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Eternal Love - FINISHED!

)O( Scarlet )O(

Eternal Love Alternative Version?  

  1. 1. Should I write an alternative version of Eternal Love? (Me x Luna instead of me x Rosebud)

    • Yes
    • No

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Eternal Love


Chapter 1:


  It was mid-afternoon.

The weather patrol had cleared away all the clouds and the sun was exceptionally sweltering hot.    Fire Heart wipes his brow with a hoof and thanks Celestia that, after many days of trekking   through the EverFree Forest, he finally reached the town outskirts of Ponyville. Taking out his water canteen, he takes a swig from it and puts it back in his saddlebags. His light blue eyes darting back and forth, searching for the Inn. Not finding it, he sighs and walks further into town. An hour passes and he still couldn’t find the Inn. Fire Heart pushes on, but begins to lose hope of finding the inn on his own. Finding a vacant seat near the market stalls, he places his saddlebags on it and sits down next to them. Thinking that he’d only close them for a few moments to rest, he closes his eyes, but soon drops off to sleep. Soon after he feels a tap on his shoulder, and wakes up to see a blue Pegasus with a black mane and tail that has a hint of dark red streaks, standing near him and smiling.


  “Hello there, friend.” The Pegasus says with a smile, “I’m sorry to have woken you up, but it generally isn’t a good idea to sleep out in the open and leave your saddlebags unattended.”

Fire Heart yawns and stretches his legs, “Thank you, I should have known better to close my eyes. I really didn’t mean to fall asleep, just, you know rest my eyes for a bit.” He gets up and picks up his saddle bags.

“It’s quite alright, say, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. What’s your name? Mine is Speed Lane.” The Pegasus says, holding out a hoof for Fire Heart to shake.

“Mine is Fire Heart. Umm Speed Lane?” Fire Heart asks, shaking Speed Lane’s Hoof.

“Nice to meet you Fire Heart.” Speed Lane says with a big white smile, “What can I do for you?”

Fire Heart looks down and shuffles his hooves, “Do you think you could please show me where the inn is? I’ve tried looking, but I can’t seem to find it.”

Speed Lane laughs and points to where the inn is.

“Thank you, well if you ever want to catch up, I’ll most likely be there.” Fire Heart says and walks off in the direction of the inn.


  He reaches the inn and looks up, notices the big sign hanging out the front and facehoofs himself.

Sighing, he opens the door and hears the speakers playing “Inn Ponyville” by The Griffons, and smiles to himself, as it was his favourite song. He walks up to the book desk and notices that the pony at it is busy writing in the log book. While waiting patiently, he takes a closer look at the pony, and notices that the pony is a unicorn like himself, but with a cream coloured coat, light brown mane and tail with blue streaks, and to top it off, the pony was a female.


  “Oh wow, she’s pretty.” Fire Heart thinks to himself.

The mare at the book desk finishes writing in the log book and looks up at him with very beautiful violet eyes and long eyelashes.

His heart pounding in his chest, Fire Heart has trouble speaking, “Forget pretty! She’s absolutely beautiful and radiant.” He starts sweating.

The mare notices and hides a smile behind a hoof.

“Hello dear, welcome to the Prancing Pony Inn. I am the Inn Keeper, how may I help you?” She says with a smile.

“Oh um hello, I’d like to book a room please.” Fire Heart says, finally being able to speak again. He takes out his bits bag and starts placing the bits on the counter.

“Very well dear, what name would you like to book under?” The mare asks him.

“I’d like to book under my name, Fire Heart.”


  The mare smiles and pushes his bits back towards him, “There’s no need to pay then, honey. My cousin told me to expect you sometime soon.”

Fire Heart looks up at her, “I’m sorry, but do I know your cousin?”

“Well you should, she told me that you and her pretty much grew up together, and that you two were best friends.” The mare says with a slight hint of laughter in her voice.

Fire Heart stumbles back a bit in surprise, “You mean, that you’re Briar Thorns’ cousin?”

The mare smiles even wider this time, “Yes dear, my name is Rosebud Thorns. Well here’s your key.” She says giving him the key to his room, “You’re also welcome to stay as long as you need to.”


  Fire Heart thanks her and makes his way to his room.

After about an hour of navigating twisting corridors, and sometimes bumping into walls, from not looking where he was going, due to checking the number of his key, he finally reaches his room. He looks around and notices that there is only one room next to his.

He looks at his key again and sees a note on it, “VIP Room, oh so that’s why there aren’t any other rooms next to mine except this one.” He thinks to himself, shrugs in confusion and opens the door to his room. Throwing his saddlebags to the floor, he lays down in his bed and tries to get to sleep.


   A few hours later, Fire Heart tosses and turns in his sleep.

“Oh great, I just can’t stop thinking about Rosebud. She sure is beautiful.” He says to himself with a sigh, “I wonder if she likes me? I mean sure, she would like me because I’m best friends with her cousin, Briar, but would she like me, as in love me?” He rolls over, trying to get comfortable, “Of course she wouldn’t! Who could love a plain grey unicorn like me?” He heaves a heavy sigh, sits up in his bed and starts crying.

His crying was so loud that Rosebud could hear it from the book desk. She finishes what she was writing and closes the log book.  She walks up to his room and knocks on his door. Not hearing an answer and being worried about him, she opens the door and walks in.


  “Is…Is everything alright dear?” She asks him.

“I’m fine.” Fire Heart simply replies, trying to put on a brave face.

Knowing that he wasn’t, but not wanting to press the matter, Rosebud starts to leave the room.

“Wait!” He shouts, “No, I’m not fine.”

Partly knowing why, Rosebud closes the door behind her and sits next to him, “Is this about your parents, honey?” she asks, holding his hoof in hers.

He wipes away a tear, “Well, partially yes.”

“Please tell me, I mean Briar told me a little bit, but I want to hear it from you.”


  Fire Heart tells Rosebud about how when he was only a few moons old, his parents had gone out for the evening, leaving him with his favourite foalsitter. When they didn’t come back home when they said they would, he started to get scared. His foalsitter waited with him all night, and when his parents still didn’t come home, the next day the whole town went searching for them. Nopony could find them, nor any trace of them, and so he was put into the orphanage. He then tells her that as soon as he was old enough to leave the orphanage, he did and set out to search for his parents.


  “And I’ve been searching for them ever since.” He says with a hint of sadness in his voice.

“You poor thing, losing your parents like that, and at such a young age too.” Rosebud says, with tears in her eyes, “You said, that it was only partially the reason why you were crying. What’s the other reason?”

Fire Heart shuffles his hooves and looks down, “Well it’s just that… oh never mind.”

“Oh come on, you’ve gotten me all curious now. You can tell me, I promise not to laugh.” Rosebud says, now holding tight onto Fire Heart’s hoof, and placing it over her heart.

“Well, it’s just that from the very moment I saw you, I saw how pretty you were, but that was just before you looked up at me from the log book. When you did look at me, my heart skipped a beat, because you weren’t pretty at all, but beautiful and radiant, with your beautiful violet eyes, long eye lashes and gorgeous smile.  I was crying because I think I like you, but thought that a beautiful mare like you, would never like a pony as plain as me.” Fire Heart says, with a sad voice.


  Rosebud smiles, leans in to give him a kiss on the cheek and places hi hoof on the part of her chest, where her heart is.

“Do…do you really think I’m beautiful?” She asks, with a little smile.

“Yes, from the very moment I saw you behind the desk, and no, I don’t think you’re beautiful. I KNOW you’re beautiful!”

Still holding his hoof to her chest, Rosebud gives him another kiss on the cheek and thanks him, saying that nopony has ever said anything nice like that to her before.

“Well, some have…” She begins, “But they only wanted to sleep with me. You’re not like that though, are you?” She stutters, trying her best not to cry.


   A little shocked and upset that she would ever think that of him, Fire Heart replies,

“No, of course not! I would never take advantage of anypony, especially you!”

“I’m sorry, that came out wrong, what I really meant to say was that I know that you’re not like that. Briar said that you were caring and kind, but she never said you had such a beautiful way with words.” Rosebud apologizes, scooting closer to him, “Oh and dear, I don’t know if you noticed, but your room is right next to mine. I’m not suggesting we share the bed, not just yet anyway, but if you ever need anything, or you just want to talk, love. I’ll be there.”


  Rosebud leans in and gives him a hug, and gets up to leave the room. She is just about to close the door behind her, when she looks back and says, “There’s something I must confess to you too, Fire Heart.”

Fire Heart looks up and asks what it is, Rosebud then clears her throat,

“Well, Briar told me that you were cute, but that was also an understatement. You’re absolutely gorgeous!” She says, leaving the room and letting the door close slowly and quietly behind her.

Fire Heart just sits there, blushes and watches her leave, “Oh great! Now I REALLY can’t stop thinking about her!” He thinks to himself, as he lays back down to try to go sleep again.


 Now absolutely smitten with Fire Heart, Rosebud sighs and walks back to the bar, to see to the other patrons of the inn. With a loud and clear voice, and to the dismay of many a stallion hiding from their wives and children, after a hard day’s work, announces that it is closing time, and that if they hadn’t booked a room or aren’t going to book on, they will need to leave. About half the bar, which were the grumbling stallions, complaining about having to leave, pay for their drinks and leave. The other half pay for their drinks also and make their way to their rooms, leaving only two ponies left, Rosebud and the blue Pegasus known as Speed Lane.


     Rosebud is about the lock the doors, when she notices him.

“I’m sorry dear, but its closing time, do you have a room booked?” She asks him with a smile.

The pony nods his head and asks for the room to be booked under his name,

“And what name would that be?” Rosebud asks him, opening up the logbook and dipping her quill in the inkwell.

“Um… Speed Lane.” He says, spotting Fire Heart looking at her, “Um… I think you have an admirer, that grey unicorn over there.”

Rosebud looks over her shoulders and sighs, “Oh that’s Fire Heart, isn’t he dreamy?”

Speed Lane smiles and replies, “Well yes, I know who he is, I bumped into him earlier today, and well I can’t really say ma’am. I’m a guy after all, and it would just be awkward. But he certainly is a nice pony.”


 Fire Heart walks over to Rosebud and gives her a kiss on the cheek, saying that was for helping him to feel better, he then gives her another kiss, saying that, that was for being so beautiful. Rosebud blushes and thanks him. She gives Speed Lane the key to his room.


   Speed Lane thanks her, walks past Fire Heart and says with a big smile,

“You’re lucky mate. She’s definitely a keeper!”

Fire Heart smiles and sighs, “I know, but I’m too scared to ask her out. Oh and what are you doing here?”

Speed Lane smiles, “Well firstly, I was meant to meet my brother today, but he couldn’t make, the silly dolt missed his train, so I have to stay here the night, and secondly, why are you scared?”

“Oh well, I hope you get to meet your brother soon, and well, I’m scared, because what if she says no?” Fire Heart replies with a heavy sigh.

“From what I’ve heard mate, she is more likely to say yes, not no, so you should go for it! And my brother will be coming down from Canterlot tomorrow.” Speed Lane says and makes his way to his room.

Fire Heart thanks Speed Lane for the encouragement and goes to his own room.


   After watching Fire Heart and Speed Lane return to their rooms, Rosebud sighs as she locks up the Inn and tidies up the mess that the patrons had left.

She passes Fire Heart’s door and hesitates for a moment, then thinks twice about knocking on his door, “He’s probably asleep now, and if what Briar told me is true, he doesn’t like being woken up. In any case, it shouldn’t hurt just to check up on him.”

Rosebud opens the door a bit, peeks in and sees Fire Heart sleeping peacefully,

“I wonder if he’s dreaming of me. I’ll certainly be dreaming of him.”

She shuts the door to Fire Heart’s room quietly, so not to disturb him, walks into her room, sighs and lay down to go to sleep.


Chapter 2:


    The next day, Fire Heart wakes up with a yawn and stretches his legs.

“Well, that certainly was an interesting first night in town. It’s not every day you meet a beautiful mare, and one that is related to your best friend in all of Equestria. I will ask her out, yes I will, but first, I must write to Briar. She has the right to know.” He says to himself and makes his way down the corridor to the bar.


  On his way there, he bumps into Speed Lane and they begin chatting.

“Would you like to meet my brother?” Speed Lane asks, “He may even be able to help you search for your parents.”

Fire Heart smiles and says, “Yeah sure, I’ll take any help I can get.”

“So, are you going to ask Rosebud out today?” Speed Lane asks, giving Fire Heart a gentle shove.

“I am yes, but not today, first I must write to her cousin Briar”

“Why? Surely you wouldn’t need Briar’s permission or anything.”

Fire Heart laughs heartedly and replies,  “Well it just so happens that I pretty much grew up with Briar, she and I are really close friends, I’d even say she was my best friend in all of Equestria, so I thought that she has the right to know.”

“Ok, well best of luck with it. I’ll let you know when my brother arrives.


  Reaching the bar, Speed Lane says his farewell to Fire Heart and leaves the inn.

Fire Heart, watches his new friend leave, sits down at a vacant table and gets out his quill and ink from his saddlebags. Rosebud looks up from the bar and notices Fire Heart, she heaves a sigh, puts away the glass she had just finished washing and walks over to him.


 “Good morning, love.” She says as she walks over to him.

Fire Heart looks up from his writing, “Morning” he simply replies, sighing.

Rosebud hears the sigh and drapes her front hooves over his shoulders, “Why are you sighing, darling?” She asks, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“I was just thinking about last night” Fire Heart says, trying to smile.

