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private B.E.T.A. (Bringing Equality To All)


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@@Midnight Scribbler


OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/80029-beta-bringing-equality-to-all-private-1on1-rp/?fromsearch=1


The city of Canterlot was always busy this time of day, ponies getting off & on the train, business, visiting, or otherwise. Today however, was for a rather unsettling reason.


There was a podium set up in the middle of the city square. Behind it was a maroon stallion with a combed back grey mane, his eyes dark and shallow. There were a few other ponies with him, but were covered up with strange looking masks. Many were gathered around the stand, one of whom was Media Snap, who was out & about with a current film project he was on, as well as searching for any record labels he could think about signing to. However, this mysterious figure & the growing crowd intrigued him, and he decided to stand in the back and just listen carefully.

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork had been busily storming the city, looking for buyers. His saddlebag was loaded up with devices and blueprints he'd been looking to sell. His searches were going nowhere, he'd nearly given up on it until he noticed a large gathering. "So this is where everypony has gotten to. No wonder I can't sell anything.. What's going on I wonder." He trotted up to the gathering, peering up at the stallion on the podium. Then began looking around for anypony who looked to be of the sort to spend bits on gadgets and tools. He bumped into Media Snap by accident "I'm terribly sorry, sir." He backed away, giving him room.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media Snap was waiting for whatever speech was going to take place before he felt somepony bump into him from the side. He backed up a bit, then smiled at the newcomer.


"Oh, it's ok, I'm fine." He brushed himself off, and noticed the huge saddlebags the stallion was carrying around. "Don't mind me asking, but what are you carrying in there? Looks like an awful lot to keep in there, huh?"


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Clockwork grinned broadly. This was the first interest anypony had shown in his baggage, perhaps he'd make a sale today after all.. Or at the very lease, make some contacts. "Ah, yes.. This. I carry many things in here, many of which for sale.. Oh, but where are my manners. My name is Clockwork Green. Creator of gadgets, mechanisms, tools and weaponry." He extended a hoof to shake, while using the other to undo his bag cover to open it up. "I have everything from blueprints to magitech batteries. My own personal inventions." He chuckled.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Ooh, an inventor!" Media thought. He could easily tell he was the type from the huge mechanical wings that displayed on his sides. On second glance, he also seemed a bit peculiar, but brushed it off, shaking his hoof back. "Nice to meet you Mr. Clockwork, my names Media Snap, aspiring film producer, musician, etc." He did a lot more, but he usually kept it to those two things for introductions. It was nice & short, and he never liked bragging anyways. "So, I guess you're in the marketing business? Aside from inventing of course."


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Clockwork raised a brow, then smiled. "You could say that. I have troubles selling my inventions at times. They tend to receive a fairly lukewarm response most times, I believe ponies think I'm trying to take away their special abilities or something. Which of course is utterly ridiculous." He chuckled. "What is going on here anyway, who is that on the podium? I've never seen him around.. And those masked ponies.. Seems rather ominous."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I know the feeling. Some ponies stare at me funny when I pull out my laptop in public. I don't see what the big deal is, but I guess it's understandable. But still, a pony's work can't go undone, and I follow that quite strongly, heh!"


"What is going on here anyway, who is that on the podium? I've never seen him around.. And those masked ponies.. Seems rather ominous."

Media looked over, then shrugged. "Um, I don't know honestly, but it doesn't seem pretty. I mean, those masks can't possibly mean any-"


Crimson Cloud


"Everypony, please, can I get you're attention?" Crimson said in a calm, yet commanding tone. Everypony quickly stopped talking and diverted themselves to the stallion pegasus, curious on what this pony had to say, and what may come from such news.


"Thank you." He coughed. "Ahem. Anyways, my name is Crimson Cloud. I work for the government here in our sweet land of Equestria, and it's a wonderful job...but, I fear there is an uprising among us, ladies & gentlecolts."


Murmurs were spread through the crowd. Some were scared, others were still waiting for the rest.


"I'm afraid there has been a great imbalance of power in this country. You may have seen it, may have not, but you know for sure that some ponies hold technology that aren't available to the public. Some are not-so common tools of everyday life, such as laptops, cameras, etc. But, why only them? Just because it's their so called "talent", doesn't mean it should be theirs for their personal enjoyment? But that's not the main issue here, oh no. It gets far worse, my little ponies. Some hold power & strength beyond equestrian understanding! There are some who wield weaponry & armory that could overthrow the princesses! Take over whole towns! Destroy civilization as we know it! And I know not everypony has such evil intentions, but really, do you think such power should be in the hooves of such civilians?"


The crowd was a mixed pile of opinions. A few thought this guy was crazy, others had began agreeing and applauding him.


"I don't think so! Now, to further introduce myself, I run a whole specialized organization against such hypocrisy called B.E.T.A. It stands for 'Bringing Equality To All', and that's what we set out to do. If you'd like to join the fight, we're happy to accept members, however....if you protest against us, I'm afraid the consequences might possibly a bit much for you to handle. So please, help us in restoring our lands equality, I do hope you see it through."


