Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 3, 2013 #1 Share December 3, 2013 (OOC: Rambler walked along the streets of Sereitei quickly and quietly, hoping to get back to the barracks in as little time as possible. He was hardly the type to get frightened easily, but he had a bad feeling about tonight, and with the rumours he'd heard lately... well, it was best not to be out by himself at a time like this. Not that he couldn't take care of himself in a fight anyway, but after hearing rumors about an entire patrol of veterans disappearing, he was going to be careful. Besides, if he got hurt he'd have an upset Minath to deal with, and that was never fun. As he turned the corner to the final stretch before reaching the barracks, he made a mental note to talk to Minath about getting more involved in investigating the disappearances. He didn't like having to be afraid of something on his own turf, and he couldn't get a team together without the approval of his captain. Just before he entered the barracks, he could have sworn he heard something, but looking in the direction of the sound, he couldn't see anything, and he decided not to worry about it. Probably just his nerves getting to him. He headed into the barracks with a sigh of relief. Whatever might be going on, this was as safe a place as any. ((For now, just post introductary type stuff for your characters. I'll get the plot going in my next few posts.)) Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CobraCommando 37 December 4, 2013 #2 Share December 4, 2013 Crom was at this moment looking into the training regiment for squad one, Nothing out of the ordinary but there was a few that he was afraid should probably pack there bag's and go to squad eleven Brute force was no way to understand there sword. They train and train, Spar with there peer's and take advice from no one, this could hold problem's for other's that try to help them but then again that's not my problem. Report's were one thing, and then there was this set of report's that were kinda scary, Missing people in soul society something by any of the records hasn't happened in quite awhile and by that i mean thousands of year's whom ever did it was never found. I could bring this too someone's attention but that would not only step over someone else's job but also might get me yelled at because this was in fact not my job that was for the captain's right hand man to do Whatever I found I put it to rest this was for someone higher up and whomever had that job I could only hope god speed on finding this guy. To get some food I walked, My report's having bin done this day I had nothing better to do and nobody to spend my access time with seeing as I was new too the whole being a reaper thing and my swords power one of the more odd one's respect was hard too come by at this stage. I found myself eating my usual rice with some chicken a plain dish but food was only there to make sure I didn't starve once again The trail was over there was no need for me to suffer again well not for my tribe. I sat eating on the courtyard only waiting for whatever was to happen that day. Ooc To my Rp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gyro Zeppeli 120 December 5, 2013 #3 Share December 5, 2013 *Stromwing stood in one of the side rooms of the Seireitei's underground cannals. He stood up on his hind legs and used his wings to keep balance. He held out his hoof in front of him and took a deep breath, looking at the training dummy in front of him. he began to chant.* Mask of flesh and blood, universe soar, the one crowned with man's name. Carriage of thunder, gap of the spinning wheel, divide into six with light. Carve twin lotuses into the wall of blue flame, wait for the edge of the great fire in the distant heavens. Bakudo 61, Riku-Jokoro. *Six rods of light impaled the training dummy. Stromwing put his other hoof up at the dummy.* Hado 63, Soren Sokatsui. *A blast of Kido erupted from his hooves and obliterated the training dummy entirely. Stormwing lowered his hooves and looked at the results of his Niju Eisho. He was satisfied with his work. He walked over to where he had put his Zanpakuto and picked it up, strapping it to his back. He went back down on all four hooves and made his way to the exit of the underground cannals. Once back on the surface he took a breath of fresh air and looked around. There were several other soul reapers milling around the area, but none that he knew. He began to make his way back to the seventh squad barraks.* (FYI, no, I did not memorise the Niju Eisho's destruction chant, you can thank the January 2010 issue of Shonen Jump Magazine for that. xD) [Filler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 December 5, 2013 #4 Share December 5, 2013 Fiddle was...well...laying in bed, covered in blankets.It was known to most that the griffon had fallen ill a few months before hand though she was slowly regaining her strength. Whatever had infected her wasn't known to most though lots of bed rest and...some meds usually fixed it up ((Cant think of any sicknesses...myeh)) The pile of blankets shifted slightly as Fiddle let out a loud groan and sat up, holding up a claw to shield her eyes from the light peeking through her curtains.Groaning yet again she reached to the side of the bed, grabbing a jug of water from the garbage covered bedside table.Keeping a blanket over her back, she got up from her bed and walked into the kitchen where she filled the jug with more water before falling into a loud fit of coughs. Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gyro Zeppeli 120 December 5, 2013 #5 Share December 5, 2013 *Stormwing walked into his room in the 7th squad barracks. He walked over to a counter and picked up a small bottle of sake and took a sip. He then took off his sword and laid it down on one of two adjacent cushions. He took of the top part of his shihakusho and sat down on the other cushion. He closed his eyes and focused his spiritual energy on his Zanpakuto. The sword began to glow and then, a figure rose up from the sword. It was a gryphon, the form of his Zanpakuto when externalized. She had large metal wings, with feathers shaped like bolts of lightning. Her eyes were a piercing yellow, and each eye had a bolt shaped scar across it. Her body was a dark blackish-blue and she had red bolt shaped flicks of color on her chest feathers. Stormwing opened his eyes and looked into the eyes of the sword's soul. They both bowed to each other and the sword began to speak.* ~You have gotten quite good at externalizing me.~ *She spoke in a soft voice, but her words boomed with volume within Stormwing's head.* ~It would appear that we no longer need to practice that, and we may now move on to the next step of learning, and in due time, mastering Bankai. As I have said before, it will not be easy, and it will take a long time for you to even begin to have the ability to use my full power, but we will get there someday.~ *Stormwing nodded.* ~Now, our next step is meditation. We must bring our souls into complete sync before we can move to the next step. Our minds must be at peace with each other, like the eye of a hurricane.~ *Stormwing nodded again and then both Soul Reaper and Zanpakuto closed their eyes and began to focus their spiritual energy on each other, working to fully understand each other and become completely synced.* [Filler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CobraCommando 37 December 6, 2013 #6 Share December 6, 2013 My package finally arrived, My next set of training gear it had to be made heavy and there was only a few substances that could be of such mass one was earthly metal and the other was Soul sand. This substance is infused with a person's Spiritual pressure and repulses it like a magnet but it being to heavy it doesn't go anywhere I however get pushed into the ground and I have to fight to keep standing let alone moving and all the while in Water. It was a hard workout and one that could kill a person but if I will ever master myself and my Ability I need massive endurance and experience with moving under such conditions and this was only the beginning as i had slowly added more power into the repulsion and was now slowed down to a crawl moving at only a 10th my Walking speed and was soon going to be exhausted from this, But hey had to be done. After cleansing the body and cooling off I made my way to my room in the barracks, My hookah working it's magic on some Tabaco i smoked for awhile reading report's and doing some paperwork. "You do realize that my power is still out of you're reach, Right?" I glanced up at the being Clad in armor "My dear if that were true I would of died long ago before you came to my realization, And for This power you speak of when do you reveal it?" The being huffed out her chest and scolded me "When I think you can survive" and with that she dissipated I continued too look at the blank space and nodded for some unknown reason and then laid out on the floor knowing my work was done for the evening. Ooc To my Rp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minath Khalsi 195 December 7, 2013 #7 Share December 7, 2013 @@Alex Kennedy, Minath paced in the barracks. Faust clammit where is he. He's not late yet but he should be here by now. Wait, that makes no sense. Whatever. He should be here! Minath was so lost in her thoughts that she barely noticed that Rambler had walked in. "Rambler! Thank Faust you're okay. With the disappearances lately I've been getting more and more stressed." Sig by meMy ponysona, Minath Ki̱demónas My "Ask The OCs" page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 7, 2013 Author #8 Share December 7, 2013 @@Minath Khalsi, Rambler smiled, happy to see her. "Sorry to make you worry. I guess-" He wrapped a foreleg around her and pulled her in close, "I'll have to find a way to make it up to you. But before I forget, I have a message from Emerald. He wants our squads to collaborate on investigating the disappearances. He thinks he might have a lead, and he wants to talk to you at the tenth squad barracks tomorrow morning." Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minath Khalsi 195 December 7, 2013 #9 Share December 7, 2013 @@Alex Kennedy, Minath blushed, but nodded. "I'll be there in the morning. I'm assuming you'll accompany me? And i'm assuming there will be the other squad captains there as well?" Minath asked I just hope the 11th can control themselves. Faust they're infuriating. At least that lieutenant, Syl is alright. Sig by meMy ponysona, Minath Ki̱demónas My "Ask The OCs" page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 7, 2013 Author #10 Share December 7, 2013 @@Minath Khalsi, Rambler shrugged. "I'll go if you want me to. I'm sure Emerald will bring Flint, so it'll be a big family reunion, I guess. I don't know about the other captains. The captain-commander isn't involved, so it's not official. I'm sure the 2nd squad will be there, it's just a matter of whether or not we'll actually see them. The 11th might show up if they can bare to stop fighting for more than ten straight minutes, which is doubtful. I think Emerald wanted to talk to the 3rd squad captain as well, but she's sick, so who knows if she'll show up or not. I couldn't say about any of the others." Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minath Khalsi 195 December 8, 2013 #11 Share December 8, 2013 @@Alex Kennedy, Minath nodded as Rambler talked. "Well this is going to be interesting. If the 11th shows up I'm just hoping the lieutenant shows up too. She's actually kinda cool. But I'm kinda worried about all of us being gathered together. Makes my wings twitch." (( Soooo... when are we going to start with Syl and Raptor and all them? )) Sig by meMy ponysona, Minath Ki̱demónas My "Ask The OCs" page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 8, 2013 Author #12 Share December 8, 2013 On 2013-12-08 at 1:12 AM, Minath Khalsi said: (( Soooo... when are we going to start with Syl and Raptor and all them? )) ((I meant to do that in my last post but I had trouble coming up with something. Besides Raptor, though, they'll all just show up when they're needed.)) Rambler shrugged. "It should be alright. I trust Emerald to make sure things go smoothly. Besides, I doubt anyone would try anything with so many of us there, especially right in the middle of the barracks. If it gets to the point where we need to worry about that, I think we're seriously in trouble. But I'm sure it'll be fine." Somewhere in the wilderness far from Seireitei, a hollow falls to it's knees and evaporates. Its killer grunts disdainfully, unimpressed and perhaps disappointed by such a weak opponent. The griffon then turns to his lieutenant. "Syl! We're done here. Might as well head back." Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minath Khalsi 195 December 8, 2013 #13 Share December 8, 2013 @@Alex Kennedy, Minath leaned in and pecked Rambler on the cheek. "And I trust your opinion." ~~~ Syl nodded and jumped up. Normally she sat back while Raptor did his thing. She only ever joined in when there was four or more. "Unworthy as usual, I assume? And your heart rate hasn't even escalated. Breathing still is normal. How long did that even take? Like, 5 minutes?" Sig by meMy ponysona, Minath Ki̱demónas My "Ask The OCs" page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 8, 2013 Author #14 Share December 8, 2013 @@Minath Khalsi, Rambler smiled. "I'm glad. Now then, is there anything else we need to take care of tonight, captain?" Raptor sighed. "No, not worthy at all. But then, they never really are. All I can really do is keep looking and hope I'll find a decent fight eventually. For now though, we should probably head back." Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minath Khalsi 195 December 8, 2013 #15 Share December 8, 2013 @@Alex Kennedy, Minath stared off thoughtfully, her wing feathers moving as if she was counting something. "As far as I know, no. But I just kinda make it up as I go, so I basically never know anything." ~~~ Syl nodded and grabbed Raptor's tail with one of her paws. Faust it sucks to be blind. Sig by meMy ponysona, Minath Ki̱demónas My "Ask The OCs" page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 8, 2013 Author #16 Share December 8, 2013 @@Minath Khalsi, Rambler held her close. "You're a good captain, Minath. And I'm not just saying that because I have to. I don't know anyone who deserves this position more than you. Now, if everything's taken care of, I guess it's off to bed. Want to sleep in my room tonight?" Raptor sighed as he felt Syl's paw grasp his tail. She was a great warrior, but if only she weren't blind, her potential would be limitless. Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gyro Zeppeli 120 December 10, 2013 #17 Share December 10, 2013 (edited) *Banshee drew her sword slowly. A cloud moved away from its place over the moon, allowing the moon's light to shine down on her location. In front of her was a large hollow, it had the appearance of a suit of armor, one of it's hands was a sword, and the other, a shield. Banshee held her sword at the ready and stared at the hollow. The hollow stared back. The hollow swung its sword and banshee launched herself in the air, landing on the hollow's oversized sword. She ran the length of the sword and swung her zanpakuto, aiming for the hollow's head. The hollow ducked down, avoiding the swing and slammed it's shield into Banshee. Banshee was launched a few feet, but opened her wings and regained balance and stabilized herself.* \Ees thaht thah beest ya goht? Ah knehw hahllows wah weeak, baht yeou ahre thah peenical ahf thaht weeahknass.\ *She taunted. The hollow roared and swung its sword at Banshee once again. She ducked down, but the sword sliced through the ribbon that held her hair tied up in a ponytail. Banshee's mane fell down into an idle position, no longer held up. She glared at the hollow and held up her zanpakuto, pointing it at the hollow.* \Vahneesh, Tsukio.