“What about it, love? And did you really mean what you said about me?” Rosebud asks.

“Well, I was thinking about how you helped me to feel better, and yes, I meant and still mean every word I said.” Fire Heart looks up and into Rosebud’s violet eyes.

“Oh darling!” She exclaims, “So, what are you doing? Who are you writing to?”

Fire Heart puts down his quill and holds onto Rosebud’s hooves, which are still draped over his shoulders, “Well, I’m writing to Briar, to tell her about my feelings for you.”

“Ok then, will you say hi to her for me, please?” Rosebud asks with a small smile.

Fire Heart smiles, “I will, did you know, that growing up, Briar was my only and best friend?”

“Yes, she told me all about you two. I’m glad that you two are best friends. She told me that you were her only friend too.”

Fire Heart sighs, “I’m afraid it was because of me. If she hadn’t befriended me and stood up for me, she would have had lots of friends.”

Rosebud smiles, “its ok, she told me that she liked it that way, she preferred to have one best friend and not friends who would use and abuse her. Well, I’d better let you get back to your letter. You know where to find me if you need me.”

“Thank you, and it’s nearly done anyway, I just need to send it.”

Rosebud gives Fire Heart a kiss on the cheek and goes back to tending to the other patrons.


  Fire Heart finishes writing his letter and leaves the Inn to mail it, on his way back he meets up with Speed Lane again. Speed Lane excitedly tells Fire Heart that his brother will arriving at the Inn soon, and that he has some news about Fire Heart’s parents. Fire Heart thanks him and mentions that he had just finished writing and mailing his letter to Briar.

As they reach the Inn, they are greeted by Speed Lane’s brother.

“Speed Lane, come here little buddy!” Speed Lane’s brother says, giving him a big hug.

Speed Lane tries to wriggle out of the hug and laughs, “Fire Heart, this big dolt here is my brother, Bright Streak.”

Fire Heart reaches out a hoof and Bright Streak shakes it vigorously, “Hello Fire Heart, my sap of a brother here, has told me about you. I’ve got news on your parents.”


 Fire Heart smiles and asks what the news is, Bright Streak then goes on to tell him that his parents, or at least, two ponies matching the description of his parents were indeed seen in Canterlot, but they had left, to go to Manehatten.

Fire Heart thanks Bright Streak and Speed Lane, and says that he must go to see if he can catch up to them and rushes to see Rosebud and tell her the news.


  “Rosebud! Rosebud!” He shouts excitedly,

Rosebud asks Fire Heart to slow down, he does and tells her about his parents being in Manehatten, and that he must go see if he can catch up with them.

“But you will come back, won’t you?” She asks him sadly,

Fire Heart gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and tells her that if he couldn’t stay away for too long, even if he wanted to. Rosebud kisses him on the cheek, gives him a hug and says that she hopes that they are his parents, and that he does catch up to them.

Fire Heart thanks her and goes to his room to collect his saddlebags. On his way out, he gives the key to his room back to Rosebud, kisses her on the cheek and makes his way out of the Inn.


  Speed Lane and Bright Streak are still there, they block his path.

“Come on guys, I’ve gotta get to the train station, to get to Manehatten and catch up with my parents.”

They both smile, “We know, but we have a quicker way to get there.” Speed Lane says.

“Well then what is it? I don’t want to miss them.” Fire Heart says a little irritated and impatiently.

They explain to him that they have been talking to Princess Celestia, and that she has offered for him to use the Chariot to get there quicker. Fire Heart, shocked but ecstatic about it, asks if they are sure, as it is for royalty, and he certainly isn’t royalty.


  He hears a voice behind him,

“It is dear, but finding your parents, is a very important matter, and so I have given my permission.”

He turns around and is greeted by Princess Celestia smiling,

He bows down low and exclaims, “Princess! Thank you!”

Princess Celestia smiles and lifts his chin up with a hoof, “Finding one’s parents, is a very important matter. Now you should leave now, lest you miss them again!”

Fire Heart thanks Princess Celestia once more and boards the chariot to go to Manehatten.


 After what seemed to be a very long flight in the chariot, Fire Heart finally reaches Manehatten. Thanking Bright Streak, Speed Lane and Princess Celestia, he jumps off of the chariot and begins his search for his parents. With his mind concentrating on searching for his parents, he doesn’t watch where he is going and bumps into another pony. A green Pegasus with a dark red mane and tail.

“Hey watch it!” The green Pegasus says grumpily, as he turns around to see who it was that bumped into him. Fire Heart pulls himself up off the floor, adjusts his glasses and apologizes.

The Pegasus simply shakes his head at him, “I’m Slava Medik” the Pegasus says and walks off.

“Hey wait up! I need to ask you something?”

Slava turns around and with a harsh tone in his voice replies, “What is it then? I haven’t got all day?”


  Fire Heart a little put off by the harshness in Slava’s voice, but still determined to find his parents, tells Slava about his parents disappearing when he was young and about his search for them. He takes out a photo of them, the only one he had, and asks Slava if he has seen them. Slava shakes his head and tells Fire Heart that he hasn’t seen anypony that looked like ones in the photo, and walks off.


  Fire Heart chases after him, and shouts,

“Hey, wait now. Why are you so mean?”

Slava turns around sharply and replies, “I’m not mean, and I just don’t need anypony! I like being left alone!”

“Oh come on, that can’t be true!” Fire Heart replies with a sad look on his face.

“Well it is!” Slava shouts at him and walks off again.


 Deciding that it isn’t good to be alone, he chases after Slava, overtakes him and stands in front of him and says, “It isn’t good to be alone, trust me, I know, I grew up with only one friend, my entire life!”

Slava, who is still rather annoyed with Fire Heart replies, “You’re persistent aren’t you?

“Well, is there any other way to be?” He asks, smiling and reaching out a hoof to shake.

“Very well,” Slava says, shaking Fire Heart’s hoof, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have at least one friend.”

“That’s the spirit!” Fire Heart says heartily

“Come to think of it,” Slava says, “I may not have seen your parents, but my parents may have. Would you like to meet them?”


  Fire Heart who is excited about the possibility of finally finding his parents accepts Slava’s invitation. On their way to Slava’s parents’ house, they begin chatting on what it was like to be growing up alone, and Fire Heart tells Slava about his love for the Prancing Pony Inn’s Inn Keeper, Rosebud Thorns. Slava slaps him on the back and encourages him to go ask her out.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Slava asks with a whimsical look on his face

“What if she says no? Or what if her cousin doesn’t want me going out with her?” Fire Heart replies with a sad look on his face.

“Hey, come on, from what you’ve told me, I am sure that Rosebud would say yes! And in regards to her cousin, I am sure she would be thrilled that her best and only friend is dating her cousin.” They soon reach Slava’s parents’ house and Slava opens the door.

“Mum, dad! I’m home!” He shouts to seemingly nopony in the house.

Slava’s mother rushes down the stairs,

“Slava! It’s so good to see you!” She exclaims giving him a big hug, “You’re father is in the living room.”

Slava hugs his mother back and says with a smile,

“I’ve brought a friend with me too.”

“That’s wonderful dear, why don’t you two go to the living room and I’ll go put the kettle on.”

Slava walks into the living room to be greeted by his father.

“Hello son, and who is this with you?” He asks with a smile on his face and adjust his glasses so he can see Fire Heart better.


  A shocked gasp escapes Slava’s father’s mouth,

“HONEY! COME HERE!” He shouts to Slava’s mother.

“Coming dear.” She says, walking into the living room with a tray of biscuits and tea. She sees Fire Heart and drops the tray.

“Mother, Father? What is it?” Slava asks, a bit surprised at the reactions of his parents upon seeing Fire Heart.

“I’m sorry dear, it’s just that your friend looks very familiar.” Slava’s mother says, turning to Fire Heart, she asks him, “Is your name Fire Heart, by any chance?


  Fire Heart nods and then explains to them about his parents going missing when he was very young and that he had been looking for them ever since he was old enough to leave the orphanage, he then asks them how they knew his name. They explain that they actually know his parents and that they were just over there a day ago. Fire Heart just stands there, looking both dazed and sad that he just missed his parents by a day. He then regains his composure and looks around, he then notices something.


  He walks up to Slava and asks to speak him privately for a moment.

Slava nods and follows him into the kitchen. Fire Heart then raises the question, why is Slava a Pegasus, while his parents are earth ponies, and asks him if they are foster parents. Slava, rather irritated at the question, argues that they are his real parents and that somewhere on his mother’s side, that there was a Pegasus, and he got lucky to be born as one.  Fire Heart, nearly gives in, when he suggest that they should ask his parents, and not wanting to argue with Fire Heart anymore, Slava agrees.


  They walk back into the living room.

Slava asks his parents if they are his real parents, and they ask him to sit down. After he sits down, they explain to him that they aren’t his real parents. They tell him that his real parents were too poor to look after him properly, and wanted him to live a life free of poverty, so his parents dropped him off here, as they knew he would live a good life and be looked after. Slava just looks down sadly and mumbles that he wishes that they had told him sooner. His foster parents give him a hug, and said that they wanted to, but they wanted him to ask them about it, instead of just coming out with it. Slava nods and says that he understands, but then starts crying. His foster father walks up to him and gives him a hug. He then goes on to explain to both Slava and Fire Heart that they are actually brothers.


  Fire Heart’s jaw drops, and they look at each other.

“B…Brothers? You mean, that my real parents are also Fire Heart’s parents?” Slava manages to stutter.

“Yes dear, they are doing much better now, and I am sure they would love to see you. I can give you their address if you like.”

“Yes please!” Fire Heart replies.


  Slava’s foster parents write down the address and gives it to Slava. Slava thanks them for all the things they have done for him and for raising him, even though he wasn’t really their son, and then sets off back to Ponyville with Fire Heart. They arrive at the train station and while waiting for the train, they both talk about what they’ve done and that they still can’t believe it that they are brothers.


Fire Heart waits patiently for Rosebud to finish getting ready for their date, and as he waits he starts thinking of what he would say to her, that he hasn’t already said to her in pony or in the note he left her.

“I hope she got the note I left her, and I hope that if she did, that she likes it.” He thinks to himself.


  Just as he was about to get up and go to the book desk to check, he spots Rosebud walking down the stairs.

His jaw drops and he manages to stutter, “You look beautiful! Absolutely radiant!”

Rosebud blushes and then runs to him and gives him a hug, “Thank you love, and I got your note. I loved it! It was so beautiful and sweet!”

Fire Heart gives her a kiss on the cheek and gives her his hoof.

“So, where are we going love?” Rosebud asks him, cuddling in close as they walk.

“I was thinking of taking you this nice little restaurant I found out about.” He says, holding her hoof in his.

Rosebud says that it would be lovely and that she is really happy that he asked her out. He smiles and gives her a kiss on the cheek.


  They arrive at the restaurant and Fire Heart takes Rosebud to her seat. He then tells her that he will be right back and he goes to talk to the maitre d’. After talking with him for a few minutes, he slips back to the table and takes his seat.

“What was that about?” Rosebud asks him.

“It’s a surprise.” He replies with a big grin on his face.

Rosebud smiles back at him and kisses him. A few minutes later the maitre d’ comes up and asks them what they would like to order.

“I’ll have the watercress salad please” Fire Heart says,

“I’ll have the same too please” Rosebud answers.

“Very well, and an excellent choice.” The maitre d’ says with a smile.


  While waiting for their salads, Rosebud asks Fire Heart how he met Slava and how he feels about having a brother. Fire Heart replies that he just so happened to bump into Slava in Manehatten, who at first was really grumpy and harsh, but after he insisted on being friends, Slava gave in. Then they started talking and Slava took him to his foster parents’ house and then that is when they found out where his parents lived and that they were brothers.


  The maitre d’ arrives with their salads and says the hope that they enjoy it. Rosebud and Fire Heart nod and say thanks the maitre d’. Rosebud starts to eat her salad, but notices something glistening in it. She takes it out, it is a pair of diamond earrings. She gasps.

“I hope you like them, my love” Fire Heart says with a glisten in his eyes.

“I…I’m speechless! They’re…They’re beautiful!” Rosebud exclaims, then starts crying.

“Honey, love. What is it? Did I do or say something wrong?” Fire Heart starts to panic

“No! No! It’s just…Nopony has ever been so nice to me. First your words last night, then the note you left me on the book desk and now these earrings…I’m just so happy I have you in my life.”

Fire Heart wipes the tears from Rosebud’s face and kisses her on the cheek.

She holds his hoof in hers and says, “You have made me the happiest mare in all of Equestria.”


Fire Heart smiles and holds her hoof tightly. They finish their salads and snuggle up in the booth, talking. Then a few minutes later, after the maitre d’ takes their plates away, a pony with a violin comes up to their table and starts playing a tune. Rosebud smiles and snuggles in closer to Fire Heart and gives him a kiss. Fire Heart just sits there, hugging Rosebud and sighs.

“What is it darling?” Rosebud asks him,

“It’s nothing love, just thinking on how this has been the best day and night of my life.” He leans in and kisses her.

“Fire Heart, sweetie. How did you know that, that was my favourite song? Did Briar tell you?”

Fire Heart smiles widely and says,

“Yes, well I thought she should know about our feelings for each other, and I also asked her what you liked.”

Rosebud snuggles closer into him, and holds his hoof to her chest.

“Do you feel that love?” She asks, moving his hoof to where her heart is.

“That’s your heartbeat.”

