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"Stay away! Stay away from me!" Enigma's head was spinning. How could this be possible? No, it couldn't be true! What he was remembering had to be incorrect.


<Oh dear me, is something the matter? I thought you wanted to know your past? Can't handle the truth, can you? Ha! Well, since you clearly don't appriciate my gift, I guess I'll just leave you be then! Have fun now Enigma, have fun with with your own demons...>


Enigma began to cry uncontrolably. He looked at Krein then at Storm.


"Kill me!" He cried towards them. "Kill me! Please, kill me now!"


Without waited for a response, Enigma curled himself into the fetal position and continued to sob heavily.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Enigma slowly raised his head to look at his teammates.


"I remembered... tha-that I... I di-did... n-n-nothing!" As Enigma finished his forced sentence, a new wave of sobs overcame him, only this time they were accompinied by loud screams.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"Enigma...just take it easy. Take a few deep breaths and sit down. We don't want you to have a panic attack. When you're ready, you should tell us what you remembered. Talking about it will help and it may have something to do with our mission, just like Krein's past does."


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Enigma's eyes widened. Talking about it wouldn't make it better, no, it was too horrible, they would hate him, possibly more than Discord himself. If he talked about his past, the team would be split apart, and that's exactly what Discord wanted. He couldn't do it, he couldn't let Discord win, not again...


Enigma slowly stood up, legs shaking, and knees almost buckling as he tried to walk forward. He put on what he hoped was a puzzled and innocent grimace.


"W-what just happened to me?" He stuttered.


In reality he very well knew what just happened, but he couldn't risk them finding out what he now knew. Freigning ignorance wouldn't be too difficult, he had the unfortunate credit of being... forgetful at times.


Enigma tilted his heads and blinked a few times in an attempt to look confused.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"Riiiight," Krein said, confused (and a little creeped out) by Enigma's sudden mood swings.

"You know, Storm is right, we've had quite a tiring day so far. We should stop and rest our bodies AND minds here for now. We did just come out of the creepiest place on.... Whatever dimension that was in...."

Krein headed towards a large tree and layed down under it. He looked up in surprise when he saw that same pegasus Imperator standing in the tall crops.

"^*^ If you even try anything, I swear I'll sear the flesh from your bones!" Krein told him.

"^*^ Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything.... I'm here to give you something...."

"^*^ Very well, make it quick."

The pegasus took out a scroll from his satchel and placed it on the ground before the alicorn

"^*^ The dragon asked me to give you this. It's the spell for-"

"^*^ Yes, I know what it's for. Thank you comrade."

The pegasus saluted Krein with his marked hoof and then flew away. Krein watched him carefully until he was no longer in sight. He took a look at the sealed scroll and placed it carefully in his own satchel, then laid down to rest as if nothing had happened.

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"Like Krein said, we just need to sit here and rest for awhile, sleep if possible. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like I could sleep for 2 straight days." Storm said the last few words with a huge yawn and in about a minute, his breathing was slow and even, indicating that he was asleep.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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(Well apparently all of us except Storm have violent secret pasts! XD)


Snow was lying down too, but she kept her eye on Enigma. Something about him unsettled her.

Can't judge based on my own past, I guess.

She rolled over and went to where Krein was, looking at him. "So what's the plan?" she asked with a grin. "Hopefully it involves no more detours to Hell."


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Krein was busy reading the scroll the Imperator had given him and snapled it shut as soon as he heard Snow's voice.

<Don't need her finding out about this....>

"Plan? Try not to get killed by anything Discord throws at us, find out more about that group the scientist mentioned.... Definitely don't run into evil Imperators, keep heading west, find the Mane 6. Yeah, thats about it!" he said with a smirk.

"... Uh, you've got a nice smile by the way," he said sheepishly.

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Storm happened to be walking by on the way back from getting a drink in a nearby stream and overheard Krein's remark. "I never would have guessed, our very own Krein does have a heart under all that big, bad, firepowered exterior. Let me just say that you two make a good couple." Storm said with a bit of a grin on his face. Snow and Krein both started at him, embarrassed.


(Sorry guys, I just had to do it, the opportunity was too good.)


