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Natural Disaster

Ninja Derpy

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Krein nodded and then turned to his father.


"^*^ I'll melt the dome with that," he said pointing towards the miniature sun. "^*^ I need you to go and look for survivors..."


-Sahkoorjun nodded and then summoned some more flame warriors and set out to look for any survivors.-


Krein flew up to the giant flame and increased its intesity and began to bring it closer to the top of the dome. Almost immediately it began to melt, causing a hole to open up as Krein raised it overheard to completely melt the dome. He banished the flame after he was done, warming the entire area once again and returning to his normal colors. He looked towards the other ponies.

"How about you guys? Any injuries?"

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As soon as Snow had pushed Enigma off, he had returned to his vantage point in the sky. He had already seen the that sort of self-destruction before, and he didn't want to witness it again.


I hope you know you are a monster, L sudden spoke. You really did kill all of those people you said you did.


Shut up, Enigma quickly snapped back. I know what I am.


Do you? L questioned. Well then, tell me, what's your name?


Enigma remained quiet.


I'm waiting, L said smugly. Okay, then how about this, what's my name?


Enigma looked down at the ground. He saw the other ponies. Snow seemed to be okay, and the ice dome was being melted.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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As he was pointing some of the survivors in the direction of the exit, Storm saw Snowfell heading for the city gates as well. He few over to Krein and Enigma, who were planning a sweep of the city to look for other survivors. "Guys, I just saw Snow heading for the gates. Are we going to go after her? Or are we just going to let her go? Its up to you guys." Storm said while looking back in the direction he had seen Snow heading.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Snow stopped walking and turned around.

"Are you coming or not?" she said coldly, back to her usual self.


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Krein looked at the others.

"You two go on ahead, I've some things to settle here at home..."

With that, he flew over to meet his father.


"^*^ Father, I need you to ordain a meeting with the Senate..."


-Sahkoorjun nodded and then flew over to the Senate building...-

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As he and Enigma were flying over to join Snow, Storm said to Enigma, "Do you think Krein is going to be ok? I mean he's been through a lot today. He returned to the home that hates him, he nearly died multiple times, and to top it all off, he got shot down by Snow, who now basically hates us all. That's a lot for one pony, even one as tough as Krein, to handle."


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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As he and Enigma were flying over to join Snow, Storm said to Enigma, "Do you think Krein is going to be ok? I mean he's been through a lot today. He returned to the home that hates him, he nearly died multiple times, and to top it all off, he got shot down by Snow, who now basically hates us all. That's a lot for one pony, even one as tough as Krein, to handle."


Hate you? HATE you?

My friend, Snow would like to rip your entrails out and wear them as a scarf, Cupcakes-style.

And as promised:

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Enigma looked sidelong at Storm. His face was dark and filled with sadness when he said,


"I don't think so Storm, I'm pretty sure none of us are going to end up okay. That's Discord's game, throw challenges at us to slow us down, then let our pasts and demons finish us off."


Enigma shook his head and felt his false wings grow heavy. He'd exerted himself all day and hadn't even gotten any sleep, he was almost out of energy. Enigma looked up, the sun was directly overhead now, it was noon.


Enigma retracted his shadowy appendages and trotted up to a building. He sat down in its shadow and closed his eyes. He felt his strength slowly begin to return. After a few seconds he stood up, it wasn't nearly enough of a recharge, but it would last him a bit.


Enigma spun around and headed off in the direction of the others. He felt a tug on the back of his neck and turned around. His cape was caught on a bit of splintered wood. Annoyed, Enigma pulled at it but to no avail, the cape was still stuck.


"Great, just great," Enigma grunted,clearly frustrated. "Storm can you come give me a hoof with this?"

Edited by King of Magikarps


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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(OoC remember? plusyoucantkilltheoverlordofthesunswrath)


Krein walked into the Senate room nervously as two soldiers opened the door for him. The room was much bigger than the courtroom, but it was filled with the same air of tension. Most of the Imperator dragons and ponies looked at him, not sure whether they should hate him or thank him for protecting Alcron. Kaaljotkein's red eyes seemed to pierce straight into Krein's soul as he watched him take his place next to his father.