“Yes dear, and do you know for whom it beats for?”

Fire Heart shakes his head and says that he doesn’t know.

“It beats for you, and only for you!” Rosebud says sweetly, leaning in to give him another kiss.


  Fire Heart smiles and says, “There’s one more thing.”

Rosebud looks up from snuggling him, “What is it?” She asks

“Wait until the cheque arrives.”

“Ok dear”


  The maitre d’ arrives with the cheque and there’s something under it.

“What is it dear?” Rosebud asks,

“Have a look for yourself sweetheart.” Fire Heart replies with a big smile on his face.


  Rosebud lifts up the cheque and under it is a matching diamond necklace. Her eyes widen with delight but then she starts crying again.

“It’s beautiful, but how could you afford it and the earrings?” She cries.

“It took nearly all of my life savings love, but it was totally worth it. I love you and I want you to know just how much I love, cherish and appreciate you!” Fire Heart replies, holding Rosebud close to him, wiping her tears away and stroking her mane.


  An hour passes by and it comes to closing time for the Restaurant. Fire Heart and Rosebud walk out, hoof in hoof and snuggling close to each other. On their way back to the Inn, they bump into Princess Luna, who is on her night rounds, making sure everything is all well within Ponyville.

Fire Heart and Rosebud both bow down low.


  “Rise my children. What are two young ponies such as yourselves, being out this late?”

Princess Luna asks with a smile on her face.

“Princess, we were just on the way back to the Inn from our date.” Rosebud replies.

Princess Luna smiles, “I hope it went well for the two of you.”

Fire Heart nods, “It did ma’am.”

Rosebud sighs and Princess Luna hears, “What is it dear?”

Rosebud takes out the earrings and necklace and shows them to Princess Luna.

“They’re really beautiful.” Princess Luna says with a smile, “What’s wrong?”

Rosebud sighs again, “They were really expensive, and Fire Heart spent almost all of his life’s savings on them. I…I don’t feel like I deserve them.”

Fire Heart smiles, pulls Rosebud closer to him and says, “But you do. You’re the light of my life. Scratch that, you ARE my life!”


  Princess Luna smiles, says farewell and flies off, continuing her nightly rounds.

“Well that was interesting, meeting the Princess like that, wasn’t it?” Rosebud says, snuggling in close to Fire Heart.

“Yes it was dear.” He sighs.

“What’s wrong love?”

“Nothing dear, just…I just love you so much!” Fire Heart replies, looking down at his hooves.

“Oh dear, I love you too!” Rosebud tells him, lifting his chin up with a hoof, and kisses him.


  They reach the Inn and say goodnight to each other and make their way to their rooms.

Seeing that Slava is already asleep, Fire Heart closes the door silently and slowly.

He lays down on his bed and thinks about Rosebud. He tosses and turns in his sleeps, but he eventually gets off to sleep.


Chapter 3:


  The next morning, Slava wakes up with a yawn and stretches his legs.

He notices Fire Heart looking out of the window, and walks up to him.

“So, how did last night go?” He asks Fire Heart, sitting down next to him.

Fire Heart looks away from the window, “It went well. Thanks.”

“Then why are you looking out the window?” Slava asks him.

“Oh, no reason, just reflecting. Trying to get my head around things.”

Slava nods in agreement and walks to the bar.


  A few minutes later, Fire Heart gets up to follow Slava.

He walks into the bar, and sees Rosebud. He walks up to her and gives her a kiss.

“What are you going to do today?” Rosebud asks him, giving him a hug.

“I’m going to ask Slava if he wants to go see our parents today.”

Rosebud holds him closer to herself, “I hope you find them honey.” She says, giving him a kiss.

“I do too, I’ve missed them so much.” He kisses her and walks toward his brother.




  He finds Slava sitting at a table and sits opposite him.

“So, little brother. Want to go find out parents today?”

Slava nods and says he was hoping he would ask, “But what about Rosebud?”

Fire Heart says that Rosebud understands and that they should start on their way to finding their parents.  He gets up and gives Rosebud a hug and a kiss, and says that they will be back later in the day. Rosebud smiles and kisses him back, saying that she can’t wait to hear all about it.


  Fire Heart and Slava walk to their room to get their saddlebags, then walk back downstairs. The leave the Inn and make their way to the train station. On their way they bump into Speed Lane, and he asks where they are going. They reply that they are on their way to Canterlot to find their parents, Speed Lane says that he hopes they find them and that he is also on his way to Canterlot.

Fire Heart, Slava and Speed Lane board the train.


  They arrive at Canterlot and get off the train.

Speed Lane says his farewells to Fire Heart and Slava, and makes his way to the Palace.

On their way to the address that his foster parents gave him, Slava asks Fire Heart about them. Fire Heart replies that he was only a few moons old when they disappeared, but what he does remember, was that they were kind, caring and loving. He says that their mother was extremely beautiful and that their father was very handsome. Slava nods.


  After reaching the address, Fire Heart hesitates to knock on the door, and looks at Slava.

Slava nudges him on, and Fire Heart knocks on the door. A voice from behind the door asks who it is, and Fire Heart says his and Slava names. The door opens and a grey unicorn mare looks at them.

The mare gasps and shouts for her husband to come over from the living room.

A few moments later a green Pegasus stallion arrives at the door, and faints.


  Fire Heart hesitates for a while then asks, “Mother? Father? Is that really you?”

The mare asks them to come in while she revives her husband.

She then breaks down in tears, “Yes, yes! Oh Fire Heart! Slava! We’ve missed you both so much!”


  Fire Heart gives her a hug and asks her why they disappeared, his mother explains that they didn’t mean to disappear, but on their way home from their night out, a strange stallion had come up to them, asking for the time, and then he knocked them out and foalnapped them. They had managed to escape a few years later, but with no bits and nowhere to go. Fire Heart starts crying and tells them how he had to grow up in the orphanage, how every filly and colt would tease and pick on him for being an orphan and how Briar Thorns was his only and best friend because of it.

Fire Heart and Slava’s mother says that she is really sorry for what happened to him, and that she wishes that they weren’t foalnapped.


   Meanwhile their father regains consciousness, he then looks over at Slava and gives him a big hug.

Slava asks him about why they left him at his foster parents’ house, and his father explains that, a year or two after they had escaped, he had managed to find a job, but just as Slava was being born, his company got shut down and he couldn’t find work, so fearing that Slava would die from malnourishment from the poverty, they chose to give Slava to a couple who couldn’t have children of their own, but would look after him as if he was their own.


  Fire Heart, still crying, asks their mother why, when they escaped, why they didn’t go looking for him. She replies that they had feared that if they went looking for him, that something would happen to him, and they still had no bits at the time, and wouldn’t have been able to look after him properly. Fire Heart gives her a hug and says, that he wouldn’t have cared if they had bits or not, that all he ever wanted was a family, he only wanted his mother and father back in his life.


  After a few hours of talking, Fire Heart tells their parents that he has a special somepony now, and that he and her are very much in love, but he also has feelings for Princess Luna. Their mother tells Fire Heart, that she knows that he will make the right decision and asks who the special somepony is. Fire Heart replies that the mare’s name is Rosebud Thorns, and that she is actually also the cousin to his best friend Briar Thorns.


  Fire Heart and Slava look at the time and say that it was great to finally find and meet their parents, but they should get back to the train station, before the last train to Ponyville leaves. Their parents give them a hug and say that they are welcome to visit anytime.


  An hour passes and Fire Heart and Slava reach the station.

“Whew! Just in time!” Fire Heart exclaims as they reach the station, to see that passengers are still boarding the train.

They quickly purchase their tickets and board the train, and begin their ride back to Ponyville.


  After the long and arduous train ride back to Ponyville, they finally get back.

They get off the train and make their way back to the Inn. Fire Heart tells his brother that he is really excited to tell Rosebud about finding and meeting their parents, but he is also scared to tell her, that even though he said he knew that his feelings for Princess Luna were only a crush or lust, he is still unsure about them. Slava nods and says that he understands, and that maybe it would be best not tell her just yet.


  On their way to the Inn, they bump into Speed Lane and he tells them that he’s glad that he found them. Slava asks why, and Speed Lane says that he was successful and that he starts training in about a week. Slava congratulates him and they continue on their way to the Inn.

They get to the Inn and Fire Heart opens the door, Rosebud sees him and runs to him and gives him a big hug and a kiss. He hugs and kisses her back


  A few hours later, Rosebud finishes asking ponies to leave the Inn, and after making sure they all left safely, she locks up and walks over to Fire Heart. She drapes her hooves over his shoulders and asks how finding their parents went. Holding her hooves close to his chest, she tells her that he and Slava finally found and met their parents. She hugs him tightly and says that it’s wonderful that they found and met them. She asks him how it went, and he goes on to tell her that they were shocked to see them turn up at their doorstep all of a sudden, but were thrilled at the same time. He then tells her the story of what happened to them when he was a very little foal, and then of what happened when his brother was born.


  Tears start forming in Rosebud’s eyes and she leans in and gives Fire Heart a kiss.

Fire Heart sighs and kisses her back. He tells her that he is tired from everything that has happened, and wants to go upstairs to go to bed. Rosebud gives him another kiss and says that she understands. On his way up the stairs, Fire Heart faints and falls down, hitting his head on the edge of the stairs with a loud thud and crack. Rosebud hears it and runs to him, she sees blood coming from his head and screams.


  “What…What is it?” Slava asks as he comes running up to her.

Rosebud points to the blood. Slava rummages around his pack for a bandage, finding one, he puts it over the wound.

“We have to get him to hospital! He needs stitches this time!”

He picks Fire Heart up and puts him on his back.

Rosebud who is crying, wipes her tears away and follows Slava to the hospital.


  Slava and Rosebud arrive at the hospital.

With Fire Heart still on his back, Slava runs up to the front desk and asks to be seen immediately.

The nurse at the desk sees Fire Heart on his back and nods. She calls over for another nurse to take over at the desk and when the other nurse arrives, she get a gurney and places Fire Heart on it. She notices the bandage on his head, and asks who did the bandage, Slava says it was him. The nurse says that it was a good thing he did, and rushes him to a vacant room.


  Rosebud follows close behind, asking if Fire Heart will be alright.

The nurse nods and says that he will, and that was a good thing he was rushed to the hospital.

She asks Slava and Rosebud to leave the room while she operates. They agree and wait in the waiting room.


  An hour goes by and the nurse walks out of the operating room.

Rosebud asks how the operation went, and the nurse says that it went well, without any problems.

The other nurse who operated on Fire Heart, walks out of the room with Fire Heart in a wheel chair.

Slava sees that the nurse wheeling Fire Heart in the wheel chair is cute and he blushes and goes all quiet. The nurse notices and when walking past Slava, says hello. He manages to stutter a hello and blushes.


  “Is he normally like this?” the nurse asks Rosebud who is giggling.

“Oh Slava, no, not really.” Rosebud replies, trying hard to hide a big smile under a hoof.

“Oh ok, well why is he like that then?”

“I believe, he is like that because he thinks you’re cute.”

“Really? Oh well, thank you.”


  The nurse walks past Slava and says,

“Hello there sweetheart, my name is Nurse Redheart. What’s yours?”

“S…Slava” Slava mumbles

“I’m sorry dear, I didn’t quite catch that.” Nurse Redheart says with a smile.

“It’s Slava, and umm…” He says a bit more clearly.

“And what dear?”

“And I think you’re really cute. Would you go on a date with me?” He blurts out, then realizes what he did and covers his mouth with his hooves.

Nurse Redheart giggles and smiles,

“Thank you dear, and yes I will go out on a date with you. I think you’re cute too.”

 Slava blushes even more profusely and asks when she gets off work.

Nurse Redheart says that she gets off as soon as she gets Fire Heart into his hospital bed and settled.

She takes Fire Heart to his room and gets him into the bed, and tucks him in. Rosebud walks in and asks if she may stay with him. Nurse Redheart says that it would be fine, and that Fire Heart should regain consciousness in a while. She leaves the room smiling, and tells Slava that she should be ready in a few minutes. Slava nods and walks into Fire Heart’s room. He sees Rosebud sitting next to Fire Heart, holding his hoof and stroking his mane.


  Slava walks up to her and says that Fire Heart should be fine.

Rosebud thanks him and says that he should go get ready for his date.

Slava nods and leaves the room. He walks into the bathroom and spikes his mane and grooms himself quickly, then walks into the waiting to wait for Nurse Redheart.




  Nurse Redheart walks out of the changerooms and up to Slava.

He asks where she would like to go, and she replies that there’s a nice little café around the corner from the hospital. Slava nods and offers a hoof, and Nurse Redheart accepts it.

They leave the hospital and make their way to the café.


  A few minutes later, Fire Heart wakes up and finds himself in a hospital bed, with Rosebud sitting next to him.

“Wha…What happened? Where am I?” He asks a little dazed and sore.

“You’re in the hospital love. You were on your way to bed, but blacked out and hit your head on the edge of a stair. Slava bandaged your wound and we rushed you to the hospital.” Rosebud says, with a sigh.

“Oh… Ow my head!” Fire Heart says, “Damn! It itches!” He reaches behind where the stitches are and starts to scratch.

Rosebud slaps his hoof away, “Don’t do that love! You had to have stitches put in, it was that bad. The nurse says not to touch them or they might come out.”

Fire Heart rubs his hoof, “Oh ok, well that would explain the itching. Say, where is Slava?”

“He’s on a date.”


