterling awoke to the sun shining in front of his face. He loved the dream he just had. Deep down, he wasn't sure how Blue Note took his kiss last night. Still, all he cared about was the fact that he wanted to dance with Blue Note... and be with her... for as long as he could. Now with reality setting back to him, he was forced to push the idea of love away for now. He had to get to work on his lab reports! They were due the week after the labs he performed, and he had already finished three! He wanted to make them as good as he could, even if he wanted to spend more time with Blue Note.


Nonetheless, Sterling was beginning to miss his parents. They were still away on the Manekees' road trip across the West. The Manekees had just swept the Los Pegasus Angels and were now moving on to face the Hayxas Rangers. He loved watching baseball, and deeply wished he could watch one live, but his schoolwork always got in the way... Maybe he could watch one with Blue sometime, but for now... he had to get to his lab work, and so he began to type up his report on his laptop... 

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note spent most of her Saturday holed up in the library. She struggled with her Biology assignment for a few hours, until finally deciding it would be good enough. She didn't need a perfect grade in biology, just a good enough grade to keep her GPA up. Working in the library was so dull compared to the excitement of Friday night. She could hardly wait to go back into the city again, and with Sterling... 


She couldn't help but think about him as she made her way to work. Serving in the cafeteria was not her ideal job, but at least she could go through school without an obscene amount of debt in the work study program. Her mind was wandering to happier places as she served food to her peers. 


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Sterling sat by the laptop as he continued to type his lab reports. He had spent most of his Saturday working on his lab reports too.  He needed somepony to read this over. He remembered his high school teachers criticizing him a lot for his lacklustre papers, simply because he didn't get somepony to read it over. It left Sterling thinking...


"Well I could always have Blue Note read over my lab work, but I'm not sure she'll understand it. Besides, why would she want to read my biology work? She hates biology! But... if I can get even somepony like her to understand my lab work, then I'm definitely in the right direction! This lab work isn't due until Wednesday, so I can definitely as her on Monday!"


Sterling spoke to himself with happiness and glee as he continued to write up his lab report as meticulously and accurately as he could...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note's Saturday passed by without fanfare. She worked a few hours, finished her homework, and worked on polishing the piece she had been writing earlier. Her day was pleasantly boring. No run-ins with anypony that would antagonize her, and no major catastrophes. She did have to admit that she missed Sterling, and her mind wandered to him often. Her crush had been firmly rooted in her mind, and Blue Note knew the futility in fighting it. 


She was not about to rush into a relationship though. That was a mistake too many ponies had made before her.


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(OOC: I'm back for roleplaying for all of tonight! Whee!)


Sterling was finally done one of his lab reports. And it was lunch time. He didn't want to do too much today for a quiet Saturday, so he opted to grab his usual favourite: cabbage salad. He happily took it out of his refrigerator and ate it with a smile. He ate it imagining what it would be like to eat it with Blue Note... his mind was in a lot of fantasy, but deep down, he wasn't sure whether a relationship was the best idea at the moment. After all, he didn't want medical school to leave Blue Note concerned about a lack of quality time spent together. He wanted to date her, but he didn't feel the urge to date her now... at least not yet. 


As Sterling ate his lunch, he couldn't help but ponder more about his parents. They hadn't been home at least a week, and deep inside, he didn't think it necessary for his parents to go throughout Equestria just to report baseball games. He was worried that his parents were being overworked, but he scuffed them aside, realizing that it was normal for his parents to go on long road trips to follow his favourite baseball team. 

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note walked back to her dorm room to find Pink Heart sitting at her desk. She was applying some form of eye shadow. "Hey Blue Note." Her voice was unsure and soft. 


"Hey," Blue Note said, trying to end the conversation there. Pink Heart still wasn't endearing to her.


"You want to come out tonight? We're hitting a club near campus." 


"Yeah, that sounds great," Blue Note said sarcastically. "I'm sure your friends still just love me. Really, great idea."


Pink Heart turned back to her makeup. Eventually she left, leaving Blue Note in peace to compose. 


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After eating his dear little lunch, Sterling wiped off his fears about his parents and went back to work on his other two lab reports. The time flew by extremely quickly, so quickly that by the time he was done both his other lab reports, the sun was already beginning to fall away to make way for the moon and stars. As Sterling looked out, he remembered Blue Note again. Last night was one of the most unforgettable nights in his life... How could he forget it? He gave his first kiss!


