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private Rhapsody in Blue


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@Sterling Crimson


"Oh wow, you better hurry. I don't want you to be late. Yeah, we should play together sometime. I think I might know a good piece too!" Blue Note said, thinking back to a clarinet recording she heard a while back. "And thanks for trying to get me into the orchestra."


Blue Note realized that her piano techniques class would be starting soon, though thankfully she had longer than ten minutes. She decided to do a little practicing before it started. Playing for Sterling had been nice. He wasn't judgmental like some of the ponies she knew in Canterlot, but he was also a serious musician. The combination was rare. 


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Sterling was now running off to class, barely hearing Blue Note's goodbye. He was sad that he had to rush off the class now. He was just having so much fun with Blue Note... She was such a nice pony... a musical mare... a cute mare... Sterling's mind began to wander off again as he trotted towards class, wishing that he could walk with her to class. Alas, it was not meant to be, so he trotted alone to Physiology with Dr. Miang...

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Blue Note had begun settling into her routine at the University of Manehatten. She suffered through music theory with Sterling, under Professor Adagio's regime. Her biology lessons eluded her more and more each time she went to class. She spent plenty of time studying the subject, but she was thankful when she recieved a B in the subject. Piano technique was her only fun class. Music History was easy to succeed at and to sleep through. She didn't even want to think of Freshman Composition, where she was lucky if all Cheesy did during a class period was call her "Blue". Not to mention the papers. 


She and Sterling had begun to spend more time together. She enjoyed talking to him in music theory when Professor Adagio wasn't breathing down their throats. She also enjoyed playing music with him. It was cool to have a pony to share her pieces with. He always brightened her day, and she was glad to count him a friend. She had noticed that the more time she spent with Sterling, the more attractive he seemed. "Oh, don't be so silly Blue Note. You're just friends. Don't screw this up." Crushes could go awry so easily; Blue Note didn't like taking chances on them. 


She had also begun her job working at one of the lesser dining halls. It was the "health conscious" dining hall. The food was mostly organic, and seemed slightly less questionable than what the other halls served. Her job was easy enough; serve food to ponies. Unfortunately, the ponies she served were rather difficult themselves. Her most dreaded customer was Ruby, whose hatred of her only seemed to intensify. She could be spotted in the dining hall nearly everyday at lunch, whispering to other ponies and sending her nasty looks. 


Blue Note had an encounter with her at the music building one afternoon. She had been practicing both clarinet and piano, and was feeling accomplished. However, any positive feeling gained by music disappeared the moment she saw a very familiar red mane. "Well, if it isn't Blue."


"Blue Note. I don't know what it will take for you imbeciles to get that." Blue Note was not in the mood to tolerate this.


"Nice glasses," Ruby said sarcastically.


"Not really. If I wasn't wearing them, I wouldn't have to see your stupid face so clearly." Blue Note felt satisfied that Ruby didn't have a retort for that. She assumed the insulting done and started trotting back to her dorm. 


"Well, at least I have ponies to hang out with." Blue Note hated Ruby's snotty voice. 


"Are you incapable of observation?" Blue Note asked.


"I meant normal ponies." The cruelty in her voice struck Blue Note. It made her angry.


"What the hay is that supposed to mean?" Blue Note shouted at Ruby as she trotted away.


"I think you know what I mean." Ruby was out of her reach now. Blue Note was glad, because Ruby was too infuriating to rationally deal with. How dare she talk about Sterling like that! He was the best pony she knew, where did she get off? She was fuming all the way back to her dorm room. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling too had just about settled. His piano lessons with Dr. Thorrington were really starting to pay off. He could hear the melodies speak out more, the chords filling with texture and colour, and the technical discipline shine under his tutelage. In it, Sterling was also able to convince Dr. Thorrington to add Blue Note to the Manehattan University Orchestra, provided that she wasn't too busy and that she complete an audition later next week. After all, Dr. Thorrington was short on clarinetists.


