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Linking Issues with Topic-Galleries


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So, I've kinda decided on how I want to do my art-dump topic, but my issue is that I can't cleanly setup a thumbnail linked to an image.


The dominant issue has been that when I upload to a third-party image host, all will link to a gallery/something-more-than-just-the-image when I provide it (in my post) as a link rather than an image. There's suppoedly an option to turn this off in sites like photobucket, but it doesn't work; however, this always seems to occur the first time clicking a link, not the second or third.

So click on link: get image bordered by ads/other-crud. Close that, click on link again: get image by itself.

Also I eventually hit a limit related to linking pictures hosted on outside sites.


I've tried messing around with attaching images to the post itself on MLP Forums, but then I 'have' to have the full-view picture inserted in the post in all it's space-consuming glory.


Is there a way to upload a picture to MLP Forums, link to it, without having to display it? (not inserting it causes it to just show up at the bottom when attached to a post)

Or, is there a site that you can upload a pic to, link to, and not get redirected to extra crud, JUST the image itself? //not tinypic, imageshack, or photobucket


Thank you for any time spent reading this and thinking it over any.  :lol:



I think the effect is awesome, but the process is more of a pain than I thought it'd be.





EDIT: ...Also, in hindsight, this has a lot more to do with MLP Forums than anything, so I likely put this in the wrong area. I was originally thinking about this more along the lines of being an issue with HTML coding and crud regarding a gallery of images, but meh.

Sorry for not throwing this where it should be--would change that if it was possible.

Edited by SFyr
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