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open The Butterfinger Region { Pokemon rp }


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Ok so you are a pokemon and no legendaries allowed as rp so you battle pokemon and get to the Butterfinger Pokemon League.

I ALSO CONTROL YOU BUT I AM ALSO A POKEMON. I'm Fennekin. Here's the storyline:


In The Butterfinger Region , only pokemon live here and they live in harmony. You are ready to go on your adventure to defeat the Butterfinger Region.

Pokemon Choices:

#001 #650 Chespin Grass #002 #651 Quilladin Grass #003 #652 Chesnaught Grass Fighting #004 #653 Fennekin Fire #005 #654 Braixen Fire #006 #655 Delphox Fire Psychic #007 #656  Froakie Water #008 #657 Frogadier Water #009 #658 Greninja Water Dark #010 #659 Bunnelby Normal #011 #660 Diggersby Normal Ground #014 #661 Fletchling Normal Flying #015 #662 Fletchinder Fire Flying #016 #663 Talonflame Fire Flying #020 #664 Scatterbug Bug #021 #665 Spewpa Bug #022 #666 Vivillon Bug Flying #057 #667 Litleo Fire Normal #058 #668 Pyroar Fire Normal #068 #669  Flabébé Fairy #069 #670 Floette Fairy #070 #671 Florges Fairy #089 #672 Skiddo Grass #090 #673 Gogoat Grass #091 #674 Pancham Fighting #092 #675 Pangoro Fighting Dark #093 #676 Furfrou Normal #114 #677 Espurr Psychic #115 #678 Meowstic Psychic #117 #679 Honedge Steel Ghost #118 #680 98 085 #700 700MS.png Sylveon Fairy #089 #701 #063 #710 710MS.png Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass #064 #711

Major features 3D

Pokémon X & Pokémon Y are exclusive to the 3DS platform and take advantage of the game's better graphics and processing power.

All Pokémon have been modelled in 3D (see left) and the game appears to use a form of cel-shading to keep the crisp cartoony look.

Diagonal movement has been added to make use of the circle pad, but it's still 8 straight directions instead of omnidirection free roaming. However, Rollerskates - which allow much faster movement around the towns and routes - have sweeping/arcing animations that give the impression of going off the grid.

A new Fairy type!

14 years after the types Dark and Steel were introduced comes a new type - Fairy! It was revealed at E3 in June 2013. The intention is to try and balance out the types a little more and as such, Fairy is super-effective against (and immune to) the notably powerful Dragon type.

There will be several new Fairy type Pokémon and moves, with new Eeveelution Sylveon (see below) being a notable example. Furthermore, some Pokémon from previous generations will be reclassified as Fairy: currently only Jigglypuff, Gardevoir and Marill have been confirmed.



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