  Fire Heart’s jaw drops and he asks who the lucky mare is.

Rosebud tells him that it was one of the nurses who operated on him, and that her name is Nurse Redheart. She explains to him that when Slava first saw her, he went all quiet and shy.

Fire Heart laughs and says that Nurse Redheart must’ve been really beautiful to make his brother go like that. Rosebud giggles and says that it was really cute to see Slava go all quiet and shy.

She leans in and gives him a kiss.


  Meanwhile at the café.

Slava is sitting opposite Nurse Redheart and is holding her hoof.

A waitress mare comes up to them with the menu and tells them to signal her when they are ready to order. They thank her and she walks off.

The café’s phone rings and the waitress mare answers it.

A few minutes later she walks up to Slava and Nurse Redheart. She tells them that it was Fire Heart on the phone, and that they can order anything on the menu and that he will cover the costs.

Slava smiles and thanks her.


  “Oh good, Fire Heart’s awake.” Slava says smiling.

“That is good, you must care a lot about your brother.” Nurse Redheart says.


  Slava goes on to tell Nurse Redheart that they didn’t always know that they were brothers, and that that they only found out two or three days ago. He then tells her the story of how they met, and how they had been told by his foster parents, that they were brothers and then how they were given the address of his and Fire Heart’s parents place. He then tells her of how they went to Canterlot to find their parents and when they did, they found out why their parents disappeared when Fire Heart was only a few moons old, and why Slava was given to his foster parents.


Nurse Redheart smiles, “Oh wow, well the important thing is that you two found your parents.”

“It is, and we couldn’t be happier.” Slava replies with a smile.


  The waitress mare comes up and asks if they are ready to order their meals.

They both nod and both ask for a light green salad. The waitress mare says that it is a good choice and that she will be back with their orders in a while.


    “So, tell me about yourself, I mean I know about you and Fire Heart being brothers and all that, but what do you do for work?” Nurse Redheart asks.

“Well I’m out of work at the moment. But my profession is medical.” Slava replies with a smile.

The waitress mare arrives with their salads. Slava and Nurse Redheart thank her and start eating.


  An hour passes and they finish eating their salads.

Slava looks at the time, and says that it’s getting really late. Nurse Redheart agrees and offers to take him to the hospital to see his brother. Slava says that would be great.

On their way back to the hospital, Nurse Redheart gives Slava a kiss on the cheek and tells him that she had a wonderful time. Slava says that he also had a wonderful time and asks her when she would like to go out again. Nurse Redheart says that her schedule is packed for quite a while, but asks him to come see her again at the hospital. Slava smiles and says, that seeing as his brother is in hospital, so he’d be there almost daily.


  They reach the hospital, and walk into Fire Heart’s hospital room.

Seeing his brother holding Nurse Redheart’s hoof, Fire Heart smiles, “So, by the looks of it, your date went well then?”

“It did, and it’s good to see you awake, brother.” Slava replies.

“Yes, well…Rosebud tells me that I have you to thank for saving my life.”


  Slava nods and says that Fire Heart is welcome, and that he and Rosebud should be getting back to the Inn. Rosebud doesn’t want to leave Fire Heart, but Fire Heart says that he will be ok and that somepony should be there to open up the Inn. He gives Rosebud a kiss. Rosebud kisses him back and leaves his room, telling him to get better soon. He says that he will and watches her leave the room.


  Rosebud leaves the hospital with Slava, who offers to pay for the taxi cart home.

She accepts the offer and as they make their way back to the Inn, Rosebud asks Slava how the date went. Slava replies that it went really well and that there may be a second date sometime soon, when Nurse Redheart’s schedule is a bit more available. Rosebud tells him that he is lucky and that she thinks it’s wonderful that he has found a special somepony.


  They arrive back at the Inn and Rosebud lets Slava in.

She soon follows him and locks the front door behind her, yawns and makes her way to her room.

She opens the door to her room, flops onto her bed and tries to go to sleep, but can’t, because she is thinking about Fire Heart, hoping that he will be alright by himself and wondering if he is thinking about her. A few hours of restlessness go by, and Rosebud finally gets to sleep.

Edited by Fire Heart
  • Brohoof 2


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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I read both chapters and saw that you did a wonderful job building up to the story, and how they meet. I would really like to read more of it if you write more.


I saw where you put it a couple of jokes, and the whole "resistance was futile" beautiful story line and plot. 


adored it.


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Chapter 4:


  The next morning, Rosebud wakes up, stretches her legs and makes her way downstairs.

She sees Slava sitting at a table with a dreamy look on his face. She walks up to him and gives him a little nudge.

Startled, Slava sits up, “Oh, hi Rosebud.” He yawns,

“You haven’t been here long, have you?” Rosebud asks

“Oh no, only about an hour. But I don’t mind.”

“Ok, would you like to see Fire Heart today?”


  Slava nods and says that it would be nice.

They leave the Inn and make their way to the hospital. On their way, they bump into Nurse Redheart and Slava goes shy and quiet again. Nurse Redheart giggles and gives him a kiss on the cheek, and Rosebud asks when Fire Heart will be out of hospital. Nurse Redheart says that normally somepony who has stitches would be out of the hospital that same day or night, but as it was resulted from a black out, they decided to keep Fire Heart in for a few days, to try and pin point why he blacked out and to make sure it doesn’t happen again.  Rosebud thanks Nurse Redheart and they enter the hospital together.  Rosebud and Slava walk into Fire Heart’s room and see that he is awake. Rosebud runs to his bedside and holds his hoof in hers. Slava stands there smiling. He then walks over to his older brother and tussles his mane with a hoof. Fire Heart gives him a gentle shove in return.


  Nurse Redheart walks into the room holding a clipboard.

She asks what Fire Heart had that day he blacked out, and he replies that he hadn’t much. He was too excited about meeting his parents and couldn’t really keep anything down. Nurse Redheart nods, and asks what he had the day before. He hangs his head and Rosebud tells Nurse Redheart about what happened.  Nurse Redheart just shakes her head and says that it was no wonder he blacked out. Rosebud says that it wasn’t his fault, he was just going through a lot. Nurse Redheart nods and says that she understands. She says to Fire Heart that he can check out of the hospital today, and to Rosebud she tells her to make sure that he eats and drinks properly. Rosebud says that it will be her number one priority.


  Rosebud helps Fire Heart up out of bed with a smile and gives him a kiss.

He smiles and kisses her back. Feeling the back of his head again, he thinks about scratching the itch, but remembers that he has stitches there and stops himself. Slava jokes that if Fire Heart keeps trying to scratch where the stitches are, that Fire Heart would have to get a protective cone. Fire Heart whines and tries to give his brother a shove, but as his energy is still drained, he just manages to touch him lightly. Rosebud, Slava and Fire Heart leave the hospital and make their way back to the Inn.  Fire Heart complains that he is hungry, and wouldn’t mind something decent to eat, as hospital food always tasted like mush and then his stomach growls. Rosebud giggles and suggest that they go to the café that Slava and Nurse Redheart went to. Fire Heart agrees and they make their way there.


  They arrive at the café and sit down.

The waitress mare who took Slava and Nurse Redheart’s orders come over and smiles.

They ordered their meals and drinks and the waitress mare walks off, saying that she will be back shortly. Rosebud sitting next to Fire Heart, holds his hoof and gently rests her head on his shoulders.

Rosebud gently strokes Fire Heart’s mane and gives him a kiss. He smiles and nearly falls asleep, but the waitress mare arrives with their orders.


  An hour passes, they finish their meals and drinks.

Fire Heart goes to pay but Slava says that seeing as Fire Heart paid for Slava’s date with Nurse Redheart, he’d like to return the favour for paying for today. Fire Heart nods and says ok.


  After paying for their meals, they start walking on their way back to the Inn.

“So brother, I bet you’re glad to be out of the hospital?” Slava asks.

“You bet I am, but I bet you’re sad you won’t be seeing that nurse again.”

“Oh quite the contrary” he takes out a piece of parchment, “she gave me her number and address.” Slava says with a big white grin on his face.

Fire Heart gives him a gentle shove and puts him in a hold, messing up his mane with a hoof.

“Nice one little brother!”

Slava wriggles out of the hold, “Oh come on big brother. You know I like my mane spikey!”

He spits on his hoof and starts spiking it again.


  They reach the Inn and Rosebud opens it.

Looking around to find nopony else in the Inn, not even the other staff, Fire Heart asks, “Where is everypony?”

Rosebud hugs him, “I’ve closed the Inn for the whole day and given the staff the day off.”

“But why?”

“So we can have the day to ourselves” she kisses Fire Heart, “I just want it to be the two of us.”

“But what about Slava?”

“I’ve been discussing with him and he’s happy to go out for the day and come back tonight.”

“Oh ok then” Fire Heart leans in and kisses Rosebud.


  Slava goes upstairs to grab a few things, then leaves the Inn.

Rosebud cuddles up to Fire Heart in front of the fire and kisses him.

Fire Heart sighs and lifts a hoof to scratch at the itch, thinks twice then places his foreleg around Rosebuds shoulders. She smiles and lean in close to him, resting her head on his chest.


  She listens to his heart, it skips a beat and she looks up at him.

“Your heart missed a beat there honey.” She says.

“Only because you are so beautiful, my darling.” Fire Heart replies, stroking her mane with a hoof.

“Oh, that’s really sweet of you, but I’m not beautiful.”

“But you are, only you could make my heart skip a beat.”

Rosebud smiles and snuggles into him and they fall asleep.


  Rosebud wakes up with a yawn and looks up at Fire Heart, who has fallen asleep with her in his lap.

She sighs and starts rests her head on his chest. Fire Heart hears her sigh and wakes. He strokes her mane gently and asks why she sighed. Rosebud replies that she was sighing out of happiness and that she wishes that the moment will never end. He smiles at her and says he feels the same way. He leans down and gives her a kiss. Rosebud returns the smile and the kiss.


  “I love you, handsome.” Rosebud says, resting in his lap.

“I love you too.” Fire Heart replies, still stroking her mane.

“Oh, do you now?” Rosebud jokes with a smile.

“How could I not? I mean you’re kind, sweet, loving, caring and not to mention absolutely radiant and beautiful!” Fire Heart says, placing a hoof on her stomach.

“Oh you!” she says, holding his hoof and placing it over her heart.


  A few hours pass and Rosebud looks at the time.

She sighs and gets up, gives Fire Heart a kiss and says that she should unlock the door, so that Slava can get back in when he gets back. Fire Heart nods and gets up himself. He stretches his legs and makes his way upstairs. He passes Rosebud and gives her a kiss. Rosebud kisses him back and asks what he is going to do. Fire Heart replies that now that he has found his parents, he doesn’t quite know what he wants to do. Rosebud gives him a hug and says that maybe he should look for work, and that if he does want work, he can always work with her at the Inn. Fire Heart nods and says that he will think about it, and walks upstairs to his room.


  Rosebud hears a knock and looks up from the book desk.

She sees Slava at the door and goes to let him in.

“Hello Slava, come in.” Rosebud says with a smile.

“Thank you. So, how’d it go?” Slava asks with a slight sigh in his voice.


  Rosebud tells him that she and Fire Heart just snuggled up in front of the fire and they fell asleep.

She asks Slava what he got up to. He replies that he went to see Nurse Redheart again to ask her out again, but couldn’t because he lost his nerves. Rosebud giggles and asks him if he would like her to ask Nurse Redheart for him, and he says he would like that.


  “So, where’s that dope of a big brother of mine?” Slava asks with a hint of joke in his voice.

“Oh, he’s upstairs. Brooding I think.” Rosebud sighs.

“That sounds like him, what is he brooding over, this time?”

“He doesn’t know what he wants to do, now that you’ve found our parents.”

“Oh, well maybe I can go talk to him.”


  Rosebud sighs and says that she has offered him work at the Inn.

Slava tells her that it was nice of her to offer him work, gives her a hug and then walks upstairs to his room. He opens the door and sees Fire Heart laying down, but still awake. He goes up to him and sits next to him. Fire Heart looks up, and Slava can see that he has been crying.


  “What’s the matter big brother?” Slava asks, patting him on the back.

“It’s Rosebud. I love her so much.” Fire Heart says, sniffling and wiping the tears away.

“So, what’s wrong then? She loves you too, you know!”

“I know, I…” Fire Heart trails off in thought.

“Come on Fire Heart, you can tell me.”

“I want to ask her to marry me, but it’s too soon!”

Slava nods and says that it is rather too soon to ask her.He also tells Fire Heart that he should ask her, maybe in a few months’ time. He gives him a hug and goes to lay down on his own bed.


  Rosebud looks at the time and sees that it is late.

Not having anything to do, she feels a bored, so she goes upstairs.

Missing Fire Heart’s company already, she knocks on his door, but there is no answer.

She opens the door a crack to see if everything is alright and sees Fire Heart and Slava asleep.

She sighs, walks in and sits next to Fire Heart and kisses him.


  Fire Heart smiles and wakes up, “Hello dear” He says with a yawn.

“Hello love, I felt lonely so I wanted to see you.” Rosebud says, kissing him on the cheek.

“Aw, well I love you too.” He says giving her a kiss.

Rosebud smiles and hold his hoof, stroking it.

“Well, I’d better let you get back to sleep.” She sighs and gets up to leave.

“Wait!” He says quietly, holding her hoof.

“What is it love?” she asks sleepily.

“I…Will you sleep next to me? I mean, just next to me, not sex. Not yet. I just miss your company, when you’re not around me.”

