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private Rhapsody in Blue


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Sterling could see the slight embarrassment that he was creating for Blue Note. He felt bad about doing that. He was being honest, and he did like her a lot. But he felt more sure about a relationship. His heart continued to beat faster at the thought. He quickly shook his head to stop thinking about a relationship and was relieved to hear Blue Note's question. He replied with a sheepish chuckle after his noticeable shake,


"Yeah! Let's... let's head back!" Sterling then gave out a yawn to express his fatigue. It was certainly an enjoyable time even with the worrying feeling about his parents and the sudden daydreaming. He then got up and walked towards the door. Once he got there, he opened the door for Blue Note and then said regally,


"You first, my lady."

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note stepped out onto the street. She shivered as the cool night air enveloped her. The sky had gotten completely dark. "Thanks," she said, turning towards Sterling. The street was as crowded as ever, illuminated by the lights of the city. She didn't focus her attention on the city scene though. Instead, she glanced back at Sterling, her only friend and the only stallion to ever call her pretty. "I suppose it's time to go face reality." The stresses of university life were inescapable in the end, but she did have one pony on her side. 


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Sterling and Blue Note began to walk back to their respective realities. But for some reason, it wasn't how Sterling wanted this night to end... Sure he felt low when he mentioned his family's recent struggles, but Blue Note was there to comfort him. He regretted not giving Blue Note more chances to do so. But he knew... that somehow, the pretty blue mare would be there for him. As they continued to walk, Sterling felt the drive to kiss her again. He couldn't help it. She was just so pretty to him, but he had to control himself. What if she thought of him was just a play-boy or a Don Juan? Sterling continued to play with his lips, wondering what to do as they continued their walk... 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note was content to walk along next to Sterling. She noticed that he seemed a little antsy about something; he kept moving his lips. Eventually they returned to the University of Manehatten campus. "Well, I suppose I should get back to my dorm. School night and all..." Blue Note said. She had the urge to linger around for a bit. The night had been nice, and she wasn't ready for it to end. But she couldn't stand outside forever. 


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Sterling continued to play with his lips, not realizing that Blue Note was looking at him strangely when he continued to do so. They eventually reached the University of Manehattan campus, in which Sterling didn't realize until Blue Note stopped walking. Sterling could see that Blue Note wanted something more... she wanted to linger around, and Sterling became even more unsure as to what to do now... He could see ponies walking around the campus late at night, and he was worried that Blue Note would be hurt as she walked back to the campus, considering the hate she got. Realizing that they were still at the entrance to the campus, Sterling asked in offer,


"Blue Note... would... would you want me to walk with you back to your dorm?" Deep down, Sterling was worried that she would reject the offer, but considering how close he felt with Blue Note, he didn't want things tonight to end here...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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  • 3 months later...

"That would be nice," Blue Note said. "We can talk a little bit longer." Talking to Sterling was easy, easier than talking to any other pony. Maybe it was their mutual love of music or their mutual understanding of of other ponies, but something connected them in a way she had never experienced. 


"I suppose it's back to the real world for us." She looked down at the ground. The ponies in groups making their way in and out of campus reminded her of her place at this university, unwelcome here as anywhere. Oddly enough, the pair blended in quite well into the university night. The darkness must have given them anonymity, because nopony heckled them. Blue Note briefly wondered if this was what the lives of her peers were like. 


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Sterling gave out a gleeful smile after Blue Note accepted his offer to walk her back to her dorm. Sterling wanted to be with Blue Note for a bit longer and was glad that she didn't take suspicion at him for asking. The fears about his parents were washed away, as if they were never there in the first place. Sterling walked along side Blue Note, feeling at ease and comforted around her. If only these moments could last forever, Sterling hoped...


"Indeed it is... but at least we can still talk when we see each other in Theory class." Sterling replied, remembering that the walk could only last so long... but he wanted to cherish the moment, and in the process became unaware that he was slowly trotting more and more to his left towards Blue Note...

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"Oh, yeah," Blue Note snorted. "Adagio is going to love that." She noticed Sterling moving closer towards her. She decided that she did not mind it, and made no move to pull away. "But I am really glad we have that awful, awful class together." Had she taken a different section or different professor, she might not have befriended Sterling. And where would she be then? Making friends certainly did not come easy to her, and never before in her life had anypony given her the title of "best friend". Her closeness to Sterling unguarded her in that moment. She wanted to tell him what she felt, and for some crazy reason, she wasn't afraid to. 


"And I'm glad I met you."


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It took a while for Sterling to realize that he was moving closer, but once he did, he oddly stayed there... Normally, he would jump off at the thought, worried that the mare in question would be scared or annoyed at what was an accidental move. He couldn't forget what happened between him and Chemm on the first day of school after all. 


For Sterling, it felt really weird... but amazing at the same time... he had never expected to make such a wonderful friend so early on his career after what happened on the first day. It was like his world suddenly changed... Even though his parents were still in turmoil, Sterling knew that he now had a friend worth loving...


