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private Rhapsody in Blue


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"Are you okay?" Blue Note asked. Sterling certainly had a propensity for hurting himself. "What were you doing in the oven?" His parents seemed rather calm considering the situation. Was this normal behavior for them? She couldn't properly tell. She just hoped Sterling would be all right.


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Sterling shook his head after Bubble Gum tended to his pains. After doing so, Sterling looked up to Blue Note with a weak smile and replied,


"I'm.. I'm fine Blue Note. I... I was so entranced by the smell of the chocolate cake that I forgot to put on some mittens is all... Chocolate cake's my favourite cake, and sometimes, I get really entranced by its smell... Looks like it's ready though!" Sterling smiled wider afterwards, delighted that the cake was finally ready to go for eating... But he knew that he had to wait for dinner first so that the cake would cool and become the perfect desert... 

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Blue Note took two important lessons away from Sterling's answers. The first lesson was: if she were to ever bake something for them, she should make a chocolate cake. The second lesson was: if she were to enlist his help in making it, she should be the one to take it out of the oven. "And I thought I loved chocolate."


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Sterling's parents, having noticed that the cake was now ready, were finally ready for dinner. The two ponies prepared the dishes and the plate settings along with the salads for the occasion, but not before they occasionally bumped into each other and giving each other a glare for doing so. Sterling noticed the glares, feeling saddened that his parents were still conflicting with another and were merely hiding it from Blue Note... it instilled a sense of fear into him as he got up and got ready to take his seat, hopefully beside Blue Note, during their quaint Hearth's Warming Dinner at their comfy, yet tiny, dining room...


"Well Blue Note, it's time for dinner! You wanna sit here?" Sterling then patted on the chair beside him, hoping that she would sit beside him for dinner...

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Blue Note noticed Sterling's parents glaring at each other. She was starting to see why he was so reluctant to talk about his family. Ignoring their tension was all she could at this moment in time. 


"I wouldn't sit anywhere else," she said, plopping down in the seat next to him. "How else are we supposed to carry on light dinner conversation?"


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Sterling smiled and blushed when Blue Note excitedly trotted over to his side of the table to sit beside him. His parents decided however to sit farther apart from each other, with Bubble Gum sitting towards Blue Note's side of the table and Front Page sitting towards Sterling's side of the table. After the ponies had sat at their respective positions, Sterling was left to thank the meal to Princess Celestia before the ponies began to chow down... Sterling took some of the salad first, but not before a slight scolding from Bubble Gum...


"Sterling! You should be giving the salad to our guest first! C'mon! Pass it over to her!" Sterling then gave out a weak apology before passing the salad bowl slowly to Blue Note so she could take some as well...

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Blue Note took a small portion of the salad, and passed the bowl back to Sterling. Or did etiquette dictate that she passed it back in the same direction? Once in her younger years, she had studied a manners guide by Gentle Manners, the Equestrian authority on etiquette, in order to learn how to be a proper pony. However, she didn't much of a chance to practice, and consequently had forgotten simple things, like which direction to pass the bowl. 


It was out of her control now. "Thank you," she said to Sterling. The salad looked fantastic. 


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Her parents smiled again after Sterling passed the salad. For a moment, Sterling thought the dinner was going to end terribly when Bubble Gum scolded him for not passing the salad to her. At least Blue Note didn't take much of the scolding to heart as she gracefully accepted the salad and passed it back to Sterling. After doing so, Sterling quickly passed the salad to his dad, to which Front Page thanked him for it. However, Bubble Gum, still irritated at Front Page about everything else that was happening, forgot that today was Hearth's Warming and objected to Sterling giving the salad to his dad first,


"Sterling, isn't it mares first for the salad?" Sterling shook his head before he interjected angrily,


"Wow, mom, dad was the closest to me, so I gave it to him first! If you wanted to share the salad with him, why don't you sit beside him then like I am with Blue Note?" Sterling's tone grew more irritated. All he wanted was to have a Hearth's Warming without any issues, and his mom was getting angry over a bowl of salad. 


"Don't you raise your voice at me young stallion! Next time, pass the salad to me instead of your father!" Bubble Gum grunted in reply, leaving Front Page angered as well...


"Honey, I don't understand what you're doing getting angry over a bowl of salad." Front Page replied with a raised tone of his own. He didn't want Sterling to feel bad about a bowl of salad, so out he came to defend his son from his mom... Which Sterling didn't want any part of... All he could do was place his head down on the table, wondering why he deserved any of this to come on Hearth's Warming...

