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Password reset is not working... cannot log in!

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Hello again MLPforums, it's D1SC0RD. Or it would be if I could log in...


I got myself a password reset (which was a hassle in itself with the email character limit being fixed to a maximum of 20 characters), but the password that was sent to me is invalid. I can tell an admin all my log in info to prove I really am D1SC0RD. I just want the account back :( I had to make this new account just to request some help


I'm thinking that part of the problem is when I signed up, poniverse wasn't a thing, and so my log-in isn't transferrable to the new system... But I honestly have no idea what's up.


Anyone want to offer some assistance? I want to get back into this place but I don't want to start totally fresh (especially when I have an account from 2011 and plenty of people who know me as D1SC0RD).

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