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Krein shifted awkwardly in place as the patch of grass he was standing on spontaneously combusted.

"Oh! I'm sorry...." he told Snow quickly as he absorbed the flames to put it out. Because of his embarassment, his Illusion magic kicked in and made him turn invisible.

<You're kidding right?> he thought as he felt the magic camoflauge him against his will.

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Snow's face was blank through this exchange, her eyes glazed.

Green irises. Grin. Brown mane. Head against hers.

"You have the prettiest smile..."

"SHUT...UP!" Snow yelled suddenly, standing up with blazing eyes.


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"Ok then, I think I'll go to sleep..." Krein said, unsure whether she was talking to him or to Storm. Still invisible, he went to a different tree and hid behind to continue studying the scroll.

"Whatever... I'll just use the thing I've learned from this if and when the time comes... It's a cruel energy though...."

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Snow turned angrily to Storm, shoving her face right in his.

Leave me ALONE! she hissed, then realized she'd spoken in her Windigo voice. She shook her head and ran away to another place, hiding in the shade of another tree.


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"^*^ Aw well friend, it was worth a try," Krein said glumly to himself in Draconian as he turned himself visible again. He took one last look at the scroll.

"Ahraand Frul Slen; Ag Aus Krii...."

He shut the scroll and placed it back in his pack, then closed his eyes to try to get some rest.


(Time warp'd)


Krein awoke and stretched out his wings. He looked around the farmland, and crouched lower into the crops when he saw some ponies tending the land.

<It's a farm! Of course there'd be ponies tending the land! Get a grip on yourself....>

He cautiously walked back to the area where most of them were gathered and woke them up.

"Ready to go?" he asked as he saw another pillar of smoke rise in the distance.

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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Snow nodded tensely, stretching as she stood up.

"About last night...sorry," she said. "I just have some bad memories."

She smiled sweetly at him. "Thanks, though."


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"It's fine," Krein said as he began to walk. He caught something out of the corner of his eye, something that appeared to be a stone wing.

<Could it be?>

Krein headed towards the area; the more he advanced, the more the smoke increased.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't set anything off in this area... but why-"

Krein was cut short as he bumped into a stone.

"Ouch, pretty stupid place for a statue. Wait..."

Krein looked up and almost fainted out of surprise, if not despair as he looked up at the statue.

"^*^Father..." No one could understand his language, but it was clear that he was in obvious distress.

He looked beyond the statue, and saw a city. It was in pretty bad condition: some parts still smoldered and others lay in utter ruin. Ponies worked vigorously to hall stones away and to repair all structures.


*"^*^ Welcome home... son."*


Krein stepped back as a black and white stallion flapped its wings to clear away any remaining smoke.


*"^*^ So Discord was right... you have come back..." He looked at the other ponies with obvious distaste, and a particular hatred towards Snowfell. "I'm not sure which is more displeasing," he said in English. "That you left us and joined with a group of weakling, or that you have taking a liking towards HER," he said as he pointed his marked hoof towards the mare. A phalanx of Imperators walked from behind him and surrounded the group...*


"Ok, look, they've done nothing to you or to the Imperators... I'm the one who razed Alcron, so just take me prisoner and let them go..."

Krein casted some mage armor and then instinctively wrapped a wing around Snowfell.


*His father glared at this action and one of his eyes glowed red in anger. "Sorry, but seeing as you're a traitor and they're with you, you all get to be taken prisoner.... Also Kreinbahthur, I think Kaaljotkein would LOVE to have a word with you..." The alicorn pointed towards the city and the group was lead towards it...*

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Enigma hadn't slept at all that night. The constant tide of memories had eventually faded, but every time he had closed his eyes to try and sleep, he was forced to relive those memories in vivid detail. Now that the sun had risen, there was a dull, constant pain in the back of his head.


When he had seen Krein come to wake them up, he had silently slipped down to the fields, he needed time alone from his team. In his sleepless hours Enigma had wrestled with his conscious and he wanted to decide what to do before he confronted them again. Dare he tell his teammates of what he now knew? The initial shock of the returned memories had caused Enigma to lose control of himself, but now that the memories had stopped coming, he could think logically again.


