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private the adventures of the shy dragonriding pony moonshy


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yes but the march will be on hoof to fight with the elves on our side. the whole elffolk is preparing to march and there are the frontliners coming up. the elves were in a armor more beutifull then rarity ever could dream. the magic was greater twilight ever could imagine and so on with the rest of the ponies

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Rarity was astounded by the beauty of the armor. "Why, I have NEVER seen such...such beautiful armor!" Rarity complimented as the others looked on. "Alright, I think we need to devise a plan before we start fighting, what do you think Moonshy?" Thunder asked.  

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well i heard a army is waiting at the burning plains right before the castle so a confrontation can't be avoid so i think we need to flank the lines at night and mayby luna cellestia and cadance will help us so we can defeat them easy so we have plenty of energy for the real fight btween mee and galbatorix

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"We must line up in a position so that we will be able to get past that army that's waiting for us. If we charge, we'll get blasted. we must find a way to attack the army from the sides. That way, we won't lose more than half of our army." Thunder stated. "So if we split off, we'll join back together on each side of the army." Thunder stated as he drew a diagram with a stick using his magic.  

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well i don't know how to get the princesses so far they will help us in this march so mayby you can do that twilight and rainbow dash make the skies unsafe for everything that wants to attack us. fluttershy gather all of the strongest and most dagerous creatures you can find tell them to attack the armies of galbatorix rarity go withh applejack to make some big weapons like ballistas and do not try to make it nice because they need to function well all do it because there is a little time left

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Sounds like a plan Moonshy." Thunder stated. "Wait...how about Blitz and I get the sides ready, Fluttershy will prepare the animals. Twilight and Rarity will create an invisible forcefield in the front and Applejack and Pinkie Pie will prepare the others." Thunder stated.  

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"Sounds like a plan Moonshy." Thunder stated. "Wait...how about Blitz and I get the sides ready, Fluttershy will prepare the animals. Twilight and Rarity will create an invisible forcefield in the front and Applejack and Pinkie Pie will prepare the others." Thunder stated.



well twilight we are going to get the princesses so they can help us and can we have a little talk just to know you better. Oh and just one thing make sure everything is all right if we arrive. Twilight lead mr to the castle in canterlot. The elf oromis said promise me you will do the rimgar.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I can get all three of them. Just one second." Twilight stated as she teleported away. Ten minutes later, she came back with all three of the princessess. "Looks like it's war again..." Celestia said to herself. "Sister, we must devise a plan to stop this." Luna stated. "Actually, we already have a plan." Thunder stated. "And what is that?" Thunder asked. "One of you is going to stay here, in the front to help Rarity and Twilight with the invisible forcefield. The rest of us will ambush the army from the sides." Thunder explained.  

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"I can get all three of them. Just one second." Twilight stated as she teleported away. Ten minutes later, she came back with all three of the princessess. "Looks like it's war again..." Celestia said to herself. "Sister, we must devise a plan to stop this." Luna stated. "Actually, we already have a plan." Thunder stated. "And what is that?" Thunder asked. "One of you is going to stay here, in the front to help Rarity and Twilight with the invisible forcefield. The rest of us will ambush the army from the sides." Thunder explained.



hi Luna moonshy ran to luna and hugged her I missed you princess. Well I think Cadance is the best for the shield and Luna is best to prepare the ambush and cellestia will help Luna while I prepare together with oromis to get our dragons and us battle ready moonsht said

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I missed you too Moonshy." Luna said bending down and nuzzling Moonshy. "You're right about that Moonshy. I've had to use my forcefield to protect the Crystal Empire." Cadence stated. "Good, so that settles it. Cadence, you get the forcefield. Celestia and Luna are coming with us to attack on the sides." Thunder stated.  

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"I missed you too Moonshy." Luna said bending down and nuzzling Moonshy. "You're right about that Moonshy. I've had to use my forcefield to protect the Crystal Empire." Cadence stated. "Good, so that settles it. Cadence, you get the forcefield. Celestia and Luna are coming with us to attack on the sides." Thunder stated.


Luna if the battle starts can you protect me for attacks that come from above me and cellestia I want you to face the horrors of galbatorix and what he has done to the plains around his Castle. Than make a cloud of fog for confusing for his army get it. And Luna I see you are grown bigger

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Luna if the battle starts can you protect me for attacks that come from above me and cellestia I want you to face the horrors of galbatorix and what he has done to the plains around his Castle. Than make a cloud of fog for confusing for his army get it. And Luna I see you are grown bigger

"I don't think that will work Moonshy. Galbateroix is a super powerful King. We will need everything if we're going to defeat him." Celestia stated. "I'm afraid you're going to have to do your best and do as Twilight stated. Use your magic from your mind. I can't be protecting you while I have to fight and keep an eye on my sister." Luna stated. 

