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private Endearing Hearts


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Pink observed as Orion quietly took in her story. He seems to be a good listener. A nice quality to have in a traveling companion. She looked up towards the sky and noticed the sun had risen more from when she had first entered the forest. Wow time sure has flown by. At least now I can see better in here.


Then she gasped a little in awe as Orion told her more about his reason for leaving. Wow that's pretty rough. You didn't leave them a note or anything? I bet they must be pretty worried about you.


No matter how much Pink wanted to leave her home, she wanted to break the news to her parents calmly. She didn't want to make them feel bad or unloved. Despite how much they kept her isolated from the rest of the world she still loved them. They had taught her so much. She had felt it would be too harsh on her part to just run away and leave them worried sick. But she knew Orion had his reasons for doing what he did, his situation was harder since his parents didn't want to listen.


For some reason after hearing his story Pink felt like giving the poor stallion a hug. It must have been really hard to just leave his home and parents behind. But she decided against it so as not to scare him and just gave him a slight smile.


After he asked her if she had any food she quickly looked into the saddlebags she had brought with her. All she had left were a couple of apples. Well I do have these. It's not much but it's something to keep us walking while we find more food. She handed him one of the apples so he could eat now.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: Just to comment. I find it interesting and ironic how my OC has had a lot of issues with his family while your's hasn't(at least not as much as he had to deal with).))


"No note. No letter. No anything. I just left. And trust me, they don't care nor are they worried at all about where I am right now." Orion said gloomily. "I'll just leave it at that. No need to go into anymore depth. Especially right now in this situation we're in." 


Orion looked at Pink with sadden eyes. He felt a little embarrassed and exposed from explaining all this personal information to a mare he had just met. Though he was beginning to trust her, he felt that he needed to set a boundary somewhere. He wanted to tell her more but right now just wasn't the best time. He didn't want to overwhelm her.


He saw Pink smile at him and he gave a warm smile back. As the mare handed him some apples to eat he quickly took a bite out of one them and smiled even more. Apples were one of Orion's favorite fruits and these apples were especially delicious and juicy. He never tasted apples like these before.


"Thank you! Um, where did you get these from?"

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  • 10 months later...

((That's because I was basing her experience with her family off my own :P And you know how even though I didn't like my mom at times I didn't have the heart to just leave her ^_^))


Oh...okay. If you think that's best. She decided not to say anymore regarding his family so as not to make him uncomfortable. Instead she decided to think of her own family for a moment. I wonder how my parents are doing. I hope they aren't too worried about me...


She decided to quickly brush off those thoughts so she could think more about their current situation. She had just revealed her backstory to a strange stallion in the Everfree Forest of all places. Although he seemed trustworthy she decided to wait a little longer until she told him anymore about herself. After all she didn't want to trust him with too much just yet.


Hearing her stomach rumbling slightly she decided to take out an apple for herself and bit into it. The sweet taste of the juice and fruit filled her mouth as she happily munched more on it. Hearing Orion's question she answered while still having a bite of apple in her mouth.


I went through Ponyville on my way here and I bought them there. They're pretty good huh?


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: Well that makes sense.  ^_^ Oh and by the way, your OC will soon discover that there is a lot more to Orion's parents than what he originally told you in the scene.  :har:))


Orion was relieved as the mare decided to hold back on her questions regarding his personal life. Having just left from his home in Canterlot merely a day ago, Orion's mind was in full drive and his thoughts were racing endlessly through his head. He had no idea where to go nor of what to do with his life at this point. As he took another bit on the delicious apple, he shook his head slightly in frustration. 


I really should have thought this out ... oh dear Celestia how I was not thinking clearly upon leaving Canterlot ... I have left without having a real plan in mind. Orion thought to himself as he took another bit on the apple. Despite his frustration and stress in that moment, he sure enjoyed the heck out of those apples Mist gave him.


His ears perked up upon hearing the mare mention "Ponyville." He has only heard about the town in numerous historical books. According to what he had read in the books, Ponyville was one of the smallest and amazingly enough, one of the most iconic towns in all Equestria. 


"Y-You traveled through Ponyville your way here? And umm ... so that town borders the Everfree Forest? Wow! How interesting. Well, I would love to visit, especially since I have heard a few fascinating rumors about the town. Have you by any chance ... met a pink pony on the way here?"