Sterling was delighted at the wonderful news, especially since his friendship with Blue Note was really starting to grow. All those times they sat in music theory class to talk about life, all the times he and Blue Note practiced some two piano pieces together, and all the times they shared a cup of coffee together; Blue Note even returned the favour by buying him a coffee; how awesome was that?! Over that time frame, Sterling too felt this sort of feeling towards Blue. It was a feeling he felt towards many mares whenever he was able to strike some sort of friendly conversation, but this was different... Whenever Blue Note came around, Sterling would always smile sheepishly at her, his nerves overtaking him at times. She was indeed an attractive mare by all means, but at the same time, Sterling couldn't quite understand why he was feeling this way towards Blue. After what happened with his previous crush in high school though, he strove to never fall in love with another mare... With that in mind, Sterling would always scold himself about his past, 


'Stop that!' he'd think. 'Remember what happened in high school?! Don't let that happen again! Even if Blue Note's 100 times nicer than she was! NEVER let your guard down! We're just friends right now! Blue Note probably doesn't like me that way anyway!' these thoughts dominated Sterling after he finished a conversation with Blue Note, but he could never quite remove them. Most of the time, he would just daydream about him and Blue Note being together at some lush area for relaxation and comfort...


In that time frame, Sterling also made some new friends. He became an acquaintance with his stand partner, String Blues. He was a gifted violinist, but he and Sterling were very similar in talent. He was a nice sort of fella, but he was at least 3 years older than he was, so he didn't see him much other than in the orchestral sessions. Another friend in particular was a green stallion with a glass flask as his cutie mark. His name was Erlenmeyer, but most ponies called him Erlen. Nonetheless, he was a lot like Sterling. Not very popular, but very intelligent. He was so glad he found a friend in him; after all, he was looking for a medical companion in Manehattan.


As time passed though, something struck as odd. During the week, the chattering about Sterling was cut down significantly. However, on this Friday morning, things took a turn for the worse...


"Hey Sterling! What is all this I'm hearing about you?!" Erlen spoke with his typical raspy voice as he entered for Cell Biology class on a sunny Friday morning.

"Wait what? Why is everypony talking about me?!" Sterling exclaimed with fear.

"They're all saying you're a really weird stallion because you're malformed! Personally I don't get it! You look perfectly fine to me other than the fact you're just smaller! They say you're autistic, anti-social, and the like because your mother had a premature pregnancy! They're even saying that you were born retarded because of that, with Down Syndrome in particular! Frankly, I don't quite understanding why you're such a big target for everypony!" Erlen replied with confusion in his face.


In the meantime, Sterling just stood where he was in complete silence... 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note couldn't get the incident with Ruby off of her mind. Ruby irritated her already, but there was no way she should get away with saying cruel things to Sterling. It would not stop bothering her, so she decided to go to a place where she knew she could clear her head.


"Hello, welcome to Manehatten Moods!" The cheery pegasus greeted her. "Heya, Blue Note! How are you doing?" Blue Note had been back a couple of times since she first stepped into the music store. Sassy was always happy to greet her and chat. 


"I've been better." Blue Note didn't feel like lying. 


"You look a little down." Sassy appeared concerned "Want to pull up a chair and talk about it? It'll make you feel better." Blue Note would normally be suspicious of anypony so eager to talk to her, but Sassy was so genuine. Despite all improbability, she seemed to care for Blue Note. 


"Well, I've been having problems with this pony named Ruby..." Blue Note explained her earlier encounter. "She absolutely hates me, but why is she trying to drag Sterling into this? I don't know what to do to stop her!" 


Sassy looked at Blue Note carefully. "I'm so sorry Ruby is being so mean to you. She isn't the friendliest pony."


"I don't care about me! What about Sterling?" 


"I think she she said that because she knew it would get to you. She did it intentionally to rile you up."


"Well, it worked," Blue Note said, feeling slightly irritated. What was Ruby's problem, anyway?


"It's good that you care so much about your friend Sterling. And there is something you can do to help him with Ruby or anything else."


"Really, what?" Blue Note asked. 


"You can continue to be his friend. Support him, let him know that he's the fantastic pony you know he is! You can't stop Ruby from acting that way, but you can act in a positive way." Blue Note wondered what Sassy's life was like, and how she developed such a cheerful worldview. 