Enigma stopped to rest in a grove of trees. He hadn't eaten in a while and he hardly slept at all since beginning the quest, so his physical energy had been sapped. He reached into his backpack and grabbed an apple. After biting into it he sat down and took in his surroundings.


Okay, Enigma thought. Time to get thinking. I need to weigh the benefits of t-


Enigma stopped. Out of the corner of his eye he'd just seen movement. Enigma turned his head, but found nothing moving. Enigma walked in a circle, trying to see what had moved, but it was to no avail. After some time of searching, he became fearful, he needed to return to the others now. He looked around, but couldn't quite remember which direction he had come from, the half-hearted search had been enough to disorient his weary mind.


Suddenly, Enigma heard a voice call from behind him.


"Sir..." it seemed to be saying in a very quite voice. he quickly looked, but found nothing. Enigma figured it had been his imagination. And then the voice came again, but this time it was clearer, louder, and seemed to be saying "Commander..!"


Enigma turned around one last time, and screamed. He found himself face-to-face with a pony made entirely out of shadow and mist. Enigma ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction, and the specter pony began to follow him, all the while calling out "Commander!" or "Sir!"


Enigma rounded a sharp corner and his cape caught on an outstretched tree branch. There was a audible rip and Enigma stumbled. He continued to fall until his momentum had pushed him into a ditch, several feet away from the tree that had caught his cape. There was a sickening crack as Enigma landed awkwardly on his front leg, but he paid it little attention, more lost memories were working their way into his mind.


The specter pony appeared at the edge of the ditch.


"Sir, are you alright?" the figure asked, clearly concerned. "Did you injure yourself sir?"


Enigma smiled to himself.


"It's okay my friend, I'm fine, just under a bit of stress right now. You understand don't you Lieutenant?"


The shadowy colt looked relieved.


"Very good sir, also you said something about being lost? May be of assistance in that matter, commander?"


"No, no, I am perfectly fine," Enigma said, looking his old friend in the eyes. "I just forgot where I was for a minute, I'm okay now. You may take your leave."


The lieutenant lowered his head in a bow and slowly faded away. Enigma stood up and winced in pain as he realized that he had indeed sprained his front leg.


"Need some help with that?" said a calm, friendly, and light voice.


Enigma jumped. Standing on the bank of the ditch was another misty figure, only this one was clearly a mare and see was a deep purple instead of the blue the other had been.


"Oh," The purple mare started. "I take it you don't remember me yet? Well in that case call me L. don't worry, you'll remember on your own time. Now, about that leg of yours."


L was now in the ditch with Enigma, she slowly approached him as he held out his injured limb


"That's nothing too bad," she said as she touched her nose to the throbbing leg. Instantly, Enigma felt the pain leave his body along with his weariness. "There you are, all better. You really need to get going now, I think your friends are in danger. If you need me or the lieutenant, don't be afraid to ask, we are always with you. Consider us your personal assistants! Now I must go, you need to conserve your energy. Oh, and before I leave, tell your friends Enigma, they deserve to know the role you've played."


With that L faded away, just as the lieutenant had before her. Enigma jumped out of the ditch and stretched. Then, he looked around, quickly found the path he had had taken, and ran to go meet up with his team, his spirits much higher than they'd been the night before and his mind much more at peace with itself. He now knew that not all of his memories had returned, and that meant that he could still prove not be the monster he had thought himself to be.

Edited by King of Magikarps


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Krein looked around at the city of Alcron. The citizens stopped their activities and rebuilding to look at the captured ponies as the phalanx lead them through its ruins. Many of the ponies gave derisive looks towards Storm, hateful ones towards Snow, and fearful and hateful looks as well to Krein.

"Well I did destroy their city," he muttered. His father turned around at his comment and glared angrily at him.


* "No, you destroyed YOUR city." The alicorn singled Krein out from the group and pushed him into a building with two dragon statues at its entrance.*


Krein gulped as he entered the room. It appeared to have been recently repaired as everything seemed new. An Imperator soldier dragged Krein to the middle of a circle which was surrounded by rows of places to sit.

"I'm in the courtroom, aren't I? Well this isn't good..."