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Blue Note stared down at the salad, trying to pretend she was somewhere else. The holiday festivities had taken an unpleasant turn, much like the Hearth's Warmings back home. The arguing took her back, and before she could stop it, a memory floated to the top of her consciousness. 




"One more year, just one more year." Blue Note was giving herself a pep talk. She muddled her way through the snow to her front door; she could never understand why the pegasus ponies elected to make the weather so miserable on Hearth's Warming every year. Didn't they realize that not everypony had the luxury of sitting inside by the fireplace all day? She took a deep breath when she arrived at the door. 


Walking through a snowstorm was nothing compared to turning the knob.


Once inside, she gave her greeting. "Dad? I'm back." No answer. Blue Note shivered and shut the door. She took her boots off and made her way to the living roof. Sure enough, Proof Hooves was sitting down in his chair, nose in a book. The fire place remained unlit. "Merry Hearth's Warming," Blue Note said, going over to the fireplace. She was not about to let herself freeze inside this house.


"Where have you been, Blue?" he asked. 


"I told you, I had a concert with the Canterlot Youth Orchestra, and then a group of us went to watch the pageant afterwards."


Proof Hooves scowled. "They shouldn't take away your time on the holidays. I don't appreciate that."


"I know you don't." Blue Note tried to take the calm approach. "It's okay. I'm home now." She finally got a fire started in their fireplace. "See, nice and warm for the holiday." Maybe this year would be different, if she could just be nice enough. It was a nice lie to believe.


Proof Hooves grunted a response and went back to reading. Blue Note breathed out and escaped to the kitchen. Crisis averted for now. She opened the pantry door, and looked around. There was some stale hay and a few older canned goods. The only food in the freezer was a box of veggie burgers. They were low on food. Again. On Hearth's Warming. 


"Dad! What are we doing for dinner?" Blue Note marched back into the living room. She was not going to let this slide; this was his last chance. 


"We? You haven't needed me to feed you in years," he scoffed. 


"It's Hearth's Warming," Blue Note said pointedly. "I think we deserve something better than veggie burgers to celebrate Hearth's Warming."


"Hmph, what do either of us have to celebrate?" He turned his glare back to his book.


"Am I not enough?" Blue Note raised her voice. This was a stupid fight to pick, and there was no way she could win, but all she could feel was the heat of the moment, the loneliness of not having a pony to celebrate Hearth's Warming with.


"Just make a veggie burger, Blue."




Blue Note pushed the rest of the memory away. She didn't want to let the past ruin her present. Sterling had put his head down next to her. She leaned towards him and whispered, "It's okay; you're all right." It wasn't much, but it was all she could think to say. He would see the other side too, just like she had. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling continued to bow his head as his parents continued to argue about the salad... He could hear the constant screaming and smashing of the table as their argument turned to financial matters... Everything around him was becoming a blur... All the joy of Hearth's Warming was disintegrating in front of his very eyes, and all he could do was flow his tears... Now Blue Note was going to see in full view what a real dysfunctional family looked like, on what was supposed to be the most joyful day of the year. All he wanted was for everypony to be happy, but now, all Sterling could do was place his head down, hoping to ignore the shouting and the eventual stand off by both parents as they stormed off the dinner table without eating their salads.


Sterling continued to leave his head on the table, leaving a sniffle as the silence overcame the dinner table. But then... a voice... it sounded like a songbird to him... a lovely songbird who was giving him a sense of hope despite all that just happened at the table. Sterling looked up to see where the voice came from, and took a deep look into Blue Note's eyes... they looked so loving... and concerned... Sterling could feel another tear fall from his face as he continued to look onward towards Blue Note's face... his parents were already long gone into their rooms and giving out deep sighs from the upstairs of the small condo. 


Sterling then got up from the dinner table, not having eaten his salad yet, and sat on the brown love couch that pointed towards the windows...

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Blue Note was now by herself at the table. Front Page and Bubble gum had given up on keeping up the happy family facade, and Sterling was just distressed. She levitated her plate and Sterling's and walked over to the couch. She set his plate in front of him, and place her plate to the side. 


"I ate a veggie burger in my room for dinner last Hearth's Warming." The words tumbled out of her mouth. 