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i mean you need to confuse the armies of the king. and luna did you see my last vision. she said it was like a burning plain and two big armies confronting and two riders fighting till death and the red dragon was getting killed. she said she was soo afraid this will happen and now it is real. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Moonshy. There is nothing to be afraid of. A dragonrider must be strong and bold. They are ready to fight for their home, their families and friends. No matter what happens, you will make it out." Luna said. Thunder gently picked up Moonshy. "Luna's right Moonshy. Let go and face your fears. We will always be here for you." Thunder stated as the others crowded around Moonshy to comfort her.  

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but i need to face a galbatorix 2 and that was my worst fear so it is coming true and .. wait are that eldunari. they saw ten gemstones glowing with dragonsouls floating towards them. their souls where lighting a very big space. the biggest one had the size of a filly and was the one that searched contact. he said we dragoneldunari are going to help you. just let us fuse together in youre soul so we are more  powerfull. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder gasped. "Moonshy! This is it! You're going to become 10x as powerful than before, which means...you'll be as powerful as...as.....Princess Twilight!" Thunder exclaimed. He could read the power of the souls that would be fused into Moonshy. Suddenly an unknown energy sparked inside of him, which caused many sparks to start flaring about. 

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yes i get it all the riders are weaker than me and now i need to become stronger but still i am not an alicorn. only a earth pony and i really want to fly so i can fly without saphira and she can hunt for her own and i can watch were we are heading and now the scortching plains are our next stop 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I can fix that." Thunder stated gathering some electricity and firing at Moonshy. True pegasus wings sprouted from her sides. "There we go..." Thunder stated. Thunder felt this energy that continued to spark inside of him. He was ready to defeat the evil alicorn king, even if he sacrificed himself.  

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the fusing of the eldunari was finnished and suddenly moonshy got a magical discharge and said i. i can't control it look at this i am gggoing to start a fffire brisingr a fire started of ten meters high she said no not that big. i need to get control now but how do i do that 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Twilight, Celestia, Thunder, Luna and Blitz readied a magic shield and slowly boxed it in so they wouldn't get hurt. They were not excerting their full energy. "I think Moonshy is experiencing overload...you went through that Twilight." Thunder stated. "Yep, I did..." Twilight stated.  

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(ooc last laptop post next posts are on mobile phone)


moonshy was floating in mid air because she tried to stop the magic flow but she only stopped it a little and the  energy that was realeasing let see her true magic beams they were purple and her aura became purplae (purple is the collor of shy leadership and greatness) 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Moonshy! You have to focus. Control it!" Twilight shouted as she continued to strain to hold the shield. Celestia and Luna were still holding up the shield, but Twilight had to stop, for she was getting low on energy. Thunder fired a regeneration beam at Twilight, which restored her energy. "Thanks Thunder." Twilight stated.  

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"Moonshy! You have to focus. Control it!" Twilight shouted as she continued to strain to hold the shield. Celestia and Luna were still holding up the shield, but Twilight had to stop, for she was getting low on energy. Thunder fired a regeneration beam at Twilight, which restored her energy. "Thanks Thunder." Twilight stated.


moonshy said I can't focus the power is soo great I need to release it. I feel I need to cut some of my energy but if this goes wrong all is lost. Wait I will help with the force field. She fired a beam at the shield they were making and it turned purple. Moonshy gasped she said oh my I am really stronger. She made her beam soo powerful she was getting a knockback

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder positioned himself to catch Moonshy. His power was also increasing unconsciously, because of the spark in his heart. "Where is this spark coming from?" He asked himself. Soon he started to emit the energy and the purple slowly was consumed by the yellow. "You can't release it all now Moonshy, you might faint." Thunder warned.  

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Thunder positioned himself to catch Moonshy. His power was also increasing unconsciously, because of the spark in his heart. "Where is this spark coming from?" He asked himself. Soon he started to emit the energy and the purple slowly was consumed by the yellow. "You can't release it all now Moonshy, you might faint." Thunder warned.


no the energy in me is still growing and she kept firing her beam. Her skin started to glow a white light and saphira gasped moonshy you have reached the highest energy state of the riders you are a full grown rider. Oromis his eyes became big and he said in my entire 900 years I have never seen this I only heard of it so moonshy I am now you're servant what do you want I am going to do. Uhm.. Well just be oromis

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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