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private Bolt by Bolt (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Celsius was at 1,500mph and climbing. He thought to himself as he looked back Is he even coming? Oh well, I didn't expect for it to be this easy, and I wasn't even racing. Silence fell in the cockpit for a moment and Celsius said through his mic, "Hey Thunder, you ok back there? We can call this off if you want?"

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Thunder had pulled a switch and flew past Celsius, so fast, that it could put a pegasus in a rapid spin. "Perfectly fine dude...perfectly fine." Thunder stated as he saw Celsius behind him, almost a mere spec. He hadn't even opened the final set of thrusters yet. He saved them in case things got rough.  

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Celsius thought to himself "Oh, hell naw, now this just got real!" Celsius set the twin turbos to max, gaining speed while breaking the sound barrier, he was around 1,700mph now. Celsius was almost catching up to Thunder when he noticed that a red light was blinking on and off making a buzzing sound that filled the cockpit. "Dammit, not now! I just fixed that yesterday," Celsius thought to himself. "Hey, Thunder I'm gonna have to bring her in, something ain't right with the engines." he stated.

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Thunder braked hard and pulled an illumen. "I can probably help you fix it." Thunder stated as he came around back next to Celsius. "Need a tow?" Thunder asked as he was about to press a button that exposed a two hook. He stayed in front of Celsius, making sure that nothing would happen. 

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"I can make it down, it's just that my left engine is fried and I don't know why," stated Celsius as he looked for somewhere to land on the radar, "I think its because my engines aren't used to this nitrous and it overwhelmed them." Celsius grew nervous at the thought of cost it would be to repair his engine. "You don't happen to have any F-16 parts do you?"   

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"Hmmm, maybe you had more energy running to it. Your distribution may be off. You've got to get that adjusted." Thunder stated as he pulled a loop and went back behind Celsius. He could see a small fire on the left engine of Celsius' jet. "Yeah, you really need to get down, or things could get worse." Thunder commented.  

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With that, Celsius nodded and flicked a switch to turn off the left engine, to save power. He put the the plane on auto pilot to go to the hangar where they had started.


On the ground, Celsius had not even gotten close to the hangar and decided to stop the jet completely, opened the canopy, take off his helmet and goggles, and slowly climbed out of the jet. "Oh my Celestia!" he said as he came around the jet to check out the damage, "Yup, I got my work cut out for me this time."

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"Hey, I can Nitro over to help if you want. That's why I say, before you push your vehicle to it's limits, make sure everything is working right. Do you have a diagnostic computer? I've got a spare at my shop." Thunder offered as he locked his Venom GT and went over to the jet.  

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"Yeah, it's just that, when I'm in my adrenaline zone, "said Celsius with air quotes, "I usually don't think before I act, so I tend to screw up everything then. As for computers, I got one in my shop as well, I'm just afraid of the cost of repairs." Celsius started to walk slowly to his shop. 

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"See. There's a problem right there. Even if you were in your adrenaline zone, you still have to have control in case something happens. Just because you push yourself, doesn't mean you become reckless and forget about the limits of others around you, or, your own limits." Thunder stated.  

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"Yeah, I guess your right," Celsius said grabbing the computer and walking back to the jet, "I just installed the nitrous in yesterday and I guess I didn't give it enough test runs before something unexpected like this happens." Celsius plugged in the computer and turned it on. 

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"When using nitrous for the first time, start with small amounts of it and keep an eye on your engine status." Thunder advised. "Maybe push 20% instead of 100%. As time passes, the engine will get aquainted with those stress levels, and will be able to tolerate more. Lower that nitrous flow, even if that means sacrificing some of that horsepower." Thunder advised.  

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Celsius looked at the computer and stated, "Yeah, your right. I shouldn't have gunned it so fast, "as the computer made a beep as if it had found a problem, "oh, looks like the tube where the nitrous was entering wasn't fully tightened. Huh, guess it mixed with some chemicals and caught fire? I don't know?" 

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"Oooh, not good. I think you're gonna need a new tube dude. Looks like this one's warn. Most likely a chemical damage." Thunder stated as he continued to examine the nitrous line. "Because nitrous is a powerful gas, if it gets mixed into other stuff, it could possibly cause an explosion." Thunder stated.  

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Celsius's eyes grew wide with fear as Thunder said explosion. He didn't want to loose his most prized possession over a simple mistake like that. He had been working on it for so long and now it might be destroyed just like that. "Awe man, please don't say that, she's my prize possession and I don't want to loose her."   

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"Well...unfortunately...it's the truth. I know it hurts, but it is the truth." Thunder stated as he found a wrench. "Make sure your nitrous bottle is fully shut off. I'm about to take this tube out and replace it with a new one." Thunder said as he waited for Celsius to turn the bottle off.  

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Celsius was thinking about the safety of his jet when he pressed some buttons to turn the two nitrous tanks off. "Well, they're off. Just please don't mess with anything else except the tanks. I don't want anything else broken, that I have to fix. She's falling apart already."

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"Well...hate to say it but...it's kinda your fault...sorry to say that though. But the fact is, you've got to know your vehicle's limits. I know my Venom GT quite well. When I first brought it, I put it through so many tests, which one, I nearly blew my engine. As time passed, I slowly started adding things, and going little by little. Remember, when wanting to push something, baby steps." Thunder said as he unscrewed the tube and put the new tube in its place.  

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(OOC: When do you want to end the RP?)


Celsius felt guilty after he'd herd that. Because every time somepony noticed him at the store they would say, "Cell, you better stop upgrading your jet, she could fall apart at any minute." But Celsius didn't listen because he was a stubborn pony and only wanted to do things that he wanted to do, when he wanted to do it. He regrets not listening to them now. "Yeah, guess you're right. I'm just a bit stubborn is all. I don't take advice from nopony unless I really need it." 

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(OOC: Let's keep it going for a bit. I'm gonna make it so that they'll have to catch a criminal on the loose.)


"Ah, see, there you go. No wonder why you don't have many friends. Luckily, you've just earned yourself two new friends." Thunder stated as he tightened the bolts on the new tube. 

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(OOC: Ok, just let me know if you want to stop the RP)


There was a long pause before Celsius said, "Hey, you ever been to a Wonderbolt show? I have, I had box seats to, it was amazing!" Celsius watched as Thunder replaced the nitrous tube. He kept looking for any more problems on the computer, there were none.

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"Oh...so many times. Once, Fleetfoot flew right above my head!" Thunder stated as he finished connecting the tube. "Now, this tube's stronger than the last. But that doesn't mean you go all out with it on the first go." Thunder advised as he checked for other problems on the jet.  

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"Thanks man, yeah Fleetfoot is an awesome pony to talk to. I got to talk to her after one of the races," stated Celsius as he closed the computer and went to go put it back. "She's really a nice pony if you get to know her, but she's always in races we can't ever have a decent conversation."

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"Yeah. You're right about that. "Alright, open the line and run it at 5%." Thunder Dash stated as he backed away so that Celsius could start up the jet and open the nitrous line. "And Fleetfoot is a nice pony. I remember when she won the derby up in Canterlot." Thunder stated.


(OOC: Get the reference?) 

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(OOC: Are you referring to the Kentucky Derby, then yes I do :P)


Celsius got into the cockpit to start up the jet. While in park, Celsius turned the nitrous to 5%. "Yeah, I bet 500 bits on her to win and I knew she'd come out on top, she always does, "said Celsius with a smile as you could hear the engines start to whir. 

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