\ *Upon saying the name of her sword, both the sword and Banshee began to distort, and vanish. The hollow looked around and roared in anger. but stopped, blood spurted from a split in the hollow's head, and as a cloud partially covered the moon, Banshee re-appeared, on top of the hollow's head with her sword insplitting its mask. The hollow began to dissipate. Banshee leaped down to the ground and sheathed her sword. She looked up in the sky and noticed the position of the moon.* \Ach! Ahm gahnnah be lahte!\ *She spread her wings and made her way back to the Seireitei. She entered through the door at the bottom of the east gate and made her way to the Sokyoku hill, where she had an important meeting.* ======== *Stormwing was waiting atop the Sokyoku hill, he had been waiting for nearly half an hour now. He looked at the sky and sighed. Suddenly, he heard a shriek, and with a smile, was tackled across the ground. He looked up to see the dark purple mare with the white mane looking down at him. His very special somepony, Banshee.* "Hey, fancy meeting you here." *Stromwing said casually.* \Yah, yah, ah knahw, ahm lahte. Yah dahn't neehd tah mahk meh abouht eet.\ *Banshee moved her head forward and kissed her Special somepony.* \Naht ahll af ahds cahn be ahs prahmt ahs you.\ *Stormwing smiled.* "I guess that is true. And you did have an assignment tonight, didn't you?" *Stormwing asked.* \Thahts raight.\ *Banshee said with a smile.* \Wehnt vahry whell. Tho ah loost mah rhibbohn.\ *She said sadly pointing out her let down hair.* "You loose one of those on nearly every mission." *Stormwing laughed.* "I figured you would again, so I brought an extra for you." *He reached into his shihakusho and pulled out a ribbon, hainding it to Banshee who now sat next to him. Banshee smiled and blushed a bit.* \Thahnks lahve.\ *She said. She took the ribbon and tied up her mane back into a ponytail.* \Yah ahlways tahkin cahre ahf me. Yer soh sweeht.\ *Stormiwng kissed Banshee on the cheek.* "Hey, I gotta take care of you, if I don't, you get in trouble." *Banshee smiled and punched him lightly on the shoulder.* Edited December 10, 2013 by Joe [Filler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 11, 2013 Author #18 Share December 11, 2013 (edited) ((Posting a little bit of plot advancement just to keep things alive. More will come in time, I promise.)) Somewhere in the dark of night, blood drips from cold steel. Somewhere, the sound of two sets of hooves breaks the eerie silence. Somewhere, a stallion on a late night stroll wonders who else is wandering the streets at a time like this. Somewhere, blades are drawn. And somewhere, for the first time, a captain is added to the list of disappearances. ((Trying a bit of a different approach in this post. Hopefully it seems more ominous or something.)) Edited December 11, 2013 by Alex Kennedy Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 December 12, 2013 #19 Share December 12, 2013 Fiddle sat down on the couch in her living room and sipped her tea just as she heard something slide under the door nearby.She glanced around and noticed a note sitting upon the floor in front of the front door. She sipped her tea before slowly getting up and picking up the letter. She scanned it quietly before sighing...which turned into a loud cough. "A meeting...fantastic." She grumbled, before walking into her bedroom and grabbing her two tonto connected to a belt. She put on the belt before grabbing her scarf, leg warmers and cloak, making her way out of her home and out onto the street towards the market. Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 13, 2013 Author #20 Share December 13, 2013 ((Sorry this post took so long. I wasn't feeling myself yesterday.)) It wasn't long after dawn that the alert went out to all thirteen squads. Twelfth squad captain Lost Knowledge was missing. All of the remaining captains were to report for an emergency meeting immediately. Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gyro Zeppeli 120 December 14, 2013 #21 Share December 14, 2013 *Stormwing woke up and stretched with a yawn. He looked around his room. His shihakusho was tosses carelessly on the ground, but he was the only one there. He looked over at his bedside table, and saw a note. He picked it up and began to read...* {Sorry I could not stay until morning, don't want anypony getting suspicious. I had fun last night *wink wink*. Lets do it again soon. Love you, ~Banshee} *Stormwing smiled and got out of bed. He gathered up the previous day's shihakusho and put it into a laundry basket. He went over to his closet and took out a new fresh uniform and put it on. He stepped outside of his room and noticed a rush amung the other soul reapers. He stopped one and asked what was happening, and was told that the captain of twelfth squad was missing. Stormwing was surprised by this. He ran back into his room and grabbed his zanpakuto. He ran back outside and went along to do his job.