"But I hate not being able to stop them! I don't want to see Sterling get hurt. I can tell them they're wrong about him until I'm even more blue in the face, but it never gets through." 


"It's because it's not about being wrong or right. They have deeper issues than Sterling or you. The issues really have everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. That's why you can't change them, only yourself." 


It frustrated her to admit this, but Sassy was right. Ruby wasn't going to change anytime soon. That didn't make her any less awful or hurtful. 


"So what should I do?" Blue Note asked. "I don't want her to hurt Sterling." 


"Well, it's a beautiful Friday. Why don't you get Sterling, and the two of you can get off campus and do something fun. You'll get away from all the drama around here and have a good time. You can talk and just relax with each other." 


"You really think that'll do anything?" Blue Note asked, sounding skeptical. 


"Being with your friends always helps. Friendship is one of the most important things in life. And besides, it's always to get out into Manehatten. There's so much to do here!"


Hanging out with Sterling would be fun, and getting away from the cruel ponies that populated UoM couldn't hurt. Sassy did have a point about being encouraging. Sterling's support had made university seem less nightmarish for her, and perhaps her support had the same effect for him? She had to continue it. 


"Okay, I'll give it a shot."


"Great, let me know how it goes. And come back soon! Sassy smiled at Blue Note before she walked out the door.


Blue Note wondered where the best place to go would be as she wandered back to her dorm room. Piano technique would start in a half hour. Pink Heart was sitting in the dorm room, reading a psychology textbook. The two ponies had fallen into an uneasy coexistence. Pink Heart walked on eggshells around Blue Note, while Blue Note did her best to ignore Pink Heart. They had been getting along okay as roommates. 


"Hey," Blue Note said, going to her side of the room. 


"Hey, Blue Note," Pink Heart said. "Say, you're good friends with Sterling, right?" There was uncertainty in her voice.


Blue Note froze. Something off in the way she said that. "Yes, I am. What do you care?" She turned to face the pink pony. 


Pink Heart winced at Blue Note's harsh tone. "What ponies are saying about him... it's not true, right?"


"What do you mean, 'What ponies are saying about him'?" Blue Note took a step closer. 


Pink Heart became visibly nervous. "W-well, Ruby told me that he has autism because his mother gave pre-mature birth to him and that's why he's so—" Blue Note cut her off. She couldn't bear to hear whatever lie Ruby was spreading. What was she playing at?


"Not. Another. WORD!" She was furious. "Ruby is full of BS, and Sterling is better than all of you!" She hastily threw her piano books in her bag. Pink Heart was too scared to say anything else


"Tell her that Blue Note said to shut the buck up and mind her own business." She exited the room and took off for piano technique, too angry to slow down. How dare Ruby spread rumors like that! What reason did she have to hurt Sterling like that?

  • Brohoof 1


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Erlen tried to wave his hoof around Sterling's eyes to get his attention, but it was to no avail. Sterling was in place for what seemed like ages. Erlen really didn't want to aggravate Sterling, especially considering the awful rumours that were amuck in the University of Manehattan. Eventually, Sterling bowed his head down as if he were touching the ground and walked away from Cell Biology. He told Erlen not to follow him and to just enjoy Cell Biology class without somepony like him. 


"Just leave me alone Erlen. You don't know what it feels like. If the professors ask about me, just let them know that I won't be back today. In fact, I'm not even sure I want to stay here any longer. Maybe there's a nicer medical school who's got more friendly ponies than this bunch." spoke Sterling solemnly and sadly as he trotted away. Erlen looked on with a frown as Sterling walked away. He was just too nice and smart to just quit medical school like this...


Sterling trotted away sadly, ignoring all the chatter and laughing about his "sorry" past. Despite the fact it was a sunny day in Manehattan, Sterling merely sighed at the world around him as he trotted out of U of M’s entrance doors. He walked over to one of the lone trees that stood among all other other crowded trees. It was a tree that began to wilt. The leaves had become crisper and its branches were beginning to weaken. It had barely enough leaves to keep Sterling in the shade as he sat as a lonesome wanderer.