~"^*^ By order of Sahkoorjun, this Senate gathering is held. You, Kreinbahthur, step forward."~


Krein walked in front of the fearsome dragon.


~"^*^ Any other day, I would have killed you instantly. However, you have done a great service to Alcron in helping your original comrades and father fight off the Windigos and their princess..."~


The other senators nodded in agreement, one even speaking up to thank Krein.


~"^*^ But, the fact still remains that you betrayed us..."~


-Sahkoorjun stepped up next to his son.

"^*^ If I may, I believe you, and all of us for that matter, should pardon his crimes against us..."-


~"^*^ So you would stand up for a traitor?!" Kaal said angrily.

"^*^ Discord was right about you all along. You are fickle and-"~


Krein snorted a couple of flames.

"^*^ Discord? Discord is the reason why this city was almost destroyed again you fool!! He doesn't care about giving this civilization 'honor' by making us destroy his opponents, he only wants to use us to ensure his rise to the throne!"


~"^*^ You dare speak up against me?" Kaal roared angrily.

"^*^ Discord promises power, and I will take it... BY STARTING WITH YOU!!"

Kaal raised his tail to strike at both of the alicorns, only to be blasted with a gout of fire by Toormaarnax.~


"^*^ Don't even try it. Kreinbahthur is right, the draconequus only wants us to bring chaos to the world. You are foolish to even believe he will keep his word of granting you 'honor and power'!" Toor roared.


Kaal's eyes burned with hatred as he recovered.


~"^*^ So you show up as well? It will bring me great joy to kill you along with the traitor!"~


Kaaljotkein seemed to glow as he spread his wings. The ravines on his head began to widen as the "half faces" began to enlarge, splitting away from the one head to form two new heads.


~"^*^ But I will do it in my true form!"~


Both dragons prepared to fight....

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(Oh snap, I'm sorry :( I always forget about OoC's :( FORGIVE MEEEEE!)


Snow was sitting, waiting for the others.

Wait...why am I waiting for them?

She stood back up and kept walking.


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Hearing Enigma's call for aid, Storm trotted over to him. "Sure thing buddy!" Grabbing Enigma's cape with is teeth, he pulled it free of the snag. "Wow, that thing is soft! Even if it wasn't the source of your powers, I could still see a reason to wear that." Storm said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. Then he noticed that Snow had continued walking. "Hey...uh Snow. We probably shouldn't go too far. We're still waiting on Krein, after all. I hope his meeting is going ok."


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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(Krein's about to get eaten by a fricking three headed dragon, I'm sure the meeting is going superb :D!)


A terrifying roar was heard after Kaal's transformation completed. Toormaarnax bared his razor sharp teeth and ordered for everyone to get out.


"^*^ You're fixing to fight a three headed dragon friend...."


-"^*^ And a powerful one at that.... Do you really think we're letting you go at him alone?"-


Kreinbahthur blasted Kaal with a stream of magma, only to be swatted against the walls by one of his heads. Its mouth crackled with lightning as it fired it straight into the roof of the Senate to make an opening. It flew out and looked at the two alicorns and dragon with hatred.


~"^*^ You are brave to challenge me.... But I am Kaaljotkein, the Maw of War's Champion and the firstborn of Ghidorah....~


His three heads cackled evily as he fired a three way fiery gout...

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"Well Enigma, I guess we should have figured a fight was going to break out." Storm said with a grin. "Where Krein goes, trouble usually isn't far behind. We should probably go help him. This fight looks pretty serious." With that, Storm took off, turned and headed back for the skies above the Senate building.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Kaal paused as he saw Storm approaching. Each of his heads roared a single word, "Ven Mul Riik," and created a dense fog that seemed to impair anyone's outside movement.


The two alicorns and dragon whispered the word for life to search for the three headed dragon.


*"Oh Kaal, just give these ponies a break! I've had enough amusement for one day!" *


The group opposing Kaal could faintly see the outline of Discord's strange body in the fog. The draconequus snapped his fingers, clearing the fog away and taking Kaal and many other Imperators with him, leaving the city with only the ones who had changed.


"Well.... That was interesting..." Krein said as he looked around the area.