Rosebud smiles and lays down next to him. He lifts a foreleg and drapes it over her, while she snuggles in close to him.


Chapter 5:


The next morning, Slava wakes up with a yawn and a stretch.

He sees Rosebud snuggled up next to Fire Heart and smiles. He walks up to Fire Heart and nudges him awake. Fire Heart wakes up and yawns.


  He sees Slava standing there with a goofy grin on his face.

“What’s with the grin?” Fire Heart asks

“Look besides you, you sly dog!” Slava says, still grinning.

Fire Heart looks and sees Rosebud, curled up and asleep.

“Well nothing happened, we just cuddled.” Fire Heart says, cuddling up to Rosebud.

“I never said you did anything. Still, I wouldn’t mind if I could snuggle up to Nurse Redheart.” Slava sighs.

“Well, you’ve got her number and her address. What’s stopping you?

“M…My nerves. I tried asking her out yesterday, but I lost my nerves and couldn’t. But Rosebud said she’d ask her for me today.”


  Rosebud hears her name and wakes up.

She yawns and looks up to see Slava, still standing there with a grin on his face.

She asks him if he would like her to ask Nurse Redheart out for him today, he nods and says that he would. She smiles and gets up, giving Fire Heart a kiss. She walks downstairs and opens up the Inn.

Fire Heart gets up and starts grooming himself. Meanwhile Slava walks downstairs and sits at a table. He slumps in his chair and Rosebud notices.


  She walks up to him and asks, “Is everything alright dear?”

“I’m just worried she would say no.” Slava replies.

“Oh, I’m sure she wouldn’t say no. She really likes you.”

“R…Really?” Slava looks up

“Yes, really. Tell you what, you look after the Inn for a while and I’ll go ask her now. Ok?”

“Ok, thank you.” Slave says happily.


  Rosebud leaves the Inn, leaving Slava in charge for the time being.

She arrives at the hospital, walks to the front desk and asks for Nurse Redheart. The nurse at the front desk asks why she wants to see Nurse Redheart and Rosebud tells her that it’s a private matter. The nurse nods and pages Nurse Redheart. A few moments later, Nurse Redheart arrives at the front desk. She sees Rosebud and asks if everything is alright and how Fire Heart is going. Rosebud says everything is fine and that she was actually there on Slava’s behalf. Nurse Redheart giggles and asks what she can do. Rosebud then tells her that Slava had wanted to ask her out yesterday but lost his nerves. She then explains to Nurse Redheart that she had offered to ask her for him.


  Nurse Redheart giggles, and says that she’d love to go out with him again.

Rosebud smiles and says that he’ll be ecstatic to hear the news.

Nurse Redheart nods and says that she cannot wait. She asks Rosebud to tell Slava that she gets off early and to ask him to pick her up at her place around seven.

Rosebud agrees to tell him and leaves the hospital.


  An hour later, Rosebud gets back to the Inn and sees that Slava is running things smoothly.

She walks up to him and tells him the news. Slava smiles and says thank you. Rosebud then takes over the Inn again, and lets Slava go upstairs to groom himself. She sighs and looks around the bar for Fire Heart, but can’t find him. She sighs again. Slava walks upstairs and into his room.

Fire Heart sees him and asks what he is up to. Slava who is smiling, says that Redheart has said yes to the date, and that he is to pick her up at seven.


  “Well, there you go mate, she said yes.” Fire Heart says, giving his brother a hug.

“I know, I’m still a nervous wreck though. What if I say or do something bad?” Slava replies with a sigh.

“Oh come on, you’re not like that. But hey, here’s a tip, if you really, and I mean really like her, maybe buy her some earrings or a necklace.” Fire Heart suggests, taking out some bits, “Here, go now.”

“Thank you…but are you sure? That’s a lot of bits.”

“Yes, I am sure, now go!” Fire Heart says, putting the bits in his brother’s saddlebag and shoving him out the door.


  Leaving the inn, Slava makes his way to the jewellery store.

He searches around for a while, seeming to not be able to find it. He then spots the sign above a shop with a diamond on it. Walking closer to the store, he sees that it is a jewellery store.

He enters the shop and looks around for a while.


  “Hello sir, how may I help you?” the clerk behind the counter asks him.

“Oh um, hello, I’m going on a date with this really beautiful mare tonight and, I was wanting to get her something. Could you please help me?” Slava asks timidly.

“Certainly sir, may I suggest a nice pair of earrings, and perhaps this necklace?” the clerk suggests, taking out a gold necklace with a love heart as the pendant.

“Oh wow, that’s perfect!” Slava exclaims, taking out the bits Fire Heart gave him, “Is…is this enough?” He asks.

The clerk counts the bits, “That is more than enough, for both the earrings and the necklace. If you would like, I can put a gem stone on the pendant as well.”

“Yes please, could it be an Aquamarine, please?” Slava says, remembering the colour of Nurse Redheart’s eyes.

“Certainly sir, they will be ready just before seven.” The clerk puts the needed bits in the register and gives the change, over to Slava.

“Thank you.”

Slava counts the change and hears his stomach rumbling.

Thinking it was about time to have lunch, he makes his way back to the inn.


  A few minutes later, he arrives back at the inn and walks in.

He sees Fire Heart sitting at a table and sits opposite him.

“So how did it go? Did you get her anything?” Fire Heart asks with a smile on his face.

“Yes, I got her a pair of earrings and necklace with a heart shaped pendant that has an Aquamarine jewel in it.” Slava replies, taking out the change and giving it to Fire Heart.

Fire Heart pushes it back towards Slava, “Keep it, you never know when it may come in handy.”

Not wanting to upset his brother, Slava nods and picks the change up, putting it back in his saddlebags.


  A few hours pass by, and Slava looks up at the time.

The clock says six o’clock, Slava gets up and grooms himself. After making sure that his fur is clean and his mane is spikey, he makes his way downstairs. He sees Fire Heart and Rosebud snuggling up I front of the fire. As he walks past them, he thanks Fire Heart again and leaves the inn. He checks his watch to make sure he isn’t going to be late, and makes his way to the jewellery store.


  “Good evening sir, your necklace and earrings are ready.” The clerk greets Slava, while taking out the earrings and necklace.

“Thank you” Slava says taking them and putting them in his saddlebags.


  Looking at his watch once more, Slava realizes he had better get his flank in gear.

After having some trouble finding Nurse Redheart’s house, he finds it and knocks on the door.

Nurse Redheart opens it, wearing a very beautiful dress.


  “Y…you look absolutely beautiful!” Slava exclaims.

“Thank you dear. So where are we going?” Nurse Redheart asks him, closing the door behind her and locking it.

“I thought I’d take you to the restaurant that Fire Heart took Rosebud to.” Slava says, holding Nurse Redheart’s hoof in his.

Nurse Redheart nods and says that she’s always wanted to go there.



  They arrive at the restaurant and are shown to their seats.

While waiting for the maitre de’ to arrive with their orders, they begin talking. Nurse Redheart takes Slava’s hoof in hers and strokes it, while looking in his eyes. He sighs and says that he was going to wait until later on in the evening. He then takes out the box with the earrings and necklace and gives them to Nurse Redheart. She opens it and her eyes light up.


  “Th…They’re beautiful! Thank you darling! But how could you afford these?” She asks putting them on.

“Fire Heart gave me the bits to pay for it, he even refused to let me pay him back. I’m glad you like them.” Slava says, he leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

“I love them, thank you!”

 alf an hour later, the maitre de’ arrives and gives them their orders.

Slava looks at Nurse Redheart eating and comments that she’s cute when she eats. She blushes and thanks him, and says the same goes for him.


  Time passes and they finish their meals.

Nurse Redheart yawns and looks at the time. She sees how late it is, and asks if Slava would walk her home. He replies that he would love to.  After paying for their meals, Slava takes Nurse Redheart’s arm in his and walks her home. They soon arrive at Nurse Redheart’s house, and at the front door, Nurse Redheart gives Slava a kiss, thanks him for such a wonderful night and for the jewellery, and asks him when she will see him again. Slava says that it may be sooner than she thinks. She giggles, kisses him again, and goes inside. Slava, now a little flustered, makes his way back to the inn.


  Arriving back at the inn, Slava walks in, with a big smile on his face.

Fire Heart looks up from the couch and sees the smile on his brother face, and asks how the night went. Slava, who is still smiling, says that it went wonderfully and that Nurse Redheart loved the earrings and necklace.


  “That’s awesome mate, glad it went well for you.” Fire Heart says, cuddling Rosebud close to him.

“Thank you big brother, I’m glad it did too. Well goodnight.” Slava replies with a smile.

“Oh little brother, one more thing.” Fire Heart says with a smile,

“What is it?” Slava asks tiredly.

“Well, you may have the whole room to yourself.” Fire Heart says, holding tight onto Rosebud.

“You sly dog!” Slava exclaims.

“Oh, you know what I mean. Not sex, not yet…But she may want me to snuggle her in bed.”

“Oh well, thank you for letting me know.” Slava says, then makes his way to his room.


  Rosebud wakes up with a tiny yawn, “what was that about love?”

“Oh nothing, I was just asking how his date with Nurse Redheart went.” Fire Heart says, taking hold of Rosebud’s hoof.

“And how did it go?” Rosebud says, stroking Fire Heart’s mane.


  Fire Heart tells her that it went well and that Nurse Redheart loved the earrings and necklace that Slava bought for her. He then picks Rosebud up off the couch, holds her in his arms and takes her upstairs to her room. He opens the door to her room, puts her in bed and tries to tuck her in, but she drags him onto the bed giggling. He lets her and lays next to her, she snuggles into him and rests her head on his chest. Fire Heart starts stroking her mane, and she falls asleep. A few minutes later, he falls asleep too.



Chapter 6:


  A few months have passed.

Fire Heart and Rosebud are now deeply in love, more so than ever. Fire Heart wakes up with a yawn and sees Rosebud next to him in bed, smiles and strokes her mane. Rosebud wakes up and gives him a kiss. He smiles and kisses her back. Rosebud sees the time and says it is about time to open up the inn. She gets up, kisses Fire Heart again and goes downstairs to open up the inn.


  Fire Heart sighs.

“Well, it’s now or never.” He says to himself, while stretching his legs.

He walks downstairs, and gives Rosebud a hug and a kiss.

“I’ll be back in a bit.” He says to her.

“Oh, where are you going love?” Rosebud asks him, with a sigh.

“Oh nowhere specific. Just going to do a bit of shopping.”

“Ok, stay safe darling.” Rosebud says, then kisses him.

Fire Heart gives Rosebud a kiss back and leaves the inn.


  After a few minutes of browsing a few stores, he makes his way to the jewellery store.

He walks in and automatically spots the ring he wants to get Rosebud. The clerk comes up from behind the counter, “Good morning sir, how may I help you?”

Fire Heart points out the ring with a hoof and says, “I would like that ring please.”

“Certainly sir” the clerk says, taking the ring out from the display case, “Here you are. The mare you are getting this for, must be somepony really special.”

Fire Heart smiles, “Oh, she is. I’m going to propose to her today.” He says as he takes out the bits to pay for the ring.

“Well, I wish you luck and hope she says yes.” The clerk says, giving over the box with the ring in it.


  Fire Heart thanks the clerk and makes his way back to the inn.

He looks at his watch, “No, it’s still too early. I’ll ask her later on, when she’s more awake.” He says to himself. He finds a nice café that isn’t too full and finds a table. A few minutes later, the bus colt comes up and asks what Fire Heart would like. Fire Heart orders a milkshake and a cheese sandwich. The bus colt nods and says he will be back with his order soon. While waiting for his milkshake and sandwich to arrive, Fire Heart takes out the box with the ring in it and looks at it.


  Five minutes pass.

He sees the bus colt walking towards him with his order and puts the ring box away. The bus colt arrives with his order and asks what’s in the box. Fire Heart tells him that he is going to propose his girlfriend today, and the bus colt slaps says that he hopes Fire Heart’s girlfriend says yes and that as he is the son of the proprietor of the café, and that he and his father are suckers for romance, that Fire Heart’s order is on the house. Fire Heart thanks him and decides to take his time to enjoy his milkshake and sandwich, and to enjoy the perfect weather.


  Fire Heart finishes his milkshake and sandwich.

He gets up from his table and makes his way to the inn. Just before he reaches it, he starts getting nervous and he starts sweating. Needing the extra courage to ask Rosebud to marry him, he takes out a flask and takes a swig from it. He gulps and enters the inn. He sees his little brother and winks at him awkwardly. Slava just sits there and nods.  Fire Heart walks up to Rosebud, grabs her with both front hooves and kisses her passionately. A little surprised but happy that Fire Heart is in a good mood, Rosebud kisses him back.


  “What was that all about love?” Rosebud asks Fire Heart with a smile.

“Well, come upstairs with me, and you will know in time.” Fire Heart replies, hiding the ring box.

“Ok darling.” She turns to Slava, “Will you watch over the inn for a while please?” she asks him.

Slava nods and moves to the book desk to watch over the customers.


  Fire Heart picks up Rosebud in his front hooves and carries her upstairs.

He gets to their room and opens the door, he then lays Rosebud on the bed, and asks her to sit up.

Rosebud sits up and asks what is going on. Fire Heart gets down on his knees and hiding the ring box behind his back, proposes to her.