Sterling's romantic feelings began to overpower him once again, but instead of daydreaming, he let it all out by approaching his upright piano and playing some Clopin... It was a piece filled with love... and romance. A desire for embrace and touch... it was all there. Even the snickers of the other ponies and the sudden twists and turned that contrasted the typical scherzo, a light, pixie-like piece. Dark humour was everywhere, but the love that emanated at the end was simply too great to pass up, so Sterling played it from his apartment with all his heart and soul... for a love he might never get... the shy, but heavenly Blue Note...




(Here's the piece I speak of. Enjoy!)



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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note continued to work on the piece she had started the last night. She wondered if perhaps she should ask Sterling what the kiss meant. Was it just a friendly kiss? "Or maybe he actually does like me." It was wonderful, terrifying likelihood. Relationships were scary. She saw the young ponies crying about their boyfriends and complaining about their relationship troubles. Could all that be worth it for a chance at happiness? A broken heart had ruined her father.


Blue Note resolved not to worry about it for now. She had only known Sterling for a few weeks. There was no need to think about the kiss and what it might mean.


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Sterling had finally finished playing the piece. He could feel himself sweating after working so hard to gather the emotional intensity of the piece at hand. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. He was so immersed in the piece that he felt himself wanting to be with Blue Note more and more... His mind began to imagine all sorts of things about Blue Note. He couldn't help it. He was alone, and he was without inhibition...

Feeling bad about his feelings, he proceeded towards dinner right away, preparing a nice but humble alfredo sauce spaghetti. He ate it silently, wondering why he was desiring for Blue Note so much. She was just a friend right? The kiss was just an adrenaline rush in the heat of the moment. If only Blue Note didn't think negatively of him after the kiss... He ate with a slight frown, realizing that maybe being with Blue Note might be just a pipe dream...

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note stared at her clock as the seconds ticked by. The memory of her dream kept coming back. Why had Sterling been in place of Beat Blare? "Am I really worried about that?" she said aloud to the empty room. "Sterling isn't that kind of stallion." Her first kiss had left a bad taste in her mouth, but she was not going to allow herself to be used like that again. She knew when to give up, and when not to try. "I'll just act like normal and see what he does next."


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After eating his dinner, he noticed that time was already winding down on Saturday... To end his day, Sterling remained in deep thought about Blue Note... He wanted to show he cared for her, but at the same time, he didn't know how Blue Note would respond. Were they still friends? Or did they take the next step with his kiss? He was reminded of a time when he and a mare in high school experienced something similar... Everything was so perfect... but in reality, the mare only saw him as a friend. She told it herself even after Sterling shyly hugged her after a wonderful musical meeting. It was all too familiar... He had wiped the mare largely from his mind because he had his sights on another mare at the time, but the feeling was still there... where was he in relation to Blue Note?


The night was becoming darker and darker... and the only light in the room was the living room's main lights. Sterling made a large yawn to himself before slowly walking up the stairs to his room... The thoughts about his relationship with Blue Note continued to dominate him long into the night as he trudged slowly up the wooden stairs, even proceeding into his sleep...

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note crawled into her bed after working on polishing several of her pieces. She wasn't quite tired enough to fall asleep yet, but she wanted to think about Sterling. She imagined they were eating dinner together again. They were both dressed up, perhaps to see another Broadhay show... She drifted off in to sleep, with pleasant thoughts.


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The Sunday was an uneventful day that was very similarly styled to the Saturday he had just experienced. Lots of thinking about Blue Note and doing some finishing touches on his lab work. He also enjoyed some video gaming in the process and watched the New York Manekees lose 1-0 to the Hayxas Rangers even after C. C. Sameightia pitched a gem of a game. It disappointed Sterling, but he could see mom and dad at the stands writing about the game, leaving him comforted. His parents were ok.


Monday had now arrived. Sterling was walking happily to school but as he entered the university, he could hear whistles and jeers everywhere. He could hear taunts of "lover stallion" and "Whoo!" everywhere, leaving him very confused. As he walked into Room 125G for yet another music theory class with Professor Adagio, he noticed an empty room, typical when you arrive to class 15 minutes early. Sterling sat at his normal spot beside Blue Note, wondering what the whistling and jeering were all about this time... 