While the ponies in the masks, along with converted crowd goers, cheered him on, Media Snap was standing in utter shock. "...this is the dumbest thing anypony could freaking protest." He turned to Clockwork. "Do you believe this guy? There's now way somepony like him can just, just- just take away pony's jobs like this!"

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork had taken on a more serious expression. He didn't show it, but inside, he felt a chaotic mixture of fear, anger, and loathing. "This pony must die.. I knew I should have gotten out of here when I had the chance." He glanced to Media. "I think it would be best.. if we left this place... Come." His voice was bitter. "They're referring to me.. I'm certain of it.. I need to get out of here now." He turned and began filing his way through the crowd, and looked for the closest alleyway.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Wait, leave, now?" He was confused, mostly on where they would go to avoid such political & organized bull. He decided he didn't want any part of this mess for the meantime though, so he caught up to Clockwork & followed him into the alleyway. They eventually reached a nice, secluded area. Not too shady, and lead up to the train station nearby.

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork turned to Media and halted "This could mean the end of everything I've worked so hard to achieve.. My whole life depends upon this. My entire life's work.. I cannot stand by and watch as those arrogant, ignorant fools tear the wings from my back... I must return to my workshop. I need to hide some things. If you wish, you may come with me.. But you'll be at risk as long as you're seen with me." He reached back, pulling out a little glass vial, and handed it to Media. "This is a smoke screen vial.. It may come in handy. You just have to throw it on the ground in between you and whoever is following. Then get out of dodge before they see where you went."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media took the vial and stuck it in his laptop bag, which he managed to fit in his saddle bags. He started to slightly panic, looking back at the podium & then back to Clockwork. "I-I think I'll take my chances if you don't mind. I think I'd be better off with somepony to watch my back, and vice versa." He thought about his trusty laptop. He needed to keep it from peering eyes at all times, this was serious.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork smiled, he hadn't expected to have a companion in his efforts. He pondered a moment, then looked up the alley, towards the station. "If you're certain.. My shop isn't far from here. Lets get moving before anypony spots us leaving. We don't need any attention.. I'm well known around this city, and not well liked to begin with." "This pony has no idea what he's getting into.. but perhaps he will come in handy." With that, he began making his way calmly up the alleyway towards the train station.

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Media nodded. "I'm definitely certain, if this news spread back to Manehatten, I would be one of the first to be looked for. A lot of those ponies know me for my film & music careers, as well as photography & other things. If they saw me, I'd be too on the list."


He began to follow Clockwork, trying to not talk about their professions anymore until they got on the train. "So, where's your shop?" Media asked.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork got to the edge of the alley, looking around. "It's just around the corner from here.. I've been meaning to change locations soonish.. I knew this was coming, I just didn't realize it would be so soon.. Nor so organized." He trotted past the train station, and around the next corner. A shop stood not far from there, a sign on the door read "Clockwork's Mechanisms" He snatched the sign down from the door, tucking it under his arm, and entered, holding the door for Media. "Quickly now, we haven't much time."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


At the pace Clockwork was walking, Media often found himself trying to pick up the pace. "This must be a very big deal for him" He did say he was an inventor, and whatever he built that caused such opinions on his name must have been a bigger deal.


He followed Clockwork into the building, and figured out he didn't take inventions for granted. Several contraptions and what-nots lined the shelves, hung from the wall, almost every spot had an invention occupying it.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork began running around his workshop, shutting curtains and gathering up all of his blueprints. "These are the most important" He thought. "Even if I lose everything else.. I must protect these designs. I can rebuild, but I cannot lose my designs.. I need to find one specifically." He rooted through a pile before shooting his head upright again "Of course!" Clockwork climbed up onto his table, reaching up to the highest shelf and took down a canister. He loaded a couple of suitcases with things and shut them, then looked to Media Snap sternly. "You must promise me you never tell a soul what you see here today."


Just then, a unicorn mare wandered out from a door in the back. She had dark blue coat with a black mane and tail, which were accented with yellow stripes. She yawned, looking over to the two ponies. "Who's your friend, Clock?" Clockwork jumped, not having heard her come in, and swung around quickly to face her. "Damn it, Nova, must you startle me like that? Things are bad.. we need to leave.. Now... Oh.. er, forgive me. This is.. er. What was your name again? I'm terribly sorry, my mind has become frazzled with all of this." Nova smirked wryly at Clockwork, then looked to Media Snap. "I'm Nova Strings.. Clockwork's assistant. He'd lose his brain if it weren't firmly embedded in his cranium." She chuckled.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media was startled slightly, but agreed to every word Clockwork said. He crossed his heart with his hoof. "I swear none of this will leave my-"


He was interrupted by a blue mare who had just walked in. He stifled a laugh when Clockwork jumped, but quickly covered it up. "It's Media Snap, Mr.Clockwork." He then turned to the mare in question, Nova. "Nice to meet you, too bad it's under these circumstances, heh." He blushed slightly, still extending for a hoof shake.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Nova shook his hoof, a look of confusion crossed her face. "Circumstances? What.. what do you mean.. Clockwork, what's going on?" She began to notice his cases had been packed, some papers partly poking out the sides. He was holding the canister still. "Clock, isn't that..?" "Yes.. the Magitech.. I have to protect it. Nova, something terrible had happened, they've organized against us. We're in deep shit this time. Pack your things. We need to get out of here asap. Gather what you can, we need to bury this stuff before they get here."