  “Rosebud, you are my sun in the day, my moon and stars in the night. You are my life, without you, I will surely die. You are the kindest, most caring, loving, and sweetest and without doubt, the most beautiful mare I have ever seen.” He takes out the ring box from behind his back, opens it and places it in Rosebud’s hooves, “Will you do me the honour,” he gulps, “of becoming my wife?”

Rosebud’s eyes light up at the sight of the ring, “YES! YES OFCOURSE I WILL MARRY YOU!” She shouts, suddenly getting up, grabbing Fire Heart in a massive pony hug and kissing him passionately.


  Rosebud’s yells of yes was so loud that everypony downstairs could hear it.

Knowing full well why Rosebud was yelling yes, Slava smiles to himself and makes a note to congratulate his big brother. A pony comes up to the book desk and asks what that was all about, and Slava replies that his big brother had just proposed to his girlfriend. The pony nods and walks away. Rosebud and Fire Heart walk back downstairs, both with very big smiles on their faces.


  “So, you finally did it, eh big brother?” Slava says, slapping Fire Heart across the back.

“Y…Yes.” Fire Heart replies, a little shakily.

“What’s wrong big brother? She said yes, everypony from here to Canterlot could hear her.” Slava says with a big smile.

“I’m just a little shaken with how loud she said yes, and well the effects of the cider I had is wearing off.”

“Oh well, that would explain it. Anyway, congratulations mate!”

Fire Heart thanks his little brother and sits down at an empty table.


  Suddenly a leaf green mare with a light blue mane and tail gets up from her table, walks over to Fire Heart’s table and slams her hoof down on the table. Startled, Fire Heart looks up and sees who it is. “Briar? Is that you?” Fire Heart asks, adjusting his glasses.

The mare looks at him with intent in her eyes, “Well, who else do you think it would be?” She demands.

“Briar! It IS you!” Fire Heart exclaims. He gets up and gives her a hug, “But, what are you doing here? I mean it’s a surprise to see you, a pleasant one though.”

Briar hugs him back and kisses him on the cheek, “Well, I thought I’d pay you a surprise visit! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you last.”

“It has, hasn’t it? Well it certainly was a surprise. How long have you been here for?” Fire Heart asks her with a smile.

“Oh not long, and what was that shout of yes, I heard? That wasn’t you asking my cousin to marry you, and her saying yes, was it?”

“Well, since you asked, yes it was.” Fire Heart replies, blushing a little.

“Ah well, that’s great then!” Briar says, sitting opposite Fire Heart.





  Rosebud sees Briar sitting at Fire Heart’s table.

She walks over to her, puts her hooves over Briar’s eyes and says, “Guess who!”

Briar thinks for a moment, “Umm, is it the mail mare?” She asks jokingly.

Rosebud giggles, “Nope, guess again.”

“Is it…oh, I don’t know, Pinkie Pie?”

Rosebud giggles again, “Nope, one last guess.”

“Is it…my sweet, adorable, gorgeous, caring little cousin?”

Rosebud removes her hooves, “You guessed it right, big cousin!” She drapes her hooves Briar’s shoulders and gives her a hug.

“I knew it all along, I was just humouring you.”

“Aaaw ok.” Rosebud hugs her cousin one more time, then stands behind Fire Heart, stroking his mane gently.

“So, I heard that my dolt of a best friend here,” she points to Fire Heart, “proposed to you.”

“Yes, he did. And I couldn’t be happier!” Rosebud gives Fire Heart a big hug and then sits down at the table, opposite him.


  Briar congratulates the both of them and asks if Fire Heart has found his parents yet.

Fire Heart tells her of how he had come to Ponyville to find them, went to the inn to book a room, and how when he first saw Rosebud, he fell in love with her. He then tells Briar how he then met a pony by the name of Speed Lane, and how Speed Lane and his brother had talked Princess Celestia into lending the chariot to get him to Manehatten. He goes on to tell her how, when he was in Manehatten, he met a Pegasus by the name of Slava Medik, and how he met Slava’s foster parents, and they were told they were brothers, and then gave them their parents address.


  “Oh wow, so were you able to find them? Did they remember you?” Briar asks excitedly.

Fire Heart stops his glasses from sliding down his muzzle, “Yes to both questions.”

He tells Briar, about why his parents disappeared and why they had abandoned his brother, and Briar starts crying. He gives her a hug and tells her that everything is better now.

She smiles and hugs him back, “And now, my one and only best friend is now going to marry my favourite little cousin! I couldn’t be happier for the both you.” Briar says, wiping the tears away, “So, where is this brother of yours then?”


  “SLAVA! Little brother, come here please!” Fire Heart yells.

“Coming big brother!” Slava yells back, walking towards Fire Heart.

“Little brother, this is Briar, the pony who was my one and only best friend, growing up, oh and the cousin to my now fiancé. Briar, this is my long lost little brother, Slava.” Fire Heart says.

Slava holds out a hoof and Briar shakes it vigorously.

“I hope you’ve been looking after Fire Heart for me? He can be a big silly filly at times.” Rosebud asks with a sly smile on her face.

“Oh, I have, though he doesn’t really need me looking after him. Rosebud has been doing a great job at that, as is.” Slava replies with a smile.

“Oh, I bet she is.” Briar leans in close to Fire Heart, “You better take good care of my cousin!”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise.” Fire Heart replies with a big white grin.


  Rosebud leans in and gives Fire Heart a kiss.

She looks up at the time and sees that it is near closing time.

“Wow, time sure does fly when you’re happy,” she says, “Will you please excuse me for a moment? She gets up from the table, leaving Fire Heart, Slava and Briar to talk while she kicks out the ponies who don’t have rooms and lock up. A few minutes later she walks back to the table.

Briar and Slava see that Fire Heart and Rosebud want to be alone together, excuse themselves and walk upstairs to their rooms.


  Fire Heart and Rosebud get up from the table and go to sit on the couch, in front of the fire.

“I can’t believe that Briar is here, did you know about this?” Fire Heart asks Rosebud, stroking her mane.

“Well…Yes, I did. We wanted it to be a surprise for you. I had no idea you were going to propose to me though.” Rosebud replies, resting her head on his chest.

“Well it was a very pleasant surprise. “ Fire Heart says, leaning down to kiss her.

Not wanting to spoil the moment, neither of them say anything more. Fire Heart stops stroking Rosebuds mane, and wraps Rosebud in a hug. Soon after, they fall asleep on the couch.

Edited by Fire Heart
  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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*Claps* I just love this story! I hope more comes out soon! *Tear falls while clapping*  I just must Brohoof this. ( I'm a sucker for Romace stories Q_Q)

Edited by Fredbermudez


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Chapter 7:


  The next morning, Fire Heart wakes up on the couch.

He sees Rosebud lying next to him, resting her head on his chest and smiles. He leans down, kisses her and starts stroking her mane.

Rosebud wakes up, “Oh good morning sweet heart.” She says with a yawn, “Did we fall asleep on the couch again?”

“Looks like it honey, doesn’t bother me though.” Fire Heart replies, still stroking her mane.

“Doesn’t bother me either love.”


  A few minutes later, Slava walks downstairs.

He sees Fire Heart snuggling up to Rosebud, and not wanting to disturb them, he walks past them and finds a table to sit at. He slumps over the table and sighs.

Hearing his little brother sigh, Fire Heart walks up to him, “What’s wrong little brother?”

Slava looks up from his slump, “Well, I’m happy for you being engaged to Rosebud, truly I am. But the thing is, I want to propose to Redheart.”

Fire Heart sits down opposite him, “Well, what’s stopping you?” he asks.

“I’m too n…nervous to. What if she says n…no?” Slava says, sighing.

Rosebud hears them talking and gets up, walks over to Fire Heart, drapes her hooves over Fire Heart’s shoulders and says to Slava, “What, say no to a strapping young stallion like you? She’d be crazy if she did.”

Slava looks up again, “You think she would say yes?” he asks Rosebud.

“I know she will say yes!” Rosebud exclaims.


   Slava thanks his brother and Rosebud, gets up and leaves the inn.

After wondering around for a bit, Slava decides to go see Nurse Redheart at the hospital.

He arrives there shortly and walks up to the front desk and asks the pony sitting there, “Excuse me miss, may I please see Nurse Redheart?”

The pony turns around, and it IS Nurse Redheart, she giggles, “hello sweety, what are you doing here? Your brother hasn’t hurt himself again, has he?”

Slava gulps, “N…no, I…I came here to see if you…” He trails off.

Redheart leans in and gives him a kiss, “You’re cute when you go all shy.”

He gulps again, “W…would you like to go out with me tonight, after work?”

Nurse Redheart leans in and says that she would love to, she asks him to pick her up at seven o’clock. Slava kisses her and says that he will, he then leaves the hospital.


  An hour later, he hears his stomach growling and decides to go have something to eat.

He walks to the milkshake bar and orders a strawberry milkshake. While drinking his milkshake, he thinks about what sort of ring to get Nurse Redheart. He then thinks of how he is going to propose to her, should he do it before or after they have eaten? Or should he do it just as he picks her up?

He looks at the time and sighs, he gets up and pays for his milkshake. Leaving the bar, he decides to go the jewellery store.


  He arrives and walks into the store and walks in.

“Hello sir, what can I do for you today?” the clerk asks with a smile.

“Hello…I’d like an engagement ring please. Something with an Aquamarine gem in it please.”

“Certainly sir,” the clerk takes out a ring, “how about this one?”

“I like it, but do you have one that maybe has a pattern?” Slava asks the clerk.

The clerk takes out another ring, “This one does, sir.”

Slava nods his head, “I’ll take that one then, please. Will it be ready before seven?”

“Very well sir, and yes you can pick it up at six thirty.” The clerk replies.

Slava thanks the clerk, pays for the ring and leaves to go back to the inn.


  When he gets back to the inn, Slava wsays hello to Fire Heart and Rosebud and walks upstairs to his room. Fire Heart gives Rosebud a hug, goes to Slava’s and room and knocks on the door.

“Who is it?” Slava asks

“It’s your big brother” Fire Heart replies, “Can I come in?”

“Sure, I’m just getting ready for my date with Nurse Redheart.”

Fire Heart opens the door and walks in, “So are you going to propose to her tonight?” he asks with a smile.

“Yes, do I look alright?” Slava replies, walking out of the bathroom, “I want to look nice when I ask her to marry me.”

Fire Heart smiles, “You look great mate,” he walks over to him and gives him a hug, “Good luck!”

Slava thanks Fire Heart and decides to have a nap before going out. Fire Heart leaves Slava’s room and goes back downstairs to talk to Rosebud.


  Four hours pass, and Slava wakes up.

He looks at his watch, it’s six o’clock. He stretches and yawns. Makes himself a little more presentable and walks downstairs, says hello to Fire Heart and Rosebud, and leaves the inn. He walks to the jewellery store and looks at his watch, “Just in time.” He says to himself. He walks into the jewellery store.

The clerk takes out the ring box and shows it to Slava, “I hope that this is to your liking, sir.”

Slava nods and takes the ring box, “It’s perfect, thank you.”

The clerk wishes him luck and watches him leave.


  Ten minutes later, Slava arrives at Nurse Redheart’s house and knocks on the door.

“Who is it?” Nurse Redheart asks.

“It’s Slava, my dear.” Slava replies.

Nurse Redheart, finishes putting on her dress, walks downstairs and opens the door.

Slava sees her, gulps and starts sweating.

“Are you alright honey?” Nurse Redheart asks him

“Y…yes, it’s just that you’re really beautiful in that dress! I mean you’re always beautiful but you’re even more beautiful in that dress.” Slava stutters.

Nurse Redheart giggles and kisses him. Slava offers her his hoof and she takes it.


  A few hours later, after finishing their meals at the restaurant.

Slava clears his throat, “Umm Redheart…” he begins, taking out the ring box and putting it on the table.

Nurse Redheart sees the box, “What’s that? And go on honey.” She says

“Well, you are my life. Before I met you, I didn’t know what love was. But then I met you, and I knew instantly, that you were the mare for me. Without you, my love, I would surely die!” Slava, who has forgotten all about being nervous says with a clear and strong voice.

Rosebud not knowing exactly what he was talking about asks, “What are you trying to say dear?”

He pushes the ring box forward and says, “Well, what I am trying to say, or ask more like is,” he gets down on one knee, opens the ring box and says, “Will you marry me?”

Nurse Redheart sees the ring and her eyes widen with delight, she picks Slava up and gives him a big hug and a kiss. “YES! Yes, I will marry you!” she exclaims.


  An hour later, they pay for their meals and leave the restaurant.

“Well, now that we’re engaged, would you like to move in with me?” Nurse Redheart asks Slava.

“I would love to, but I’ll need to get my saddlebags and of course tell Fire Heart and Rosebud, will you come with me, to tell them?” He replies with a smile.

“Of course I will dear.” Nurse Redheart says, kissing him.


  They shortly arrive at the inn and walk in.

Fire Heart looks up and sees a ring on a chain around Nurse Redheart’s neck.

“So you finally asked her, and by the looks of it, she said yes.” He remarks.

“Yes, and what’s more, she’s asked me to move in with her!” Slava replies with a big smile.

“That’swonderful! Congratulations little brother!” Fire Heart exclaims, getting up and giving Slava a big hug!

Slava hugs Fire Heart back and says that he’s going upstairs to get his saddlebags. Fire Heart nods and sits back down next to Rosebud. Nurse Redheart sits on a recliner and leans back with a smile on her face.


  Shortly after, Slava walks downstairs with his saddlebags.