Sterling just couldn't understand it. Why was he the target of all this hate and vitriol? It was just... unfair. His parents were completely normal ponies! These ponies stooped so low! Making fun of him was one issue he could handle, but his parents too?! How could they?! He remembered what his parents said long ago. In even the worst of times, there was hope. There would be a way. Somehow, Sterling just felt... that these wouldn't be the worst of times yet, even if they already felt like it. It was an idea that predominated his mind...

-------------------------------------------------(shift to poem mode... experimental)

Under the lonely tree did Sterling cry. 

All his life he knew not why.


Stuck out were his differences of woe,

His strengths and passions dealt a cruel blow...


It must have felt like forever for Sterling to sit under that tree, but the comfort of knowing he could shed his tears without anypony seeing him was already comfort enough... Not even Blue Note could comfort him like this... in fact... 'Who knows... maybe... Blue Note decided not to be my friend anymore because of these rumours... Why would she want to be friends with a pony struck by rumours just because he's smaller and weirder than everypony else?' thought a sorrowful Sterling as he cried again under the lonesome tree...


Under the lonely tree did Sterling cry, 

All his life he knew not why.


Stuck out were his differences of woe,

His strengths and passions dealt a cruel blow...


Sterling now noticed the others leaving Manehattan U after their classes were finished. 'They must be done with cell biology. Erlen better not find me here...' Sterling thought with anger and strife. Sterling then realized he was getting hungry, but he didn't want to leave the lonesome. He was feeling much better with the tree. Somehow, the tree... understood him. He couldn't explain it, but the tree just did...


As he looked back to the lunches he had with Blue, he could feel his sadness overflowing him once more.

'What DOES Blue Note think of me anyway?! These rumours must have spread so far, that she's probably been called a public disgrace too! What have I done?!' thought a Sterling in woe, a Sterling in pain as he couldn't even pick up his fork to eat his lunch...


Under the lonely tree did Sterling cry, 

All his life he knew not why.


Stuck out were his differences of woe,

His strengths and passions dealt a cruel blow...


Over time, he ate his lunch, albeit very slowly. The pain surrounding his rumour was still flowing. He could overhear ponies in the distance laughing hard at how different he was, how nopony would even bother having a second glance at him for a relationship, and wondering how an autistic pony could possibly be a doctor! He looked out into the horizon, trying his best to ignore the rumour, but he just couldn't, especially since they were talking about his parents giving birth to a disgrace! Sterling just wanted to get up and leave, but something within him just couldn't... was it the tree? Was it Blue Note? Was it his parents? Either way, he felt too weak to move as he sat silently and sobbingly...


Under the lonely tree did Sterling cry, 

All his life he knew not why.


Stuck out were his differences of woe,

His strengths and passions dealt a cruel blow...


Edited by Sterling Crimson
  • Brohoof 1
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Blue Note couldn't focus at all during piano techniques. It was like she was taking lessons in Canterlot again. Any will she had to focus disappeared when two ponies behind her started talking. 


"Hey, have you heard about Sterling?" 


"No, did something else happen?" The pony sounded so eager, ready to collect another juicy detail to add to their collection of gossip. He was only seeking entertainment. 


Blue Note turned around and glared at both the ponies. 


"Geez, what's your problem?" 


"You two and the rest of the school." She turned back around and stared at the piano. What else could she do?


After an unsuccessful class, Blue Note meandered around campus. She wondered how Sterling was doing, and if he had heard ponies gossiping. She had no idea how the rumor originated or how widespread it was. How could they be so mean?


Blue Note found herself in one of the greener areas of campus. It was a lovely day to be outside. One pony appeared to be enjoying by sitting under a tree, but something was off. The pony actually looked miserable. "Oh my Celestia... Sterling?" Blue Note ran over. "Sterling, what happened?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling continued to sniffle and pour tears as he watched the noon sky and the skyline rising far above him. He heard a familiar voice... it... it was Blue Note! Sterling tried to stop his sniffling, but he just couldn't! 'Oh no... it's Blue Note! What will she think of me now! A cry-filly, that's who! I'm finished!' Sterling was frozen in place, wondering what he could say... Still, he just couldn't take it anymore, his tears beginning to flow again...


