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"Why would I want you to go back? I honestly don't care if you die out here, I've lost my patience with you living beings, I'm just here so I can think." L looked around as she continued to follow Snowfell. "So, who was Sneig?"


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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"Glad to find someone who finally doesn't," snorted Snow. "And that is none of your business."


(I already want to punch her in the face.)


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(Her face is not a physical thing to punch :P)

"Oh, don't try and hide things from me," L said with a smirk similar to Enigma's. "I've spent enough time in the subconscious to know what most ponies are thinking simply by the look on their faces. I have a basic grasp of things already, I just thought I'd be polite and ask first."


L looked around as if bored.


"He was important to you wasn't he? You're surprised about something he did recently as well." L grimaced.


She yawned and continued to look around.


"Oh yeah, where are we going anyway?"


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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(@Pinkie: Want me to use Temporary Flesh so that you can xD?)


Krein walked around the city, pondering to himself how all these situations would work out. He occasionally stopped to help some Imperators fix a structure, then continuing to walk. He stopped at his old house, one that had been rewarded to him for a campaign he had led. He walked into it, remembering the memories of the battles and celebrations that had come after it. The alicorn was pleased to see everything had been fixed and tidied up. He climbed the stairs and went to his room to lie down in his bed. It had been a long time since he had slept in his own house, and his eyes welled with tears at the memories of everything he had done.

"Meh, I've seriously got to get over that... It's all in the past. I hope at least..."

Krein rolled over and began re reading the scrolls for Temporary Flesh.

"If only I hadn't lost my temper and used this shout, maybe things between Snowfell and I wouldn't look so bleak...."

He read its description aloud.

" 'Your voice rends the ethereal, ripping away the very essence of the spirits and replacing it with corporeality...'

Well, at least it worked... It's not my fault the idiot decided to attack me anyways, his fate was his own fault..."

Krein sat up, thinking....

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(Hey don't be mean to L, she's just doing he job as the annoying voice character!)


"Krein!Storm!" Enigmas called, desperately hoping for a response. The last thing they needed was for the team to get separated.


Enigma retracted his false wings and landed softly on the ground. His cape returned to its normal form and he looked at it again.


Why is this ripped? He asked himself. There was no response from Lieutenant this time, just the normal loneliness of a single mind.


Enigma thought for a minute, when could it have ripped? It had been fine the last time he had examined it, which had been right before they'd been pulled into that hellish world.


Suddenly, a thought stuck. In his fight with Storm's Doppelganger, his back had been cut by a piece of D. Storm's armor. Perhaps that's were one of the holes had come from.


Enigma quickly thought up another time when his cape could have ripped, when he was in the grove clearing his mind. A slow wave of cold realization washed itself over Enigma.

Edited by King of Magikarps


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Since they had decided to stay the night in the Imperator city to rest, Krein's father had organized sleeping quarters for Storm. After he had been shown to the room, a large but comfortably styled room with a large window so Storm could take off with no trouble, by a servant, he asked the servant where he could find a bath. "I haven't gotten clean since before I left Ponyville and I've been traveling and fighting pretty much since then, so I think I must have a pretty thick layer of dirt and monster blood on me. I do wonder where Enigma got off to though. I haven't seen him for awhile. After my bath I'll have to go look for him and go see what Krein is up to." Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Snow just shook her head. "You seem like fun," she snorted. "And it's pretty obvious. Sneig was my closest friend. I never meant to hurt him."

She stopped and sat down. "I'm not so sure yet, but I'm going to rest for a little bit. Go bother someone else."


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(Time Warp'd: Morning now, everyone is clean and well rested; Enigma fell asleep on the outskirts of the city where he was brought into the same sleeping quarters as Storm)


Krein awoke, the scroll for the shout still next to him. He got out of his bed and picked it up, storing it into a chest and locking it in there.

"I already know the two shouts anyways, no point in keeping that," he said as he emptied out his pack and refilling it with other things.

Krein began to walk out of his house, when he remembered what he had heard Toormaarnax roar while he was still in his cell.

"Well, if we are close to Twilight, I might as well suit myself for the occasion!"

Krein walked into a locked room. He unlocked it using a spell and stepped in. The room held many memories from past battles, the skulls, wings, weapons, and armors of enemies he had beaten put on display. He walked over to the far end of the room, trying his best not to look at the 'keepsakes'. He reached a certain spot and pressed a button, causing a stage to rise up which had a set of Imperator armor (it looks like Daedric Armor from Skyrim, only reshaped to fit ponies). He put it on and headed out his house over to the place where Storm had stayed. He walked in there.

"You still here Storm?"

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(Quick note: You'll see Snow on the way. She headed in Twi's direction too.)


Snow woke up with a jolt. I slept way longer than I should have...this is not good.


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"Yeah, Krein, I'm still here and look what the Imperators dragged in early this morning." He said pointing a hoof in the direction of Enigma, who was still asleep in the other bed after having spent most of the night trying to sleep on cold stone before being found. "The guards that brought him said that they found him wandering the outskirts of the city. I'm not sure how he got there, but we can ask him when he wakes up." It was then that he noticed Krein's armor. "That's some pretty spiffy armor you got there. If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were intimidating." Storm said with a smirk and a joking tone in his voice.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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"Well, considering that its made from the bones of my enemies, I'd say yes!" he said as he spread his wings and released the blades on them. He retracted them and refolded them on his back.

