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Panel schedule: Guidebook question; learning about events


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The Babscon panel schedule is on its official site and a Google doc. I assume there will be more information available about events as the days go by. But until then, I have a few questions.


1. Will there be a Guidebook app? I've used it with my iPod at fan conventions such as Otakon and Anime Central. It can be more useful than a physical book, since it sometimes provides a better view of when/where events will occur. And it's not just limited to iOS and Android -- I know that Guidebook pages can be viewed with other devices.


2. I'd like to know more about the following panels / events:


* The Goldie Awards (for fan-made creations?)

* Read It and Weep (for bad fanfiction?)

* Party floor (mentioned during recent Bronyville podcasts)

* You and Whose Army?

* PVL Panel

* Chelis Live

* A Brony Tale

* Captain Catie's Ships


Thank you in advance for providing useful details.

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Howdy! I'm the lead panelist for Read It and Weep.


You're correct; it is indeed a bad fanfiction reading and riffing panel. Which fanfic it is is a surprise until the panel (not to the staff but I'm sure they can keep a secret) but rest assured it's a doozy. It's geared more in the PG 13 area which is why the panel is so late but if you hate sleeping and like bad fanfics stop on by! Audience participation is key to the magic.

Edited by Duster Dawnhorse


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I am going to go out on a limb and say the Party Floor is where the dance is going to be, if not i am thinking a bar for those whom are old enough (though not very likey).



If you are reading this you clearly have sometime on your hands, or you just like to read. Lets be honest they can be very related, you are on a forum dedicated to pastel colored miniature equines. Though if reading this is a waste of time, what would it say about the person who is writing it....

also The Game, Consult the Helix Fossil, /0, and other such maymays

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Nah, the party floor isn't for the concert.  I don't know a ton about it, but from what they said in a couple interviews, it sounds like various people will have hotel rooms all in one section and they're going to host parties in their hotel rooms.  The rooms in that specific party floor block aren't being held to all the hotel's rules about noise and such so that they can have parties.  So basically it's for all the brony keg parties xD

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so my second point was technically correct... 



If you are reading this you clearly have sometime on your hands, or you just like to read. Lets be honest they can be very related, you are on a forum dedicated to pastel colored miniature equines. Though if reading this is a waste of time, what would it say about the person who is writing it....

also The Game, Consult the Helix Fossil, /0, and other such maymays

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Thank you for replying.


... The rooms in that specific party floor block aren't being held to all the hotel's rules about noise and such so that they can have parties.  So basically it's for all the brony keg parties xD.


I haven't attended room parties at other local fan conventions. I've thought about it, though... Maybe this time I won't be too tired or busy.

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