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Welcome to Galaxy

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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Ah, Super Mario Galaxy... so many good memories. I'll have to go and beat it for the third time someday.


I have an internal window in mind for the beginning of the closed alpha, which several prominent brony composers will partake in, a public beta sometime later, and followed by a launch sometime in 2012.


Development on it is a bit sporadic because of school and whatnot, so I'm hesitant to give anyone any dates. I'd rather just work on the project at a pace that makes sense for me and make it a high-quality site.


Well, either way I had put my email in there to let me know when it's ready. I'm not all that worried about it's release date though, was just wondering if you had any planned dates. And yeah, Super Mario Galaxy is a good game indeed... I need to play it again in the future :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have really noticed the speed increase, but I have a question: If I were to use a Galaxy server, would I notice a comparable increase in speed for gaming?


"A Galaxy server"? "Galaxy" is what I named the server, not a type of server. It's a cloud server from CleverKite.


Whether a game would benefit from it depends very much on the game's design and requirements. A game like Minecraft, which has incredibly high I/O requirements, would benefit from the incredible data access and write speeds of SSD's. Something like Team Fortress 2, though, which isn't constantly loading or writing data, would not benefit as much, if at all.

Twilight SIG 8.png

Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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very nice addition. i enjoy the idea behind hybrid drives. you get the same performance rates of ssd's and the space effectiveness of hdd's. once i gain a job, im sure to build a new computer using something along those lines.

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