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((I can't wait! :squee::pinkie:))


Pink shuffled her hoof slightly on the ground as she looked down nervously. She was starting to become very afraid of her surroundings. How are we even going to get out of here? I was so stupid to have even come here alone in the first place! Surely everything will be okay though..right? She flinched as a noise came from deep within the forest and she flattened her ears slightly.


She inched slightly closer to Orion without realizing it and tried to think of happier things. Ponyville was one of them, her first day in that town was truly memorable and she would surely be returning soon. She didn't think such a welcoming place existed after all her time spent in Canterlot. Then she remembered that jolly eccentric pink mare that greeted her...Pinkie Pie. Quite a curious case, but certainly a pony worth spending time with.


Orion's voice brought her out of those memories and she turned her head towards him. Yes I did. I was actually leaving Ponyville when I made my way down here. And I'll gladly take you to visit once we can find our way out of here, then you can meet Pinkie Pie. She's the pink mare you mentioned, and she's just about the nicest and most welcoming pony you can ever meet. She giggled slightly at the memory of Pinkie rushing up to her while she was browsing the town square.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: Too cute  :fluttershy:))


Orion Skies was in relief upon hearing that Ponyville was indeed the nearest neighboring location. He was feeling some excitement as the idea of being outside, free, and among other ponies walking about sparked his inner free-spirit and enthusiasm. He wanted to see if some of these stories and rumors about which he used to read profusely as a colt were true. 


Well then I guess that the first thing we can do is visit Ponyville. Perhaps we can find, and purchase if they happened to sell any, some supplies of tools or scraps with which I can repair my wings. 


Orion then looked at the mare in surprise when she mentioned the name of the pink mare and confirmed her existence. Well then I guess I'm inevitably bond to meet her face to face since the stories about her seem to be true according to Pink Mist. Orion thought to himself and laughed a little at the thought. He also felt slightly nervous being a shy stallion he was with new ponies. 


"Well then I guess ... it sounds like a plan! So ... yeah, we just need to find our way out of this Celestia-forsaken forest. That is ... if we can find it in the midst of all this foliage and shrubbery." Orion explained with a slightly nervous tone in his voice as he looked around for an open path. There was only thick dark green walls surrounding them. Suddenly an idea came to mind as Orion's attention was immediately steered towards parts of the remaining wreckage left from the crash. Orion knelt down to pick up a broken piece of one of his metal wings.


"I guess we'll see just how sharp my wings were." 

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((I KNOW!!  :kindness: ))


Pink smiled nervously as she once again surveyed her surroundings. I wish I could be back in Ponyville safe from this wretched place. Well...at least I have company. Maybe we can even become companions....it would be nice to have a friend. Pink shook those thoughts momentarily out of her head, for right now her main focus was survival and finding civilization once more.


She looked around and noticed she didn't see a path that could lead them out. She shrank back a little and looked at Orion timidly as she saw him take one of his damaged wings. She looked once more at the curious contraptions and wished she could have a pair of her own so she could fly as well. But then she thought of his crash landing and decided they would be quite risky to own.


I-I really hope that can get us out of here, I don't want to be stuck here wandering forever.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: I love these emoticons!  :kindness: Oh and btw, I was referencing the typical "there are mutants among us" line from some of the X-Men movies. :icwudt:  ))


With a piece of one of the wings from his own wreckage held firmly in his right hoof, Orion attempted to hack aggressively at the thick wall of shrubbery in front of him. To his utter relief and by a great sheer of luck, the sharp piece sliced clean through a good portion of the bushes. Orion was not only glad beyond belief but he was also immensely surprised. "I don't exactly recall making my wings this sharp but I am sure thankful that I did! Well Mist, it looks like we will be able to get out of this demon-forest after all." Orion exclaimed as he let out a slight laugh. He then turned his attention back to the wreckage and stopped for a bit.


"Hmm, I would really hate to leave this old junk behind out here in a place like this. Hey Mist, you mind carrying it for me along the way? It's a lot lighter than you think, just so you know." Orion requested kindly as he gave the mare a subtle smile before continuing to cut through the abundant vegetation in the way. The mare seemed very similar to him personality-wise, which helped provide an atmosphere of ease for the shy and introverted stallion. He was interested in getting to know her better once the they have a chance to finally relax.


"Soo ... umm ...Mist. H-How... how adept are you with mechanics, machinery, building stuff, etcetera?" Orion asked curiously.