Nurse Redheart sees him, gets up and gives Fire Heart and Rosebud a hug. Takes some of Slava’s saddlebags off him, and holding his hoof, she and Slava leave the inn.

Fire Heart snuggles up to Rosebud and they fall asleep.




 Five years have passed, and Fire Heart and Rosebud are now married, and have two little foals, one beautiful little filly, Briar Heart and one handsome little colt, Slava Jr. Slava and Nurse Redheart are also now married and have two little foals of their own, two beautiful little fillies, Cadence Phoenix and Midnight.


  Slava and Nurse Redheart are walking hoof in hoof, with their little foals in tow.

They see Fire Heart, Rosebud and their filly and colts. They wave and walk over to them.

“Hello little brother,” Fire Heart says, “How are you and Nurse Redheart?”

“Hello Fire Heart, we’re going well, thank you. And you and Rosebud?”

“We’re good thank you.” Fire Heart leans down and sees Slava and Nurse Redheart's foals, “Hello little ones, my! Haven’t you grown?”

“Hello Uncle Fire Heart, I’m five years old now!” Cadence Phoenix says with a big smile.

“So I see, and where is your sister?” Fire Heart replies

“She’s hiding behind mummy, she’s a little shy.” Cadence Phoenix points to behind Nurse Redheart.

Fire Heart hears a little “eep” and laughs.

Nurse Redheart nudges Midnight forward, “It’s ok dear, it’s your uncle Fire Heart.”

“H…Hello uncle.” Midnight says in a small shy voice.

“Hello Midnight.” Fire Heart says, picking her up and giving her a big hug.


To Be Continued… Perhaps!

Edited by Fire Heart
  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Chapter 3:


About an hour later, Princess Luna arrived at the throne room, she notices a strange pony, one that she has never seen before, sitting next to her sister, Princess Celestia. She approaches her sister and asks.

“Sister, you called for me?”

Princess Celestia, with a look of joy on her face, nudges Fire Heart forward while saying,

“Yes dear, this is Fire Heart, the pony I told you about.” Fire Heart looks to Princess Celestia,

“Go on dear, don’t be afraid, my sister is quite gentle and will take you words into consideration.” Princess Celestia assures him.

Fire Heart bows down low, rises and looks Princess Luna in the eyes with a look of most seriousness and says,

“My dear Princess Luna, I may not be a very well-known pony, nor am I particular wealthy, however I have come to win your heart. Not by showering you with gifts and bits, but to show you my one true genuine feelings of love for you….” Fire Heart pauses for a few moments, with a pleasant look of surprise on her face, Princess Luna blushes a little and says to Fire Heart.

“Fire Heart, you may proceed”

Fire Heart with a look of determination on his face, then proceeds to tell Princess Luna of his undying love for her.

“Princess, from the very first moment I saw you, which was at Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation, you had stolen my heart away from me, but no, wait, stolen is not quite the right word for it, I would say that I gave my heart to you freely. You’re radiant and regal beauty, took my breath away from me, and I knew, I just knew deep within myself, that I just had to let you know of my undying love for you, no matter what it took. My love for you goes deeper than the blue of your midnight sky, and my love for you is as endless as the amount of stars in your beautiful night sky. I love you, for who you are, not for what you are. I want you to know, that even if you weren’t a princes, I would still love you.” Fire Heart finishes his speech, feeling a little exasperated from it.

‘oh, oh my…I’m…I’m speechless” Princess Luna manages to squeeze out and faints.

“P…Princess?” Fire Heart asks timidly. “Princes Celestia… Did I, Did I do or something wrong?”

Princess Celestia looks at Fire Heart and smiles,

“No dear, I believe she just fainted. I have to say, you speech was even lovelier than the one you gave me before. I almost fainted myself.”

Fire Heart smiles,

“It is honestly how I feel about her, your highness.”

Princess Celestia smiles and notices Luna regain consciousness

“I know dear, and look my sister is conscious again.”

Luna regains her consciousness and gets up, smiles and whispers to Princess Cadence,

“Cadence, is this your work?”

 Princess Cadence looks up sweetly,

“Believe it or not darling, no it isn’t my doing. I really feel that he is telling you how he honestly feels about you.”

Luna smiles and then stutters

“I…I don’t know what to say… Nopony has ever said such nice things to or about me before....I thank you.”

Cadence then whispers to Luna with a smile on her face,

“You will have to tell the other stallions, they will be disappointed, but I do believe you have found the right one for you, my dear!”


Meanwhile back at the entrance to the palace, the stallions who are still waiting in line to see Princess Luna are getting restless, one of them starts to shout loudly.

“Where is the princess? I demand to see the princess! We’ve been waiting her for long enough!”

Soon after, more and more stallions are yelling the same thing, causing a big fuss. The guards who are getting restless because of the crowd causing a commotion start going through the line and yelling at the stallions.

“If you don’t settle down, we will be forced to make you leave!”

Regardless of the guards’ warning, the crowd grows even more and more restless and they even start abusing the guards.

“That’s it!” The lead guard yells.

“If you rabble cannot contain yourselves, you will all leave, or risk being locked up!”

Almost all of the crowd, fearing being locked up, leave. However one pony, a cream coloured Pegasus is left standing at the entrance. The guards noticing him, go up to him and ask.

“You there, what is your name?”

The Pegasus pony says in a gentle and quiet voice,

“My name is Shadow HeartSoar, sirs.”

“Very well then Shadow, so, just out of curiosity, why didn’t you pick up a fuss like the rest of the stallions, and why didn’t you leave, when they did?” The lead guard asks

“Well, you see sirs, I didn’t see the need nor the reason to pick up a fuss, in fact I saw it was rather quite unnecessary and I didn’t leave with the rest of them, because I didn’t feel that I should.”

Shadow HeartSoar replies with a timid look on his face.


A few moments later, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence arrive back at the entrance, noticing a huge lack of a line of stallions, Princess Luna asks one of the guards.

“Guard, what happened here? Where is everypony?”

The guard with a bit of an exhausted look on his face replies,

“Ma’am, it started with one pony, he started shouting and causing a fuss, and then pretty soon afterwards, just about everypony else was doing it too, we were forced to make them leave, as they were all getting restless and we feared something violent might have happened.”

Luna with a look of puzzlement on her face sighs,

“Then it is probably for the best, for I believe I may have found my suitable partner. But, who is that pony standing over there?”

The guard motions over to Shadow HeartSoar,

“This Pegasus’s name is Shadow HeartSoar, ma’am. He was the only one who didn’t pick up a fuss and cause trouble. So we thought it only fair to give him a chance to see you.”

“Very well, it is only fair, let him in then.” Luna says

“Shadow HeartSoar, you may see the Princess now!” One of the guards announces.

Shadow HeartSoar approaches Princess Luna and bows then presents her with a gift of flowers as blue as her night skies, and proceeds to confess his love for her.

“Princess Luna, I love you for who you are, and not what you are. I love as much as I love your beautiful night skies. Your stars are a constant reminder of how beautiful you are and they always bring hope and joy to my heart. I would have you as my partner, even if you weren’t a princess.”

Princess Luna blushes and with a smile on her face replies,

“Oh my, thank you, for both the lovely flowers and for the beautiful speech. But I’m afraid I may have already found a perfect partner. I really am grateful for the flowers and for the thought you put into them, but I fear it may have all been for naught. I’m sorry”

With a forlorn look on his face, shadow HeartSoar bows his head and says,

“I understand your highness, thank you for the time, and send my congratulations to the lucky pony, please.”

Luna with a smile on her face, bows her head in farewell,

“If it makes a difference, if I had not met the other pony, I may have chosen you. Thank you for understanding.”

Shadow HeartSoar lifted his head and left the Palace grounds, with a disheartened heart and a mind full of sorrow and regret.


A few moments later, Fire Heart arrived at the entrance room followed by Princess Celestia, noticing a lack of stallions at the entrance, he asks,

“What happened? Last time I was here, there was a multitude of stallions”

With a smile on her face, Luna muzzles Fire Heart and says

“There were, but they started getting restless and causing a commotion, so the guards had to send them home, which is just as well really.”

With a look of surprise, Fire Heart asks

“What do you man, it was just as well, Princess? Does this mean you’ve chosen your partner?”

Luna muzzles into Fire Heart again, smiling, she then gives him a kiss. Startled at what just happened, Fire Heart stumbles backwards and trips over himself…

“Princess! Did that kiss mean what I thought it meant?” He asks surprised

Princess Luna giggles and picks Fire Heart up from the ground,

“Yes dear it does. I have chosen you as my partner!”

Fire Heart looks up with tears in his eyes and bows his head,

“Thank you princess! You have made me the happiest and the luckiest stallion in all of Equestria!”

Luna then gives him a hug and a kiss.

“Well we should let Cadence know, we have a wedding to plan!”

Fire Heart, now with endless joy and happiness in his heart, gives Luna a kiss back.

“Yes, we should.”

Princess Celestia sidles up to Fire Heart and whispers in his ear,

“You had better treat my sister right, or you will be sorry!”

Fire Heart, with great determination and seriousness replies

“You bet I will, I meant every word I said to her. I would love her even if she wasn’t a princess!”

Luna rushes off to tell Princess Cadence the news, while Fire Heart just sits there a little surprised and shocked, yet with a big smile on his face.


^ Thank you, those kinds words were just what I needed, I was feeling quite a bit unsure about it, but seeing that at least one pony liked it, it made me feel like continuing on with it! So, once again, thank you!!

Chapter 4:(WARNING: From here on then, the story can and will get dark!)


A few days later, the sound of wedding bells could be heard across all of Canterlot and Ponyville. Everypony was invited to the momentous occasion, as it isn’t every day that a Princess gets married. Everypony were all excited about the wedding, gossiping about how the Princess chose a complete stranger as her partner, this strange pony, who apparently had a way with words and always told ponies how he felt. Everypony that is, except for the Pegasus, Shadow HeartSoar. For he was skulking in the shadows, still sore and upset that he got rejected over a complete stranger, a complete stranger who, to his knowledge didn’t even go through the process of lining up with all the other stallions, didn’t go through the process of getting through the guards. So sore and mad in fact, that whilst he was skulking in the shadows, he was, at that very moment, planning a plot of revenge on the strange pony.


Meanwhile, up in the Palace, Princess Luna is sitting next to Fire Heart and sighs.

“What is it dear?” Fire Heart asks her.

“It’s nothing love, I’m just happy to have finally found a stallion who loves me for me, and not for the fact that I’m a Princess.” Luna smiles

“Oh, and just who is that, then?” Fire Heart asks jokingly

“Who do you think it is, you silly filly!” Luna laughs and pushes Fire Heart gently

“Oh, I don’t know… Maybe the luckiest and happiest stallion in all of Equestria?”

“And just who might that be?” Luna asks with a smirk on her face

Fire Heart thinks for a moment and with a big toothy grin on his face says,

“Me, of course! And you know, I meant and still mean every single word I said to you!”

Luna giggles and muzzles into Fire Heart

“And just what were those words you said, again?” She asks Fire Heart

“Well for starters, that my love for you is genuine, that the moment I first saw you, which was at Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation, I knew deep within myself that you were the mare for me, and that my love for you is as endless as the amount of stars in your beautiful night skies and that I would love you, even if you weren’t a princess.”

Luna blushes and rests her head on Fire Heart’s shoulder.


Princess Celestia walks in on them, smiles and says

“That’s sweet of you two, but we’ve got a reception to go to, and there’s always afterwards, when you can cuddle up to each other as much as you like.”

Fire Heart gets up, smiles and says

“You’re right sis, come on Luna, love, we mustn’t keep ponies waiting.”

Luna gives Fire Heart a kiss on his cheek

“Yes darling, I can see that I made the right choice in marrying you.”

Fire Heart gives Luna a hug and says

“I sure hope so.”


About an hour or two later, while everypony is at the reception, Shadow HeartSoar sneaks into the reception, and hides in the shadows behind Fire Heart.

Luna stands up in front of everypony and says in a loud voice,

“Thank you everypony, for coming to celebrate this occasion with us, it means a great deal to both myself and my now husband, Fire Heart, that you all could come.”

Shadow HeartSoar still skulking in the shadows, thinks to himself

“Now, would be the opportune time, while everypony is paying attention to Princess Luna, and that pony is alone, I shall strike!”

He lunges himself at Fire Heart, holding a dagger, too late, Fire Heart sees him and dodges the attack.

“Damn it! Die! You took my Luna from me!” Shadow HeartSoar shouts as he falls to the ground.

“What in Equestria are you talking about?” Fire Heart asks looking puzzled

“You know what I’m talking about! If it weren’t for you, that would have been my wedding to Luna, and not yours! You didn’t even go through the waiting in the line, and getting past the guards!”

Fire Heart, now angered at the accusation lunges towards Shadow HeartSoar

“What! You don’t think I did all that? I did, I waited almost all day! I got thrown in prison because I refused to give my name and then I only got to tell her how I feel for her, because  I was lucky enough Princess Celestia was kind enough to give me her time!”

“But you’re not even wealthy, nor are you known! Nopony knows who you are! DIE!” Shadow HeartSoar lunges himself at Fire Heart again, nearly missing him with the dagger.

Hearing all the commotion, everypony turns their heads to see what is happening, Luna seeing the commotion, makes her way down.

“Fire Heart!” She exclaims

“What in the name of Celestia are you doing?”

Fire Heart only just manages to knock the dagger out of Shadow HeartSoar’s hoof,

“This crazy pony just tried attacking me.”