Doors opened and dragons and ponies filed in. After everypony and dragon had taken their places, a huge door slowly opened. The crowd rose in respect as a large, fearsome dragon entered. His scales were dark blue, his protruding spikes were golden, claws were extremely sharp, and he had a golden underbelly. This was an already frightening spectacle, but what stood the most about this draconian creature was its head. It appeared to have 4 eyes, but at the place where each pair of eye would be distanced, there seemed to be a type ravine between them, making it look as if he had half a face on each side.

"^*^ Kaaljotkein. Ruler of the Imperator dragons," Krein said as he stood in the middle of the room.


~"^*^ Still your tongue boy, and I may yet spare your miserable life," Kaal snarled. He spread his large wings, signalling every dragon and pony in the room to sit down. He looked at Krein once again.

"^*^ Kreinbahthur, 'The Overlord of the Sun's Wrath,' is that not what we named you?"~


"^*^ Last time I checked, yes..."


~"^*^ You are guilty of treason against your own civilization. You and that other dragon, Toormaarnax, abandoned us and then destroyed our marvelous city."


"^*^ Just get it over with and clamp you teeth on his puny neck!!" roared one of the dragons."

Other dragons and ponies muttered in agreement, to which Kaal breathed a gout of fire into the air to silence them.


"^*^ No... I want this one to suffer... To the Colloseum with this pathetic excuse for an Imperator!"

He opened his mouth, but instead of fire, lightning crackled from his maw and hit Krein square in the face, making him collapse. The other Imperators laughed as the soldiers dragged him off to a dungeon. They all filed out and left the room empty, save for Kaal.

"^*^ Toormaarnax.... MY TEETH TO YOUR NECK!!!"~


*Krein's father shoved the other two into a waiting cell filled with other terrified ponies.

"I am going to enjoy watching you all die here, especially you, WINDIGO," he said as he shot a small ball of fire in Snowfell's face.

Outside of the cell, a cheering crowd is heard as the sounds of an obvious fight rages on. Storm and Snow wince a little as a sickening rip is heard and a dragon roars in victory. A gladiator match will soon commence...*

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After having been silent through their whole walk through the city and the trial, Storm finally spoke up. "Snow, things are not looking good. We have to try and get out of this cell somehow and help Krein. Do you have any ideas on how we can get ourselves out of this cell for starters?"


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Though she didn't look it, Snow was jelly inside. So many Imperators spelt trouble. When she was thrown into the cell, she had bared her teeth at Krein's father.

She and Storm had sat in silence for a bit when she heard the ripping sound and winced slightly.

I hope Krein's okay...I'd hate for him to die...

She heard Storm and thought for a second then smiled grimly.

"If I turn into a Windigo I can slip through the crack," she explained. "I may be able to take out a few Imperators as well." She blinked. "But I may not be able to turn back to myself...I'll be gone for good if I let my temper get too high."

I worked so hard for this, suffered so much for this, and now it's gonna end here, she thought angrily, slouching against the wall further.

When the others in the cell heard her say "Windigo" they shied back in terror. Snow looked at them all sadly.

"I'm not here to hurt you guys." She tried to sound friendly. "Anypony got ideas?"

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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Krein lay sprawled on the ground of his cell. His mane was matted with blood, it was clear that he had been beaten by the Imperators at the time of his incarceration. Tears streamed down his face as he thought about things. He was desperately worried about what would happen to his friends, especially Snowfell. But what really cut him like a knife was the look of utter dissappointment and hatred in his father's eyes.


* "You are the most pathetic pony I have ever seen in my life,"* he had told him as the soldiers threw him in the dungeon.

* "I wish you had never been born to my family..."*

The more Krein thought about it, the sadder he grew.

His cell door opened as a small dragon came in. It picked him up with its tail, making sure to dig the spikes on it into Krein's body.

"^*^ Have fun dying out there!" the dragon sneered as it tossed him out into the arena. Krein simply stood there with his gaze lowered as the announcer for the fights called out his name.


"Kreinbahthur, the traitor to Alcron! Are you ready to see his insides spilled out on the ground?!"

The crowd cheered in response as they opened a gate for a wingless dragon to enter....

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