While he was still in the middle of his thoughts on Blue Note, he heard her say something so unfamiliar to him... It was Blue Note's voice for sure, but what she said... touched him. "I'm glad I met you..." Blue Note said... If his heart wasn't racing before, it now was... What could he say in response? Sterling was stuttering, unsure how to respond... it was a phrase so new to him, and yet it was so comforting... 


"T-T-Thanks... I'm glad... to have... met you too..." was all Sterling could say with a stutter after a short pause... His mind was still racing, and he wasn't sure what else to say...  

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They stood outside of Blue Note's dorm room. She found his nervous reply adorable. "Thanks," she said, smiling. They were so close; he could just lean forward and kiss her. The thought startled her. She didn't want to ruin the moment, but she didn't want it to become something she couldn't handle. 


"I suppose this is where we say good night. It was fun hanging out with you."


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Sterling, noticing how close he was to Blue Note, decided to take a step back, worried that he was going to repeat what happened with his kiss the other day. He could also see silhouettes of other ponies around, so he knew it wasn't the best idea...


He took a few steps back, and waved his hoof in reply.


"It was fun hanging out with you too Blue Note. I guess it's a good night then..." Sterling wanted to do something more, but with the ponies potentially sneaking on their conversation, he didn't want to take the risk. He then began to slowly walk back towards his apartment...

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"See you tomorrow!" Blue Note called out as he walked away. She opened the door and made her way up the stairs and down the hall to her dorm room. Pink Heart was out, and Blue Note was grateful to have time to herself to process this evening. It was easily one of her best times here. "Sterling is really wonderful..."


Blue Note realized where her mind was going. "I can't have a crush on him." There was just too much at stake to go gaga over him. She should just be grateful to have him as a best friend; that was better than anything she had ever gotten from anypony. She did not have the time to worry about feelings anyway. Her homework was staring her in the face, and her schedule was only going to get busier over the next few weeks.  


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Sterling was walking home towards his apartment. His thoughts were racing everywhere. What did Blue Note think of him? When were his parents going to be home? What about his medical school career? What would happen if he were to start a relationship with Blue Note? Sterling rubbed on his head, wondering why exactly Blue Note didn't mind him leaning so closely to hear. 


At the same time, he made sure to stay away from all the silhouettes that lurked the night. They all looked like scary, rough tree branches as the street lights shone on their backs and the trees that littered the university. Sterling moved more lightly and swiftly... he'd never been outside his home this late at night, and the streets looked eerie... He could feel a soft, cold breeze moving about the sky, and it left Sterling in a slight shiver as he continued to trot back to his apartment...

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Blue Note levitated a coffee in front of her as she trudged to Adagio's class, miraculously still managing to walk to class early. A pony snickered at her as she passed, presumably because her mane was a frazzled mess today. She did not have the energy to tell him off, so she just mustered up a dirty look to throw his way. Did the dark circles under her eyes make her look more or less menacing? No time to worry about that. The last few weeks had been a blur. There was work nearly every day, rehearsals for South Pacific, rehearsals for musical ensembles, long hours in the practice rooms, homework, and ideas for compositions that she absolutely could not neglect. But she was almost to the light at the end of the tunnel. 


She marched into her music theory class, ready to conquer the last week of classes before finals. She took her usual seat next to Sterling, and was relieved to see that they would have some time to talk before class. "I never thought I would say this, but I am so grateful for dining hall coffee," she said to him as she took a sip. 


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Since that night, Sterling simply could not get the thought of Blue Note off his mind. Her physique... her mentality... their friendship... Despite all that he had to do from piano lessons to South Pacific to medical sciences tests and lab practices, Blue Note continued to resonate all that time.


Still, their friendship grew. He could feel it as they continued to have time for coffee and their dinner excursions whenever they had the time. He could feel it in the times they practiced and acted together as Emile and Nellie in "South Pacific". Despite all the frustrations in getting the notes and expressions right and the director's... "attention to detail..." 


Now, Sterling, with his front hoof on his head, looked up to Blue Note and replied to her,

"I know right... But Blue Note... what... what happened to you...? You're worse off than I am..."

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Blue Note took another swig of coffee. "Oh, well, after practice for South Pacific, I had to work until 10. Then I wrote that bio paper that's due this week, and I started working on the music theory homework for today, and feel asleep around three... At five I woke up in a panic over my textbook and scrambled to get it done just in time. Then I grabbed this coffee for breakfast, and here we are. I think I need to sleep for five hours after class, or something." She took a deep breathe, and realized how much she was doing. "It's just piling up, you know?" 


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Sterling nodded at everything Blue Note had to say. He too was feeling very tired at all the lab work he had to do in preparation for a medical career. He then recalled that his mane too was a mess. It was frizzled from the late nights he used to work on his homework. It was probably his obsession with Blue Note's feelings that left him crazy, but he didn't want to admit it. Either way, his time management skills were starting to fail him, and although things were starting to calm, Sterling didn't forget the finals that were looming...


"Yeah, yeah... it's sure piling up indeed... the play... the labs... the finals... It's a lot of work..." Sterling replied with a sigh, realizing how tired and demotivated he was becoming...