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note's morning had begun normally. Pink Heart glanced at her uncomfortably, and looked to scared to say what what was on her mind. She had her icky dining hall coffee, and made her way to music theory.


A couple of ponies stared at her, and the whispers were flying around her. It was an unusually high volume. "Great. I wonder what it is this time. Maybe I can try to guess who was behind it before I find out. It'll be a like a game..."


She was happy to see Sterling. At least he was one sane pony. Though, in light of Friday, she wasn't sure how normally she would act around him. "Good morning, Sterling. Have a nice weekend?" she asked. Normal conversational topics couldn't lead her astray, right?


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Sterling could feel his heart flutter again when he saw Blue Note speak to him. Sterling forced himself to keep that to a minimum though as he began his reply,


"Morning Blue Note. It's been a good weekend for sure! Finished a lot of my lab work and was even able to see my parents reporting on a baseball game of my favourite team!"


Just then, Sterling remembered that he wanted Blue Note to help him with something. It wasn't too big, but it certainly was something.

"Oh! And... Blue Note... I was hoping you could do a favour for me. I have here a finished lab report. It's pretty important, and I want you to read it over... see if it makes sense for a commoner. That way, I can hand it in over to my professor and know everything i say is clear and concise, the way he wants it!"


Just after Sterling askedof the favour, he could hear some discussion in the distance... as the other ponies began to walk inside for Music Theory, he could hear them chattering... about him... and Blue Note... Sterling gulped... did... did they know about him kissing Blue Note... if they did, Sterling knew... he was toast...

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@Sterling Crimson


"Commoner?" Blue Note asked, taking the paper. "I'm full fledged royalty. Yeah, I'll read it. Maybe it'll even help me understand biology better." Celestia knew she could use all the help she could get in that department. She glanced at the first sentence, but the ponies talking in the background were distracting her. 


Not for long, once Professor Adagio took the front of the room. "All right students, I know all you care about is who kissed who, but if you want to have a hope of passing my class it would behoove you to be less shallow." For the first time, she actually agreed with her music theory professor. However, the slight respect she felt for him started to diminish as he raced through yet another lesson, only pausing to give a timed pop quiz.




"Oh, Cheesy, you're so hot." The blue mare giggled and touched his leg. Cheesy gave her a smooth grin, wrapping her in his arms.


"Hey, you're pretty hot yourself, Blue," he said. He leaned in and started aggressively kissing her.


His alarm clock went off, ending his dream.


"Ahhh," he said, nearly falling out of his bed. He was back in the reality of his dorm room. His roommate was still sound asleep, so there was no chance he had been heard sleep talking. He quickly shut off his alarm clock. It was so embarrassing that he was so attracted to Blue! She was just so good looking, and the fact that she could always tell him off just made her that much hotter. 


Still, she was one of the biggest losers in school, and he constantly made sure of it. No way he could date her. "Maybe I can hook up with her and play it off as a joke..." he thought as he made his way to the dining hall. He piled on the food and went to his usual table with his buddies. 


He sat down, and began to drown his pancakes in maple syrup. One of his friends looked at him. "Hey, did you hear about that loser Blue?"


"What you think I care about her or something?" Cheesy was unaware of how defensive he sounded. His friend looked at him strangely.


"No, I mean that she's been hooking up with her loser friend. It's like nerd love!" 


"Whaat?" Cheesy said, caught completely off guard. This ruined his whole morning!


"You know, Sterling and Blue. Everypony's talkin' about it. Apparently they made out on his front steps or something. Freshman Comp'll really be fun now! She can't tell ya off for that!" He laughed to punctuate his statement. 


His buddies continued to discuss the newest romantic development, while Cheesy remained silent. Why did Blue get to date somepony else? Especially that weird stallion friend of hers. 


After breakfast, Cheesy felt frustrated with this strange feeling he was experiencing. He and his pack of friends began to walk to their classes, while Cheesy was trying to figure what to do.

  • Brohoof 1


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It was very comforting that Blue Note didn't realize that the ponies were clamouring about the kiss on Friday night, but he knew it wouldn't last long. Soon Blue Note would know... and she would fry him for it. Best for him to tell her first than anypony else he agreed, but Professor Adagio had already started Music Theory by mentioning the kiss... not a good start for our dear Sterling...


