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Elements of Nature


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(You're team is Plasma, Gizmo, Dusty, Ocean, Autumn, and Legacy and they're moving towards Frost. Where exactly? I don't have a map so I can't tell you.) (There are still clouds in the sky Quan.)

Garth hovered above the cloud and landed next to Masquerade.

"You don't need to be alone. You need someone to talk to about it so you can get over it. If it makes you feel better about talking about it with me, I killed my sister. It wasn't an accident either. I intended to do it, and I did it."

Edited by Linguz
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Garth shook his head.

"My father and sister, for reasons I won't go into, kicked my out of my tribe. Does that sound like something one wouldn't get revenge for?"

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Masquerade sighed.

"I see where you're coming from. It's just that... it's too much to take in at once. Killing the only ponies who cared for you. The only ones who truly loved you. Knowing that it's your fault that you have no family anymore."

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"You can consider the Valkyrs as your family. I know I do. So you do have a family, everyone around you. When you decide to let us be your family, come back down. The group's moving so they'll be a bit more north from here."

Garth jumped off the north end of the cloud and let himself fall, flaring his wings and pulling up after a few seconds.

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Masquerade thought on his words for a minute. He then smiled.

*He's right. I may not have known them for long, but they're my family for now. I should be grateful for that.*

Masquerade smiled. His eyes turned a royal blue. He then jumped off the cloud and flew north toward the group, going at a speed 4 times as fast as Garth.

Edited by Derp2daherp
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Garth saw Masquerade pass him and watched him go, not trying to speed up.

*So he already let us be his family. Good*


Raek turned back to see Masquerade and Garth coming back, each separate.

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Autumn looked up and watched Plasma fly away. "I know it is rude of me to say so, but sometimes I wonder about that pony." He bowed to Gizmo and then to Legacy. "Thank you both for helping me decipher those runes. I finally am beginning to understand what this sword can do. I suppose I probably owe you both an explanation. My father was an archeologist, and he was studying this sword before he died. I promised I would finish his work, but I honestly have no idea where he found the sword. If it does charge magical energy while in the sheath, then that means there must be a matching rune on the sheath somewhere." He drew his sword and examined it. "There it is, inside the sheath. I never would have found that on my own. I should probably let it charge until we face Frost." He sheathed the sword and retied it to his saddlebag.

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