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"You ok, Krein? Through my weather visor on my helmet I saw Discord show up. He's so much more disgusting and unorganized than I remember. All those mismatched body parts...eeeyuck. Anyway, I guess with the Imperator's gone, the innocent ponies we saved can take over this city as a new settlement. We should tell them that, then probably get a move on. Snow never even stopped when she heard the fighting, so if we're going to stick together, we should probably go catch her."


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Enigma had hardly payed attention as Storm had flown off to go help Krein, he was to busy examining his cape. For some reason, there were two small tears in the fabric.


That's impossible, Enigma thought to himself. The magic on this cape prevents me from taking it off and keeps it from tearing, burning, or unraveling.


Oh, there are stronger things than magic sir, ​ Lieutenant spoke up. I'm sure plenty of things could have caused the holes.


Lieutenant, leave him alone, L suddenly said coldly. Don't try and force his memories to return. He needs to remember on his own accord.


Enigma looked up. He didn't see Storm anywhere nor did he see Snow. He quickly stood up and began walking in the direction he had last seen the others headed. After he had walked a few paces, Enigma once again opened his false wings and took off. Before long, he had spotted Snow. He was about to land next to her, when he remembered the anger she was harboring inside her.


Leave her be, L said, now a bit more kindly than before. You don't have to try and be a hero.


I don't want to be a hero, Enigma rebutted. I'm not a hero.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"No, those ponies have no claim to my city. This, and all of the empire, belongs to my civilization, the Imperators!" Krein said sternly.


-Sahkoorjun nudged him aside and stood in front of Storm.

"He is right of course.... But I will tell the Senate to give them citizenship here. It's about time things have changed around here, a kingdom does not grow by brute force and cruelty alone..."-


Some of the dragons shifted anxiously, as if expecting some sort of attack. One lf them spoke up: "It seems that the draconequus has taken those Impertors who wish to continue our original cruelty...."


Krein looked up in thought. "Of course he would, he only wants those who would be willing to destroy entire villages, even kingdoms, for power. That way, he can ensure he'll have a wrecking ball set for anyone who opposes him...."

Krein turned towards Toormaarnax.

"Toor, what faces of the empire did you go to when you went to try and persuade others to leave Discord's side?"


/"The northern areas. This would be the western area, so I suppose we have most of the Northern and Western sides on ours now."


"Good... At least we'll stand a better chance against him now..."


-Sahkoorjun waled up next to his son and put a wing around him.

"Thank you for showing me reality.... So where to now?"-


"Well, I and the rest of the team must continue our mission to save the Elements of Harmony.... I think you should stick around and help Toormaarnax set everything into ORDER."


-Sah nodded, and then joined with Toor and some other senate members to repair the buildings and to begin setting everything right.-


"Thank you Storm for trying to come to my aid... One thing though, we should rest here for now, we've had more than a rough day..."

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Enigma turned around. Storm clearly wasn't in this direction and neither was Krein, that meant half the team was gone. Storm began to trot off back towards the town when he realized that Snow probably wouldn't be coming.He turned to face her again. She was walking into the distance now. The group was already stretched pretty thin, maybe he should go with Snow.


No, he thought. That won't help any, it'll be just like we're alone if with the way she's acting.


You could always have me follow her, L said from the back of Enigma's mind. I'll keep an eye on her and tell you where to find us.


Enigma nodded, but there was nopony around to see.


Okay then, Enigma responded. Keep me updated, and give her some distance, okay? She needs some time to herself.


L slowly materialized out of Enigma's shadow. The mare glided off in the direction of Snow without another word. Once again, Enigma turned towards the city. He took off and quickly whipped out his false wings. The sooner the team was reunited, the better.




L was slowly following Snow. She watched as the princess marched indifferently onward, seemingly unaffected and undaunted by the ghostly mare now only a few meters behind her.

L made an attempt to speak with the Windigo.


"Ahem," L began, hoping to attract some attention as to verify the unicorn was still conscious. "Excuse me. Princess?"


(What I did there, do you see it?)


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"As if I'd want to," L responded in a much lighter tone. "I've been trapped in that pony's subconscious for longer than you'd guess. Plus, I can't go back on my own accord, so you'll just have to wait until he gets too weak to project me or calls me back manually."


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"Well, this'll be fun," shot Snow sarcastically. "If you're trying to get me to go back I'm not doing it."


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