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Sterling looked gloomily at the salad plate that was placed beside him by his ever loving friend, Blue Note. She had taken the salad towards him and placed it in front of him before sitting closely by his side. He didn't notice where his parents had gone, nor did he want to know. But at least he knew... his best friend was sitting lovingly beside him, even after his parents stormed off to their respective places. Sterling looked back to Blue Note after looking at his salad and spoke apologetically,


"I'm sorry Blue Note... for ruining Hearth's Warming... I... This... my parents weren't always like this... I don't know why they're always like this... I wish I knew, but they've never actually gave any mention to what happened out there, or their work for that matter... I'm in the dark... We used to be so happy together... and open... I don't know what's happened now..." Sterling then gave out a few tears... He couldn't take any of this anymore... for him, if Blue Note wanted to leave... then she was free to do so now...

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"Sterling, you didn't ruin Hearth's Warming," Blue Note said. "That was quite possibly the best Hearth's Warming I've ever had, at least since before I got my cutie mark." It couldn't solve his family problems or answer his questions, but it was the truth, and it was the best she could do. "I don't what to tell; if I knew how to deal with dysfunctional families I'd probably be home in Canterlot right now." It was the most she'd ever opened up to anypony about her life back home. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling turned his head again to Blue Note as the snow continued to pile down from the sky from the outside onto the ground. Blue Note's words seemed so sincere... she said it was her best Hearth's Warming in such a long time... at least, since she got her cutie mark... Sterling tried his best to give a smile, but the best he could muster was a weak smile to her. He then approached Blue Note slowly... before he balled over and gave way... He stretched out his arms before giving Blue Note the biggest hug he could give again... 


"Blue Note... I'm sorry..." Sterling's tears flowed even more now... no pony had given this much love since his parents did so in their good ole days...

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Blue Note returned his embrace. "It's okay, Sterling. It's not your fault," she whispered. Of course, that was something she could say, to herself and to him, and it didn't mean either of them would fully believe it. Somewhere deep down, she knew it was true though and it always would be. "It's not your fault."


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Sterling hugged more and more as his parents eventually grew silent... The salads were still on the table, and her parents were still alone upstairs... refusing to talk to each other... it was a polarizing scene where Sterling's embrace was a light in the darkness that was their home as the sun began to make way for the starry night... The weather ponies were scheduled to give a clear night sky and stop the snowing... 


Sterling let go of Blue Note's embrace as he looked out at the night sky... the stars were shining brightly even with the bright lights of Manehattan's skyline. He was wowed by its glow, and it gave him hope... not immense hope that made him cheery again, but enough to keep him going... it was as if they reminded him... that he had Blue Note to share his memories with right now, and that she would be one of the few pillars who Sterling could count on for comfort...




Erlen and Spectro spent a long day just playing video games and eating all sorts of Christmasy deserts. Their parents already celebrated Hearth's Warming Eve and they had matters to attend to on Hearth's Warming, an unfortunate situation for both ponies. But when they found out that the other was free, they were delighted and spent the whole day together. Erlen began by mentioning how he saw Sterling looking all dressed up for a certain mare, with Spectro saying that the mare could be one that he met in music theory... his best friend, he said. Both stallions chuckled again before they began to play their games...


But now, it was almost time for dinner, and neither of them had any food ready for the occasion. So Erlen decided to let Spectro know of a restaurant he knew about!


"Hey Spectro! Let's head over to the Trottington! I know they're open on Hearth's Warming to get some business down, and they have good bargain salads!" Erlen spoke excitedly before Spectro shrugged and agreed to come along... He would have been more excited about this event, but he was feeling very lazy after playing games all day...


"Oh! I... I am hungry... let's go... Uhhh...." Spectro spoke groggily as he slowly rose from his sitting position after playing Super Mareio Bros all day and headed towards the door with Erlen, ready to have some nice salad for dinner...

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Blue Note stood next to Sterling, looking out through the window. The skyline of Manehatten was uniquely beautiful. It wasn't a mountain or a waterfall or a happy family or a caring friend, but like all of those, it had something special that made it beautiful. Blue Note couldn't help but think that the special something might have been the promise of a better future. She and Sterling might one day be free of familial strife or getting picked on at school or just being shut out at every turn. If she honestly looked back, she was a lot better off today than she was a year ago. 


She stood in silence next to him, and allowed herself to hope. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling turned his back to Blue Note for a moment before turning back to see the skyline that peered from the apartment's large window. He was reminded of one of his daydreams where he and Blue Note would just look outside the window with peace of mind... Where the incantations of love would seductively flow from their mouths before coming in for a loving and intimate embrace... The latter may not have arrived yet, but Sterling could feel his heart beating faster at the former coming alive... even after his parents argued extensively about a salad bowl. The trumpet solo from "An Equestria in Mareis" rang into his ear again, leaving Sterling to only give out a sigh of happiness... only because Blue Note was there...