Nova nodded "Yes, of course."  She ran back into the room, rummaging through something. Clockwork ran to a desk on the far side of the room, pressing something underneath. The desk made a clicking sound before moving aside, revealing a chest. He unlocked the chest, and began pouring every blueprint into it. He held the magitech blueprint in his hooves a moment. "what to do with you.." He pondered. "Media.. This blueprint is my life's work. I've worked for years to make this happen, and now I'm forced to bury it. Perhaps you should hide your laptop in here as well.. You'd be better off not having it on you."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media gazed upon the blueprint, realizing this wasn't just any blueprint. It obviously had life-changing potential, and if in the wrong hooves, could be demolished or used for wrong purposes. He started to really let it sink in, he couldn't just walk out on this, he needed to stick with Clockwork & Nova. His career as well as theirs depended on it.


He glanced at his saddlebag, pulled out the laptop bag, and the laptop from it. "Well, I guess you'll just have to hang tight for a while." He placed the laptop in the chest, as well as his camera.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork finished stuffing as much as he could into the chest. All of his most valuable research and designs he could find were stuffed in. He quickly shut the lid, resetting the complex looking combination lock and pushed the desk back over top of it. The desk clicked back into place, and there was the sound of gears turning inside, then a clunk sound. "Alright, good, everything important is safe for now. Let's get out of here.. Oh shit." He trotted over to his work table where yet another cylinder sat. Some pieces lay around it, but the thing it's self was complete. "I almost forgot. I'd been working on this." He glanced at the desk, then to Media, then back to the device. "It looks like I'll have to carry this.. I have one on me already, no point in leaving the other. The designs are safe anyway." He turned, placing the thing into his pack, and closing the flap. Nova Strings trotted back into the room, with her saddlebags loaded up. "Alright Clock, I'm ready to go. What's the plan?" "We must leave the city.. Media, do you need to attend to anything before we leave?"

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Um, uh..." Media stumbled and scratched his head, trying to make sure everything he had was safe. He mostly took his camera & laptop where ever he went, so that wasn't a problem. He still felt like he was forgetting something....


Suddenly it hit him like a rock. A really big rock. "Oh no, nonononono, this can't happen!" He started to panic for real this time. "My music recording equipment is still back in Manehatten! If they got a hold of that...that's the end of my other career!"


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork glanced back to nova, winking, then looked to Media Snap. Nova smiled wryly. "Well.. looks like Manehatten it is. Not my idea of a vacation destination, but.. Perhaps they won't expect us to head that way."  "Agreed.. Let's get moving out then. Whenever you're ready, Media." With that, Clockwork gestured him to follow through the back way. He grabbed a cloak from a hook in the back entrance, and threw it over his shoulders, covering up his brass wings. "This should help us pass through public more easily without being picked out by those luddites." He swung the back door aside, and walked out, holding the door for Media. Nova brought up the rear, having bolted the front entrance on her way, and ready to lock the back door behind them.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media smiled, shaking Clockworks hoof. "Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me." After Clockwork threw on the cloak, he trotted out the door, with Clockwork following & Nova locking the door behind them. It only took about a few more minutes for them to all arrive at the train station. Once they paid for their tickets, they headed for the train, and were about to get on when another stallion confronted them.


"Sorry sirs & madam, are you planning on taking luggage? If so, bags & other things need to go get checked before departure." He started, kindly, but matter-of-factly.


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Clockwork's heart jumped into his throat for a moment, but he stayed cool and collected. "Yes.. er, one minute please. I will get to that momentarily." He poked Media, for his attention. "A word in private? I was thinking the first place I'd like to visit in Manehatten.." He glanced to Nova, motioning her to follow. As they moved out of earshot from the Employee, he continued. "I have a plan, but I'll be invisible. I can't get on with my battery, nor can Nova with what she's carrying. You get on, you don't have anything important on you right now. I'll meet you on the train." With that, he winked, then shuffled off with Nova around a corner, and waited for nopony to be around to see them. Clockwork clicked a button on his watch, and promptly went invisible. Nova did the same, but using her horn's natural abilities. He glanced around the corner, and silently crept onto one of the train cars with Nova.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media Snap was waiting for Clockwork to finish his sentence, before he went off with Nova. Media was slightly confused on how he would enter the train by....invisibility. He could have questioned him, but he decided to just board the train, he didn't have any luggage with him anyways, or now at least. He trotted over into the third car to the back and picked a seat, waiting for Clockwork & Nova to show up.


Sig by Champion RD92



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