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((They're so cute!! :pinkie: Ooh clever :har:))


Pink watched in awe as Orion started slicing through the shrubbery with his metal wing. "Wow! That could really double as a sword if needed, hehe." She smiled widely and thought about how lucky she was to have finally found some hope of survival. "Thank Celestia, I just might get out of here after all! I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't met Orion..."


She snapped out of her thoughts and at Orion's request knelt down to pick up his other damaged wings with her mouth. She noticed that despite their situation he kept a rather calm demeanor and she definitely liked that in a companion. Plus he seemed pretty resourceful with what he had. "I hope I get to know him a little more." She thought as she followed him.


"Umm...well I actually don't know that much to be honest. How about you?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OCC: I especially like the one for Pinkie Pie!  :pinkie:Oh and btw, in case you were wondering what was taking me so long, I was making a character profile for another one of my new OCs: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/yessica-bolts-r7538  :squee: ))


"You know, now that you mention it, I could consider making the wings on my next model a little sharper in case I run into situations like this. As well as in self defense if necessary hehe." Orion replied with a soft laugh. He couldn't wait until they make it to Ponyville. Despite not ever having visited the place, he was certain that it was a lot better than this sorry excuse of a forest. The stallion snapped himself out of his thoughts as he continued slashing through all the leaves and bushes.


"Thanks to this experience, I'm probably never going to want to own a garden ... plants are evil!!" Orion chuckled and said jokingly.


His smile widened as the mare asked him about his knowledge of machinery and the likes. "Well Mist, I have an advanced knowledge of general mechanics, mechanical arts, specific mathematical functions of the inner workings of a coal-burning train, electrical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautics, and a good bit about structural engineering theory. Oh and I've made about ... four inventions so far, one of which was my prototype that crashed. So yeah ..." Orion answered with a sheepish smile.

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((Me too! It's so cute!! :pinkie: :pinkie: And I took a look at it, very impressive honey :squee:;) ))


Hehe actually that's a pretty good idea. They could help you out in a pinch. Pink followed Orion as he continued clearing a path for them. She could almost imagine how happy she would feel once they were finally out of this place.


Well I certainly don't blame you. She giggled quietly and smiled at her companion.


Then her eyes widened when he told her about his knowledge and inventions. W-wow. That's pretty impressive. I don't think I could ever obtain that much knowledge. Where did you even learn about all this?

Edited by Pink Mist
  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OCC: Especially Pinkie Pie's adorable face! :pinkie: Well I'm glad you like it. I also just made another OC, which you can easily find in my signature ;)))


After slashing through countless bushes, branches, and vines for what seemed like hours for Orion, he finally saw the clear blue sky peering through a few of the little openings within the canopy of the Everfree trees. Orion beamed with joy as he felt that Mist and him were getting close to the end of this dreadful forest. 


"Looks like we're finally getting close to Ponyville, Mist! At least I hope so." Orion exclaimed with great excitement. "And to think ... I thought that I was going to die here hehe. Thank Celestia."


Orion then turned to the mare to answer her question, with somewhat of a sad expression on his face as he could only say: "I didn't have much else to do Mist. You see ... learning was the only thing that kept me from going insane." Orion laughed sadly.

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((SHE'S SO COOT AND ADORABLE!! :pinkie: :pinkie: ))


Pink smiled widely as she saw the signs of hope for them that lay ahead. She couldn't wait to fully be out in the open once again and get out of the dark and terrifying forest. She looked at Orion and thought about what could have become of her if he hadn't appeared.


Hehe honestly I thought the same thing after wandering aimlessly around here for so long. But at least we're finally close to civilization.


Her face changed to contain a hint of sadness after listening to his answer and remembering what he had told her before. Being sheltered from the world his whole life, the only thing he could do was gain knowledge. I'm sorry Orion. I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories for you. But at least that's all behind you now. You can actually use that knowledge to do great things in life.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: I know!!  :yay:  :squee:  :blush:  :fluttershy:  :kindness:))


Finally, all the effort and patience that Orion had put into chopping his way through the Everfree Forest was beginning to really pay off. As the two ponies were getting closer to civilization, they luckily passed through the last bush in their way. The rest of the forest ahead of them was mostly open with the trees scattered farther apart.


Orion smiled gleefully as he was very excited to finally see the rest of civilization and all of the places outside of this expansive forest. "Well it looks like things are going to be a lot smoother from this point on!"