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"Ugh," Blue Note said, burying her head in the desk. "I'm not ready." She wanted a break more than anything. It would be so nice to just grab a coffee with Sterling or go get a veggie burger. The timing was not right.


Professor Adagio especially would not stand for that. "I see you all are looking particularly bright-eyed today," he said sarcastically. "I suppose you all will be unable to have prayer of passing my final without some assistance. So, I've taken pity on you by preparing a study guide." He brought out a massive stack of papers, dropping them on his desk. "I've pared it down to fifteen pages, so I hope you won't have too much trouble."


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Class was starting, and Sterling was wide eyed when he saw the amount of things he had to memorize for music theory. Sure he knew all the stuff already, but still... it looked like a daunting task to memorize all that material, even for someone as musically gifted as he was...


Sterling then turned over to Blue Note, wondering about all that he had to memorize, on top of all the lab work and finals he had to do. And the issue with his parents! He tried to contact them by any means possible, but he didn't hear a single word of it! His eyes screamed fear, wide eyed at all he had to memorize for music theory...

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"Anyway, we still have material to cover before the final," Professor Adagio said, continuing on at his usual fast pace. Blue Note was in no mood for his teaching style, but she was not about to fail his final. Her pen rapidly scratched the lecture into her notebook. She didn't miss a beat switching between lined and staff paper. She did not come all this way just to fail his petty final. It was a relief when the class ended.


"So, you want to work on this study guide together later? Two heads are better than one, even if we're sleep deprived beyond reason."


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Sterling went through the whole class erratically writing notes to catch up with Professor Adagio's note-taking. Sterling kept asking Dr. Thorrington why he didn't teach the course instead, but Dr. Thorrington cited his business with orchestra and his job as a chief examiner for the Equestrian Conservatory of Music, which was a lot of work. That, topped with upper level music courses, and he couldn't possibly have the time to teach the course! He wanted to, but time was against him...


After class ended, Blue Note invited him to a study session, to which Sterling nodded happily.


"That would be great!" Sterling's heart raced again, and it always would, whenever Blue Note invited him to do something with her. It was another chance for Sterling to have some alone time with Blue Note and have fun... Even though the teasing subsided, it was still there, but Sterling didn't care about it anymore. He had great friends in Erlen, Spectro, and most especially Blue Note...



Erlen was frantically running to his biology class, when he suddenly bumped into Chemm as she was walking calmly towards biology as well... It was a loud thud and the two ended up on the ground! The other ponies then started giggling, realizing that Chemm was starting to become prey for clumsy acts by clumsy stallions like Erlen... Chemm pushed Erlen out of the way, not even realizing that it WAS Erlen in the first place, got up angrily, and screamed at him before she trotted away,


"You klutz! Look where you're going! UGH!" Erlen shook his head, got up, and walked away down-trodden, realizing that it was his lab partner who he bumped into... 

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"Coffee shop tonight?" Blue Note asked. "I think I'll need the caffeine, because I'm not getting any sleep in between now and then." She mentally ran through the week. Her final paper was due for English, and that was it for that class. "Thank Celestia." She had a band concert on Thursday, and her final lesson next Wednesday, so she needed to get some practicing in. She also needed to study for her biology final, especially since that class was so difficult for her. There was also her piano final to practice for. It looked like her hours were going to be split between a practice room and a study room over the next few days. 


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"That would be awesome!" Sterling spoke rather loudly and happily, to which some ponies turned towards him with a weird look before going on their way out of music theory class. Sterling then placed his front hoof on his mouth with a blush on his face before he began to pack his school materials away. 


Like Blue Note, Sterling had a lot to do. He had a bioethics paper to finish writing for starters. He also had a biochemistry final and final lab to worry about. Finally, he had to prepare for a mini concert with a string quartet this weekend. The string quartet! He didn't invite Blue Note to it yet!


"Hey Blue Note... I was also wondering... I'm performing at a string quarter this weekend at Manehattan U's concert hall! You want to come? It's Saturday night! at 7:30 pm!" Sterling asked Blue Note with a warm smile, hoping that she would accept...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Listening to a String Quartet sounded heavenly, especially in the midst of such a brutal two weeks. "Okay, but you have to come to my band concert on Thursday," Blue Note said with a smile. "I love String Quartets. And if you're in it, it has to be good." 


This would give her something to look forward to. She had yet to see Sterling in concert, and it was about time she changed that. Not to mention, it would give her some extra motivation to get through her work on Saturday... This was going to be a long week. 


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Sterling had never heard a band group perform in concert before. He remembered them in high school practices though. Lots of missed notes and squeaks, and their practices sounds like chaos. Hopefully Manehattan U's concert band was much more talented than that. Still, it was BLUE NOTE who was performing as a clarinetist. And she was a good one at that! Surely that had to mean something! He just had to come!


"Sure I'll come! I wouldn't want to miss listening to the best clarinetist around!" Sterling replied giddily, knowing that it was his chance to see Blue Note in concert!

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