Nonetheless, music theory went on as usual. Professor Adagio kept on talking about complex music theory like as if he were teaching how to read musical notes, making it hard for Sterling to keep up. The lack of chatter about Sterling was also comforting as he continued to write his notes as fast as he could. The sudden pop quiz was the only bump in what seemed like a calm class, but Sterling nevertheless zoomed through the quiz and finished it in a very timely and confident fashion.


When the lecture ended, the chatter could be heard again, and Professor Adagio just dismissed the class nonchalantly. As Sterling walked out of the door, he instantly spoke to Blue Note apologetically and with a slight tear in his eye,


"Blue Note. Look, there's something I've been meaning to say. I'm really sorry about Friday night. The kiss was an adrenaline rush. I had such a good time with you that it was too hard to pass up. I didn't mean for it to start so many rumours. I didn't mean to disrespect you one bit. Just... don't hate me... for this..."



Chemm and her boyfriend were entering the school's doorsteps to get ready for biology. They were snickering at what they did on that fateful Friday night...


"Well there. That should deflect the rumours away from me. And hopefully ruin Cheesy's AND Sterling's chances with Blue Note..." Chemm spoke with frustration in her voice.


"I thought we already settled Sterling after I punched him out at the party. Still, you even got Cheesy kickstarted after he foolishly tried to turn you on the other night!" Rock Solid replied with his usual deep voice and macho muscles.


"Oh Rocky. This was just an extra little incentive for Sterling. It deflects rumours away from me that I would be cheating on you and at the same time makes Sterling more miserable. The rumours turning will definitely turn Blue Note away from him! She wouldn't want to stay near him after this! I like to accentuate revenge to certain ponies, and Sterling's one of them! The little tyke! He's becoming a teacher's favourite too! I'm supposed to be the professor's favourite for recommendations and medical internships! These rumours will slow some of that down a bit because they'll think Sterling's a little player..." Chemm replied with an evil chuckle on her face.


"Oh... oh I see now! Smart move there Chemmy! Now how about Cheesy? What exactly does this have to do with Sterling and Blue Note? Why would this make his life miserable?" Rocky replied with a confused look.


"Oh you didn't know Rocky?! Cheesy doesn't want to admit it, but I can see the look of Gaston in his eyes! He's in love with the weird mare! Just like Gaston with Belle! If Sterling truly believes he's the only one with musical knowledge, then he's wrong! I know my musicals too! These rumours were meant to perpetuate his frustration towards his "love" towards Blue, although I doubt you can call it love." 


Chemm then reflected on what she just said about Sterling. It really wasn't the nice thing to have done considering how Sterling may have just been trying to be friendly since day one... Cheesy was the far more arrogant of the two and he even tried to kiss her the other weekend! It infuriated her! To top it off, Cheesy was able to escape Rocky's wrath...


And since Rocky already beat Sterling up about the incident, why was there a need to make Sterling's life even harder? He had autism... he was dismantled as a pony that Friday... Nonetheless, Chemm shook her head after thinking sympathetically. Sterling's exceptional grades and the professor's likening towards Sterling marred her reputation as a promising doctor. At this rate, Sterling would be the one recommended to all the companies, leaving Chemm in the dust! She had to something to slow that down a bit in her favour! And that was enough for her to clear her conscience. In her thoughts though, Rocky replied in full agreement,


"That's real true Chemmy. You're a real genius with these things. You should reward yourself sometime." It was this moment that Rocky just remembered that he had class now. He didn't want to leave Chemm yet. She was such a nice mare, and very faithful... he then asked with a shy grin,


Well I gotta get off to my PED class now. How about a workout session with me this afternoon?"


"That would be most lovely dear Rocky. I gotta workout some of my hooves anyway. I'll see you then!" Chemm replied happily as she walked off to Cell Biology class... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note initially felt relieved at Sterling's words. She was off the hook for any relationship expectations, yet somehow she wasn't quite satisfied. "Is this... disappointment I'm feeling?" No matter, they were better off as friends anyway. Friendship would be much more difficult to complicate. 


"Don't worry about it, Sterling. They can talk all they want; I still won't care. As long as we—"


"Heya lovebirds!" Blue Note's least favorite yellow pegasus made an untimely appearance, sauntering up to them with his posse trailing behind. She could only roll her eyes.


"Look, I don't have the time to explain the relationship between gossip and critical thinking to you and your goons. So do everypony a favor and buck off, would you?"