Down at the Square, Erlen and Spectro just found the Trottington... Just in time since both ponies felt their stomachs growl and just as the sun was making way for the clear night sky that enveloped Manehattan. 


"My stomach just won't stop growling! Let's get in before it keels over on me!" Erlen then extended his hoof so that Spectro would give it a move on Spectro rushed into the Trottington as well, hoping for a good dinner to end their quaint Hearth's Warming. When they got in though, they were in for a surprise...



Chemm was just about to finish her shift for the day, when all of a sudden, she could hear the doorbell ring once more as the door opened. She hoped that the last set of ponies had left for the day, since she got some of her uniform wet after a baby filly had spilled some water on her shirt. But lo and behold, it was not meant to be... What really surprised her was that another pony she knew had come over for dinner... at least he was more manageable than Sterling was. Hopefully she'd be able to end this day on a high note for them, even if she really wanted to be going home for some alone time...

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Blue Note wasn't sure how many minutes passed by as they stood in silence next to each other. Nothing needed to be said, because Blue Note knew it was all understood. The gratitude, the strong feelings, the hope, the loss. They knew. 


After standing for some time, the aroma of chocolate cake wafted back to Blue Note, taking her out of the moment. She turned to Sterling with a mischievous smile. "It would be a shame to let that chocolate cake go to waste."  


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Sterling's mind was just about to reach its climax when he imagined himself kissing Blue Note... but the smell of chocolate cake had also beaten him in the heat of the calming silence between them. It was calling out to him again, and when he was whisked back to reality, he could hear another seductive voice, this time calling out for chocolate cake too... Sterling smiled gleefully and replied with a dreamy look,


"Chocolate cake... I can hear it calling for me... Let's have some cake..." Sterling then trotted in a trance-like state towards the kitchen where the cake was being placed... too bad that his parents didn't want it. Now Sterling could enjoy all of it with his lovely friend...

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Blue Note was amused at how entranced Sterling was by chocolate. He must really enjoy it in cake form. "Brilliant idea," she said, following him to the kitchen. "So, I take it chocolate cake is your favorite?" Even if the dinner didn't go how either of them wanted it to, they could still have a memorable time, enjoying cake and each other's company. 


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Sterling nodded blissfully when Blue Note asked him whether chocolate cake was his favourite flavour. If Blue Note didn't guess by now, Sterling would have thought that she was more dense than even he was. But that thought lasted for only a moment when Sterling could now finally slice up a piece of cake for Blue Note and himself to enjoy their last few hours of Hearth's Warming together... Sterling looked back at Blue Note as he trotted back to the window and took his first bite of what would be a delicious chocolate cake. Too bad his parents couldn't see how happy he and Blue Note were since they were cooped up in their separate rooms...

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"Thanks," Blue Note said after Sterling handed her a slice. "Mmmmm," she said after taking her first bite. It was richest food she had eaten in awhile. "That is quality chocolate." She took another bite of the cake and another and another. "I can see why this is your favorite."


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Sterling gave out a happier smile than before when Blue Note happily munched on her chocolate cake. All he wanted to do was to keep munching away at the cake as the night continued to impose on the household...




"Ohhh.... Erlen... Fancy seeing you here!" Chemm spoke rather nervously as Erlen and Spectro trotted in for their dinner. First Sterling, and now Erlen?! At least Erlen was more manageable to serve.


"Oh Chemm! Hey... How... how was Hearth's Warming Eve...?" Erlen replied with shock. He too was very surprised to see Chemm here in the first place... Chemm sighed before she replied with a defeated look.


"Well... I needed some more bits..." At that moment, Chemm realized that she was looking weak in front of Erlen, the last thing she wanted to do after her breakup with Rocky... She needed to be strong, and she couldn't let her guard down now!


"Wait, I should be showing you dorks to your seats! Come along here!" Spectro frowned at Chemm's sudden change in attitude... it wasn't going to help her get more bits... On the other hand, Erlen felt bad for Chemm, and he wanted to find some way to help her, since Hearth's Warming was supposed to be a relaxing day instead of a working day... if only there was something nice he could do... After all, she helped him a lot through their labs together!

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note continued nibbling at the cake. "I feel so stuffed, but I don't want to stop eating this." It was starting to get later, but the holiday wasn't quite over yet. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Blue Note bolted up. "I got you a present, and one for your parents too..." She trailed off. "Anyway, do you want to open it now?"


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