"It's... this whole university that's what! Why does it always have to be me?! What have I ever done to them?! All my life I was hoping that university life would be different! My dad was telling me how wonderful university can be, talking with fellow students who shared your aspirations and goals in life! All I wanted to do was just be a doctor! To learn about the trade and to grow as one for the rest of my life! Now look where I am! Called malformed and a nopony! Why me?!! Plus, making fun of me is one thing!  But my parents too! The doctors said my autism had NOTHING to do with my parents! It was genetics, coincidence that caused it! Well I HATE coincidence! I hate university, and I HATE LIFE!!" 


After Sterling had finished his tearful tirade, he sat still. He didn't know what to say anymore... This rant felt like one final cry for him before he met his death. It was just too much. Why was he considered so different?! Everypony's different in their own way! Why couldn't the other ponies just accept him like the other ponies? These thoughts continued to enshroud him as he sat... he then spoke again, much more quietly and meekly this time,


"Blue... Blue Note... they said that I was a no-lifer. Small, insignificant, and puny. They said I'd never be successful in life because of what I have on me. They said I'd end up being a lonesome hermit. A pony who couldn't even convince a mare to give him a second glance..." Sterling sniffed once again. His head drooped downward now, and all he could do now was just breathe a sigh of defeat...

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note could only listen as Sterling grew more hopeless. There was nothing she could tell him otherwise; life was hopeless. Ponies got thrown difficult circumstances. Other ponies told them they couldn't make it through, ensured they couldn't make it through. That was Sterling's life; that was her life. Somepony decided they didn't like Sterling, and tried to bring him down. The other ponies encouraged it, eager for idle gossip and quick entertainment. For some reason or another, they put their gratification before his misery. They delighted in cruelty, needed validation for themselves, were simply insecure, or just didn't care. It wasn't unfamiliar behavior to Blue Note.


She and Sterling had different struggles. Nopony had ever called her malformed. Defending her parents (her father at least) was the last thing she would worry about. She didn't have autism. Her appearance had never been a target for the cruelty of others. She didn't know exactly what he was going through and she couldn't tell him exactly the way out. However, she did know what it was liked to be picked on, told that she wouldn't amount to anything. She had been called names, and told that her talent was worthless. They told her she wouldn't succeed; there was no way out. It affected her. She was bitter and argumentative. She viewed Equestria cynically. She could barely trust other ponies.


Blue Note realized that there was something she could do for Sterling. She sat down next to him, and gave him a hug. "Sterling, you're going to be a great doctor. You're an intelligent pony with a good heart. You're smarter than most of the ponies here, and don't even try to tell me otherwise, because I know it's true. I've seen how well you do in your classes, and you actually understand biology. You are also one of the best piano players I have ever met. You have so much to offer, and those ponies are stupid for not seeing it! 


"I know our problems aren't the same. I know that there's no easy way out for any of them. I know that there isn't a lot I can do." She took a deep breath. This would be difficult to talk about. "But I do know what it's like to be told you're not going to amount to anything. I've been told my talent was worthless, and that there was no point in trying. I was told that there was no hope for me to ever get out, that I should just resign myself. I was told I have no talent. And there was a point in my life where I almost bought into that. I might have given up completely, if it wasn't for this huge wake-up call I got one day. I realized that they weren't looking out for me. Their 'concern' wasn't sincere. So I decided not to listen to them, and that's how I ended up here, working towards my dream of becoming a composer.


"I don't think those ponies are right about you, Sterling. I hope you don't either, because it won't do you any favors. If you listen to them, then they'll win. Sterling, I don't think any of that is true. I believe that you'll do something great! I believe in you."

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling could feel the hug from Blue Note. It felt so warm to him. It was a welcome sea of calm after all the torment and thunder he experienced through this day. Sterling's tears were still flowing from his face as they dropped onto Blue's mane and body. He whispered a meek "sorry" to Blue for wetting her mane with his tears as he continued to sob, although less intensely


Sterling continued to hug Blue Note for quite some time. He was immersed in her comfort and care... it wasn't something anypond ever done before other than his parents. At this time, Sterling's tears had cleared away. He began to smile again towards Blue Note, even if it was weak. He replied with a quiet voice, 


"Blue Note... Thanks. I... I didn't know you too had your struggles. It... makes me feel... better... that I'm... I'm not the only one. I'm sorry if I'm sounding selfish... I... I'm sorry if I cried out like that. I just... couldn't bear it. My parents always gave me words of hope, but they only lasted for so long... I wasn't sure I could ever believe them..." Sterling then continued with another statement, 


"And Blue Note...? I'm... I'm very glad you didn't give up as a composer. Makes me not want to give up as a doctor anymore, especially after knowing that you're here." 