He turned to the mare with a still slightly sad expression with her response to his answer. He then managed to give a small smile upon hearing the mare's reassurance. "Yeah ... you're right. I can actually do a lot with all that I have learned over the years. By the will of Celestia, I could make a difference here. At least I hope I can."

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((All those Fluttershy faces! :D:squee:))


Looking ahead at Orion, Pink was extremely thankful that such a resourceful and kind stallion had found her. The company she had wished for deep down during her journey through the Everfree had finally been given to her and though she was still slightly cautious around the stallion, she was glad he had shown up. Thanks to him we've found a quicker way to get out of here. I guess he's kind of my hero in this situation.


She could see the clear open forest up ahead and let out a sigh of relief as they no longer had to trek and slash through any more underbrush. Gosh I'm so happy we're almost out of here. I can't wait to be under the full light of the sun again among other ponies.


She looked at Orion with some slight admiration. At least he had potential to do great things in life. He had the knowledge to do so many things and create some more wonderful inventions. She didn't really have much planned for her unfortunately. I'm sure you can make a difference Orion. You just have to work hard and believe that you can. If you could create a device like your wings that helped an earth pony like you fly, you can do so much more too.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC:  :yay: ))


Orion looked back at the mare who seemed to be even happier now that the troublesome bushwhacking has come to an end. He smiled as he was really looking forward to not only seeing the clear sunny skies and the rest of civilization but also to finally relax and perhaps getting to know her better.


"Hey, do you happen to know a good place to which we can go and having lunch? As delicious as those apples were, I'm still quite hungry." Orion asked curiously.


He was happy to receive the mare's encouraging words and began to think deeply as to how he can make a difference in the world. He had the knowledge, he just didn't know how to apply it. 


"We'll see then I guess. All I know ... is that you will surely be one of the first to witness what I have in store." Orion happily responded and he gave Mist a cheeky grin. 

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Following Orion made Pink wonder if there were any other crazy adventures she would embark on in her life. Whether they would be this scary and unsettling at first, or wonderful and pleasant experiences, she couldn't wait to truly get a good taste of life and become a new stronger mare because of it. She also thought about how many companions she might make along the way, and she looked at Orion and smiled hoping he could become at least a temporary companion and friend for her.


Her stomach rumbled quietly as she heard Orion's question. Hehe, well I'm actually a little hungry myself. And yeah I know a place. We can go to Sugarcube Corner and have a little something there if you want.


Pink looked at Orion's grin and blushed slightly but turned her head so he couldn't see. Well that'll certainly be quite amazing for me. I'll get to see the beginnings of a potentially famous inventor. She giggled lightly.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: I like you  :squee:  :yay: ))


After just a few more minutes of trekking through the clearer path of the Everfree Forest, more and more of the blue open sky above began to peer through the larger openings of the forest. It was only a matter of time before the ponies would finally venture out of the forest and behold their eyes upon the world beyond. Eventually, and to Orion's immense joy, he began to see what appeared to be a little house in the distance peering at the very horizon.


"Wow, we're practically already out of this wretched forest! I look forward to finally seeing some ponies wander around. Coming from a stallion as shy as me, that's saying a lot." Orion exclaimed laughingly.


Upon hearing the mare's mentioning of Sugarcube Corner, his ears perked as the name sounded so familiar. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but is th-that the famous bakery where Pinkie Pie works?" Orion asked smiling.


He then gave a wink to the mare upon her last sentence. "We'll see Mist. We'll see hehe.."

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((Well I love you :blush::squee:))


Pink looked up at the ever clearer sky as they approached civilization even more. She thanked Celestia that she had made it out of that forest alive, and even with a possible new friend as a bonus. With a big grin on her face she advanced more towards her goal.


I completely understand. After such an experience, being among others is something even a shy pony needs. She gave the stallion a warm smile as she kept walking behind him.


And yes that is where she works! How did you even know that? She didn't think that information could be found in a book. Word of mouth perhaps? Pinkie Pie and the other friends in her group that represented the Elements were pretty well known across Equestria...


Pink then blushed a little after Orion winked at her. She didn't know why she kept blushing. Maybe it's because he's cute? Or because this is the most I've spent with an unknown stallion? Or maybe it's the fact that he's easy to talk to so far for a shy pony? Whatever it may be, Pink decided not to linger on the thought for long and focused more on their trek out of the woods and the freedom that lay ahead.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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