"Anyway, let's wake up Enigma and get going," Krein said as he picked up a bucket of water and splashed it onto Enigma.

"WAKE UP SOLDIER OR ITS THE FRONT LINES FOR YOU!!" Krein yelled as a startled Enigma jumped out of bed at attention.

"Heh, just kidding, anyway, let's go. Like, for real this time."

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Enigma jumped up, his eyes snapping open. He felt himself transforming before he could stop it. Soon Enigma stood as a blade-lizard, poised to attack. Upon seeing that Storm and Krein were the ones who had awoken him, he quickly morphed back into his unicorn form.


"What's going on?" Enigma belted out, his head whipping around, looking for some explanation as to what was going on. "Where are we? How did we get here?"




L looked at Snowfell.


"You sleep quite a bit. Really, I'd forgotten how much the living sleep," she said slightly surprising the unicorn. "What? Did you think I was gone? Sorry, not quite yet."

Edited by King of Magikarps


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"The Imperator gaurds took the liberty of bringing you in here. A little longer, and you'd be buzzard food by now," Krein said as he tossed Enigma a towel.

"We're planning on heading out. According to Toormaarnax, Twilight Sparkle isn't far from here..."

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"Yep, so get your gear together and let's go!" Storm said as he finished snapping on his weather harness and his helmet. "We have to catch up to Snowfell as well. Something tells me she didn't get very far. Let's just hope she's in a bit better mood today and doesn't try to kill us." Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Enigma caught the towel in a shadowy tendril.


"She didn't get too far I can tell you that," he said as he began wiping his face with the towel. "But she doesn't seem to be in a much better mood no either. I had L follow her then came looking for you guys."


Enigma threw the towel into a corner of the room. He looked at his pack, it hadn't held much when he'd started, just some water and a few apples, but now it was almost completely empty.


"Hey can you guys tell me where I can find some supplies to refill my pack? It won't take long, I just wan to make sure I have plenty of food and water for a couple of days."


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Krein summoned some servants and told them to bring supplies. He was pleased to see that they were being treated much better than his people had treated conquered civilizations in the past. He thanked them and gave them a few septims for their kindness.

"Here, take this," he said as he handed the supplies to Enigma. Krein walked outside and waited for the others to follow him as well.

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After Storm and Enigma had finished loading their packs, they headed outside to meet Krein. "Ok guy! Are we all ready to get going and kick Discord's scaley behind?!" He asked with a look of cocky determination on his face. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Snow stood up and groaned.

"Figured you'd be here. I overslept. Sorry to keep you waiting, Your Highness," she smiled mockingly. She didn't mind L-well, at least she didn't treat her like she was a little filly.

When she was on her hooves, she felt a little dizzy and then just shook her head.

"We gotta keep moving before they catch up."

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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"So Enigma, how far did Snow manage to get yesterday?I really wish she hadn't left without us. I know she can handle herself and that she is furious with all of us right now, but still, we don't want to take that chance with Discord being out and about, especially now that we're sure he has a sizable unit of Imperators on his side." Storm said with a bit of a worried look on his face.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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"They didn't get too far," Enigma responded. "I can't tell where they are exactly, but they're in the direction we'll be going."


Enigma did some quick math.


"It should take us approximately an hour to catch up, given we all fly and she isn't moving yet."




L looked at Snow.


"Oh please," she mumbled. "Don't call me 'Highness'. Oh, and as for 'them catching up', don't bother, they're already on their way here now."


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"You sound uncomfortable," said Snow with a raised eyebrow. "Am I bothering you, Highness?"

She then turned around and started to walk away.


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"No, not really," L said matter-of-factly. "It's just that I haven't been called that in some time, the title will take some getting used to again but, oh well."


L thought for a moment then shrugged her ghostly legs.


"You seem to have some sort of issue with me. Seeing as this has been our first encounter, I fail to see what has you so worked up."


(L is about to be a jerk :( )


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(Oh, joy -.-)


"So you are some sort of royalty as well?" said Snow questioned. "Huh. Wouldn't have guessed."

She then slowed and stopped. "My problem with you is that I don't exactly want company right now, especially someone who knows Enigma. You could just be feeding this back to him."

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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"Never mind that royalty part for now," L spoke up. "What I want to know is what's wrong with Enigma? Sure he can be thick at times, but that's just because of his lousy memory. He offered to kill you when you asked to be killed. Wait... could you not hear it in his voice? The sadness? He's seen this type of emotional descent before. The self-destructive attitude that leads toward the hatred of others. He was trying to use reverse psychology, you fool!"


L stopped for a bit, clearly quite flustered. After calming down,she began again.


"I'm sorry for that outburst, but remember this, we both offered to try and revive you friend. I have mastered Equestria's most powerful regeneration spell, one, when coupled with the tears of a Phoenix, can sometimes halt, revert, or prevent certain death, yet you just ignored us..."


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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