Just as Sterling was about to finish his statement, Erlen walked by. With his characteristic raspy voice, he spoke cheerfully, 

"STERLING! You're still here! You didn't miss much from classes today. Just a few notes here and there. You still have a lab to do. If you're not coming back today, then I have no partner! It'd be great if you could be my partner for our biochemistry lab!" 


Sterling jumped in shock as Erlen walked by. He gave Erlen a slight glare before responding kindly, 

"Sure Erlen. I'll come. But first, I'd like you to meet Blue Note. She's... my best friend."

"Oh hello Blue Note! I'm Erlen. I'm a friend of Sterling's. We just met and I walked by to see if he was ok. Frankly, I still don't think you're malformed. I don't even know where they got all that. Those ponies are completely silly. You have no braces like me, a normal voice unlike mine, and you're extremely smart like me. I don't see why you're the centre of attention. If fate should have it, then the ponies should be having a field day with me!" 

Sterling chuckled at Erlen's humour. It always cheered him up, even when it was unwarranted. He turned to Blue Note and asked, 

"Blue Note... I was wondering... could we... have some more coffee after my lab session? I'll be done at 4:00 pm today."

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@Sterling Crimson


"Nothing a little time in the sun won't fix." Blue Note gave Sterling a small smile. She had never hugged a pony for such a long time before, but she wanted to make Sterling feel better. 


"You don't sound selfish, Sterling." Blue Note looked down for a moment. "That is by no means an abnormal response." She thought back to all the times she had cried. "Anyway, I know what you mean. Equestria does seem really hopeless, but there's no need to give up just yet.


"Hey, I couldn't give up on my special talent. The quill and eighth note aren't here for nothing!" Blue Note looked at her cutie mark. "You're going to be a great doctor; you just have to keep going." 


A green pony interrupted their conversation. He seemed like a bit of an odd pony, but she certainly wasn't in any place to be judgmental. It did surprise her that Sterling introduced her as his best friend. She had never been anypony's best friend before. It did make sense though; she never had any friend as good as Sterling. 


"Charmed to meet you, Erlen." He seemed like a kind enough pony, if lacking slightly in tact. 


Blue Note broke out into a big smile at Sterling's next question. "Do you even have to ask? I'm always up for a coffee. Though, I'll put a condition on it. Let's go somewhere off campus, in Manehatten. I've been at this university for two weeks already, and I haven't even taken a good look around the city." 

  • Brohoof 1


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Sterling smiled happily and cheerily as he spoke his last words to Blue Note,

"Alright Blue Note. I'll see you here at 4:00 pm then! 'til then, I hope you enjoy yourself!" 


Sterling then began to walk happily away with Erlen. Still, Erlen was a bit surprised at Sterling's ability to find such a nice mare, so he asked cautiously, 

"So... Sterling... who's that mare with you exactly? How'd you guys meet?!"

"Well you see, we first met at music theory. And she's understood me so well. It's like we're... in tune with each other..." Sterling replied in a near dreamlike way. Sterling then breathed a sigh of happiness just at the thought of Blue Note

"Well, it looks like somepony's got feelings..." Erlen spoke with a coy smile.

"F-f-f-f-feelings?" Sterling replied with a quizzical look on his face...

"Sterling! You're not denying it! That's so cute! The moment I saw you hugging Blue Note, it showed all! You like her Sterling!" 

"Well... she IS attractive... but..."

"But what Sterling?! Didn't you see how much Blue Note loves it when you're around?! I say keep a good eye out! I may not be the smartest stallion when it comes to relationships, but my parents showed me that when a mare willingly hugs you AND smiles happily at your invitation to a private outing, that's always a plus! Tell me how it goes!" 


