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private the adventures of the shy dragonriding pony moonshy


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"Wow! Moonshy! You grew so...quickly..." Thunder stated with awe. Everypony was looking at Moonshy in awe. "You might want to save that for when we fight the evil Alicorn King. I have a feeling that he's sensing your power now Moonshy." Blitz said a little concerned.  

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"Wow! Moonshy! You grew so...quickly..." Thunder stated with awe. Everypony was looking at Moonshy in awe. "You might want to save that for when we fight the evil Alicorn King. I have a feeling that he's sensing your power now Moonshy." Blitz said a little concerned.


hundreds of thousands of soldiers were storming to moonshy and the group. Moonshy stopped with the shield and was charging up for a massive beam of destruction. She put her hoofs deep in the ground and fired with such a big knockback saphira was needed to fly faster than she ever had done and she caught moonshy who was still firing the beam of pure eldunari magic. The beam hot enough to melt diamond and strong enough to split the army of the king. After the fire she had still an uncontrollable amount of energy

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder and Blitz made their staves appear. "Battle positions everypony!" Thunder shouted as a load of electricity surged through his body. He had not felt this powerful ever. A yellow aura surrounded him. Little did he know that when the time was right, he would be at his max.  

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Thunder and Blitz made their staves appear. "Battle positions everypony!" Thunder shouted as a load of electricity surged through his body. He had not felt this powerful ever. A yellow aura surrounded him. Little did he know that when the time was right, he would be at his max.


twilight I don't get it why am I as strong as a alicorn. Moonshy made her blade appear and even that was changed it was more a weapon than first first it was some sort of magic wand but now she kills with neagling the blade and her magic she found a little green snake and gives it to fluttershy. Moonshy said this is the most poisonous snake in the world so be careful and I thought you would like her

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"It's because you've unlocked your full power. I knew it was going to happen at some point. It happens to all dragon riders. Moonshy, you are very close to getting the cutie mark you've always wanted. We will just have to keep going and defeat this evil Alicorn King." Twilight stated.  

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"It's because you've unlocked your full power. I knew it was going to happen at some point. It happens to all dragon riders. Moonshy, you are very close to getting the cutie mark you've always wanted. We will just have to keep going and defeat this evil Alicorn King." Twilight stated.


twilight can you help me control my magic. She fired another beam. And while that she asked Luna uhm princess if this is over can I vissit you once in a week because you helped me grow to what I am now. She asked to fluttershy do you like this little snake. They saw a dragon flying out of the castle and moonshy knew this was going to be a dragonrider fight and she warned the group

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder and the others were ready. "I can help you keep your magic under control, but, it comes from you. You can only control your magic. I can't physically do something that would enable you to control your magic." Twilight stated. Thunder had his staff in his hooves.  

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but it is too much to handle with so mayby we should do it together and did you see the eldunari fusing with me. the biggest adventage is i have their knowledge of the dragons and i have the power of them. but i am still not unkillable but i will live till saphira dies that is my time too 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Yes, I saw the entire fusion. I'm afraid because they are in you, I cannot aid you in controlling your magic. You must try to do it by yourself Moonshy. It takes practice but we don't have much time." Twilight stated. "Twilight's right Moonshy. You must learn to focus, which will enable you to have complete control." Thunder stated.  

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the eldunari said one thing before the fusion it was like the magic you will get is getting fused in youre own magic so you can get aid with youre overload of magic. but twilight can you learn me how to use it without saying words of the older language that is more powerfull. and do you speak the older elflanguage? moonshy stated

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I don't speak the old elflanguage unfortunately, I've memorized the spells and can do them at will. I don't even have to say the words." Twilight stated as she got a stick. She then focused her magic and it turned into a very sharp double-edged sword with a purple and gold handle.  

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moonshy said the real name of neagling and a perfected copy reflected in the air in the said of it but that sword was what it ment to be but she could not take it because it is a air reflection. she took a stick and made a staff of it and she wanted to use it when they were walking. oh luna i am going to visit you every week if this is over

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I will look forward to your visits Moonshy." Luna stated. Meanwhile Thunder had modified his staff with a spell. It was now complete with two electrified blades in a sweet design. Twilight looked in awe at the weapon. "Wow Thunder! That's amazing!" Twilight said.  

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moonshy did the same with neagling but her sword was now made with all elements circling into eachother in a constant move and that will never end anymore and she swinged it and a firetornado came from it she swiped it again and now a wave of water came out. twilight what sword is this. i have never seen or heard of this 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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(OOC: I think that's a little overpowered. Just saying. You can't have all elements. This isn't a competition for power. More like preparing for battle.)

"Something's just not right. Moonshy...are you sure that you can control all of this?" Twilight asked. Thunder swung his staff and a wave of canceling energy spread stopping the power.  

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ooc i ment the sword only shows it inside itself but it has no special powers only it is sharper and lighter


well i can control my magic so i am going to let it only show it without using. luna cellestia cadance and twilight do you know what happend last time i was here with the thundertwins. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Last time you were here, you defeated the evil alicorn king, yet his spirit got away, which an evil spirit catcher caught it and revived him. He went after Sun Shade and got him under his power." Celestia stated. "We must now fully defeat this king so his spirit won't escape." Cadence stated.  

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than what we need to destroy moonshy asked to them. before i forgot oromis his dragoneldunari wants to fuse with you all so his magic and knowledge is all yours and you can communicate with the eldest pony in thw whol empire who is 1000 years old named oromis

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"We already have everything we need. Thunder and Blitz's signature move can entrap and paralyze a foe. Twilight and her friends harness the elements of harmony, which purifies enemies. We hold magic from the sun, moon and love. Once all of those combined, it creates a power so great, that the darkness is overcome." Luna stated.  

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(ooc do you want to play oromis please. he is a wise old and great dragonrider)



wrong oromis said. to destroy a soul you must have the knowledge of the older elflanguange and speed. well where are rainbowdash fluttershy rarity applejack and pinkie pie i want to meet them so i know where i have to deal with. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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(OOC: Don't know his personality. He's your character so I'll let you play him. I'm already playing so many characters.)


"Actually...to destroy a dark soul, you must have a strong purifying light. Light overcomes darkness." Celestia stated as she went near Moonshy.

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ooc right


moonshy bending down said princess how am i supposed to use a purified light i don't know what it is how i am going to use it and what power it nee... magical discharge and because of that she fired another big beam to the army of galbatorix till only ¼ was left. she said sorry i don;'t have my magical powers in control. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Purified light is what comes from the elements of harmony. Also, Thunder and Blitz sometimes use it when they wield their abilities. Focus and you'll find a spell that will enable you to use the purified light." Celestia stated. Thunder was holding a ball of light in his hooves.  

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twilight i need youre help in controlling this. a dark reflection of galbatorix his face shined in the air and he laughed hahahahaha i don't want to be no king. well sunshade it is about getting time get them my son. right master. well he will be there in 5 mins lets talk. oh cellestia why did you refused to be my queen. and luna why you still serving the one who locked you up in the moon. oh i see it you are sisters or aren't you. it doesn't matter soon you all will be dead

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I will never be your queen!" Celestia said to the reflection. "Everypony! We've got to get the castle and free Sun Shade. He is very valuable to Moonshy. We can't lose him to some freak of a king!" Thunder stated as he got up and charged some of his electricity.  

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