* ================= *Banshee had left Stormwing's room a few hours after he had fallen asleep. She, like many other batponies, did not need sleep as much as regular ponies did, so she went out on patrol of the seireitei. After a few hours of nothing happening, she decided to return to her own barraks. She arrived in her room and laid down, closing her eyes for a brief rest. A few hours after that, she was awoken by the sound of an alarm. She left her room, zanpakuto with her, and went to find out what had happened, and learned that the twelfth squad captain had gone missing. Her thoughts immediately went to her lover, if a captain had gone missing, then Stormie could be in danger as well. She shook those thoughts off. Stormie is strong, and would never let himself be cought off guard like that. She considered going to see her captain, but decided not to. She instead went to go gather more information about the situation at hand.* [Filler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 December 16, 2013 #22 Share December 16, 2013 (edited) A little while later, Fiddle arrived back home to find another letter sitting below her door. Coughing, she picked it up and read through. She grumbled something about not wanting to have a stupid meeting before placing her groceries inside her door and walking out onto the street. Opening her wings and flying up into the sky, wincing slightly as her stiff wings gave some loud cracks. Genevieve was sitting alone in her living room, sipping a cup of tea. A note summoning her to the meeting sat on the table next to her...though she looked like she had no intention of meeting up with anyone...however, after fishing her drink and giving a grumpy sigh, she got up, grabbed Kurochi and walked out the door, making her way down the street towards wherever the meeting was instructed to take place. Edited December 16, 2013 by ~Crystal Fire~ Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 17, 2013 Author #23 Share December 17, 2013 One by one, the captains arrived at the meeting hall in the 1st squad barracks. There was Gladius of 6th squad, who's swordsmanship commanded respect even among the other captains. There was the ever mysterious Dagger of 2nd squad, quietly watching the others. Gentle Wind of fourth and Emerald of tenth, the two youngest captains, arrived at the same time.Then came Asteron of eighth squad, the hardened veteran who was the oldest and longest serving of the captains besides the commander himself. Speaking of the commander, he didn't seem to be there, although he wasn't the only one strangely absent. Raptor was often one of the first to arrive at these meetings, but today was nowhere to be seen. Lost Knowledge wasn't there either, although they wouldn't need to meet in the first place if he were. His lieutenant, Ghaoth Oiche, had shown up in his stead. As the rest of the captains entered, the attention seemed to be focused on the young lieutenant. If anyone knew what had happened, it would be him. Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 19, 2013 Author #24 Share December 19, 2013 ((The meeting thing could take a while, so I'm going to cook up something for the non-captains to do.)) Flint, lieutenant of the 10th squad, was many things, but patient had never been one of them. It was only a matter of minutes after his captain (who also happened to be his younger brother, an arrangement he was less than thrilled about) left for the meeting that he headed out to investigate it himself. But first, he ought to talk to Rambler. This was probably something he shouldn't go into alone, and Rambler was someone he could trust. And so he found himself outside the seventh squad barracks, arguing with a guard. "What do you mean he's not here? Where else would he be? You can't expect me to believe he's actually up and about this early, I know him better than that. Just let me in and I'll find him myself." Ignoring the protests of the guard, Flint walked into the barracks and began wandering aimlessly, hoping he'd find Rambler eventually. In retrospect, this was a rather poorly thought out plan. ((Any seventh squad characters, or anyone with cause to be in their barracks is free to interact with Flint. This is about where the action starts.)) Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minath Khalsi 195 December 20, 2013 #25 Share December 20, 2013 Minath scrambled around her room. "crapcrapcrapcrapcraaaaaap" Faust is a jerk. That is the only solution. Not only do I miss the announcement for an emergency meeting, but I also can't find Rambler anywhere and my alarm doesn't go off. Yep, Fausticorn above has forsaken me. Minath donned her armor, not bothering with the buckle around the back of her neck that she could never reach, grabbed her saddlebag with her teeth and fled the barracks. Pumping her wings to give herself extra speed she thought she saw Rambler. @@Alex Kennedy, "RamblerRamblerRam... oh hey Flint sorry gotta go important meeting late bye!" She arrived at the 1st squad barracks, head down and blushing. She realized that her saddlebag was still in her mouth and placed it on her back, eyes glued to the table as if it was going to teach her morse code if she stared at it long enough. She didn't want to think of the ponies that saw her in her rush. ...don't think don't think don't think... Where in the world is Rambler?! He needs to be here, like, right now. I am so screwed without him. He's like, my receptionist. I just come up with the plans and take down some hollows. Come on... appear right about now! Now? Dang it where's luck where you need it? What did I do to deserve this level of Karmageddon?! Sig by meMy ponysona, Minath Ki̱demónas My "Ask The OCs" page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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