"Aw, Blue," Cheesy said, putting his hoof around her back. "You can't want me gone already, or am I interrupting something?" His goons laughed on cue, while Blue Note moved away from him, stepping closer to Sterling.


"Words don't mean much to you, do they?" Blue Note asked. "You're interrupting my peace of mind and my conversation with my friend, so please, for the love of Luna, go away."


Cheesy was never one to listen, so he move towards Sterling instead. "Why pick him for a coltfriend? He's probably never gotten anywhere with a mare."


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Sterling was really beginning to get angry at Cheesy right now. He was clearly acting like a completely spoiled brat who had no understanding of true love. At this point, Sterling was up to his neck with the rumouring and the vitriol emanating from these ponies. What triggered this angry moment from Sterling was the fact that Cheesy was approaching Sterling in a condescending manner and trying to rub his hair. Sterling replied by jumping away from Cheesy and speaking in an angry tone,


"Look Cheesy. I've had quite enough with your BS. In fact, I think you should be asking the same question to yourself. Why don't you have a marefriend yet? Probably because you've got no clue on how to treat them with the love and respect they deserve. With the way you're acting towards Blue Note, I wasn't too surprised to hear that you were slapped away by Chemm the other weekend at a party. Yes I heard that rumour too the last week before somepony decided to rumour about me again. And I know you probably did that because you too are desperate for a marefriend. So I guess we're even.


Oh yeah. And you know Blue Note? She's a wonderful mare to be with. And I said that DAMN right. She's been the most caring mare to me in my whole life. It's her own choice to pick a coltfriend, and that includes me and you. If she doesn't want you, then SCRAM. And if you don't, I could always fan the flames about you and Chemm... I overheard how you ran like a chicken when Rocky tried to beat you up. At least I took the punches like a stallion."  


Sterling could see Blue Note cowering towards him, and Sterling decided to give her a side hug to comfort her. He knew how nasty Cheesy was, and he was prepared to fight. He had enough of UoM. He just wanted some peace. This was his perfect chance to fight against the swirling rumours...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note felt warmed by Sterling's hug, in spite of the present situation. She had never seen him so angry at anypony; it took her by surprise. At the same time, she expected it. A pony could only take so many pushes. 


Cheesy was phased when Sterling brought up his altercation with Rocky, but only briefly. He was gifted with a special kind of tenacious stupidity. "Who said I wanted be with that bitch?" He pointed his hoof at Blue Note. "She never shuts up, and she doesn't do anything cool."


Had this been Freshman Composition, Blue Note would have verbally decimated him for saying that, but her instinct was kicking in as she saw his four friends making a tighter semi circle around them. They were being cornered. She could recognize an impending fight, thanks to the neighborhood she grew up in. This wasn't the first time she encountered bullies on the street. 




Blue Note was just a young filly. Her day had been spent happily playing by herself at home. Proof Hooves had come from work really late like normal. Blue Note noticed that he was always grouchier when Sky Note wasn't home. She could kind of understand; she missed Sky Note when she went away too.


Today had been odd though. After he got home from work, he had taken her to the backyard, explaining he had something important to teach her. "Listen Blue Note, you are getting older and your magic is starting to develop. There are a few things you need to learn as soon as possible. I wish I could protect you always, but I cannot. So it is important you learn how to protect yourself, because there are lots of ponies in the world that would harm you."


Blue Note felt scared. Who would want to hurt her? What was her dad going on about? She listened dutifully though. Her dad was the smartest pony she knew, so he was probably right. She glanced around, checking to make sure the mean ponies weren't hiding behind the fence.


"I'm going to teach you a spell that will help you if a pony ever tries to put you in danger. Use it if strange ponies ever try to corner you in the street or anything somepony tries to hurt or bother you. Then run away as fast as you can and find help. Don't fight somepony if you don't have to..."




"Oh, you wanna fight, eh? You sure one of you can take on the five of us?" So Cheesy wasn't counting her as a threat. "Better for me this way," Blue Note thought.


Cheesy put up a tough front, but it was gray stallion to his left that was about to throw the first punch at Sterling. 


She saw the motion of his hooves, and concentrated all her magical energy into one very well practiced spell, aiming it right at the gray stallion. "Sterling, we should run!" she cried, as her stun spell made contact and the other four ponies appeared ready to throw punches of their own. 


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