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private the adventures of the shy dragonriding pony moonshy


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Twilight had practiced her spelled. Fluttershy had gathered all of the animals she could, including a family of wolves and a family of bears. Rainbow had honed her sword techniques and Thunder and Blitz had finished practicing. They all went to sleep. Luna stayed up to make sure everypony was having good dreams.  

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that night moonshy got a vision of them fighting at the scorching plains. she  killed her brother in a fight because he was bounded so well he was not for save anymore he had to be killed. moonshy woke up and asked luna is this a dream or a vision she looked sad up to luna 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"That...was a dream. A vision fortells things. There is still a way to free your brother from bondage, but it will involve all four of us princesses to perform a 4-way render spell because the bond is so tight. But, because you have grown strong, it is very possible to pull off." Luna stated as she continued to watch over the night.  

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but luna i think it is not possible  he is bounded in the older elflanguage so we won't be able to remove the bounds. even  the elfs can't do that and they are able to remove almost every bound alone but this one is just impossible for them and i felt this dream was very clear too clear for a normal dream

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Just because he's bounded by the older elflanguage doesn't mean it locks him in. With our magic, we can decipher the language itself and actually reverse the spell. This is why it calls for a 4-way spell. The three combined magics will decipher the magic type, and the fourth will execute the spell." Luna explained.  

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well the older elflanguage is not be broken for ages that is why they have the newer one and they won't use boundings only the sword neagling i got from rhunon bounded it to me so it won't get in evil hands. and..... moonshy was getting pained by the soul of sunshade who tried to get in her mind so she could blew herself in a materblast (powerfull magical blast that uses mater of ponies, it is their last line of defence) moonshy used the power of the eldunari to strike against sunshade his soul and she standed but was weakened now 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder was thinking in his sleep. "Hmm, a sword...perhaps if Rainbow Dash knew the elf language, she could probably render Sun Shade from that deadly spell. I don't want to kill Moonshy's brother. It won't be right...but perhaps there is a way..." Thunder thought while he was sleeping,. "Still, that doesn't mean we can still remember some stuff from it. Perhaps if we kill the evil Alicorn King first...it would render Sun Shade.  

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only if the caster of the spell or bound is killed the spell deactivates and goes up. luna if i may ask how did you became an alicorn. and i  think i am not strong enough to kill the alicorn king because i almost died in the battle before this one so mayby we should protect our borders better then ever and just let him do what he want in alageasia

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"So that means we must kill Galbateriox first. It will be very difficult, because Sun Shade is on his side. However, there is something that we can do. It is a termporary render spell, that lasts for only a couple of hours. If we act fast, we can have Shade with us until Galbateroix is killed. Once he's killed, if the spell wears off, he will be free from possession." Luna stated.  

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no way in his castle galbatorix has very much spells with the purpose to deactivate all sorts of magic except his. but i think galbatorix his dragon is the first we must kill because he is a small mountain so he is the real danger and sunshade is protected by the king and he wants saphira because she is the only female dragon of this kind

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"That's the same thing with Tirek. Twilight defeated him a while ago. We are going to need that same power that Twilight used to defeat Tirek. With that pure power and magic from friendship, no magic, not even Galbaterox's can pierce through." Luna stated as he continued to eye the night.  

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moonshy was searching some things to use when they were fighting and she found oromis he said friendly. hello moonshy beautifull night isn't it. well how do you feel. moonshy said uhm i feel nervous because tomorrow is the big day and why are you already awake. well i am guarding the group because of the dragons in the castle but you may help me 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"No need to be nervous Moonshy. We're all here." Thunder said waking up when he heard Moonshy say she was nervous. Rainbow woke. "Yeah, and no matter what happens, we'll always be by your side." She said. Twilight and the others woke. "Because that's was friends are for." Twilight said standing up.  

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well oromis said all wake up he said to the army of 30 thousand elfs they all took their places and did all synchronized like one. oromis said prepare all. the elfs jumped into a battleready position. forward march oromis said and all was just like one did it but all the elfs did it synchronized. moonshy took her place on saphira. the march was silently till the enemy army woke up and blew their warning horns 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Alright...this is it everypony! Get ready!" Thunder stated. Blitz and the others got their weapons ready. Rainbow's sword was fuilly charged. Twilight would initiate rainbow power at any second with just a light of her horn. Thunder started to charge his power.  

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moonshy was turning her body in a battle state and she took neagling and just started to fight the army of galbatorix. his army is like 300000 man and the elf army is only 30000 so this is no fair battle but the elfs are stronger and faster so the battle was like a very big field battle. the battlefields were the scorched plains

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder charged to his super form. In his super form, Thunder was slightly taller. He was surrounded in a veil of yellow energy with sparks flaring around. His mane was blowing because of the energy. Thunder was standing on his hind legs continuing to charge.  

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moonshy used a energy blast of the eldunari and wiped out like 10000 soldiers. she charged up for another blast more powerfull then the first one. she charged up for like half an hour and then sudden she could not hold the energy and released it with all power she had charged and wiped out like 30000 soldiers but she was getting tired so she fought with her sword and folund a perfect balance and sudden she began to shine and she was getting her cutie mark


sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Moonshy! Look! You got it! You got your cutie mark!" Thunder said looking over. Before that he fired a strong attack that caused his cutie mark to shine brightly. His cutie mark continued to glow as he exerted his energy. Meanwhile Twilight and her friends were prepping the rainbow power. 

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the cutie mark tells you you have found youre balance you need to keep balance between all the races of ponies and elfs. moonshy used a magical attack that she got in her mind when she got her cutie mark. she said be in balance.  the army of the enemy was clearing out till 30000 soldiers and at that point they were having a fair fight

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"That's the ying and yang symbol. If you truly understand what a perfect balance is...you'll be promoted to an alicorn!" Thunder exclaimed as he took down a load of enemies. Twilight and her friends were still charging Rainbow Power. Rainbow's sword was reacting to the power increase.  

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moonshy fired a beam and it was like her cutie mark a perfect balance between red and blue. the beam wiped out 100 man. she fought with neagling and she killed like 6000 man alone the elf army killed 15000 and the rest was for the other ponies but moonshy was still standing strong so she went to luna cellestia cadance and twilight to give them some of her power and she gave them 1/8 of her power 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Finally, Rainbow Power was initiated. A bright light spread out as Twilight and her friends were revealed in their rainbow forms. Blitz had unlocked his full potential and took down a row of enemies.


(OOC: You don't always have to put down the exact number of enemies that were slain.)

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ooc right


the army was down and they proceed to the castle. galbatorix teleported the mane 6 princesses the thundertwin and oromis in his throneroom and he bounded them to the ground so they can't do anything. he relesaed moonshy and said. welcome everypony in my castle. i want to see sunshade and moonshy fighting  but they can't kill eachother because then i will be there to save them. well the fight started and they were good as eachother so the fight was getting heavier and heavier till they used the best power. still moonshy won and sunshade got badly wounded. the king bounded them. again. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder thought of the spell that freed them and gathered some electricity. He then released a pulse that unbounded everypony from the spell. "We won't let you kill Moonshy!" Thunder stated angrily. The rainbowfied Mane 6 were about to take their positions and kill Galbateroix. Their shield was up.  

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