Luna looks at Shadow HeartSoar and recognizes him

“Shadow, is that you? Why are you doing this? Fire Heart has done nothing to you!”

Shadow HeartSoar spits out blood

“This pony, this pony that nopony knows anything about, he stole you from me! And for that, he must DIE!” He lunges himself at Fire Heart, this time hitting in the chest with the dagger.

“Shadow! Nopony stole me from you! I didn’t give myself to you! You know that! Now go!” Luna shouts at him.

“I will not go! If I can’t have you, nopony can!” Shadow screams and stabs the winded Fire Heart in the chest with the dagger. Blood starts squiritng from the stab wound in Fire Heart’s chest.

“FIRE HEART!” Luna screams in a frenzied panic.

She rushes to his side and puts a hoof on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

“Guards! Don’t just stand there, go after that pony and arrest him!” Luna shouts at the guards, who for some reason just stand there looking dumbfounded.

“Yes Ma’am! Right away!” The head guard snaps to attention and shouts at the other guards.

“You heard her! Go after him, and arrest him at any cost!”


Luna gets up, and shouts

“Is there a nurse or medic here?”

Nurse Redheart steps up,

“I’m a nurse ma’am. We must get the dagger out of him, but first we must get him to the hospital.”

Luna sighs,

“Yes, but not the general hospital. I’m sorry dear but it just isn’t good enough for my loving husband, he must be taken to the royal hospital”

Redheart smiles,

“It is ok dear, I understand, you there!” She motions to a pony standing close by, and the pony points to himself,

“Me ma’am?”

“Yes you, come here and help me bandage him up!” Redheart says sarcastically

“Yes ma’am” The pony comes forward and helps Redheart bandage Fire Heart up.

Fire Heart motions for Luna to come closer,

“What is it my love?” Luna asks with a scared look on her face.

“If I die tonight love, I just want you to know, that you had made me the happiest and luckiest stallion in all of Equestria, and even after death, I will continue to love you!” Fire Heart says weakly and then loses consciousness.

Luna starts crying hysterically and shouting


Redheart finishes bandaging Fire Heart up and says to Luna,

“He won’t die, not if we get him to the hospital straight away. Which means we must leave the reception now!”

Luna gets up and picks Fire Heart up off of the ground and drapes him over her back,

“Ok, then let’s go! I am not going to lose the only stallion who could ever make me happy!”

Redheart and Luna with Fire Heart draped over Luna’s back board the royal chariot and arrive shortly at the royal hospital.

The head nurse comes running up,

“What happened? Why is this pony draped over your back Princess?” She asks

“This pony, is my now husband, Fire Heart, nurse, you should know that!” Luna says sternly

“I’m sorry Princess, I’ve been so busy with work I haven’t had time to catch up with the affairs of the world. But why is he draped over your back? What happened to him?”

“Some crazy pony attacked him at our wedding reception. If it wasn’t for nurse Redheart here, he may have died!” Luna says through loud sobbing and tears in her eyes.

“Well then get him to the Emergency Room immediately!” the head nurse demands


The head nurse along with Nurse Redheart places Fire Heart’s unconscious body on the gurney and rushes him to the Emergency Room, with Luna running beside the gurney holding his hoof and crying. After a few minutes of navigating the maze that is the royal hospital, they arrive at the Emergency Room. The head nurse shoves the door open, rushes the gurney in, takes Fire Heart’s body off the gurney and places it on the slab.

“Redheart, seeing as you are here, you can help me!” She shouts at Redheart

“Yes ma’am, what can I do?” Redheart replies with a worried look on her face.

“You can hold down on the wound while I get the dagger out. Hurry now!”

“Yes ma’am” Redheart says as she places a hoof on the wound to stop the bleeding.

The head nurse carefully removes the dagger from the wound, looks at it and gasps.

Hearing the head nurse gasp, Luna sits up and screams.

“What? What is it? Why did you gasp?”

“This dagger… it’s been poisoned!” The head nurse says in shock,

“Redheart, quickly bandage him up, I must go to find the antidote!”

Luna starts crying even harder,

“Please, you’ve got to save him! You must save him!”

Redheart shakes her head,

“I’m sorry dear, but unless the head nurse can find the antidote, we may not be able to save him.”

Luna hangs her head and starts crying and screaming that it was all her fault.

A few minutes later, the head nurse arrives back at the Emergency Room.

“Do…do you have it? The antidote?” Luna asks while still crying

“Yes but…” The head nurse begins

“But what? You must save him!” Luna cries

“But I may not have enough, we may need to drain him of some of his blood, and then he will need a blood transfusion…”

Luna sits bolt up right

“So be it! I’ll give him my blood if need be!”

The head nurse turns to nurse Redheart,

“Redheart, get me the syringe, let us hope that this is enough to stop the poison.”

“Yes ma’am, here it is. I’ve already cleaned and redressed his wound.” Redheart says with sad voice

“Good, that will help a great deal.” The head nurse administers the antidote to Fire Heart.

“Thank you Redheart, you’ve been a great help, and if it weren’t for you, we may have lost him completely. But there isn’t anything else we can do but hope that it was enough to stop the poison. You can go home now.”

Nurse Redheart sighs,

“Yes ma’am, thank you.”

The head nurse turns to Luna,

“I am now able to move him to a hospital bed, you may stay here with your husband if you wish.”

Luna looks up with tears in her eyes,

“Th..thank you. I will. He needs me here now more than ever!”

The head nurse gives Luna a hug and places Fire Heart on the gurney again and transfers him to a hospital bed, then leaves.

“If there is anything you need, or if there is any progress, let me know, ok dear?”

Luna looks up and smiles,

“I will thank you.”

Chapter 5:


A day later, Fire Heart regains consciousness and wakes up to find himself with a bandage across his chest, a frantic Luna sitting beside him, holding his hoof and stroking his mane.

“Wha…What happened? Why am I in the hospital? And why is there a bandage across my chest?” He asks a little blearily.

Luna hears his voice, looks up and smiles gently.

“You’re awake! Thank Celestia! You… You don’t remember anything?” She says wiping tears from her eyes

“No dear, all I can remember was being attacked by that crazy pony at our reception, then nothing… it’s all a blank.” Fire Heart says, smiling weakly

“That crazy pony, his name was Shadow HeartSoar, he would have been my husband, had I not seen you first. I believe he was angry that he got rejected and he attacked you with a dagger that was poisoned!” Luna says sadly

“Oh, but if the blade was poisoned, how is it I am still alive? I mean Shadow stabbed me in the heart.”

“If it wasn’t for the head nurse and for Nurse Redheart, you would have died. Luckily the head nurse was able to find the antidote to the poison and administer it to you.” Luna says, holding Fire Heart’s hoof and resting her head on his belly. Fire Heart smiles feebly and falls asleep, stroking Luna’s mane.

A couple of hours later, there is a knock on the door of Fire Heart’s room.

“Who is it?” Luna asks

“It’s the head nurse dear, you’ve got a visitor.” The head nurse says, with a smile.

“Ok, show them in please.” Luna says with a smile

Princess Celestia steps into the room, and smiles.

“Good, you’re alive. I was worried for a while there, you know?”

Fire Heart smiles feebly.

“I have the Nurse Redheart and the head nurse to thank for being alive. From what Luna tells me sis, is that somepony by the name of Shadow HeartSoar had attacked me with a poisoned dagger.”

Celestia walks up to Fire Heart and gives him a big hug.

“That is true, but I am thankful that you are alive.”

Fire Heart gives Celestia a big hug back,

“So am I sis, I’m just sorry that the best day of my life had to end with such a tragedy.”

Luna smiles and hugs Fire Heart tightly,

“It’s ok dear, all that matters is that you’re alive!”

There’s a knock on the door, Celestia turns around and asks,

“Who is it?”

A guard pokes his head around the door,

“It’s the royal guard, your highness, we’ve captured the pony known as Shadow HeartSoar.”

“Good, I will be there soon.” Celestia then turns to Fire Heart,

“You behave yourself now. Rest up!”

Fire Heart smiles a big toothy grin.

“Oh I will, you can count on that.”

Luna smiles and kisses Fire Heart,

“I love you, do you know why I chose you over every other stallion?”

Fire Heart tries to laugh but it hurts,

“No, not really. Why DID you chose me?”

“I chose you honey, because you expressed yourself with words, you expressed yourself form the deepest depths of your heart, you didn’t try to win my heart by showering me with gifts or bits, you didn’t try to win my love by being shallow and bragging about yourself. You’re honesty, modesty and beautiful words to me, is what won my heart! That is why I chose you.”

Fire Heart smiles and whispers to Luna

“I will never leave you dear, and I expressed myself that way because I just knew, that that is what you needed. Not some upstart bigot who would only be with you to become a prince.”



Meanwhile at the prison, Princess Celestia is interrogating Shadow HeartSoar.

“Now tell me, once more. Why did you attack my brother-in-law? What was your aim in this?”

Shadow HeartSoar spits at Celestia

“I was mad ok! That nopony stole Princess Luna from me! I had to kill him!”

Princess Celestia slaps him across the face

“That was for spitting at me. Show respect!”

She slaps him again twice more.

“And that was for nearly killing my brother-in-law and for making my sister sick with worry!”

He spits at her again,

“Do what you want then! I’ve got nothing to live for! I regret nothing!”

Princess Celestia grabs him by the throat and holds him against the wall.

“For what you have done, you will be put to death! I will be there to personally see you beheaded!”

“What! You can’t do that!” Shadow HeartSoar screams

“Oh but I can, and I will. Attacking a pony with intent of killing them is punishable by death by hanging, and that’s just an ordinary pony, attacking a royal pony with any sort of intent, is punishable by death by beheading, and your head will be on display for all to see!” Celestia pushes him harder against the wall.

“On second thought, your head won’t be on display, but you will still be beheaded!”

“B..But…” Shadow HeartSoar stummers.

“No buts about it mister. You’ve made a serious mistake, and must be punished for it!”

Princess Celestia lets Shadow’s body drop to the floor, kicks him in the gut, spits on him and then walks out. She says to the guard in charge of guarding Shadow HeartSoar,

“You there, make sure he doesn’t escape.”

“Yes Ma’am” The guard says,

Motioning to the other guard on duty, she says

“I want you to go around declaring that tomorrow there will be a public beheading.”

“Yes ma’am, right away ma’am” the guard says


A few hours later, there is a large crowd hovering around a guard who is standing high on a soap box and declaring.

“Hear me all of Equestria! Tomorrow will be public beheading of the Pegasus known as Shadow HeartSoar!”

One pony steps up and asks,

“What is his crime? What did he do to deserve being beheaded?”

The guard clears his throat.

“His crime was that of attacking Prince Fire Heart with intent to kill.”

The pony who stepped up, now steps down and says.

“Oh well, then that is alright then.”


Back at the royal hospital, Luna places one of Fire Heart’s hooves onto her chest, where her heart is and says.

“Fire Heart, my one true love. Do you feel that?”

Fire Heart smiles,

“Yes dear, that is your heart beat. It is soft and gentle, just like you.”

“And do you my love, know for whom my heart beats for?”

 “For me?” He ventures a guess

“Yes my dear, for you, and for ONLY you!”

Fire Heart leans down and gives Luna a kiss.

“I love you, for ever and for always! I will love you even after death!”

Luna wipes a tear from her eyes and kisses Fire Heart back,

“I love you too dear, but please, don’t say that thing about death, it’s sweet, but it also scares me. I don’t want to lose you!”

Fire Heart sighs and says

“I’m sorry love, I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s true though. My love for you knows no end.”

Luna smiles, kisses Fire Heart and rest her head on his lap and falls asleep.

You're very welcome sir, and I will continue to follow this when you make more, and I will keep on reading your fanfiction of Luna and Fire Heart, for it is a good fanfic.

Very, very well done, if I do say so myself, it was well put and well said, and I did catch a few minor grammar errors in Chapters 4 and 5 I do believe. 


But that was all I caught that was wrong about it. nothing much but a few grammar errors. 


On another note: I would still love to read more. This plays just like a movie in my head because of how detailed it is, and how you put the words just where they need to be, as well as the sentences.


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Thank you, I will most likely make a start on chapters 7 - 9 sometime tonight, I am doing about 3 chapters a day, I am also looking into creating a cover for it, but my art really sucks :(

Just an update for anypony following my story, I have just finished the rewrite of the first three chapters, I hope you all enjoy the new one!


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Edited by Fire Heart


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Edited by Fire Heart


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Edited by Fire Heart


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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The final Rewrites of chapters 3 - 6 are done! I hope you all enjoy the new and revised version, I have hit writer's block a few times but have managed to get rid of it quite quickly!

Chapter 7 and the Epilogue is finished and posted! Whoo, what a relief! I enjoyed writing this, but I don't think I'll be writing anymore, except music wise


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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IMPORTANT UPDATE: I know that I said I would not be writing any more fanfics, how-ever, I am thinking of writing an alternate version of Eternal Love.


Depends on what ponies think...

I have now just as of this moment, added a poll for should I write an alternative version of Eternal Love, where it has me falling in love with Princess Luna, and well pretty much like the original was but with changes...

so what do you ponies think?


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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  • 1 month later...

Oh god.. S-So many changes that i didn't even know.. I want to see what the changes are..  >_> Random word time to pass limit :D....

.-. If you're still reading my comment you're a bloody stalker.. e-e... W-WHY ARE YOU EVEN STILL READING DIS!??! 


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