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Hello everypony. As you already tell, I'm new here. I may love My Little Pony as much as the next Brony, but I love a lot of other things. One of my favorite things in the world is the band Rush. They've affected my life in so many ways. They've inspired me to pick up a bass guitar and pursue a career in music.


Aside from Rush, I also love other musicians such as Boston, Sting, Fall Out Boy, and of course Eminem. one thing I don't like very much is any form of electronic music. I know the majority of ponies on this forum are in love with dubstep, but I just can't see myself getting into it. I also love other things that aren't music related like Snorlax, UoM Football, and going to church.


As you've probably noticed already, I am a musician. I first picked up a trumpet when I was 11 years old for my school band. I enjoyed the hell out of playing that thing. I actually want to become a trumpet major when I go to college. I was actually first chair for four years out of the six since I started playing, so you can say that Im pretty good. I plan to start playing for my school marching band for the next school year. I started playing bass guitar since a year and half ago. I've only played for a short while, but I made a lot of progress within that time. It's probably because I enjoy practicing. I want to be a Jazz bassist if possible, but if people want me to join a Rock band, then I'll do it. I do plan on playing string bass (or double bass) in the future like Octavia, but I see myself playing mostly Jazz instead of Symphonic if I do. I do plan on playing Symphonic music with my trumpet though.


Anyway, thanks for dealing with my life story. I just love music. And if you hadn't heard of Rush, check them out. They're one of the greatest bands you'll ever come across.

  • Brohoof 1
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Welcome to the forums Freeze-Frame! I wish you luck with your music career, and hey, maybe some of your work will end up on here xD

Anyways, enjoy your stay on these forums! xD

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Hi, and welcome to the forums. Personally, I do enjoy both Fall Out Boy's and Eminem's sound, but I should really check out the other bands you mentioned as well. Nevertheless, enjoy your stay. 


Also, if you ever feel like sharing your music here, here are two nice sections, divided:


Pony-related - http://mlpforums.com/forum/30-fan-music/


Non-MLP - http://mlpforums.com/forum/16-non-pony-artwork/


Have fun!

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Welcome Freeze-Frame!


Always happy to see a fellow Rush (and Boston) fan. If you had to pick whats your favorite Rush song? I'd have to go with 2112 as it was the song that got me into Rush, and the fact that it is an epic song  B)


Enjoy the forums! 


Then we have a lot in common! :lol:

2112 was the song that got me into Rush, so it's also my favorite.  But my favorite song that isn't over 10 minutes long has to be Limelight.  Other than that, my favorite album is probably Power Windows.  It uses a lot of synths, but the sound of that album is just to awesome to ignore :wub:


But I love everyone of their songs.  Rush is just one of my favorite things in the world.  It's good to hear there's more Rush fans on here.

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