After Erlen spoke those words to Sterling, Sterling pondered about it with a nod before replying, "I'll... I'll be sure to tell Erlen! Now let's get to the biochemistry lab without getting late!" 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Blue Note felt better. Sterling seemed happier, and they were going to get away from the toxicity of UofM for a little while. She wondered where the best coffee shop in Manehatten was, or what she might encounter in the city. She had been holed up studying and avoiding the likes of Ruby and Cheesy for a good chunk of her time. Not to mention working in the dining hall... There hadn't been much time for exploring. 


Going with Sterling would make it extra interesting. He actually knew his way around the city, and spending time with him was always great. She found herself daydreaming about exploring the city with him. They would have such a good time together... Blue Note could hardly wait for 4 o'clock.


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Sterling and Erlen had a few mishaps along the way, but none that were that severe. They finished their lab in good time and were out by 3:30 pm, 30 minutes early. Sterling and Erlen were clearly becoming a good team at the lab, and it comforted Sterling knowing that he finally found a fellow medical student he could trust. After the lab, Erlen and Sterling walked out of the Manehattan University with smiles on their faces, even if the other ponies continued to laugh and stare at them. Erlen then waved Sterling goodbye, interested to see how their most recent coffee "meetup" would go...


Nicely enough, Blue Note was waiting at the tree alone at 3:30 pm. Sterling ran up to her and shouted to her,

"Hey!! Blue Note! I'm here! Ready to tour Manehattan with me?!"

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"Am I ever," Blue Note said. "I can't wait to see Manehatten. I have to say, while I don't miss Canterlot much, the city aspect was fun." Not that she had a ton of chances to get into it. "So, what coffee shop are we visiting?" She looked eagerly out past the campus towards the buildings that made up Manehatten. It was so exciting to get to go with Sterling. They would have such a fun time together!


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Sterling took a good look at his watch, and figured that they would go further downtown to feel the hustle and bustle that was Manehattan. He excitedly replied, 


"Well Blue Note I know of a coffee place in the heart of Manehattan, just by Broadhay. After we enjoy some coffee there we can check out which musical they're showing! Then we can enjoy a dinner at one of the local restaurants. How does that sound?!"


It was finally time. Sterling would finally be able to spend the whole day with Blue Note. It was just too exciting for him. His voice screamed excitement and enthusiasm as he began to trot towards Broadhay. It was a welcome relief from the near prison that was the University of Manehattan. If it weren't for Blue Note and Erlen, he would have given up on the medicinal practice a long time ago...

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Blue Note trotted along next to him. "Oh, that sounds marvelous. I've never seen a Broadhay show before!" Blue Note had always heard good things about Broadhay. There were chances to see good musical theater productions in Canterlot, but she never had many good opportunities. "Not to mention I'm dying to eat some real food. Next year, I think I'll pass on the meal plan." Blue Note made a face. As the University of Manehatten disappeared behind her, she was feeling more and more excited. The Manehatten atmosphere was wonderful. 


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The bright lights weren't in full view yet, but Sterling knew the two friends would see it once they exited the Broadhay musical. For now however, they were going to enjoy themselves in a bustling coffee shop in Manehattan: "The Coffee Emporium" they called it. It was among the largest coffee shops in the world. Cappuccinos, Coffee Mochas, Decafs, and much more! Strawberry flavour, Chocolate flavour, even caramel coffee was in sale!


Sterling then introduced Blue Note to the emporium with a grandeur he had never felt in himself ever! "Well here we are Blue Note! The largest coffee emporium in the world! We can start off with a tour of all the coffees in the world and their histories if you'd like! What I love about this place is the atmosphere. As soon as you walk in, the brown tiles and walls will instantly sink you into a world of coffee! How does that sound?!" 

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"That sounds fantastic!" Blue Note said. "I can almost taste the coffee. I love trying new flavors." She had been practically living on the dining hall coffee lately; it was cheaper that way. However, her tastebuds were not in agreement with her financial sensibilities. It would be nice to drink some quality drinks. She could afford to splurge a little tonight. Something just felt right about walking along the streets of Manehatten. 


