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Natural Disaster

Ninja Derpy

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*He simply grinned as the frozen debris came towards him, blowing it up in midair. He turned into his smokey form once more, floated near Snowfell, and then headbutted her in the face, sending her backwards.*


Krein flew around the area, guiding the civilian ponies to a safer spot. He casted some mage armor on himself, Snow, and the others. He headed towards the direct combat zone and landed.


"Do you really want to this? We... I COULD END YOUR LIFE IN A FLASH!" he shouted angrily.

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Enigma looked around. None of his team was anywhere to be found.


Great, just great, he thought. Let's just hope none of them find themselves in a situation where they need a phoenix or a blade-lizard. There's no way I'll be finding them anytime soon, at least, not here...


Enigma had only been on his own for a few seconds and he'd already managed to get lost.


And this is why you don't abort a town from time before making a map of it! He silently scolded himself. Seriously, where the buck am I?


"Hello?!" Enigma shouted hoping to get someone's attention. "Where are you guys?! Hey Storm, are you up there?! Krein?! Anyone?!"


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"Yeah Enigma, I'm here, I just got blown off course a bit, and that's no easy feat since I'm used to flying in tornadoes. Who is this pony? I'm never seen such an evil looking creature that wasn't Discord. Something tells me that this stallion may be able to tell us something about where the missing ponies are! We have to take him alive!" Storm told the others as he sped up to catch the cloud. When he caught up, he starting to fly in tight circles around the cloud, making a tornado so as to force the pony to solidify again so he could be captured. When the pony solidified, Storm continued to fly around him, making him dizzy so the others could trap him. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Krein smacked the side of the pony's head with his armored wing, causing him to fall to the ground. He bound his limbs to the ground in a coat of hardened lava and then slowly sent the blade of his wing into the pony's side, smiling sadistically as he did so. He lifted up his right hoof to show his insignia.

"Now, that should assure that I'm not going to hesitate to butcher you up and leave your body to the vultures. So then, talk. What do you know of this area? What do you know of the missing six?"

He pulled out the blade and then began making a small incision across his chest.

"And do be truthful, or this cut goes deeper."



(Your turn Ninja!)

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What is he talking about? Another pony? Crap, was I out again? Enigma thought to himself in a panic.This is bad, the black outs seem to becoming more frequent... I need to find the others now.


Enigma ran as fast as his hooves could take him in the direction Storm had pointed out. When he arrived at the scene, he saw Krein standing over a bound pony, holding a blade just inches from his body.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Snow trotted over and glared down at him. She could feel the adrenaline pumping in her veins and the voices were becoming bolder, pushing at the edges of her conciousness.

Dammit! Don't lose your temper! she thought to herself, fighting for calm.


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*Zashten's eyes glowed bright as he made his bonds explode, causing everypony on the ground to be thrown back. He got up and threw an energy ball at Storm Shock, sending him plumetting down to the ground. He threw another ball of energy at Snowfell, and then one to Krein and Enigma.

"I am not so easily brought down by pathetic ponies such as you all!" he shouted tauntingly*


Krein's temper flared, causing his eyes to glow a bright red.

"^*^ You asked for it weakling!"

His horn glowed with intense heat as he prepared to fire at Zashten.


(I guess Ninja's not here right now... I'll draw this out a little longer.)

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"Ouch, that smarted a little bit, but its got nothing on being struck by lightning" said Storm getting back to his feet, launching back into the air and quickly preparing a lightning cloud over the evil pony. "Seeing as you aren't a pegasus, this should be enough to knock you out for at least a few hours!" Storm taunted as he stomped down on the top of the cloud, sending 5 bolts of lightning towards the dark pony. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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(Quickly: Is he going to be our hardest opponent? Tell me when we get there and I'll reveal Snow's past. For serious though. When we get there. Otherwise I'll rip your head off, MK style.)


Snow was knocked back. The rage was boiling inside her. She hadn't meant to kill the filly! It wasn't her! And now everyone hated her! It wasn't fair-

Very good, dear one.

Snow angrily pushed the voice away. I DON'T NEED YOU HERE RIGHT NOW!


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(Not yet Pink)


When Zashten saw the beam of light he suddenly screeched loudly. The birds in the far off trees cawed flew away, and then dark clouds emerged from almost thin air! Zashten started to somehow levitate into the air and a big, black tornado was forming above him. Lightning flashed around it as it got larger and larger. He screeched once more and then large, black tentacles slithered out of the small opening above him. They grew larger as the the tornado did too. The tentacles morphed into big, black weapons and torture tools. The largest one expanded and turned into a large sword literally on fire! Black fire!!!!



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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(Nope, I've something else planned for that! This guy isn't even one of the gates! We still have a few more to go. Oh, and if you try that, I'll rip my face off to reveal my fiery skull and toast ya :D!)


*Zashten was hit by one of the bolt's and cried out in pain. He stumbled about and began to throw energy like mad, blowing up various buildings.*


Krein tackled him as hard as he could, scorching parts of his body with extreme heat.

"^*^ You fool, you dare challenge me?!" he shouted as he levitated him and threw him towards Storm.

"Hit him again!"

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"Hey, don't leave me out of the fun!" Enigma shouted in the midst of transforming, shadows surrounding and engulfing him.