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Sterling smiled warmly at Blue Note as the two walked into the emporium. As soon as they walked in, Sterling could hear the music that was the highlight of the shop. It was always the first thing every guest would be welcome to whenever they walked in and smelled the coffee. It was so inviting to Sterling every time he walked that it would never get old for the young stallion.  After the music played the greeter walked into the room with a big smile. She was a bright orange mare with a puffy yellow mane and a very warm smile. She welcomed the two ponies excitedly,


"Hello Sterling! Looks like you've brought a friend with you!"

"Yes I have Caffy! Her name's Blue Note! We met at the University of Manehattan this past week!" Sterling replied with a smile.

"Well well! Looks like you're already on the right hoof with her!" 

"I sure am! We'd like two tickets to the coffee museum please!" 

"Ok Sterling! It'll be 15 bits per pony, so for you both, it'll be 30 bits."

"Ok Caffy. Here you go! 30 bits!" Sterling had decided to pay for Blue Note again, especially after what she did to comfort him. 

"Aww that's awful sweet of you Sterling! Paying for her like that!" replied Caffy with a smile before Sterling approached her with a whisper,

"Just keep this between you and me ok? Ever since she comforted me today, I've been feeling something really different from her. Something... wonderful."

"Aww that's so cute! I hope your tour goes well Sterling!" replied Caffy with a warm smile and a whisper as Sterling began to walk away.




(This is the song I'm talking about. Just change the lyrics to reflect coffee! :yay: )




Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


(OOC: Hey look, it's music from the best Disney Princess movie. =D)


Blue Note had to stop a minute to take it all in. Sterling hadn't been exaggerating; the place had an amazing atmosphere. The music, the smell of coffee wafting through the air, the decor, the friendly ponies, it was all perfectly wonderful. When she was transported back to reality, she realized that Sterling had already paid for her. 


"You don't need to do that," Blue Note said. She wasn't sure why he insisted on paying, and it made her slightly uncomfortable. She didn't like feeling that she owed anypony. On the other hoof, saving those fifteen bits would be useful down the line, and that bothered her the most of all. "You're really too kind." 


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(OOC: It was so perfect for this! I've got lots of ideas for the future too if you want to chat about them tonight!)


Sterling now motioned Blue Note to walk with him into the coffee emporium. He heard Blue Note's remark about him paying for her to visit the emporium. He often wondered why she didn't want him paying for her, but he nonetheless did anyway. He replied warmly,


"Don't worry about paying me back. Just being with you's already enough."


Sterling now acted like a tour guide for Blue Note, guiding her through the many drinks of the world and letting her have a taste of the many flavours they had to offer...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@Sterling Crimson


(OOC: Sorry I couldn't be more active yesterday.)


Blue Note was enjoying the different varieties of her favorite caffeinated beverage. "I think the Caramel flavor is the best. Though this expresso is really good. There are so many choices; I can't decide." She sipped at a vanilla flavor. 


Blue Note felt content. Her stress had been temporarily lifted, and she wasn't on edge. Sterling made quite the tour guide, and she was enjoying walking around with him. They were just having casual conversations about coffee. It felt so natural to talk to him. 


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(OOC: It's ok. I was able to get more studying done as a result. I gotta study today again anyway before practice test. Will be active tonight though.)


Sterling nodded at Blue Note's comments about all the coffee. He replied happily, 

"I know right? That's why this is the largest coffee emporium in all Equestria. Look at all the coffees!"


As Sterling's self-imposed tour to Blue Note came to a close, he saw all the two-seaters that were present at the lounge. He motioned to Blue Note,


"C'mon! Let's go there! With this pass I've got, we get free coffee for today! We can chat for a lil bit before we head over to Broadhay to see the shows available!" 

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@Sterling Crimson


(OOC: Okay, sounds good.)


Blue Note picked one of the seats and sat down. "That was fun," she said. "And quite a variety of coffee." The chair was cozy, matching the atmosphere of the emporium. It was odd that in the middle of this bustling city, there was a haven of tranquility with music and coffee in the air. She sank into her seat. "This place is fantastic!"


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