The shadow soon faded, revealing a mighty thunderbird were Enigma had been just seconds before.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Storm felt that now was good time to demonstrate one of his combat abilities that he had kept secret up until now. Dipping his back hooves into the lightning cloud he had made, he made the lightning attach to his hooves. Intercepting the evil pony in mid air, he shouted "He's coming your way Enigma, courtesy of my patented "Thunder Buck"! When his lightning encased hooves connected, there was a boom like the purest thunder and the evil pony was launched toward Enigma,sparking with electrical damage. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Krein decided to hurt Zashten even more, and instead slammed him down to the ground Ermac style.


*Zashten laughed as he got up from the ground.

"Careful alicorn, I know of your kind. You wouldn't want this village to end up like the many others you've decimated with your group of warriors would you?" he shouted as he threw an energy ball at him.*


Krein weakly got up and prepared to fire at him again.



*Zashten's voice turned hoarse and more evil than before.

"Want to know what happens if you win against me? Against Discord? THIS!"

The pony began to glow as he casted a mirage around everyone. The scen was terrible. An army marched through the land as fires raged out of control. Several dragons circled the air, reducing villages to rubble and devouring ponies as they did.*


Krein froze up.

"No... Is this what awaits us in the end anyways?"

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Enigma chuckled.


"Without context, this means nothing!" Enigma shouted toward Zashten. "This could just as easily be an army going to one of Pinkie Pie's signature parties, albeit a rather dark party but that aside, as it could be an army marching to war! You really need more focus on the details here!"

Edited by King of Magikarps


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Storm was shocked at what he saw. "This can't be right. Discord is evil...why would stopping him cause these horrible events? I doesn't make sense." Storm shook his head in despair, but then something occurred to him, "Guys...this might just be trick! He may just be trying to break our spirits! Even if this is true, we have to stop him here! He's too dangerous to let go! And even if these things do happen...we'll be here to defend Equestria! Now let's snap out of it and take this guy down! FOR EQUESTRIA!"


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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(Krein, KREIN!!! Remember this:

(Not yet Pink)


When Zashten saw the beam of light he suddenly screeched loudly. The birds in the far off trees cawed flew away, and then dark clouds emerged from almost thin air! Zashten started to somehow levitate into the air and a big, black tornado was forming above him. Lightning flashed around it as it got larger and larger. He screeched once more and then large, black tentacles slithered out of the small opening above him. They grew larger as the the tornado did too. The tentacles morphed into big, black weapons and torture tools. The largest one expanded and turned into a large sword literally on fire! Black fire!!!!


Huh?? GUYS!!!)

Edited by Ninja Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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"Enigma!" Storm goes into a steep dive and manages to catch Enigma before he hits the ground. "You ok, buddy? We can't afford to have you hurt. It's going to take all of us to beat this guy. He's tough...way tougher than Typhon was, but I know we can do it if we combine our powers!"


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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(No.... I don't....)

*'Zashten' laughed evily as he dealt damage to the ponies.

"It's not Discord who causes this. One among you grows power hungry after his defeat. You should read up on your legends more. The ones trained by dragons.... Maybe it isn't me you should be attacking!"*


Krein's temper flared.

"I would never cause any of this! I'm not like them anymore!"


(Your turn Ninja!)

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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(Oh, I must've gotten ninja'd when you posted him turning into a monster, sorry! I guess I'll reveal Krein's past now...)


*'Zashten' laughed at Enigma's question.

"The ones trained by dragons are called the Imperators, a powerful group, if not army, of warriors. The great beasts trained their members abilities to the max and to fight with absolute viciousness and mercilessness. They would go and destroy many cities and villages to conquer them. The ones who survived were better off dead. They were kept as slaves to tend the land, build their new cities, and so much more! Hahaha! It's truly is remarkable.... The fire alicorn is one of them..."

The mirages shifted as the creature looked evily towards Krein. It showed him watching the various activities of a city as some ponies kindly showed him around. Nighttime fell, and Krein flew towards the air and formed the Imperator's insignia, a dragon skull. A roar was heard as one appeared in the air. The two spoke a strange language as Krein pointed towards the village. Soon, the dragon roared once more as it flew towards it while breathing fire, sending everything ablaze. A group of soldiers swarmed the area as they killed everypony that dared cross their path.

The scene shifted once more as the warriors stood behind Krein as they looked upon the remaining survivors.


/What should we do with them?/ asked the dragon.

/... Kill the foals. We can't have them growing up with a hatred towards us now, can we? As for the grown ups, keep them. We need more workers anyways./


The scenes continually shifted, showing more battles and victories by the minute. Zashten laughed cruelly.

"Even you cannot deny these things, alicorn..."*


Krein shed some tears at his memories.

"No... I can't unfortunately," he said sadly as he looked down at the ground. The ground began to form small, steaming cracks under his hooves.

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"Krein, snap out of it! It doesn't matter what happened in the past! Its behind you now! All that matters is that you're here now and that you can help us prevent things like this image from ever happening again! And besides...if you ever do decide to go evil again, I'll just smack you upside the head and snap you out of it." said Storm with a friendly grin on his face. "Now...what do you say we kick this guy's flank all the way back to whatever hellhole spawned him?" Storm said as he got into a battle stance. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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